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The Cold War

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#21 MSpencer


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Posted 07 March 2007 - 11:16 PM

And after the Master Sergeant continued to drive after picking up the rather annoyed officer, the day just got even worse...
Artillery shook the ground, and nearly immediately after, shells began whining on their inbound trajectory. Seconds later, they crashed to the ground with a resounding "BOOM," but not the subdued thump indicative of a far off shell blast... these instead were right near the base, perhaps even inside the perimeter. A second salvo fired as the M151 neared the main entrance to the bunker, fortified all around with sandbags and covered by two guards now rushing to the door. This was even closer, and behind, in the distance, a secondary explosion sounded off, probably a storage building or a fuel tank.
Again the ground shook, but by then, the jeep had gotten close enough to the door for its two occupants to jump out and rush down to the door.
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#22 Blodo


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Posted 08 March 2007 - 12:37 AM

Off the coast of San Francisco
June 25th, 1050

The morning was almost over. The sky was clear blue. A rather loud sound of motors could be heard across the water on the beaches. People flocked on the promenades to witness the beginning of something as spectacular as it was going to be devastating. From the distance hundreds of small vessels could be seen. A few dozen larger ones could be seen too. The views from the city were nothing however compared to what the soviet soldiers were witness to.
- "Comrade sergeant, look at that!"
Hundreds of transport boats; not reminiscent of the infamous WW2 landing in Normandy; were in use by the Soviet Army. Within minutes they would deploy thousands of soldiers onto the San Francisco shore, then come back for even more of them. Larger transport boats were delivering Soviet tanks straight into the beaches. The landing was prepared well, and there was nothing there to stop them.

Then as if that wasn't enough, yet hundreds of cargo planes flew overhead accompanied by MiG fighters. They dropped soldiers and supplies on the city outskirts. Thanks to that it would be secured within the day...

Off the coast of San Francisco
June 25th, 1108

The first boats were hitting the shores.
- "Move out! Suit your gasmasks!" - a sergeant was shouting as soldiers ran into the sand and made their way forward to the promenades.

A larger steel motorboat beached as well, but this one wasn't a pure soldier transport. It was different. That one was transporting officers. Grachev was the first to step off it. After him came Manekov.
- "Comrade Manekov, assemble the troops after they secured the promenades. We have new orders."
- "Yes, Comrade Polkovnik."

(1) If evolution is false, then creationism is true, and therefore God exists.
(2) Evolution can't be true, since I lack the mental capacity to understand it; moreover, to accept its truth would cause me to be uncomfortable.
(3) Therefore, God exists.

#23 Cheshire Fox

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Posted 08 March 2007 - 12:55 AM

((That's actually a pretty disturbing image...))
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This is the place where all the junkies go, where time gets fast but everything gets slow.
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The problem with any government is that it eventually attracts politicians.

#24 southsidediablo


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Posted 10 March 2007 - 02:34 PM

John sat down in the bunker. He took a drink from his canteen and walked over towards the wall with a map on it. "They're invading in three areas. San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Seattle. We are still not sure what cities were destroyed but we're getting that infromation." John walked away from the officers talking. An artillery shell hit the bunker, causing some things to fall on the ground. John sat down again trying think the day over.

General Ivanov stood on the bridge of the transport ship. He looked at the transports heading for the shore. "It's magnificent." He said aloud. He went back to his office to get some rest. Tommarow he would go ashore and setup a HQ.
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#25 Copaman



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Posted 10 March 2007 - 11:08 PM

Approaching San Fransico, 1200

A roadblock had been established ahead of Ryn's path... and the soldiers standing there were yelling in ... what was that language called? Russians... fuckin commies are already this far inland - this war could be over before the government even gets really into it.

The blockade was small, and the road was surrounded by farmland, so Ryn put his head down and started 4-wheeling through the farmland to get around the blockade. The truck ended up with a few bullet holes, but major damage was averted. He spotted a small opening in the trees which presumably led to a trail, and by the looks of it, it was just big enough for his truck to get through. He decided that he'd hide in there and eat.

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#26 Pastinator


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Posted 11 March 2007 - 11:55 AM

Sam's luck was out, although he had managed to remain hidden, the other communist was walking up to the corner. Realising what he'd have to do he grasped his gun in his only working hand. Kneeling down low, above the weapons shot Sam stuck out the gun from behind the corner. Firing three shots in a steady staccato the man dropped, clutching his chest. Picking up the rifle he looked at it blankly, then held it up.

"Do you know what gun this is?"
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#27 Cheshire Fox

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Posted 11 March 2007 - 06:42 PM

Neil came out from his hiding upon hearing the gunshots. There was a man standing in the street over the dead communist, holding a rifle. Neil heard say something in English and decided he was not a communist. However, he had rifle. Neil pointed the revolver at him.

"Put down the weapon. All of them. I will fire." Neil depressed the trigger a bit.
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This is the place where all the junkies go, where time gets fast but everything gets slow.
I'll get to the moon if I have to crawl.
The problem with any government is that it eventually attracts politicians.

#28 MSpencer


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Posted 12 March 2007 - 12:03 AM

"Sir! Over here sir!" a frantic aide shouted to an officer on the other side of the bunker, holding a telephone. The bunker had almost been hit with a whopper of an artillery piece, sending dirt flying up in a massive cloud which could be seen thousands of yards away. Smoke shells had followed, quickly obscuring the treeline to the west. Two perimeter stations had already failed to report in, likely the victim of artillery attacks.
This was, of course, normally not Colonel Stevens' main concern. At the moment, nobody had a clear picture of what was happening a kilometer to the west, where the perimeter stations were located. As a result, he was being sent out with a small escort to re-establish contact and take direct command of the company to the west, superseding the incompetent captain who had been assigned during peacetime as a temporary officer to-be-improved upon.
Now, ready to go, he grabbed an extra magazine, indicated the designated soldiers to follow him, and left the bunker in a decidedly horrible mood. Taking one last look at the door, he felt he would never see it again...
With him; little more than a radioman, a rifleman, an automatic rifleman, his own adjutant, and his "shadow," MSgt. Doe. It would have been more advisable to stay at the bunker and sent out some lower ranked officer to go take the perimeter's defenses, the perimeter that would probably not encounter anything more than artillery shells, and to transport them rather quickly by jeep, but the General essentially dictated that the six of them were to walk the distance and that his most trusted subordinate was to take the rather diminutive post on himself and defend the perimeter of the base, while, of course, under artillery fire. Horrible. Terribly horrible. And it was still raining!
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#29 southsidediablo


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Posted 12 March 2007 - 01:31 AM

John went towards the door and picked up a helmet. It won't help but there's always that chance. I always get the stupidiest jobs. First having me follow an officer around and now running to the woods during an artillery attack. I don't get paid enough to do this. He opened the door and ran towards the treeline.

"Where is my transport!" The general yelled as sailors ran around the deck. He had been waiting for his way to the mainland for a hour now and it was starting to rain. San Fransico had been taken over now and was one of the main landing points. As he put his hat on a small motorcraft pulled along side. General Ivanov and his gaurds stepped on the craft and it turned around and moved towards the docks.

Edited by southsidediablo, 12 March 2007 - 01:31 AM.

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#30 Blodo


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Posted 12 March 2007 - 11:05 AM

San Francisco
June 25th, 1201

The city had changed during the first few hours of the invasion. As the bulk of the force was parading across the main streets of the city, UAZ jeeps with speakers were driving around the lesser ones, spreading the tunes of Soviet hymns all across San Francisco. All the American flags that could be found, were replaced with Soviet ones, and all the American statues were covered up by cloth and under guard. The march itself was truly awe-inspiring, if not serving just to hide what was going on across the city, where whatever was left of the Americans actually got organised..


The large halls of the great San Francisco opera house were quiet for the moment, as the Soviet soldiers were hiding behind rubble inside. A part of the opera house was blown by an artillery piece, producing several holes in the ceiling. Parts of it served for protection now. The silence was close to unbearable, the only thing someone could hear was the revolutionary chorus blasted all across the city by the mobile megaphones mounted on the Russian jeeps. Sergeant Manekov picked up a large piece of glass, and slowly held it up to see behind the rubble. One of his soldiers picked his head up as well, his large helmet could be seen and shots were fired.
- "Kukov! Get your head down! You three, lay down covering fire!"
The three soldiers listened, and started firing at the Americans from their positions. At the same time Manekov and five other soldiers made a run behind the rubble to another position - one from which they could see the Americans with ease. They made it there rather quickly, however..
- "Where is Voronik?"
- "The Americans shot him while he was running here.. comrade sergeant." - one of the soldiers whispered back.
- "Well, let's give them one right back then. Fire with me."
As the sergeant and his remaining soldiers slowly rose up, they could see the Americans pulling back from their position in the hall. With no remorse they opened their fire, and massacred them completely.

- "Clear!"
- "Move it!"

This was the last pocket of resistance in the building. The main doors were kicked open, and four soldiers with a Soviet flag ran in. As they made their run across the hall, others were seen securing the hall from all directions. The flagmen made their way for the stairs, and ran up to the highest floor. From there they broke a window and went straight into the balcony, upon which an American flag was set on a large mast. They started pulling the ropes and taking it down, and Russian cheers could be heard from the streets. Within moments, the old flag was thrown down from the balcony and a new one, a red flag started moving up. Just as they almost finished doing it, Colonel Grachev arrived in one of the jeeps driving around the city..

- "I need to speak to comrade Manekov. Where is he?"
- "He is inside, comrade polkovnik."

(1) If evolution is false, then creationism is true, and therefore God exists.
(2) Evolution can't be true, since I lack the mental capacity to understand it; moreover, to accept its truth would cause me to be uncomfortable.
(3) Therefore, God exists.

#31 Cheshire Fox

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Posted 12 March 2007 - 07:15 PM

"Hey! What are you doing here? You army or somethi-" The two policemen cut short their words when they spotted the dead officer on the ground. Two guns slid out of their holsters. "You kill this cop? You little bastard!"

"No, sir. The Communists did, sir." Neil said, grinning. "But I got them. Or one of them." Neil's face creased into a puzzled frown. How did the other one die?

The cops took a quick glance around, trying to keep their eyes on Neil and spot the bodies at the same time. "There's one body..." One of them muttered to the other, indicating the body in front of Sam. The other motioned with a jerk of his neck towards the mutilated corpse by the dumpster. The officer dropped dropped the tip of his gun down. "So what are you? Army? Where'd you get those guns?"

"I'm not army any more. I used to be, during that war, but I guess they didn't like my last name. It means foxhunter in German, you know." Neil brightened up upon reaching this subject. He turned to the officers, grinning eagerly dropping the gun barrel down away from Sam in his excitement. "My family used to be foxhunters. I'm a hunter. Actually I am going back to the army. Only now the...Communists! The Communists are here."

The cops exchanged a knowing look as it dawned on them that the man before them was "simple." Neil was the first to spot the two soldiers behind them, attracted by the gunfire. Without a word, Neil grabbed Sam with one strong arm and charged for cover in the alley. The Soviets fired from their cover inside a storefront. The officer's chests burst open in showers of blood.

Edited by Darkskul, 12 March 2007 - 07:17 PM.

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This is the place where all the junkies go, where time gets fast but everything gets slow.
I'll get to the moon if I have to crawl.
The problem with any government is that it eventually attracts politicians.

#32 Copaman



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Posted 13 March 2007 - 04:40 PM

Somewhere in the woods near San Francisco

Ryn's lunch and short nap was interrupted by footsteps on the leaves and sticks. By his guess, the Commies had followed after him and were searching for him. The steps were coming nearer, so Ryn scrambled under his truck and layed flat to the ground. Soon enough, perhaps five minutes later, a pare of Black boots were a matter of inches in front of Ryn's face. And the radio, presumably somewhere higher on the body, was squbbling from one Communist to the other.

So they send two guys after me? This might be tough... I'm not in a favorable position... If I take out the first, I might have enough time to hide from the second and get out of here

And that is just what Ryn did. He slowly pumped the 12-Gague to load a shot - this got the troop's attention and he bent down to see what it was. Big mistake on the troop's part... blood and brains would stain the pickup for weeks...

The sounding of a shotgun and lack of a partner on the other side of a radio connection concerned the other member of the "search and destroy" party. While he was busy running over to the last location of his comrade, Ryn shambled up a tree and refreshed the firing chamber. He watched the Russian look about the camp, pausing at his friend's headless corpse. The troop followed Ryn's footprints to the tree where Ryn was... And then he started looking up the tree. Ryn seized this opportunity to jump out of the tree, firing as he went. Although he was probably twenty feet up, the soft body of a dead Communist helped Ryn walk away from the jump. He packed up his stuff, got in the car, and drove out of the small grove in the forest.

San Fran... even though it's a dumb move, I've gotta help them out

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#33 southsidediablo


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Posted 13 March 2007 - 09:39 PM

General Ivanov's transport docked at a makeshift dock. He steped onto the dock as a line of soldiers saluted him. He returned the salute and steped into a UAZ as his KGB gaurds followed. He was being transported to city hall to setup a HQ.
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#34 Pastinator


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Posted 15 March 2007 - 12:22 AM

Sam dropped the rifle quickly.
"Don't shoot, I just saved you! I was just trying to make conversation!"
Then shots rang out, and the officers chest erupted in a volcano of red.
Kneeling down to the floor Sam reached for the rifle. Unable to hold it in his one working hand he dived behind the dumpster and pulled out his revolver.
Popping his head around the corner he squeezed off two shots with his revolver. No-where near, but at least the Russian would keep his head down.
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#35 MSpencer


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Posted 19 March 2007 - 10:31 PM

Oh, definitely not good, Colonel Stevens thought as he perused the perimeter command post to the west. Certain things were missing, most notably, a company commander and his staff. All that remained were a few shell casings, about twenty in number, and a tiny pool of blood, not nearly enough to be fatal. The post had a completely silent feel, only dispersed by a few explosions in the distance.
A few calls over the radio had hinted at fleeting contacts far out to the west, and one observer team, whose radio didn't stand a chance of reaching the main command post and who had been out of contact for several hours, reported seeing a massed troop concentration forming some ten miles away. Unfortunately, the land line to the command bunker had been cut.
Within ten minutes, the team had scoured the command post and, deeming it fully operational, had decided to occupy it and shore up defenses, and to execute their orders to the best of their now... technologically limited capabilities. If things kept getting worse, they'd use smoke signals.
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#36 Cheshire Fox

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Posted 23 March 2007 - 12:21 AM

Leaned over the crouching man and blasted the Colt at the Russians. A chunk of wall exploded by the soldiers head's, sending them back down for cover. A second later, the corner of the the alley began to dissolve under a barrage of rifle fire.

"We need to flank them. I can't get a clear shot." Neil jerked around sharply and walked calmly towards the other side of the alley.

I think I should go up there. Neil thought, looking up at the second story window of the buildings.
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This is the place where all the junkies go, where time gets fast but everything gets slow.
I'll get to the moon if I have to crawl.
The problem with any government is that it eventually attracts politicians.

#37 southsidediablo


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Posted 24 March 2007 - 09:07 PM

John sat in the bunker. They had just gotten there and he sat at a machine gun. There were 10 bodies of the members of the bunker on the floor when they got there, but were moved outside. John looked at the field infront of him. He would never have thought of the Elite KGB team hiding on the other side in the woods.

General Ivanov had setup his hq in the old city hall. He had his things from the bunkroom in the cargo ship moved into his office. He sat at the desk smoking a cigar brought to him. He looked at a map on the wall of the invasion and started thinking of the months to come.
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