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My two cents - hardpoints

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#21 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 08 March 2008 - 12:49 AM

The wasted firepower is actually a major concern.

I think I did see some targeting bones on ships when looking.. I'm pretty sure there's something to that, as ships like the RSD don't seem to have many (generally every shot hits the center, or the bow). But I don't think you can rig it to do damage to weapons without actually enabling viewable hardpoints. I'm not sure though.

There is actually some validity to this point. Interestingly, on ships that don't have targeting bones specified, the game will actually target its hardpoints. Take the Executor out against my jury-rigged MC80s that have only 8 firing bones and you'll see this. Specify a targeting bone and it'll aim for the center (or wherever you want to put it). I didn't notice this until after the release, so it turns out that you can aim at some ships better than others because of this. Oops.

But by the same means, you ought to be able to make hardpoints destroyable without being targetable. I think. You just need to give them health values or they will come pre-destroyed.

#22 Dr-Ludvig

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Posted 08 March 2008 - 12:49 PM

The destroyable but no targetable hardpoints would be, i think, the ultimate way of doing it.. because it do seem a bit weird having an executor with only 1% health, yet all weapons operable..
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#23 TheEmpire


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Posted 08 March 2008 - 08:39 PM

Well I wonder if you can do this. Ship full health all weapons. Ship half health some weapons destroyed. Ship 1% health most weapons destroyed. As the ship takes more damage the more weapons are destroyed. Also engines and tractor beams and shield generators should be targetable. Not 1 engine hardpoint for the ship. 1 hardpoint for each engine like on space addon. As each engine is destroyed the ship slows until the last one is destroyed it stops.
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#24 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 08 March 2008 - 09:03 PM

I don't know if adding 10 engine hardpoints and destroying 1 would slow it to 90% output. I'm pretty sure it would just be 100% until all 10 are destroyed.

#25 Pred the Penguin

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Posted 09 March 2008 - 11:25 AM

Better than all engines on to the end.

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#26 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 09 March 2008 - 07:44 PM

Better than all engines on to the end.

That's what I mean.

#27 keraunos


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Posted 09 March 2008 - 09:27 PM

The wasted firepower is actually a major concern.

Obviously, I want to have units to be as realistic as possible, so I'm not interested in wasted firepower, either. Two things that bother me are terrible lag I'm experiencing (game is hardly playable on my P 1.8, GeForce Go 6100, 1 GB Ram) and irritiating ability of human player (me :wink_new:) to limit his losses. Even almost killed ship will be in best shape after battle. But allowing wreck to still use full firepower is bad idea :(

But by the same means, you ought to be able to make hardpoints destroyable without being targetable. I think. You just need to give them health values or they will come pre-destroyed.

Excellent idea - that's one thing that bothers me, as I wrote above...

#28 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 11 March 2008 - 01:53 AM

I know the idea of assigning multiple guns to a single point has been suggested already, but maybe it could work if it was tweaked a bit. For example, you assign a hardpoint to a firing bone, but make it difficult to destroy since it counts for multiple guns. As the hardpoint takes damage perhaps the rate of fire or the firepower or the saturation of fire of that bone is reduced until the hardpoint is completely destroyed. I personally like the idea of hardpoints, as a lack of them would kind of defeat the purpose of bombers.

#29 anakinskysolo


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Posted 11 March 2008 - 10:05 PM

The problem is that you give too much advantage to bombers with that, and it wouldn't be canon: you can't destroy one gun emplacements and disable 8 guns.

#30 slornie

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Posted 11 March 2008 - 11:33 PM

I know the idea of assigning multiple guns to a single point has been suggested already, but maybe it could work if it was tweaked a bit. For example, you assign a hardpoint to a firing bone, but make it difficult to destroy since it counts for multiple guns. As the hardpoint takes damage perhaps the rate of fire or the firepower or the saturation of fire of that bone is reduced until the hardpoint is completely destroyed. I personally like the idea of hardpoints, as a lack of them would kind of defeat the purpose of bombers.

I think thats beyond the capability of EAW.
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