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Your strategies in Contra

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#1 RocketDoc

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Posted 12 October 2007 - 02:51 AM

Hey Creator... is there a chance we can get a strategies section in here... I'm an average player but I can't figure out a way to defend with AFG. Thinking you geniuses might help the mere mortals out... :good:

#2 impi

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Posted 12 October 2007 - 09:33 PM

Hey Creator... is there a chance we can get a strategies section in here... I'm an average player but I can't figure out a way to defend with AFG. Thinking you geniuses might help the mere mortals out... :p

Playing against Human players or CPU? What I can recommend is, the combination of comanches and attack planes: Take with the comanches tanks out an with the planes (fast moving) the anti air units of your enemy. Therefore you need at least 2 airfield (those holding 8 planes). Better 3 to build your Comanches faster ;)

#3 Creator


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Posted 13 October 2007 - 01:26 PM

I've moved it to separate topic.

Edited by Creator, 13 October 2007 - 01:28 PM.

#4 for russia!

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Posted 15 October 2007 - 05:17 AM

if demo: spam terrorist on tomahawks. then send all to enemy command centre. shot down they still cause hell :-()
well, i'm from singapore and now 15 years old. why do u require such information? i will tell you nothing else!

#5 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 07:46 AM

have a heavy defence. the best defence is the best offence. and use planes to destory long range. if you're enemy keeps sending forces to yu, just let your defence do the job. use air strikes and superweapons on powerplants and warfactories/airfield/barrack to stop his production. if possible, constantly harress his supplycentre. when you feel you're ready, send planes to destory basedefences and than send you a force of about 10-20tanks and a few infantry depending on you opponent's strength. you should be able to win the battle. but this technique only works for long battles. it works for me everytime, against tank is the best, cause they keep coming! i'm morsematten by the way, i'm lazy to log on.

#6 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 04 November 2007 - 10:39 AM

Assault gen defence plan

Make Artillery tunnels and black markets or cover your base with black markets.
then put the artillery in the tunnel/blackmarket viola instant anti everything defence

The thing i do is when the enemy assaults my base with tanks i make the longrange go out of the tunnel
then let them fire and go back in. If the enemy sends longrange to attack the tunnel/black market that the arty came out off i'll just make the arty come out of another Blackmarket/tunnel in the area

PS:Make sure you still build stinger sites :p

#7 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 04 November 2007 - 10:40 AM


Assault gen defence plan

Make Artillery tunnels and black markets or cover your base with black markets.
then put the artillery in the tunnel/blackmarket viola instant anti everything defence

The thing i do is when the enemy assaults my base with tanks i make the longrange go out of the tunnel
then let them fire and go back in. If the enemy sends longrange to attack the tunnel/black market that the arty came out off i'll just make the arty come out of another Blackmarket/tunnel in the area

PS:Make sure you still build stinger sites ;)

Note:I mean anti ground....Artillery is still vunrable to air :D

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