Hey guys,
I made a mutator to replace with enforcer with a random modified enforcer, it works really well. I then made a configuration menu, following ambershee's tutorial on moddb, however i keep getting:
ScriptLog: UTUITabPage_Mutators::OnConfigureMutator() - Unable to find scene 'EnforcersForever.UTUI_FrontEnd_EnforcersForever'
I've put the .upk everywhere logical, could anybody tell me where its supposed to go?
I did (stupidly maybe) put the UIScene in the same package as the mutator contrary to ambershee's recommendations
Need help with upk
Started by jaguar, Apr 23 2008 02:10 PM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 23 April 2008 - 02:10 PM
Posted 23 April 2008 - 02:31 PM
UPKFiles go in UTGame\unpublished\CookedPC (need -useunpublished) or UTGame\published\CookedPC
Posted 23 April 2008 - 02:39 PM
Still not working, .upk is now in UTGame\unpublished\CookedPC, i am using -useunpublished, so my names must be wrong
the .ini:
My .upk is called "UTUI_FrontEnd_EnforcersForever.upk"
and when i open it my scene is called "EnforcersForeverMutUI"
the .ini:
[EnforcersForeverMut UTUIDataProvider_Mutator] ClassName=EnforcersForever.EnforcersForeverMut FriendlyName="Enforcers Forever" Description="Gives you one of three random enforcers to start. *Configurable*" GroupNames= UIConfigScene=UTUI_Frontend_EnforcersForever.EnforcersForeverMutUI bStandaloneOnly=False bRemoveOn360=False bRemoveOnPC=False bRemoveOnPS3=False [EnforcersForever.EnforcersForeverMut] bDual = 1 AmmoMult = 100 ROFMult = 100 MomentumMult = 100 [MPEnforcer UTUIDataProvider_Weapon] ClassName=EnforcersForever.MPEnforcer AmmoClassPath= Flags= FriendlyName=MPEnforcer Description= MeshReference= bRemoveOn360=False bRemoveOnPC=False bRemoveOnPS3=False [SnipEnforcer UTUIDataProvider_Weapon] ClassName=EnforcersForever.SnipEnforcer AmmoClassPath= Flags= FriendlyName=SnipEnforcer Description= MeshReference= bRemoveOn360=False bRemoveOnPC=False bRemoveOnPS3=False [StanEnforcer UTUIDataProvider_Weapon] ClassName=EnforcersForever.StanEnforcer AmmoClassPath= Flags= FriendlyName=StanEnforcer Description= MeshReference= bRemoveOn360=False bRemoveOnPC=False bRemoveOnPS3=False [UI_EnforcersForeverConfig_Options UIEditorOptions] WindowPosition=(X=-4,Y=-4,Width=1288,Height=1002) DataStoreBrowserSashPosition=0 ViewportGutterSize=0 VirtualSizeX=1024 VirtualSizeY=768 bRenderViewportOutline=True bRenderContainerOutline=True bRenderSelectionOutline=True bRenderPerWidgetSelectionOutline=True bRenderTitleSafeRegionOutline=False mViewDrawBkgnd=False mViewDrawGrid=True bViewShowWireframe=False bSnapToGrid=True bShowDockHandles=True ToolMode=23731 GridSize=8
My .upk is called "UTUI_FrontEnd_EnforcersForever.upk"
and when i open it my scene is called "EnforcersForeverMutUI"
Posted 23 April 2008 - 03:07 PM
4 days, and I've finally got it working, thanks for the help.
I hadn't saved the changes last time, so I was trying to access an outdated UIscene with a different name
I hadn't saved the changes last time, so I was trying to access an outdated UIscene with a different name
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