1.05.02 has been uploaded!!! It is in the same area of the past 2 releases. If you do not have the e-mail or PM, just send me a pm or post and I will send you the link. (I'm little tired to send out all the PMs )
- The camera system has been added to all of the BFME1 maps.
- Over 100 items of art has been added clearing up many of the WIP images (Thank you astrinax!! El Kevo also provided some images)
- A number of higher-quality models have been updated. I'm going to update the credits topic with all of the credits for each model.
- Bugs fixes, balance changes, and other items.
Not too bad for about 1 week and a half. Remember this is the last completely open beta release. 1.05.03 will be HUUUGGEE in probably 2-3 weeks. Amon Hen will be re-worked for that release as well as many updates to all of the campaign maps. Evil Men will be overhauled for their system to be fully in place. There are a number of other changes, some are already complete but were not included in 1.05.02.
Also, if you take any screenshots that you would like to share, please upload them to the topic.
Thank you to all who test, and post the bugs and whatnot that you find.
Robert J.
I mentioned this in the previous release messages, but I'll do it again. Here are a couple of links if you so wish to help me out. Spread the link around to those you might think would be interested:
My the3rdage.net mod entry. Let me and everyone else know whether you loved it, hated it, or just think it all right. Use your revora login to rate the mod.
My Mod DB's topsite entry - follow the link to support RJ-RotWK on there topsite.
Edited by robnkarla, 26 July 2007 - 10:02 AM.