Add tag "Armory=yes", "Ammo=999" also add "Factory=InfantryType" to the building. The reason i do this is because i want the "set rally point "function. Before you sent infantry into armory, set rally point of the building and after a infantry get promote, he will run to the rally point automaticly and let next infantry get into the armory, make the armory more efficient and promoted unit will group together themself, no more babysitting every infanty.
If you want to make a barrack that have armory function, then you just add "Armory=yes" and
"Factory=InfantryType" to the building. However, if you just want a armory, there also a way to do it.
Go to your conyard code, add Nod or Gdi to Owner tag, then go to your armory, deleted all the owner countries and add the country u just added in the conyard, it will prevent infantry train from the armory but remain the set rally point function.
Finally, i suggest set buildlimit of the armory to 1 or make it a tech building because if you see the code, the armory now have barrack logic, that mean if u build more armory, not only make you promote your infantry faster but also make your infantry train faster.
Also, in rulemd Gerneral section, there is a tag call "IRepairRate",it seem only affect the heal time inside hospital but it also affect the promote time for infantry take inside armory, i suggest set it to 0.006 or 0.007 to prevent instant promote, don't set it too high or it will take years to promote your infantry.
Edited by Allied General, 13 February 2008 - 03:14 PM.