If your reading here, I hope your atleast interested in helping. As you can see by looking in the screenshot topics or by playing the current release, I've got a serrious project going, and well into its life cycle. This is not a pipe-dream project, nor is it about to die. I can assure you Remix3 is alive and well and growing in the right direction. I'm not struggling to start, as many mods on Revora, but I do need serious, experienced help to get the mod finished sooner, and with more content, especialy in the mapping area.
I need the help of:
AI Scripters - to get full AI support for modded generals
Mappers - to expand the game to include Challenge Mode
Modelers - to speed up development
Skinners - to support modelers
additional help could include making movies or new custom particle FX.
If you can contribute in another way, please, let me know.
I'm very openminded, and I allow everyone who helps to do so to thier own taste, though on rare occasion there is aspecific feature or model that must be supported. but 90% of the time, I allow you to contribute in your own way. I do not micromanage people.
I'm always a very friendly person (or I try hard to be) and I value everyones opinion. But, I've watched what happened when other mods have expanded their teams, so I'm laying down these guidlines from the start. I hope every one understands the nesecity of these rules. This a serious project and I have too much time and trouble invested in this project. I will do what I must to protect my investment.
1. Experience is a nesecity. If you are experienced and active in any part of the Revora or Sliepner's comunity I will probably recognize your name. If I don't know you already please be able to name some projects you've helped with and what you contributed. If you are a skilled modder, but don't have any previous projects to show for it, be prepared to show your skills. If you have never modded, or are not up to the levels needed you should spend time on the Modding tutorial's topic or googling for tutorials. I gladly teach anyone everything I know, but I'm not going to train aprentices. If you need help learning, please go through the correct channels.
2. This is not a democracy. I've worked on this mod alone for more than 2 years. I have a great respect for everyone's opinion, but in the end my decisions are mine alone. If I disagree with your opinion your invited to argue your case, but there is no "voting". In a worst case, if you find our differences ireconcilable, you are politely invited to leave. This is my mod, I'd love to have your help, but I'm not "giving" my mod away to anyone. We will not have a "Rise of the Reds" incident here.
3. No "takebacks". If you offer your support, I'm exceedingly gracious, but just becaues you may feel the need to leave does not mean I'm going to back track and remove everything you've ever contributed. All contributions are permanent. If you are worried now that you can't commit to "giving" your work instead of loaning it, respectfuly, please don't waste my time.
4. I respect all these rules when turned around. I'm not a hypocrit. If you have your own project, I respect that. If you want to trade or even just ask for models or code, thats fine. Its very likely I'm willing to work with you on that, and I will respect all these rules just as they apply to me. I will not waste your time offering to do what I cannot, I will not take over your mod, and I will never demand my work be reoved from your mod. I only ask for the same respect in return.
And finaly, if you would like to help but cannot, please, don't post that here... lets save this topic for serrious inquiries.
Edited by Pendaelose, 18 June 2007 - 06:50 PM.