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War of the Realms II

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#1 Pasidon


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Posted 28 July 2007 - 03:11 AM

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By: Pasdion & Pet Wombat

Beserk and I have started our War of the Realm II project, based on JBV3737's War fo the Realms.

Water, ice, stone, and fire have begun a massive war to see who is the domonant realm. Each realm has it's own unique units, strongholds, and economy types. Massive wars, tremendouse power, it's all in this map.

The terain also is a beutiful site to glare at. Each realm has it's own beutifuly crafted and unique terain types. The terain also beifits for the defence of each realm and it's economy type.

http://img532.images...ionoftheep1.flv -Early Video of every Realm's Terain

Realm Introductions

Water Realm:
The Peaceful and Natural Realm. The warriors of this Realm Rely on their faith in nature to give them magic and skill. Their best qualities lie in Magic and Defence.

A massive ent born from the purest of waters. It's roots say to go so deep into the earth, that it can control anything born from it. Since it has roots so mighty, Teremont has the power to animate and control water.

Video trailer for the Water realm

Earth Realm:
The Strong and Brave Realm. The warriors of this realm are strong in armor and blade, as not only do they worship the strength of stone, but the destruction of stone. Their best qualites lie in Attack and Armor.

Created by a mysterriouse and dark ritual that animated stones into a beast shapped like a giant man. It is not only of great phisical capabilities, but it has a deep magic that can control all stone creations. Even though it rules the earth realm, it has the mind of a beast. The stones that create Jeranai can even withstand the greatest of attacks.

Ice Realm:
The Twisted and Skilled Realm. The Warriors of this Realm are dedicated to the frozen lands and have many skills using ice. Their Best Qualites are variously mixed combat & Defence

Said in ancient texts, when a beast of foul burdens would mourn over the death of winter, they would have the power to restore the frozen season, and rule the icy paradox. (That actualy came from the Book of Lost Tales Part 2) Kore-Rock is the foul lord of winter who's heart is so cold, it can even freeze the souls of the living.

Fire Realm:
The Dark and Furiouse Realm. The warriors of this realm are chaotic and deadly using the power of fire to kil their targets. Their best qualites are Brute Force and large hoards.

The master of the tormented and the flames. Unlike normal Balrogs, this goddly beast has a mind of a tyranic king. It was spewed out of the void itself because of it's umimaginable power. Mechanica has the power to overcome the greatest of powers with his firey scorn, but majorly weak against the magics.

Unit List:
Water Realm:
-Realm master: Water Ent- Teramont, Roots of the Waters


-Basic fighters:
-hobbit warriors- Water Folk Hobbits
-Lorien warriors- White Water Fighters
-Rivendell guards- Cloud Warriors

-Basic archers:
-Lorien archers- White Water Bowsmen
-Mirkwood rangers- Storm Bows
-mithlond rangers- Peace Keepers

- Advanced Calvery guys: Horsemen of Darmetra'
-Rivendell lancers- Knights of the Mist

-Mithlond sentries- White Water Guardsmen
-Rivendell sentries- Horned Saints

-ents- Seer Ents

-Wizard hordes- Order of the White Staff
-High elven guards- Spell Blades
-eagles- Cloud Rulers

Earth Realm:
-Realm master: Stone golem thing- Jeranai, Under Dawn Stone


-Basic fighters:
-dwarven guardians- Under-mine Cleavers
-gondor soldiers- Parish Guildsmen
-numenorean warriors- High Guildsmen

-Basic archers:
-Men of dale- Black Arrow Ban
-dwarven axethrowers- Under-mine Seigers
-gondor archers- Parish Archer Guildsmen

-wagon hordes- Chariots
-rohirrim- Desert Guardians

-rohan spearmen- Parish Pike Guildsmen
-dwarven phalanxes- Under-mine Guardians

-demolisher- Mountain Bane

-Dwarven zealots- Desert Lords
-demolition team- Doom Seekers
-Drake- Sand Devil

Ice Realm:
-Realm master: Wolf of the ice- Berserkadon, Lord of the Frozen


-Basic fighters:
-black numenoreans- The Frozen Order Blades
-dire wolves- The Frozen Lord's Childeren
-half troll swordsmen- Dark Born Troll Swords

-Basic archers:
-Dark Dunedain (i think thats their name i cant remember)- The Frozen Order Bows
-dunland axethrowers- Wildmen of Dara Downs
-thrall axethrowers- The Frozen Order Axes

-snow trolls- Winter Born Trolls
-wolf riders- Frozen Lord's Riders

-half troll marauders- Dark Born Troll Pikes
-hill trolls- High Born Trolls

-troll stone thrower- Ice Balista

-barrow hoard- Avengers
-elite snow trolls- Winter Born Mad Trolls
-ice dragons- Ice Fangs

Fire Realm:
-Realm master: Balrog- Mechanica, Flame of Torment


-Basic fighters:
-goblin warriors- Ash Minions
-wildmen- Wildmen of Ratoria
-Uruk-hai warriors- Burnt Steel Warriors

-Basic archers:
-Uruk crossbowmen- Burnt Bolt Crossers
-torch throwers- Ash Arrow Minions
-haradrim archers- Blazer Bows

-drake broods- Dragon Redemers
-warg riders- Warg Warriors

-uruk pikemen- Burnt Pike Guardsmen
-soldiers of rhun- Blazer Pikes

-mordor catapult- Seige Busters

-Deep Shadows
-Fire avitars- Fire Avatars
-beserker hordes- Mechanica's Chosen

I named the units according to the theam of their realms. Remember, if you can think of better names for any of them, feel free to say so.

(every unit listed above will be editted in at least 1 way, shape or form)
(the units above are the full unit lists)

(Wombat stated the units and I named them just in case you were wondering)

The Building System
Each Realm will have building foundations where you can build military and defence structures. But for the resorce structures, each realm's citidel has the power to summon a resorce structure in any of their own realm or dead realm region. The cost for each resorce structure is 500 and is a bit different and better than normal resorce structures.

40% complete
Fire realm heroes in production

-Wombat: INI Guy
-Pasidon: Mapping / Scripts & Map Art
-Aragon: Map Tester
-Briggsby: Map Tester
-Nord: Origionator of War of the Realms (There, happy?)

Edited by {IP}Pasidon, 26 October 2007 - 07:43 PM.

#2 Bart


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Posted 28 July 2007 - 10:26 AM

this forum isn't really for advertising, you'd better put your map on the site:
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#3 Pasidon


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Posted 28 July 2007 - 10:40 PM

Oh sorry. I figured people posted map projects in the World Builder section.

#4 Bart


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Posted 28 July 2007 - 11:52 PM

well that's where i'd put if it if there wasn't a site...but there is :lol:
bartvh | Join me, make your signature small!
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#5 Pasidon


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Posted 30 July 2007 - 05:29 PM

Well, I am sort of lazy with these ads, but I'll post everything from Istari to here so it'll be perfectly legal.

#6 Pasidon


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Posted 30 July 2007 - 05:59 PM

Just a few screen shots I took very early of productions. The lands look 10x better tha these now.

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Water Realm Water fall (One of them at least)

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The ice moat and mechanical walls of the Ice Realm.

-What I love about these walls is that the rotating gears at each side of the gates is destroyed when the gate that are located next to is destroyed.

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The walls of the Water Realm

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The lava works of the Fire Realm

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The barren wastes of the Earth Realm

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Where the Realms meet

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The black, tainted walls of the fire realm.

I got board and started some more texturing. I decided to have a cool terain feature in each realm that benifits the player.

Here is the water realm's canopy. Since they have the the best archers, they have this very high canopy that can be climbed up with the stairs. It has a good range and perfect for inner base defence, and a sanctary for archers.

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Edited by {IP}Pasidon, 30 July 2007 - 06:27 PM.

#7 Pasidon


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Posted 30 July 2007 - 06:22 PM

Alright, Newly made water realm units. Harder to make then they look, on some.

These are Spell Blades. They Are the Elite Units of the Water Realm. They start with thunder and water arrows, and can also switch to a blade weapon infused with a powerful magic.

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The Order of the White Staff.

A religiouse order that has an arsinal of magics.

-Wizerd Blast
-Devine Gust
-Thunder Break

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Thunder Break

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Cloud Ruler

The most powerful eagles that control the skys with it's powerful magic.

Wind Storm

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Horsemen of Darmetra'

The advanced calvery unit that are skilled at trampeling their foes.

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Peace Keepers

The helmed archers that are known to be very fast shots with their massive bows.

Devine Suroundings (Cloak)

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Cloud Warriors

The advanced melee unit of the Water Realm that is trained with a unique fighting style.

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Horned Saints

The advanced water realm pike infantry. It has been said these powerful units are not human, but angels, rejected from the heavens.

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This is what we got to turn out for the water Realm fortress, so far. Big... tree with an orb of water above it, like I promised.

Teramont, Roots of the Waters

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The massive tree with the power to devistate the lands with raging waters. Even though it appears to be an ent, it is a much more vengeful and rage filled creature that hates all who opposes nature.

-The 3,000 Seas
-March of the Mad Grove

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http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UN3C0CT7 Video ofteramon't Natural Water Twister

#8 Pasidon


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Posted 30 July 2007 - 06:40 PM

Frost Dragons

These are minature sized dragons that breath frost on it's enemys. Like a regular dragon, they have the relocate ability that makes them fly to a nearby location on the map. They are very good at killing infantry and Archers, but weak against pikes.

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Inner Ice Realm retextured to perfection.

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Madborn Trolls

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These trolls are raised in harsh and tormenting enviroments. They are packed with armor and heavy weapons and are known to be 'Iron Clad Troll Kings' because of their dominance over all other trolls. Due to their beserk rage, they rush and rampage over the enemy, smashig them. They also have brute strength used to smash the enemy with their heavy weapons. These trolls are a mighty force.

The Legions of the Ice Realm
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Here are all the unit hoards of the Ice Realm. As we know of...

Alright, more updates to come soon, so stick around.

#9 witchking


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Posted 30 July 2007 - 07:30 PM


#10 Downfall



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Posted 30 July 2007 - 08:28 PM

very nicely done so far Pasidon and Istari-Productions team. :p

Especially like the water orb over the white tree.
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#11 Bart


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Posted 30 July 2007 - 09:21 PM

maybe at the place where the realms meet, instead of just merging the textures, put a golden land :p
bartvh | Join me, make your signature small!
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#12 JEV3


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Posted 31 July 2007 - 12:27 AM

Or maybe make it a little warped... Like try to make it not look too out of place, but just a little, unworldly. I really like the way its looking so far. Can't wait to try it!
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#13 Eonwe


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Posted 31 July 2007 - 02:35 AM

This looks very cool! :p Its for ROTWK right. Hope to see more screenshots as this map progresses. Its a map right? Where can I find War of the Realms #1

Edited by Lord of the Grunts, 31 July 2007 - 02:52 AM.

#14 Pasidon


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Posted 31 July 2007 - 03:14 AM

Yea, ROTWK map. And you can get JBV's War of the Realms off of BFME Heaven.

Simular problems that JBV and I have had are huge ini files. I had to cut a lot of ideas out, like blood from units when damaged and spell books. Still going to have a ton of stuff in it.

#15 witchking


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Posted 31 July 2007 - 07:46 PM

oh i cannot play it then

#16 Eonwe


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Posted 31 July 2007 - 08:27 PM

Think you would be so kind enough to post a link?

#17 witchking


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Posted 31 July 2007 - 08:53 PM

*sigh* i cannot play thia map because i have bfm2 not rowk

any way heres the link to the first war of the realms
link to war of the realms 1

Edited by witchking, 31 July 2007 - 09:01 PM.

#18 Eonwe


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Posted 31 July 2007 - 09:37 PM

Does JBV's map have the 4 factions you have? His is for BFME 1 right?

#19 The Best Guest

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Posted 31 July 2007 - 09:41 PM

Looks Great keep up the good work

#20 Pasidon


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Posted 31 July 2007 - 10:20 PM

Does JBV's map have the 4 factions you have? His is for BFME 1 right?

J's War of the Realm has 8 factions. Synchs like quazy. And no, it's for BFME II, and it can also be played with ROTWK.

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