fx effect
Posted 06 April 2008 - 04:44 AM
i tried to add some fx effect things to it to make the swords like fiery like this thing but on legolas's knife things
i tried following this tutorial but i didn't really understand. i understood some of it but not all of it.
so can anyone help me out to make legolas's knives like fiery
Posted 06 April 2008 - 08:24 AM
I made a map-mod once and it had legolas with firey swords... What I did was opened up Legolas' skeleton and looked on his hand bones for their orientation. Heres an xml file that you can open up and view with my program, also heres an ini file for the code. When you use it in game make sure to attach one of these to each hand bone for when hes in his state where he has both swords out (I don't remember much...). To make it look right you'll need to edit the "LineEmissionVolume" portion of the code (End Point) until it looks the way you want. Also you can set whatever texture you want.
Any more questions, ask away.
Attached Files
GitHub - https://github.com/ClickerMonkey
YouTube - http://www.youtube.c...r/ClickerMonkey
Posted 06 April 2008 - 08:36 AM
Oh yeah.. my unfinished Particle System Editor...
I made a map-mod once and it had legolas with firey swords... What I did was opened up Legolas' skeleton and looked on his hand bones for their orientation. Heres an xml file that you can open up and view with my program, also heres an ini file for the code. When you use it in game make sure to attach one of these to each hand bone for when hes in his state where he has both swords out (I don't remember much...). To make it look right you'll need to edit the "LineEmissionVolume" portion of the code (End Point) until it looks the way you want. Also you can set whatever texture you want.
Any more questions, ask away.
ok i put it in the fxparticlesystem.ini file whats next
Edited by legoceleborn, 06 April 2008 - 09:25 AM.
Posted 06 April 2008 - 08:57 PM
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Legolas.ini ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; aka Legolss Legolas Object RohanLegolas ; *** ART Parameters *** ; SelectPortrait for Heros is portrait behind skill buttons. HP = HeroPortrait. SelectPortrait = HPLegolas ; ButtonImage for Heros is button image on Hero Select UI to select hero. HI = HeroIcon or HeroImage. ButtonImage = HILegolas Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_01_ OkToChangeModelColor = Yes StaticModelLODMode = yes; Will append M or L to the skin name depending on GameLOD ;;====================== MODELS ================================================================ DefaultModelConditionState Model = RULegolas_SKN Skeleton = RULegolas_SKL ShadowMaxHeight = 999 WeaponLaunchBone = PRIMARY ARROW End ModelConditionState = WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY Model = RULegolas_SKN Skeleton = RULegolas_SKL ShadowMaxHeight = 999 ParticleSysBone = BAT_HEAD Slayer FollowBone:Yes ParticleSysBone = B_HANDL FireSword FollowBone:yes ParticleSysBone = B_HANDR FireSword FollowBone:yes End ;;================== ANIMATIONS ================================================================= ;;------------------ DYING ------------------------------------------------------------- ; --- Flying through the air. AnimationState = STUNNED_FLAILING WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY Animation = FLYA AnimationName = RULegolas_FLYA AnimationMode = LOOP End Flags = RANDOMSTART BeginScript CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End AnimationState = STUNNED_FLAILING Animation = FLYA AnimationName = RULegolas_FLYB AnimationMode = LOOP End Flags = RANDOMSTART BeginScript CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End ; --- Dying AnimationState = DYING WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY Animation = DIEC AnimationName = RULegolas_DIEC AnimationMode = ONCE End BeginScript CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End AnimationState = DYING Animation = DIEA AnimationName = RULegolas_DIEA AnimationMode = ONCE End Animation = DIEB AnimationName = RULegolas_DIEB AnimationMode = ONCE End BeginScript CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End ; --- Stunned AnimationState = STUNNED_STANDING_UP WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY StateName = STATE_Sword Animation = GUFaramir_GTPC AnimationName = RULegolas_GTPC AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.5 1.5 End BeginScript CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End AnimationState = STUNNED_STANDING_UP StateName = STATE_Bow Animation = GUFaramir_GTPA AnimationName = RULegolas_GTPA AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.5 1.5 End Animation = GUFaramir_GTPB AnimationName = RULegolas_GTPB AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.5 1.5 End BeginScript CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End AnimationState = STUNNED WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY StateName = STATE_Sword Animation = GUFaramir_LNDA AnimationName = RULegolas_LNDA AnimationMode = ONCE End BeginScript CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End AnimationState = STUNNED StateName = STATE_Bow Animation = GUFaramir_LNDB AnimationName = RULegolas_LNDB AnimationMode = ONCE End BeginScript CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End ;--- Arrow Wind Special attack AnimationState = UNPACKING PACKING_TYPE_1 Animation = ATKA1 AnimationName = RULegolas_ATKA1;ATKH1 AnimationMode = ONCE End StateName = STATE_Bow BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Sword" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_SwitchToBow") end CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End AnimationState = PREPARING PACKING_TYPE_1 Animation = ATKA2 AnimationName = RULegolas_ATKA2;ATKH2 AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.328 1.328 End StateName = STATE_Bow BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Sword" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_SwitchToBow") end CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End AnimationState = PACKING PACKING_TYPE_1 Animation = ATKA3 AnimationName = RULegolas_ATKA3;ATKH3 AnimationMode = LOOP End StateName = STATE_Bow BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Sword" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_SwitchToBow") end CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End ;--- Train Archer - a cheer AnimationState = PACKING_TYPE_2 Animation = CHRB AnimationName = RULegolas_CHRB AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.5 1.5 End StateName = STATE_TrainingStart BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Sword" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_SwitchToBow") end EndScript End ;--- Hawk Strike Special Attack AnimationState = SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE Animation = ATKB AnimationName = RULegolas_ATKB AnimationMode = ONCE ;Speed up the animation so it plays in 3 seconds (90 frames) instead of 4.53 (136 frames) ;Changing this value will require consideration of the special weapon timings in WeaponFireSpecialAbilityUpdate below ;AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.51 1.51 End FrameForPristineBonePositions = 45 StateName = STATE_Bow ;This script handles proper transitions back to KnifeFighter mode. The WeaponFireSpecialAbilityUpdate will force ;a short duration paralysis on the unit allowing for the transition to complete. Otherwise the unit would move ;and blend immediately out of this to moving. BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Sword" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_SwitchToBow") end CurDrawableShowSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; These are necessary because the arrow wind just busts him out of his knife fighter spell ; but without removing the weaponlock flag. ; AnimationState = SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY Animation = ATKB AnimationName = RULegolas_ATKB AnimationMode = ONCE UseWeaponTiming = Yes End FrameForPristineBonePositions = 32 StateName = STATE_Bow BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Sword" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_SwitchToBow") end EndScript End AnimationState = MOVING FIRING_OR_PREATTACK_A WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY ShareAnimation = Yes Animation = RunAndFire AnimationName = RULegolas_ATRA AnimationMode = LOOP End Flags = RANDOMSTART End AnimationState = UNPACKING WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY Animation = ATKA AnimationName = RULegolas_ATKA AnimationMode = ONCE End StateName = STATE_Bow BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Sword" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_SwitchToBow") end CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End AnimationState = PREPARING WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY Animation AnimationName = RULegolas_ATKA2 AnimationMode = LOOP End StateName = STATE_Bow BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Sword" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_SwitchToBow") end CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End ; --- AnimationState = FIRING_OR_PREATTACK_B WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY Animation = ATKD AnimationName = RULegolas_ATKD AnimationMode = ONCE UseWeaponTiming = Yes End Animation = ATKE AnimationName = RULegolas_ATKE AnimationMode = ONCE UseWeaponTiming = Yes End Animation = ATKJ AnimationName = RULegolas_ATKJ AnimationMode = ONCE UseWeaponTiming = Yes End Animation = ATKK AnimationName = RULegolas_ATKK AnimationMode = ONCE UseWeaponTiming = Yes End ;FXEvent = Frame:20 Name: FX_KnifeFighterHitOrientRight ;FXEvent = Frame:22 Name: FX_KnifeFighterHitOrientLeft FXEvent = Frame:17 Name: FX_BladeMasterHitOrient StateName = STATE_Sword BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Bow" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_SwitchToSwords") end CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End ;--------------------------------------------------- ;New style firing AnimationState = PREATTACK_A StateName = STATE_Firing Animation = ReadyToDrawn AnimationName = RULegolas_ATKA1 AnimationMode = ONCE ; UseWeaponTiming = Yes ; UseWeaponTiming plus random weapon field equals desync. Leaving as warning AnimationBlendTime = 10 ; Must be 0 blend time otherwise the arrow will linger for the duration of the blend! AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.5 1.5 ; Therefore, this is all you get. A slight speed up so that the animation can always finish before any possible random value Design sets the range for End BeginScript CurDrawableShowSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End AnimationState = FIRING_OR_RELOADING_A StateName = STATE_Firing Animation = OneFrameOfShooting AnimationName = RULegolas_ATKA2 AnimationMode = ONCE ; UseWeaponTiming = Yes ; UseWeaponTiming plus random weapon field equals desync. Leaving as warning AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.0 1.0 ; Therefore, this is all you get. A slight speed up so that the animation can always finish before any possible random value Design sets the range for AnimationBlendTime = 0 End BeginScript CurDrawableShowSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End ;End New style firing ;--------------------------------------------------- ;--- Moving ; ------ With blades AnimationState = MOVING WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY Animation = RUNB AnimationName = RULegolas_RUNB AnimationMode = LOOP Distance = 50 AnimationBlendTime = 10 End Flags = RANDOMSTART ;ParticleSysBone = None InfantryDustTrails StateName = STATE_Sword BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Bow" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_SwitchToSwordsWhileMoving") end CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End ; ------ With bow AnimationState = MOVING Animation = RUNA AnimationName = RULegolas_RUNA AnimationMode = LOOP Distance = 50 AnimationBlendTime = 10 End Flags = RANDOMSTART ;ParticleSysBone = None InfantryDustTrails StateName = STATE_Bow BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Sword" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_SwitchToBowWhileMoving") end CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End ;--- Holding drawn bow while attacking AnimationState = CONTINUOUS_FIRE_MEAN StateName = STATE_Firing Animation = HangFrameWhileCoasting AnimationName = RULegolas_ATKA2 AnimationMode = MANUAL End BeginScript CurDrawableShowSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End AnimationState = CONTINUOUS_FIRE_SLOW StateName = STATE_Idle_Bow Animation = PutAwayArrow AnimationName = RULegolas_ATKA3 AnimationMode = ONCE End BeginScript CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End ;--- Hit Reactions ;AnimationState = HIT_REACTION ; Animation = Hit_Level ; AnimationName = RULegolas_HITC ; AnimationMode = ONCE ; End ;End ;--- Emotions AnimationState = EMOTION_CELEBRATING Animation = CHRA AnimationName = RULegolas_CHRA AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationPriority = 10 End Animation = CHRB AnimationName = RULegolas_CHRB AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationPriority = 5 End Flags = RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE BeginScript CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End ;--- Selected AnimationState = WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY SELECTED StateName = KnifeFighterSelected Animation = ATNF AnimationName = RULegolas_IDLJ AnimationMode = LOOP End StateName = SwordsAttn BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Bow" or Prev == "Selected" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_SwitchToAttentionSword") end CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End AnimationState = SELECTED StateName = Selected Animation = ATNB AnimationName = RULegolas_ATNB AnimationMode = LOOP End BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Bow" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_SwitchToAttention") end CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End ;--- Idle states AnimationState = WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY Animation = IDLG AnimationName = RULegolas_IDLJ AnimationMode = LOOP End StateName = STATE_Sword BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Bow" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_SwitchToSwords") end ; no attn w/ sword anim if Prev == "SwordsAttn" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_SwitchFromAttentionSword") end CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End IdleAnimationState Animation = IDLB AnimationName = RULegolas_IDLB AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationPriority = 8 End Animation = IDLB;Double up because animations never choose the same one twice in a row. AnimationName = RULegolas_IDLB AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationPriority = 8 End Animation = IDLD AnimationName = RULegolas_IDLD AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationPriority = 1 End Animation = IDLE AnimationName = RULegolas_IDLE AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationPriority = 1 End StateName = STATE_Bow BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Sword" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_SwitchToBow") end if Prev == "Selected" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_SwitchFromAttention") end CurDrawableHideSubObject("arrow");Circumvents blend issues when the arrow is being shown... EndScript End ;--- Transitions TransitionState = TRANS_SwitchToBow Animation = STHB AnimationName = RULegolas_STHB AnimationMode = ONCE End End TransitionState = TRANS_SwitchToSwords Animation = STHA AnimationName = RULegolas_STHA AnimationMode = ONCE End End TransitionState = TRANS_SwitchToBowWhileMoving Animation = STHB AnimationName = RULegolas_RUND AnimationMode = ONCE Distance = 50 End End TransitionState = TRANS_SwitchToSwordsWhileMoving Animation = STHA AnimationName = RULegolas_RUNE AnimationMode = ONCE Distance = 50 End End TransitionState = TRANS_SwitchToAttentionSword Animation = ATNE AnimationName = RULegolas_STHA AnimationMode = ONCE End End ; TransitionState = TRANS_SwitchFromAttentionSword ; Animation = ATNH ; AnimationName = RULegolas_STHB ; AnimationMode = ONCE ; End ; End TransitionState = TRANS_SwitchToAttention Animation = ATNA AnimationName = RULegolas_ATNA AnimationMode = ONCE End End TransitionState = TRANS_SwitchFromAttention Animation = ATND AnimationName = RULegolas_ATND AnimationMode = ONCE End End End ; ***DESIGN parameters *** Side = Rohan EditorSorting = UNIT ThreatLevel = 5.0 ThingClass = CHARACTER_UNIT BuildCost = 1 BuildTime = 1 TransportSlotCount = 1 WeaponSet Conditions = None Weapon = PRIMARY LegolasBow Weapon = SECONDARY LegolasSword AutoChooseSources = SECONDARY NONE End ArmorSet Conditions = None Armor = HeroLightArmor DamageFX = NormalDamageFX End VisionRange = VISION_HERO_RANGED ShroudClearingRange = SHROUD_CLEAR_RANGED_HERO BountyValue = ROHAN_LEGOLAS_BOUNTY_VALUE DisplayName = OBJECT:RohanLegolas RecruitText = CONTROLBAR:RohanLegolasRecruit ReviveText = CONTROLBAR:RohanLegolasRevive Hotkey = CONTROLBAR:RohanLegolasHotkey CrushableLevel = 2;What am I?: 0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles CommandSet = RohanLegolasCommandSet CommandPoints = 0 DisplayMeleeDamage = LEGOLAS_KNIFE_DAMAGE; DisplayRangedDamage = LEGOLAS_BOW_DAMAGE; HeroSortOrder = 30 ; *** AUDIO Parameters ***; ;VoiceAmbushed = LegolasVoiceAmbushed NOT RECORDED VoiceAttack = LegolasVoiceAttack VoiceAttackCharge = LegolasVoiceAttackCharge VoiceAttackStructure = LegolasVoiceAttack ;LegolasVoiceAttackBuilding NOT RECORDED VoiceAttackMachine = LegolasVoiceAttack ;LegolasVoiceAttackBuilding NOT RECORDED ;VoiceCreated = LegolasVoiceSalute ;this conflicts with his respawn dialogue line -- rehooked to spawn FX VoiceFear = LegolasVoiceHelpMe VoiceMove = LegolasVoiceMove VoiceMoveToCamp = LegolasVoiceMoveCamp VoiceMoveWhileAttacking = LegolasVoiceDisengage VoicePriority = 68 VoiceRetreatToCastle = LegolasVoiceMove ;LegolasVoiceRetreat NOT RECORDED VoiceSelect = LegolasVoiceSelect VoiceSelect2 = HeroVoiceSelect2 VoiceSelectBattle = LegolasVoiceSelectBattle VoiceGuard = LegolasVoiceMove SoundImpact = ImpactHorse UnitSpecificSounds VoiceGarrison = LegolasVoiceGarrison End EvaEventDamagedOwner = UnitUnderAttack ;Eva event to trigger when unit is damaged EvaEventDieOwner = LegolasDie ;Eva event to trigger on unit's death. NOTICE THAT this is only for permanent deaths Behavior = LargeGroupAudioUpdate ModuleTag_LGAU ; Tie into LargeGroupAudio system Key = Elf Unit Infantry Hero End ClientBehavior = AnimationSoundClientBehavior ModuleTag_AnimAudioBehavior MaxUpdateRangeCap = 800 AnimationSound = Sound:FootstepDirtA Animation:RULegolas_SKL.RULegolas_RUNA Frames:9 19 AnimationSound = Sound:FootstepDirtA Animation:RULegolas_SKL.RULegolas_RUNB Frames:9 19 AnimationSound = Sound:FootstepDirtA Animation:RULegolas_SKL.RULegolas_RUND Frames:9 20 AnimationSound = Sound:FootstepDirtA Animation:RULegolas_SKL.RULegolas_RUNE Frames:8 19 AnimationSound = Sound:WeaponSwitchBowForLegolas Animation:RULegolas_SKL.RULegolas_ATKB Frames:0 AnimationSound = Sound:WeaponSwitchBowForLegolas Animation:RULegolas_SKL.RULegolas_ATKA1 Frames:0 AnimationSound = Sound:BodyFallSoldier Animation:RULegolas_SKL.RULegolas_LNDA Frames:0 AnimationSound = Sound:BodyFallSoldier Animation:RULegolas_SKL.RULegolas_LNDB Frames:0 AnimationSound = Sound:BodyFallGenericNoArmor Animation:RULegolas_SKL.RULegolas_DIEA Frames:48 AnimationSound = Sound:BodyFallGenericNoArmor Animation:RULegolas_SKL.RULegolas_DIEB Frames:89 AnimationSound = Sound:BodyFallGenericNoArmor Animation:RULegolas_SKL.RULegolas_DIEC Frames:64 End ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters *** RadarPriority = UNIT KindOf = HERO PRELOAD SELECTABLE CAN_CAST_REFLECTIONS INFANTRY PATH_THROUGH_EACH_OTHER SCORE THROWN_OBJECT ARMY_SUMMARY ATTACK_NEEDS_LINE_OF_SIGHT PathfindDiameter = 40.0 Body = RespawnBody ModuleTag_RespawnBody CheerRadius = EMOTION_CHEER_RADIUS MaxHealth = LEGOLAS_HEALTH;BALANCE Legola Health PermanentlyKilledByFilter = NONE ;Who kills me permanently? DodgePercent = HERO_DODGE_PERCENT End Behavior = RespawnUpdate ModuleTag_RespawnUpdate DeathAnim = DYING ;Model condition to play when killed-to-respawn DeathFX = FX_LegolasDieToRespawn;FXList to play when killed-to-respawn DeathAnimationTime = 3000 ;How long DeathAnim will take. InitialSpawnFX = FX_LegolasInitialSpawn RespawnAnim = LEVELED ;Animation to play when respawning. RespawnFX = FX_LegolasRespawn ;FXList to play when respawning. RespawnAnimationTime = 2000 ;Time it takes for respawn to play. AutoRespawnAtObjectFilter = NONE +CASTLE_KEEP ;Respawn at this location -- and at it's exit production point if possible. ButtonImage = HILegolas ;RespawnEntries determine the ruleset for how a character can be revived. Some units may automatically respawn, others ;may require a specific revive action performed on him. You can specify different values for each level... or use Level:Any RespawnRules = AutoSpawn:No Cost:1200 Time:90000 Health:100% ;DEFAULT VALUES RespawnEntry = Level:2 Cost:1400 Time:90000 ;For other levels, only override what is different. RespawnEntry = Level:3 Cost:1600 Time:90000 RespawnEntry = Level:4 Cost:1800 Time:90000 RespawnEntry = Level:5 Cost:2000 Time:120000 RespawnEntry = Level:6 Cost:2200 Time:120000 RespawnEntry = Level:7 Cost:2400 Time:120000 RespawnEntry = Level:8 Cost:2600 Time:120000 RespawnEntry = Level:9 Cost:2800 Time:120000 RespawnEntry = Level:10 Cost:3000 Time:120000 End Behavior = AutoHealBehavior ModuleTag_LegolasHealing StartsActive = Yes HealingAmount = HERO_HEAL_AMOUNT HealingDelay = 1000 StartHealingDelay = HERO_HEAL_DELAY HealOnlyIfNotInCombat = Yes End Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_03 AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes ATTACK_BUILDINGS MoodAttackCheckRate = 500 AILuaEventsList = LegolasFunctions End LocomotorSet Locomotor = RohanLegolasLocomotor Condition = SET_NORMAL Speed = NORMAL_GOOD_LEGOLAS_SPEED End Behavior = AttributeModifierAuraUpdate ModuleTag_HeroRadiateFear StartsActive = No;If no, requires upgrade to turn on. BonusName = HeroRadiateFear TriggeredBy = Upgrade_HeroRadiateFear RefreshDelay = 2000 Range = 120 TargetEnemy = Yes ObjectFilter = ANY +ORC End Behavior = AutoAbilityBehavior ModuleTag_AutoAbilityBehavior End Behavior = HeroDie ModuleTag_HeroDeath SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilitySmite ;the special power that I recharge by dying End Behavior = PhysicsBehavior ModuleTag_04 GravityMult = 1.0 End Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_05 DeathTypes = ALL -KNOCKBACK SinkDelay = 3000 SinkRate = 0.40 ; in Dist/Sec DestructionDelay = 8000 Sound = INITIAL ElvenWarriorVoiceDie End Behavior = SquishCollide ModuleTag_06 ;nothing End Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_07 ; Same as normal death, but no sound (sound already played by SoundImpact = ... ) DeathTypes = NONE +KNOCKBACK SinkDelay = 3000 SinkRate = 0.40 ; in Dist/Sec DestructionDelay = 8000 End Behavior = BezierProjectileBehavior ModuleTag_08; Module starts asleep, and wakes up when thrown. ; FirstHeight = 24; Height of Bezier control points above highest intervening terrain SecondHeight = 24 FirstPercentIndent = 30%; Percentage of shot distance control points are placed SecondPercentIndent = 70% TumbleRandomly = Yes CrushStyle = Yes; I don't detonate, I just hit DieOnImpact = Yes BounceCount = 1 ; When I hit the ground, I'll arc again BounceDistance = 40; this far BounceFirstHeight = 24; Height of Bezier control points above highest intervening terrain BounceSecondHeight = 24 BounceFirstPercentIndent = 20%; Percentage of shot distance control points are placed BounceSecondPercentIndent = 80% GroundHitFX = FX_ThrownRockGroundHit GroundBounceFX = FX_ThrownRockBounceHit End ;;; HAWK STRIKE SPECIAL POWER (Rank 1);;; Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_HawkStrikeStarter SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityHawkStrike UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes InitiateSound = LegolasVoiceModeHawkStrike ;this plays when he targets, not when he fires End Behavior = WeaponFireSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_HawkStrikeUpdate SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityHawkStrike SkipContinue = Yes UnpackTime = 1500;In this context: Preattack Delay PackTime = 1000;In this context: Weapon followthrough delay BusyForDuration = 1000;don't accept any AI for this long... ai commands will be queued ; ParalyzeDurationWhenCompleted = 600;Once the unit SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETES an ability, paralyze unit briefly to deal with animation transitions. ; ParalyzeDurationWhenAborted = 800;If the unit ABORTS the ability, paralyze the unit briefly to deal with animation transitions. AwardXPForTriggering = 0 StartAbilityRange = 400.0; Note: This has to be smaller than the weapon range or it'll never succeed ApproachRequiresLOS = Yes SpecialWeapon = LegolasHawkStrike WhichSpecialWeapon = 1 End ;;; KNIFE FIGHTER SPECIAL POWER (Rank 3);;; Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_KnifeEnabler SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityKnifeFighter TriggeredBy = Upgrade_LegolasKnifeFighter End ;Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_KnifeFighterPower ; SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityKnifeFighter ; UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes ;End Behavior = WeaponModeSpecialPowerUpdate ModuleTag_KnifeFighterPowerUpdate SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityKnifeFighter Duration = 3000 AttributeModifier = LegolasKnifeFighterBonus LockWeaponSlot = SECONDARY StartsPaused = Yes End ;;; TRAIN ARCHER SPECIAL POWER (Rank 7);;; Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_ArcherTrainingEnabler SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityTrainArchers TriggeredBy = Upgrade_LegolasTrainArchers End Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_KingsFavorSpecialPowerModule SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityTrainArchers StartsPaused = Yes UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes InitiateSound = LegolasTrainVoice ;this plays when he targets, not when he fires End Behavior = LevelGrantSpecialPower ModuleTag_KingsFavor SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityTrainArchers StartAbilityRange = 100.0 Experience = 50 RadiusEffect = 100 UseKindOf = Yes AffectsKindOf = ARCHER ; AcceptanceFilter = NONE +RohanArcherHorde +GondorArcherHorde +RohanArcher +GondorArcher +RohanElvenWarrior +RohanElvenWarriorHorde +RohanElvenWarriorDoubleHorde +GondorRanger +GondorRangerHorde UnpackTime = 1600 PackTime = 1000 UnpackingVariation = 2 FreezeAfterTriggerDuration = 500; Hold AI for this long after we fire. ; LevelFX = FX_PorterDeliver LevelFX = FX_LevelUp End ;;; ARROW STORM SPECIAL POWER (Rank 10);;; Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_ArrowWindEnabler SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityArrowStorm TriggeredBy = Upgrade_LegolasArrowWind End Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_ArrowWindStarter SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityArrowStorm UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes StartsPaused = Yes InitiateSound = LegolasVoiceModeArrowWind ;this plays when he targets, not when he fires End Behavior = ArrowStormUpdate ModuleTag_ArrowWindUpdate SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityArrowStorm StartAbilityRange = 320.0 UnpackTime = 1000; Pull out arrow PreparationTime = 200; Quick shot PersistentPrepTime = 600; looping the quick shot PackTime = 1200; back to idle UnpackingVariation = 1 ; Use custom variation to not interfere with Archer Training ability. ParalyzeDurationWhenCompleted = 600;Once the unit SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETES an ability, paralyze unit briefly to deal with animation transitions. ParalyzeDurationWhenAborted = 800;If the unit ABORTS the ability, paralyze the unit briefly to deal with animation transitions. ApproachRequiresLOS = Yes; required so that it doesn't shoot through walls AwardXPForTriggering = 0 ;Specific to ArrowStorm WeaponTemplate = LegolasBowArrowStorm TargetRadius = 120;CHANGING THIS??? Change RadiusCursorRadius to match this value in the appropriate SpecialPower.ini template. ShotsPerTarget = 1 ShotsPerBurst = 3 MaxShots = 50; can end sooner if no targets CanShootEmptyGround = Yes; ...unless this is set End Behavior = AutoHealBehavior ModuleTag_ElvenGiftHealing StartsActive = No TriggeredBy = Upgrade_ElvenGift HealingAmount = ELVEN_GIFT_REGEN_AMOUNT HealingDelay = ELVEN_GIFT_REGEN_DELAY StartHealingDelay = HERO_HEAL_DELAY HealOnlyIfNotInCombat = Yes End Behavior = AttributeModifierUpgrade ModuleTag_ElvenGiftBonus TriggeredBy = Upgrade_ElvenGift AttributeModifier = SpellBookElvenGifts End Behavior = HitReactionBehavior HitReactionBehaviorModuleTag HitReactionLifeTimer1 = 1993; level 1 (light damage) hit reaction animations in ms HitReactionLifeTimer2 = 1993; level 2 (medium damage) hit reaction animations in ms HitReactionLifeTimer3 = 1993; level 3 (heavy damage) hit reaction animations in ms HitReactionThreshold1 = 5.0 ; level 1 (light damage) threshold trigger HitReactionThreshold2 = 25.0; level 2 (medium damage) threshold trigger HitReactionThreshold3 = 50.0; level 3 (heavy damage) threshold trigger FastHitsResetReaction = Yes ;If set -- when hits occur faster than the reaction animations, it will reset the animation. (like getting riddled with machine gun bullets) End Geometry = CYLINDER GeometryMajorRadius = 8.0 GeometryMinorRadius = 8.0 GeometryHeight = 19.2 GeometryIsSmall = Yes Shadow = SHADOW_DECAL ShadowSizeX = 19; ShadowSizeY = 19; ShadowTexture = ShadowI; End ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Object LegolasHawkStrikeProjectile ; *** ART Parameters *** Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_Draw DefaultModelConditionState Model = G_Arrow End IdleAnimationState Animation = G_Arrow ;TEMP Needs model of double arrow AnimationName = G_Arrow.G_Arrow AnimationMode = LOOP End End End ; *** AUDIO Parameters *** ; ***DESIGN parameters *** EditorSorting = SYSTEM ArmorSet Armor = NoArmor End VisionRange = 0.0 ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters *** KindOf = PROJECTILE NO_COLLIDE Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02 MaxHealth = 10.0 End Behavior = DestroyDie ModuleTag_03 ;nothing End Behavior = BezierProjectileBehavior ModuleTag_04 DetonateCallsKill = Yes FirstHeight = 1; Height of Bezier control points above highest intervening terrain SecondHeight = 1 FirstPercentIndent = 20%; Percentage of shot distance control points are placed SecondPercentIndent = 80% FlightPathAdjustDistPerSecond = 0; Can allow a max speed this can attempt to follow a target. Units are their velocity we can tag. End Behavior = CreateObjectDie ModuleTag_06 DeathTypes = ALL CreationList = OCL_GoodFactionShatteredArrowBits End Behavior = FXListDie ModuleTag_07 DeathTypes = ALL -CRUSHED -SPLATTED DeathFX = FX_GondorArrowDeath End Geometry = Sphere GeometryIsSmall = Yes GeometryMajorRadius = 0.8 End
i added this to the fxparticlesystem.ini at the top
FXParticleSystem FireSword System Priority = ALWAYS_RENDER Shader = ADDITIVE ParticleName = exlnzflar7.tga SystemLifetime = 0 InitialDelay = 0 0 Lifetime = 5 5 Size = 30 30 BurstCount = 10 20 BurstDelay = 1 1 End Color = DefaultColor Color1 = R:135 G:73 B:12 0 Color2 = R:255 G:255 B:255 40 End Alpha = DefaultAlpha Alpha1 = 1 1 0 Alpha2 = 0 0 20 End Update = DefaultUpdate SizeRate = 0 0 SizeRateDamping = 1 1 AngleZ = 0 0 AngularRateZ = 0 0 AngularDamping = 1 1 End Physics = DefaultPhysics VelocityDamping = 1.05 1.05 Gravity = 0.2 0.2 DriftVelocity = X:0 Y:0 Z:0 End EmissionVelocity = OrthoEmissionVelocity X = 0 0 Y = 0 0 Z = 0 0 End EmissionVolume = LineEmissionVolume StartPoint = X:0 Y:0 Z:0 EndPoint = X:0 Y:0 Z:50 End Draw = DefaultDraw End Wind = DefaultWind End End
um and if anyone could help me with the big fire swords that would be great theres a pick around the bottom what show the big fireswords
Edited by legoceleborn, 09 April 2008 - 08:41 AM.
Posted 07 April 2008 - 01:05 AM
GitHub - https://github.com/ClickerMonkey
YouTube - http://www.youtube.c...r/ClickerMonkey
Posted 07 April 2008 - 01:07 AM
It looks like it should work, thats the exact code I had for my mod...
what the code for your mod?
Posted 07 April 2008 - 01:07 AM
Posted 07 April 2008 - 01:20 AM
GitHub - https://github.com/ClickerMonkey
YouTube - http://www.youtube.c...r/ClickerMonkey
Posted 07 April 2008 - 01:22 AM
Well for one thing, you don't need to FX_List's at all.. and another, why do you have 2 Firesword Particle Systems when you only need one? the hand bones are setup in the same orientation. And another thing, in your model condition state block you attach 2 particle systems to each bone, just attach one to each.
well i have the 2 fireswords thing because he has 2 swords lol and i didn't realise i attched 2 to his bone i'll fix the code up in my ini sorry im new to this type of stuff
Edited by legoceleborn, 07 April 2008 - 01:28 AM.
Posted 07 April 2008 - 01:29 AM
;;====================== MODELS ================================================================ DefaultModelConditionState Model = RULegolas_SKN Skeleton = RULegolas_SKL ShadowMaxHeight = 999 WeaponLaunchBone = PRIMARY ARROW End ModelConditionState = WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY Model = RULegolas_SKN Skeleton = RULegolas_SKL ShadowMaxHeight = 999 ParticleSysBone = BAT_HEAD Slayer FollowBone:Yes End ModelConditionState = WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1 Model = RULegolas_SKN Skeleton = RULegolas_SKL ParticleSysBone = B_HANDL FireSword FollowBone:yes ParticleSysBone = B_HANDR FireSword1 FollowBone:yes End
Posted 07 April 2008 - 01:35 AM
Posted 07 April 2008 - 02:08 AM
Posted 07 April 2008 - 02:47 AM
Unkown field 'MoveForNoOne' in block 'object'
error parsing field 'MoveForNoOne' in block 'Object' in file 'Data\INI\object\evilfactionunits.ini', line 21485
error parsing field 'MoveForNoOne' in block 'Object' in file 'Data\INI\object\evilfactionunits.ini', line 21485
Error parsing INI block ' MoveForNoOne' in file 'Data\INI\object\evilfaction\evilfactionunits.ini'.
5 addresses:
(unknown)(0): game.dat+8961088 Debug::PostStaticInit+3296
(unknown)(0): game.dat+502829 StringBase<char>::startsWith+193933
(unknown)(0): game.dat+521227 StringBase<char>::startsWith+212331
(unknown)(0): game.dat+10449993 Xfer::operator==+133593
(unknown)(0): kernel32.dll+94167 Register WaitForInputIdle+73
Because of the serverity of this error the game will exit
Anyone know why it did that i haven't even editted that file.
Posted 07 April 2008 - 04:12 AM
instead of having
;;====================== MODELS ================================================================ DefaultModelConditionState Model = RULegolas_SKN Skeleton = RULegolas_SKL ShadowMaxHeight = 999 WeaponLaunchBone = PRIMARY ARROW End ModelConditionState = WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY Model = RULegolas_SKN Skeleton = RULegolas_SKL ShadowMaxHeight = 999 ParticleSysBone = BAT_HEAD Slayer FollowBone:Yes End ModelConditionState = WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1 Model = RULegolas_SKN Skeleton = RULegolas_SKL ParticleSysBone = B_HANDL FireSword FollowBone:yes ParticleSysBone = B_HANDR FireSword1 FollowBone:yes ParticleSysBone = B_HANDL FireSword FollowBone:yes ParticleSysBone = B_HANDR FireSword1 FollowBone:yes End
you have
;;====================== MODELS ================================================================ DefaultModelConditionState Model = RULegolas_SKN Skeleton = RULegolas_SKL ShadowMaxHeight = 999 WeaponLaunchBone = PRIMARY ARROW End ModelConditionState = WEAPONLOCK_SECONDARY Model = RULegolas_SKN Skeleton = RULegolas_SKL ShadowMaxHeight = 999 ParticleSysBone = BAT_HEAD Slayer FollowBone:Yes ParticleSysBone = B_HANDL FireSword FollowBone:yes ParticleSysBone = B_HANDR FireSword FollowBone:yes End
and yer i also put the code for the fire swords in the fxparticalsystem.ini
so think it would work i can't try it right now since my bro is on the game
Posted 07 April 2008 - 04:24 AM
Posted 07 April 2008 - 05:14 AM
anyone know how to fix the pink red purply stuff to like what it's sopose to be it's sopose to be legolas with fire swords but that didn't work anyone know how to fix it
Edited by legoceleborn, 07 April 2008 - 05:25 AM.
Posted 07 April 2008 - 08:09 PM
GitHub - https://github.com/ClickerMonkey
YouTube - http://www.youtube.c...r/ClickerMonkey
Posted 07 April 2008 - 08:51 PM
Edited by legoceleborn, 08 April 2008 - 03:22 AM.
Posted 10 April 2008 - 09:13 PM
EmissionVolume = LineEmissionVolume StartPoint = X:0 Y:0 Z:0 EndPoint = X:0 Y:0 Z:50 End
change the Z on the endpoint to around 10 and try it out from there. also where it has:
System Priority = ALWAYS_RENDER Shader = ADDITIVE ParticleName = exlnzflar7.tga SystemLifetime = 0 InitialDelay = 0 0 Lifetime = 5 5 Size = 30 30 BurstCount = 10 20 BurstDelay = 1 1 End
change the Size values to around 10 also, or how ever big you want them to be.
Edited by {IP}Gil-Galad, 10 April 2008 - 09:14 PM.
GitHub - https://github.com/ClickerMonkey
YouTube - http://www.youtube.c...r/ClickerMonkey
Posted 11 April 2008 - 07:52 AM
In the particle system's code where it has
EmissionVolume = LineEmissionVolume StartPoint = X:0 Y:0 Z:0 EndPoint = X:0 Y:0 Z:50 End
change the Z on the endpoint to around 10 and try it out from there. also where it has:System Priority = ALWAYS_RENDER Shader = ADDITIVE ParticleName = exlnzflar7.tga SystemLifetime = 0 InitialDelay = 0 0 Lifetime = 5 5 Size = 30 30 BurstCount = 10 20 BurstDelay = 1 1 End
change the Size values to around 10 also, or how ever big you want them to be.
k thanks it worked just wondering are you ever going to finish the unit creator thing and stuff on your website?
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