I usually use fast reply. Im not a smiley type of person. Come to think of it, I dont smile much in real life.
Wow, way to over react. Show me where I said you were stupid? Or is it perhaps you blew it out of proportion? Dol Amroth is to Gondor Helm's Deep is to Rohan.
People need to not take things so seriously...
Now, if you had used a smiley on this one, it would not sound so harsh. This way i am not sure if you are offending and/or feel offended, or if you were just making a point. It is really easy to miscommunicate.
I also find Naz's post not an overreaction. He was definitely making a polite point. No blowing out of proportion, just pointing out that your posts can be taken in several ways. Maybe you like not to be definite or be slightly offending. I don't know you. But i assume (giving you the benefit of the doubt) that you are a likable guy.
This is about netiquette. Using common 'rules' of interaction to avoid misunderstandings. You don't have to bow to them (noone does in every way), but paying at least lip service would make things easier for everyone.
Just some advice.
(And as you can see, i have used a smiley to denote that i don't think this is a serious situation in any way. But noteworthy still. No harm done.
Axed Head and A.I. Coder for S.E.E. and ... stuff
".. coding is basically boring. What's fun is finding out how things work, take them apart and then put them together in ways that were not intended nor even conceived."