after speaking with Luke, I implemented the prototype of CameraVolume.
What is CameraVolume?
When a playerController enters the volume, his Point Of View switches to CameraVolume Point Of View. The cameravolume is linked to a cameraActor which become CameraVolume's Point of View.
2 ways to set the CameraActor:
- add a CameraActor in the Map set cameratag field and set the same tagname in CameraVolume properties
- set relative position and rotation to a camera which will spawned when game start
2 CameraActors are currently available
- fixedCameraActor: fixed location and rotation
- rotateCameraActor: fixed location rotation (face the PlayerOwner)
Here is a video of the rotate camera: Rotate Camera
class DataRun_CameraVolume extends PhysicsVolume placeable; var DataRun_FixedCameraActor cameraActor; enum CameraActorType { TYPE_FIXED, TYPE_ROTATE }; enum CameraType { TYPE_EXTERNAL_CAMERA, TYPE_MANUAL_CAMERA }; var() CameraType camType; var(ExistingCamera) string cameraTag; var(OwnCamera) CameraActorType camActorType; var(OwnCamera) vector cameraRelativePosition; var(OwnCamera) rotator cameraRelativeRotation; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { local box ActorBox; local DataRun_FixedCameraActor a; switch(camType) { case CameraType.TYPE_MANUAL_CAMERA: cameraRelativePosition += location; cameraRelativeRotation += rotation; //GetComponentsBoundingBox(ActorBox); switch(camActorType) { case CameraActorType.TYPE_FIXED: cameraActor = Spawn(class'DataRun_FixedCameraActor', self,,,,, TRUE); break; case CameraActorType.TYPE_ROTATE: cameraActor = Spawn(class'DataRun_RotateCameraActor', self,,,,, TRUE); break; } cameraActor.SetLocation(cameraRelativePosition); cameraActor.SetRotation(cameraRelativeRotation); break; case CameraType.TYPE_EXTERNAL_CAMERA: foreach WorldInfo.AllActors(class'DataRun_FixedCameraActor', a) { if(a.cameraTag == cameraTag) { cameraActor = a; break; } } } LogInternal("CameraActor: "$cameraActor); } event PawnEnteredVolume(Pawn Other) { if(PlayerController(Other.Controller) != None) { cameraActor.PC = UTPlayerController(Other.Controller); UTPlayerController(Other.Controller).MatineeCameraClass = class'DataRun_FixedCamera'; UTPlayerController(Other.Controller).SpawnCamera(); UTPlayerController(Other.Controller).PlayerCamera.SetViewTarget(cameraActor); } } event PawnLeavingVolume(Pawn Other) { if(PlayerController(Other.Controller) != None) { UTPlayerController(Other.Controller).MatineeCameraClass = none; if(UTPlayerController(Other.Controller).PlayerCamera != None) { UTPlayerController(Other.Controller).PlayerCamera.SetViewTarget(Other); UTPlayerController(Other.Controller).PlayerCamera.Destroy(); UTPlayerController(Other.Controller).PlayerCamera = none; } } } function Vector getVolumeCenter() { local box ActorBox; local Vector diagonal; GetComponentsBoundingBox(ActorBox); diagonal = ActorBox.Max - ActorBox.Min; return diagonal / 2; } defaultproperties { camType =TYPE_MANUAL_CAMERA camActorType = TYPE_ROTATE }
class DataRun_FixedCameraActor extends DynamicCameraActor placeable; var() string cameraTag; var PlayerController PC; simulated function GetCameraView(float DeltaTime, out TPOV OutPOV) { GetActorEyesViewPoint(OutPOV.Location, OutPOV.Rotation); OutPOV.FOV = FOVAngle; } defaultproperties { cameraTag="DataRun_FixedCameraActor"; }
class DataRun_RotateCameraActor extends DataRun_FixedCameraActor placeable; simulated function GetCameraView(float DeltaTime, out TPOV OutPOV) { super.GetCameraView(DeltaTime, OutPOV); if(PC == None) return; OutPOV.Rotation = rotator(PC.Pawn.Location-Location); } defaultproperties { cameraTag="DataRun_RotateCameraActor"; }
class DataRun_FixedCamera extends Camera;
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