I'm gonna reply back with a few questions of my own. I'll keep them to myself for now but will update you all if/when I hear anything. Thanks ~Hostile
Hey guys,
So there has been a ton of speculation, rumors, flames, mis-guided quotes, all surrounding one of your favorite aspects of Command & Conquer 3, modding.
I am not going to make a long winded message here, I merely want to affirm our status on the topic and where we are going.
It is our goal to match and exceed your modding capabilities which you've had with Generals, Zero Hour, and BFME based on the last MOD SDK release and simply that which the game allowed you to do. It would not be good to move backwards, right? Well, anyone who thinks we are because we now have XML instead of INI files and a new build pipeline is wrong.
The reason your load times are so incredibly fast in the game is because of the new build pipeline and the XML switch. We did a lot to the inner- workings of this game to increase performance from top to bottom. It was 100% necessary. Because of that, we have some understandable new challenges to keep C&C as the most heavily modded RTS period, and continue catering to you guys.
I've said this many times, modding is extremely important to me, to Mike Verdu, to Amer Ajami, and to the EALA studio. We've turned over a new leaf this past year with our first MOD SDK release and granted its not perfect, its certainly got a lot to offer.
We are absolutely committed to creating a new MOD SDK for Command & Conquer 3 and getting that in your hands in as efficient timeline as possible with our resources. Our development team is currently rotating on vacations now that the game is gold, we need some breathing room and a break after a long-hard project! But, work has already started on the SDK, and that simply means starting to analyze how we can open up the new build pipeline to you guys with something accessible and easy to understand.
I am working closely with some of the top modders in the community to ensure we're including the best tools and assets, so you needn't worry that we're only doing this internally. We realize a lot of great community mod tools are out there and we want to embrace that knowledge and work together. A lot of tools modders create are not officially sanctioned and otherwise would not be created by us...BUT...that does not mean we cannot verbally support and promote them if they are viable and safe, which most often I've found them to be.
So, now that i've made a long winded reply which I said I would not, haha, here is the bottom line...
We're dedicated and committed to the Command & Conquer MOD scene and we will do everything in our power to support it with Worldbuilder, and a new SDK release after launch. We don't have a set timeline yet, but we also realize its not something that the community can afford to wait a long time for, thats just logical perfect sense. I do not want to make any promises right now, but I just wanted to re-affirm that we are very much committed to a new SDK and doing everything possible to open up the right systems in the game so you can MOD as you always have.
Hopefully this clears the air for now, will definitely keep you posted, hang tight, no worries.