These are NOT official bugfixes. Use at your own risk. Or, to quote PR:
Now, on to the fixesJust keep in mind that these fixes are mostly untested (and unsupported) and as such, I would appreciate feedback on them to know if they work as they should. Also, using them will cause synchronization problems for you in multiplayer unless you backup or reinstall, so just remember that.
Missing Strike Cruiser
The option to reasearch the strike cruiser never came up in my game. I have finished all other tech upgrades, and no sign of that beautiful beast.
I'm no pro, and all that XML makes my eyes bleed, but I think I found the fix (based on looking at other code segments).
In Tech_Tree_Empire.xml, the entry looks like this:<!-- Super VIII Transport Bulk Cruiser / Super VIII Transport Escort Carrier --> <Event Name="Unlock_Super_Transport_VIII_Bulk_Cruiser"> <Event_Type>STORY_CONSTRUCT</Event_Type> <Event_Param1>E_Super_Transport_VIII_Bulk_Cruiser_Research</Event_Param1> <Event_Param2>1</Event_Param2> <Event_Param3>FILTER_FRIENDLY_ONLY</Event_Param3> <Prereq>Unlock_Immobilizer_418_Cruiser</Prereq> </Event>
The entry is missing the reward parameter that chains to the next ship tech. I believe it should be like this:<!-- Super VIII Transport Bulk Cruiser / Super VIII Transport Escort Carrier --> <Event Name="Unlock_Super_Transport_VIII_Bulk_Cruiser"> <Event_Type>STORY_CONSTRUCT</Event_Type> <Event_Param1>E_Super_Transport_VIII_Bulk_Cruiser_Research</Event_Param1> <Event_Param2>1</Event_Param2> <Event_Param3>FILTER_FRIENDLY_ONLY</Event_Param3> <Reward_Type>BUILDABLE_UNIT</Reward_Type> <Reward_Param1>E_Strike-class_Medium_Cruiser_Research</Reward_Param1> <Prereq>Unlock_Immobilizer_418_Cruiser</Prereq> </Event>
AI Not Upgrading Starbases
In BasicInfrastructureGalacticSet.xml change the following:
<DevelopStarbase> <Goal>Upgrade_Starbase</Goal> <Function>ReallyBig</Function> </DevelopStarbase>
Planets too close together
Alternatively, you can change the camera. This can actually be done rather easily if you know where to look. In GameConstants.xml, find the <GMC_InitialPullbackDistance> tag. Its value is currently 750.0, but making it smaller will cause it to zoom in and make the planets larger. However, if you change it this way, you will be unable to connect to other players in multiplayer, so make a backup, or better yet, a different copy of the mod.
Two possible fixes for lag. First if you think it's because the AI is moving units around too much
The file can be found here.I think I found the script that controls how often the AI shifts around units. It's GalacticFreeStore.lua. I've halved the service rate and hopefully that will help with some of the lagging, but I haven't had much time to test it and realistically won't, at least not comprehensively. If any of you want to mod it into your copy (just change both of the 8s at the top to 4s) and see what happens, I'd appreciate it. Of course, the usual warnings about multiplayer synchronization.
Second lag issue, if you think it's the AI in general
I don't know. At this point, I'm out of ideas. You could turn the AI players off, but then they would do nothing. Maybe try turning just the CSA off? I don't like the compromise, but it might help. In Campaigns_PR.xml, replace this line:
<AI_Player_Control> Corporate_Sector_Authority, BasicEmpire </AI_Player_Control>with this:<AI_Player_Control> Corporate_Sector_Authority, None </AI_Player_Control>There should be two occurances because there is a Rebel and Imperial version of each campaign. Let me know what that does.
Next is a problem with fighters hunting or scouting
The fix1) what is up with the computer setting all ships to "hunt" mode shortly after the battle begins.. this include his bombers and his fighter cover.. which leaves him at a serious disadvantage.. his cap ships are completely open to bombers and my cap ships need NO fighter cover as his bombers are aimlessly flying around the map after the initial opening volleys (he leaves them together for 1 or 2 passes then sets to "hunt") is it possible to disable the computer from useing this feature to force him to keep them in formation? or perhapes make fighter spawns "defend" the cap ship they spawm from? (I do that if I am not altering the fleets position.. enemy fighters/bombers that come near get engaged.. cap ships that get to near find a few extra bombing runs ) It is also annoying since the computer will not retreat if he has alot of fighters roaming the map.. which forces you to try and hunt them down.. he once had enough fighters and bombers roaming the map that he could have wiped my fleet.. but he left them just roaming.. they weren't even engageing the cap ships when they found them.. just make one pass and contuine the roam
That file can be found hereFighters roaming all over the map is usually a consequence of the scout function and not the hunt ability. Do a test: open ...\data\xml\ai\goalfunction\BasicOffensiveSpaceSet.xml. Do the following change and look what happens:
Do that only if you don't want to play multiplayer or make a seperate install for testing! The AI should no longer waste his units flying all over the map. I never understood what scouting does for the AI anyway.
The file for this next one can be found in the scripts/AI directory (I had to look it up, so I thought I'd share)
Here's another excellent suggestion by Zarkis, to reduce AI raid-spam in the GFFA campaign. Supposedly it will cause the AI to take some time to defend it's newly acquired planet, before releasing the ground forces to be used elsewhere (on another raid, no doubt). Note that the order of two of the lines is reversed when the sleep command is placed between (you will see what I mean when you open the lua file)
Found on the third page of this thread.Here you go: Open conquerpirateplan.lua with an editor, find the block below, and add the line written in bold. You can vary the timer after sleep to whatever length you find convenient, so 60 is just a guess for a good length on my side.
ScriptExit() _linenums:0'>LandSecured = true FundBases(PlayerObject, Target) <strong class='bbc'>sleep(60)</strong> MainForce.Release_Forces(1.0) ScriptExit()
Hopefully, here's a fix for Bombing runs causing exceptions
If I'm correct, it's the Skipray and the ATR, which aren't even bombers.PR, your idea about the AI using their broken bombers is interesting. Have you identified which bombers on each side are broken?
I think so, but I actually need someone to test it. I had assumed that <Is_Bomber> would control whether or not a unit was able to do bombing runs. However, the fact that it's giving exceptions leads me to believe that <Ship_Class> actually controls this. You'll have to go in the XMLs for these two ships and change <Ship_Class> to Fighter and see if that fixes it. However, there may be more than one thing causing exceptions; I don't know.If you have, is there a simple way to disable them in the XML?
For those having problems with the MC80 Reef Home, hopefully this will fix it:
<Event Name="Research_Reef_Home-class_MC80_Star_Cruiser"> <Event_Type>STORY_TRIGGER</Event_Type> <Reward_Type>BUILDABLE_UNIT</Reward_Type> <Reward_Param1>R_Reef_Home-class_MC80a_Star_Cruiser_Upgrade</Reward_Param1> <Prereq>Unlock_Republic-class_Star_Destroyer</Prereq> </Event>
I believe it should be:<Event Name="Research_Reef_Home-class_MC80_Star_Cruiser"> <Event_Type>STORY_TRIGGER</Event_Type> <Reward_Type>BUILDABLE_UNIT</Reward_Type> <Reward_Param1>R_Reef_Home-class_MC80a_Star_Cruiser_Upgrade</Reward_Param1> <Prereq>Unlock_Reef_Home-class_MC80_Star_Cruiser</Prereq> </Event>The Repub SD shouldn't be appearing here. Simple copy/paste error I believe.
I'm not entirely sure that this explains the problem we're seeing... Maybe. I haven't played a rebel side campaign other than Thrawn's yet, so I haven't had the reef home problem personally.
'AI retreats too easily' fix:
<CategoryMask> Transport </CategoryMask>change it to:<CategoryMask> fighter </CategoryMask>
Your AI will no longer retreat too easily as defender whenever large Starbases are present.
The problem was that starbases were spawning up to 5 squads of 12 tugs each, and 60 tugs were causing the AI to retreat to 'save the transports'. This is smart behavior when those 60 transports are carrying 60 teams of AT-AT's. Not so smart when they are base-defense tugs.
Two more fixes for everyone: If you are having problems with the AI (not the not working variety, but you just don't like it) go here. Zarkis has made some great strides in making the AI better. Also, if you think the turbolaser, ion cannon, etc graphics are blah, go here. Dal MP is doing great work on the graphics side of things.
We have a fix for Talay! Thanks Kitkun!
Well, I've not seen a fix for Talay (Not being able to fight in space, have to auto resolve) posted, so here it is:
In planets.xml, change
Just a spelling error.
Note: Do NOT change the land map name, that works fine.
Error where TIE Avenger x8's don't have their light laser.
The fix
Open the file\Mods\Phoenix_Rising_Space\Data\XML\SpaceUnitsFighters_TIE_Avenger.xml
find the entry (in red)- <SpaceUnit Name="TIE_Avenger_x8"> <Variant_Of_Existing_Type>TIE_Avenger_x7</Variant_Of_Existing_Type> <Text_ID>TEXT_UNIT_TIE_AVENGER_X8</Text_ID> <Encyclopedia_Text>TEXT_UNIT_TIE_AVENGER_X8_TOOLTIP</Encyclopedia_Text> <Max_Speed>8.4</Max_Speed> <Min_Speed>4.2</Min_Speed> <Shield_Points>200</Shield_Points> <Damage>22</Damage> <HardPoints>[color="#FF0000"]HP_TIE_Avenger_x7_LL[/color], HP_TIE_Avenger_x7_LACM</HardPoints> </SpaceUnit>
and change it to the following[color="#FF0000"]HP_TIE_Avenger_x8_LL[/color]
If anyone knows how I can clean up the presentation a bit, please let me know! I've tried the hide tags, but they just don't work like they are supposed to
Edited by hetter71, 17 May 2008 - 04:25 AM.