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Thought for the Day: Inspiration grows from the barrel of a gun.
Lately, our planetary comm-station went down and we havent been able to reach the fleet in orbit for a long time (this due to a xeno incursion),
but the techpriests and enginseers have been working hard to get a forward comm-station up and they're finally done. This is the first word
we've been able to get off-planet for a long time, so we'll instead of making one big update, post two less big updates.
The first part of this report is about the reinforcements the Adeptus Astartes has been getting from the Fortress Monastaries on Ultramar
these last couple of days. The Terminators, fierce warriors in the best infantry armour the imperium has to muster and the deadliest
weapons any infantryman could ever dream of carrying.
The second part of this report is about some necron recon picts that were taken earlier this month by the scouts we sent out,
apparantly this planet has a large concentration of tomb sites, they've all been starting to come to life the last 3 weeks.
According to High Command, these little robotic things are little threat to even one single guardsman,
but thats the problem, they dont come one and one, they operate in swarms.
The third part of this report is about some more recon picts that were taken near the recently activated tombs,
this however is more disturbing than the reported scarab picts, because this.. is one of the heavier
necrons that could take out tanks, if we loose our tanks, we dont stand much chance against the looming threat of the necrons.
The fourth and last part of this report is something the navy wanted to put in as a note, they spotted greenskins while on one of their patrol runs in the system, they think they've got a base somewhere in this system.
Until next time, Emperor Protects.
Edited by Boomerang Python, 18 May 2011 - 10:04 AM.