Edited by Infinity238, 07 August 2006 - 07:18 AM.
EAF Refit Ships
Posted 07 August 2006 - 06:40 AM
-Metallica's next album will rule the world.
My Blog, My Deviant Art page, My Youtube
Posted 07 August 2006 - 06:47 AM
Posted 07 August 2006 - 06:55 AM
-Metallica's next album will rule the world.
My Blog, My Deviant Art page, My Youtube
Posted 07 August 2006 - 06:59 AM
Posted 07 August 2006 - 07:06 AM
-Metallica's next album will rule the world.
My Blog, My Deviant Art page, My Youtube
Posted 07 August 2006 - 07:09 AM
Edited by Atomik, 07 August 2006 - 07:10 AM.
Posted 07 August 2006 - 07:17 AM
-Metallica's next album will rule the world.
My Blog, My Deviant Art page, My Youtube
Posted 07 August 2006 - 07:34 AM
Edited by Atomik, 07 August 2006 - 07:34 AM.
Posted 07 August 2006 - 08:23 AM
but that was a pretty damn stupid comment saying the eaf are nazis.
rofl, kinda made yourself look like a n00b there.
Acting leader of the Gundam Legacy mod team.
We are always looking for new members! PM me if you are interested in helping!
Posted 07 August 2006 - 03:48 PM
Posted 07 August 2006 - 07:53 PM
Edited by Forgotten_Soul, 13 August 2006 - 12:33 AM.
Soul 2.4
Background process. Has something to do with some activity going on somewhere. Sorting junkmail, I think. No value or interest. Doesn't do much except hog resource.
Posted 07 August 2006 - 08:37 PM
-Metallica's next album will rule the world.
My Blog, My Deviant Art page, My Youtube
Posted 13 August 2006 - 12:14 AM
and yes i kno long time no see again guys really sorri i think i might have to bow out of my role in the mod due to the fact im never here n i hardly get a chance to work on the mod in my non-existant spare time. I dont wanna quit all together but i think i might have to either that or jus take a less dependant role so SG u been gunnin for my job i herby bequeth it to u my man, dont fu** it up or i'll kick ur ass! tho i would like to remain on the team so i can come in here n add to disscussions in the staff forum if thats alright with u guys. love the work thats been done the models r lookin cool as always love the Eaf ships even tho i've never been much of a fan for the Eaf ships in the past, cept the archangel class.
"WELCOME to the federation starship USS Buttcrack!!" - John Crichton - Farscape
In memory of Lt. Jean Razak, Alpha Team (AKA "Roughnecks") Live forever Ape!
Posted 13 August 2006 - 02:02 AM
-Metallica's next album will rule the world.
My Blog, My Deviant Art page, My Youtube
Posted 13 August 2006 - 02:33 AM
so hit me up with every single idea you get, cause just like you know, our aussie brains are more advanced than the rest of the worlds.
and don't worry, I won't fuck it up lol, I tend to ask everyone on the team what they think of something before it's done.
Acting leader of the Gundam Legacy mod team.
We are always looking for new members! PM me if you are interested in helping!
Posted 14 August 2006 - 07:31 AM
n thanx guys jus wish i had the time to spare to b able to stay onboard, when i first started i had all the time in the world n got a lot of stuff done but yea not so much now life has got hectic but i spose it was bound to get like this sooner or later im suprised it hasnt b4 now spose i was lucky to b able to cruise thru my first 20 years of life easily now its time to do sum work.
N i'll hit u up ne chance i get SG
"WELCOME to the federation starship USS Buttcrack!!" - John Crichton - Farscape
In memory of Lt. Jean Razak, Alpha Team (AKA "Roughnecks") Live forever Ape!
Posted 29 August 2006 - 01:45 PM
Some of those that work forces, were the same that burnt corssesTwo flaws in that thory, 1 earth forces dont want war or to kill cordinatiors Logos / Blue Cosmos does.
Neways, those models look awesome! Nice job man
Posted 19 February 2008 - 03:39 PM
Posted 19 February 2008 - 03:39 PM
#20 Guest_Wolfprophet_*
Posted 14 January 2010 - 12:11 AM
The Conflict in SEED is that the newly built Colonies nearly 40 years prior to the war were faced with terrorist acts from Anti-coordinator groups. Not being allowed to arm themselves with anything but a police force, they were defenseless against these attacks. They also weren't allowed to produce their own food and were forced to import it from Earth. To gain political autonomy and trading rights, Patrick Zala and Siegel Clyne form the Zodiac Alliance in C.E. 50 (20 years before the war.) They're surpressed at first, but gain underground strength from supporters. In C.E. 54, the Type S Influenza that we all knew and loved back in A.D. 1915 (The Spanish Flu) Mutates, rendering all known vaccines useless against it and it ravages the Naturals, but the Coordinators are immune, leading to a greater hatred of them and even blame that they released the mutated virus to exterminate the Naturals while religious groups claim it is God's divine punishment on the Human race for playing god and creating the Coordinators in the first place. By C.E. 55 the Coordinators, in an attempt to help the Naturals, develop a Vaccine for the S2 Flu strain. People still hate them anyways and terrorist attacks continue until C.E. 63, when the Zodiac Alliance manages to put people into political offices and the PLANTS are done with being attacked. They arm themselves and begin to form a Militia-style army. Two years later the first MS is rolled out. Two more years later, the first production combat model, the GINN, rolls out and is successfully tested and put into production. In C.E. 68 ZAFT party members now dominate the entire PLANT council. This angers Blue Cosmos, who's ranks now swell with fresh recruits who begin to terrorize coordinators still living on earth. This year also sees that establishment of the ZAFT Military. In C.E. 69, tensions continue to mount as talks about trading rights break down due to a bombing attack by Blue Cosmos. In C.E.70, on 1. January, ZAFT officially places a trade embargo on the Earth. The next month, the EA declares war on the PLANTs and launches an attack. Blue Cosmos made sure that Nuclear weapons were used. (Bloody Valentine Tragedy, 243,721 Civilians are murdered by the EA forces including Patrick Zala's wife, Lenore Zala.) In response to this, two of the remaining free Earth nations, the The Oceania Union and the United States of South America, side with the PLANTs in the war. The USSA is summarily invaded and crushed by the EA while the OU is left untouched.....The rest is history and explained in the show. Except for the failed Operation Victoria(ZAFT's first landing operation which was repelled), which was followed up by the April's Fool Day launching of Operation Uroboros(Dropping the N-Jammers all over Earth.) and then the founding of the Carpenteria Base(Which was dropped in prefabricated pieces. We have Pre-fab bases today that are being used in Iraq. They can be set up in a week and used for a Company level outpost. Carpenteria was set up in 4 days. Talk about a Rush job, eh?)
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