and the button does appear in game see
but when you click on the button nothing happens
this is the code for aragorns ini what i've added from theodens
ChildObject GondorAragornMP GondorAragorn End ; Theoden on a horse Object Aragorn ; *** ART Parameters *** ; NOTE: If you are updating any of the art parameters, you should really check ; GondorCavalryRiderless in FactionSubObject.ini and see if it needs to be updated ; SelectPortrait for Heros is portrait behind skill buttons. HP = HeroPortrait. SelectPortrait = HPAragorn ; ButtonImage for Heros is button image on Hero Select UI to select hero. HI = HeroIcon or HeroImage. ButtonImage = HIAragorn Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_01 StaticModelLODMode = yes; Will append M or L to the skin name depending on GameLOD ;Removed non-armored horse textures ;-------------------------------------------------- ;RandomTexture = exaragornanduril.tga ;RandomTexture = g_arrow.tga ;RandomTexture = guaragorn_rotk.tga ;RandomTexture = cuhorse_bna.tga ExtraPublicBone = PASSENGERBONE DefaultModelConditionState Model = guargnhrs_sknb.w3d WeaponLaunchBone = PRIMARY PASSENGERBONE End DependencySharedModelFlags = TURN_LEFT_HIGH_SPEED TURN_RIGHT_HIGH_SPEED MOVING ACCELERATE DECELERATE TURN_LEFT TURN_RIGHT ATTACKING BACKING_UP SELECTED ;Temp state for Leadership Glow efx test only AnimationState = DEBUG;shift delete to trigger Animation AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_IDLA AnimationMode = ONCE End ParticleSysBone = BAT_HHEAD glowHorseGold FollowBone:Yes ParticleSysBone = B_HHIPL glowHorseRearGold FollowBone:Yes ParticleSysBone = BAT_SPINE2 glowGold FollowBone:Yes End IdleAnimationState Animation = IdleA AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_IDLA AnimationPriority = 20 AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 15 End Animation = IdleB AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_IDLB AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 15 End Animation = IdleC AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_IDLC AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 15 End End ; --- stunned anims AnimationState = FREEFALL Animation = freefall AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_FLYC AnimationMode = LOOP End Flags = RANDOMSTART End AnimationState = STUNNED_FLAILING Animation = JustDie AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_FLYC AnimationMode = LOOP End Flags = RANDOMSTART End AnimationState = PASSENGER Animation = grabbed AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_GBDA AnimationMode = LOOP End Flags = RANDOMSTART End AnimationState = STUNNED Animation = Land AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_LNDA AnimationMode = ONCE End End AnimationState = STUNNED_STANDING_UP Animation = StandUp AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_GTPA AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.5 1.5 End End AnimationState = DYING SPLATTED Animation = Land AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_LNDA AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 2 End FXEvent = Frame:2 Name:FX_SplatDust End ; This is the no-spawn-horse type of death AnimationState = DYING; DEATH_2 Normally has DEATH_2, but just as a backup don't insist Animation = JustDie AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_DIEA AnimationMode = ONCE End End ; This is what happens when Theo gives his rousing speech AnimationState = MOVING USING_SPECIAL_ABILITY Animation = RousingSpeech AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_WLKB AnimationMode = LOOP End ;;ParticleSysBone = None CalvaryDustTrails End AnimationState = TURN_LEFT_HIGH_SPEED Animation = TurnLeft AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_TNL1 AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationSpeedFactorRange= 1.8 1.8 AnimationBlendTime = 20 End End AnimationState = TURN_RIGHT_HIGH_SPEED Animation = TurnLeft AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_TNR1 AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationSpeedFactorRange= 1.8 1.8 AnimationBlendTime = 20 End End AnimationState = MOVING TURN_LEFT Animation = TurnLeft AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_TRNL AnimationMode = LOOP End ;;ParticleSysBone = None CalvaryDustTrails End AnimationState = MOVING TURN_RIGHT Animation = TurnRight AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_TRNR AnimationMode = LOOP End ;;ParticleSysBone = None CalvaryDustTrails End AnimationState = MOVING ACCELERATE Animation = Accelerate AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_ACCL AnimationMode = LOOP End ;ParticleSysBone = None CalvaryDustTrails End AnimationState = MOVING DECELERATE Animation = Decelerate AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_DECL AnimationMode = ONCE End ;ParticleSysBone = None CalvaryDustTrails End AnimationState = MOVING WALKING Animation = Walk AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_WLKA AnimationMode = LOOP End Flags = RANDOMSTART ;ParticleSysBone = None InfantryDustTrails End AnimationState = MOVING BACKING_UP Animation = BackingUp AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_BAKA AnimationMode = LOOP End Flags = RANDOMSTART ;ParticleSysBone = None InfantryDustTrails End AnimationState = MOVING Animation = RunA AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_RUNA AnimationMode = LOOP End Flags = RANDOMSTART ;ParticleSysBone = None CalvaryDustTrails End AnimationState = ATTACKING Animation = AttackA AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_ATKA AnimationMode = ONCE End Animation = AttackB AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_ATKB AnimationMode = ONCE End Flags = RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE End ; AnimationState = REALLYDAMAGED ; Animation = DamagedIdle ; AnimationName = ; AnimationMode = ONCE ; AnimationBlendTime = 15 ; End ; End AnimationState = USING_SPECIAL_ABILITY Animation = RousingSpeech AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_SPCA AnimationMode = LOOP ;AnimationBlendTime = 149 ;AnimationMustCompleteBlend = yes End End AnimationState = SELECTED SimilarRestart = Yes StateName = AtAttentionIdle Animation = ATNB AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_IDLH AnimationMode = LOOP End BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "Idle" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_Select") end if Prev == "AtAttentionIdle" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_Select") end EndScript End TransitionState = TRANS_Select Animation = ATNA AnimationName = RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_ATNA AnimationMode = ONCE End End End ; NOTE, PLEASE: If you are changing this unit in any way, you should consider changing ; GondorCavalryRiderless in FactionSubObject.ini ; ***DESIGN parameters *** Side = Rohan EditorSorting = UNIT ThreatLevel = 5.0 TransportSlotCount = 1 BuildCost = 1000; BuildTime = 30 ArmorSet Conditions = None Armor = HeroArmor DamageFX = NormalDamageFX End WeaponSet Conditions = None Weapon = PRIMARY TheodenSword End VisionRange = VISION_STANDARD_HORSE ShroudClearingRange = SHROUD_CLEAR_STANDARD DisplayName = OBJECT:RohanTheodenMounted CrusherLevel = 0;Can I crush anything? MountedCrusherLevel = 1;Crush level when mounted. CrushableLevel = 2;What am I?: 0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = cavalry/heroes MountedCrushableLevel = 2;Crusable level when mounted. RamPower = 30; RamZMult = 0.5; CommandSet = TheodenCavalryCommandSet CommandPoints = 1 ; *** AUDIO Parameters ***; VoiceAttackStructure = TheodenVoiceAttackBuilding VoiceAttackCharge = TheodenVoiceAttackCharge VoiceAttack = TheodenVoiceAttack VoiceCreated = TheodenVoiceSalute VoiceFear = TheodenVoiceHelpMe VoiceMove = TheodenVoiceMoveMounted VoiceMoveToCamp = TheodenVoiceMoveCamp VoicePriority = 86 VoiceSelect = TheodenVoiceSelect VoiceSelect2 = HeroVoiceSelect2 VoiceSelectBattle = TheodenVoiceSelectBattle VoiceGuard = TheodenVoiceMove SoundCrushing = RohirrimCrushing; Sound made when crushing another unit underhoof SoundImpact = ImpactHorse ;SoundMoveStart = GondorHorseMoveStart ;TheodenVoiceDismountHobbit ;TheodenVoiceFavor ;TheodenVoiceGloriousCharge ;TheodenVoiceJoinHobbit ;TheodenVoiceModeFoot ;TheodenVoiceModeMount ;TheodenVoiceRespawn ;TheodenVoiceSpeech ;TheodenRousingSpeechEnd (old speech?) UnitSpecificSounds VoiceGarrison = TheodenVoiceGarrison End EvaEventDamagedOwner = UnitUnderAttack;Eva event to trigger when unit is damaged EvaEventDieOwner = TheodenDie;Eva event to trigger on unit's death. NOTICE THAT this is only for permanent deaths ClientBehavior = AnimationSoundClientBehavior ModuleTag_AnimAudioBehavior MaxUpdateRangeCap = 800 AnimationSound = Sound: FootstepDirtA Animation: GUFaramir_SKL.GUFaramir_RUNB Frames: 2 12 AnimationSound = Sound: HorseMoveFootsteps Animation: RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_RUNA Frames: 0 AnimationSound = Sound: HorseMoveFootsteps Animation: RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_TNL1 Frames: 0 AnimationSound = Sound: HorseMoveFootsteps Animation: RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_TNR1 Frames: 0 AnimationSound = Sound: HorseWhinny Animation: RUHHs_Theo_SKL.RUHHs_Theo_IDLC Frames: 3 End ; Tie into LargeGroupAudio system Behavior = LargeGroupAudioUpdate ModuleTag_LGAU Key = Human Unit Cavalry End ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters *** RadarPriority = UNIT ThingClass = CAVALRY_UNIT KindOf = HERO PRELOAD SELECTABLE CAN_CAST_REFLECTIONS CAVALRY SCORE INFANTRY Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02 MaxHealth = 1200 ;BALANCE Knight Health MaxHealthDamaged = 600 RecoveryTime = 5000 End Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_03 AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes ATTACK_BUILDINGS End LocomotorSet Locomotor = HeroHumanLocomotor Condition = SET_NORMAL Speed = 33 End LocomotorSet Locomotor = HeroHorseLocomotor Condition = SET_MOUNTED Speed = 90 End Behavior = AttributeModifierAuraUpdate ModuleTag_Leadership StartsActive = No;If no, requires upgrade to turn on. BonusName = TheodenPassiveLeadership TriggeredBy = Upgrade_TheodenLeadership RefreshDelay = 2000 Range = 120 ObjectFilter = ANY +CAVALRY +INFANTRY +HORDE -HERO -DOZER -HERO End Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_TheodenLeadership SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityFakeLeadership TriggeredBy = Upgrade_TheodenLeadership End Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_TheodenLeadershipUpdate SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityFakeLeadership UpdateModuleStartsAttack = No StartsPaused = Yes ;AttributeModifier = TheodenPassiveLeadership ;AttributeModifierRange = 200 ;AttributeModifierAffectsSelf = Yes ;AttributeModifierAffects = ANY +CAVALRY +INFANTRY ;AttributeModifierFX = FX_TheodenSpeechFX End Behavior = AttributeModifierAuraUpdate ModuleTag_HeroRadiateFear StartsActive = No;If no, requires upgrade to turn on. BonusName = HeroRadiateFear TriggeredBy = Upgrade_HeroRadiateFear RefreshDelay = 2000 Range = 120 TargetEnemy = Yes ObjectFilter = ANY +ORC End Behavior = PhysicsBehavior ModuleTag_04 GravityMult = 1.0 End Behavior = HeroDie ModuleTag_HeroDeath SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilitySmite;the special power that I recharge by dying End Behavior = SquishCollide ModuleTag_06 ;nothing End Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_99 SinkDelay = 3000; Should be >= DestructionDelay; spawned objects are responsible for sinking SinkRate = 0.60; in Dist/Sec DestructionDelay = 10000; MUST BE EQUAL TO LENGTH OF DIED ANIMATION DeathTypes = NONE +SPLATTED End ; 66% chance of die & horse-runs-away, 33% horse dies too Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_07 ; Die-and-spawn-horse number 1 SinkDelay = 30000; Should be >= DestructionDelay; spawned objects are responsible for sinking SinkRate = 0.40; in Dist/Sec DestructionDelay = 3000; MUST BE EQUAL TO LENGTH OF DIEB ANIMATION DeathTypes = ALL -SPLATTED OCL = FINAL OCL_TheodenCavalryDeathRunAwayB ProbabilityModifier = 33 DeathFlags = DEATH_1; Tell model which death animation to play. Sets BOTH model condition and object status bits. End Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_08 ; Die and don't spawn horse DeathTypes = ALL -SPLATTED SinkDelay = 3000 SinkRate = 0.40; in Dist/Sec DestructionDelay = 10000 ProbabilityModifier = 33 DeathFlags = DEATH_2; Tell model which death animation to play. Sets BOTH model condition and object status bits. End Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_09 ; Die-and-spawn-horse number 2 SinkDelay = 30000; Should be >= DestructionDelay; spawned objects are responsible for sinking SinkRate = 0.40; in Dist/Sec DestructionDelay = 2000; MUST BE EQUAL TO LENGTH OF DIED ANIMATION DeathTypes = ALL -SPLATTED OCL = FINAL OCL_TheodenCavalryDeathRunAwayD ProbabilityModifier = 33 DeathFlags = DEATH_3; Tell model which death animation to play. Sets BOTH model condition and object status bits. End Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_10 SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityRousingSpeech UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes InitiateSound = TheodenRousingSpeech End Behavior = RousingSpeechUpdate ModuleTag_11 SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityRousingSpeech StartAbilityRange = 8.0 UpdateInterval = 100 ;UnpackTime = 700 ;PreparationTime = 100 ;PersistentPrepTime = 500 ;PackTime = 233 ApproachRequiresLOS = No ModifierName = RohanCharge ObjectFilter = ANY +CAVALRY -STRUCTURE BonusRadius = 250 SpeechDuration = 2500 ; UniqueBenefactorLabel = LordOfTheMark; This makes sure multiple Theodens are not cumulative ; Bonus ; Type = EXTRA_MAX_HEALTH ; Duration = 15000;msec ; Amount = 1.2 ; End LeaderFX = FX_TheodenSpeechFX FollowerFX = FX_TheodenFollowerFX CreateWave = Yes WaveWidth = 50 End ;;; KINGS FAVOR;;; Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_KingsFavorEnabler SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityKingsFavor TriggeredBy = Upgrade_TheodenKingsFavor End Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_KingsFavorSpecialPowerModule SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityKingsFavor StartsPaused = Yes UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes End Behavior = LevelGrantSpecialPower ModuleTag_KingsFavor SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityKingsFavor UnpackingVariation = 2 StartAbilityRange = 200.0 ; LevelFX = FX_PorterDeliver LevelFX = FX_LevelUp Experience = 50 RadiusEffect = 150 AcceptanceFilter = ANY +CAVALRY +INFANTRY -STRUCTURE -CASTLE_KEEP -BASE_FOUNDATION -HERO -MOVE_ONLY UnpackTime = 500 PreparationTime = 1 FreezeAfterTriggerDuration = 500; Hold AI for this long after we fire. End ; Behavior = TransportContain ModuleTag_TransportContainTag ; ObjectStatusOfContained = UNSELECTABLE ; PassengerFilter = NONE +HOBBIT ; Slots = 1 ; ShowPips = No ; AllowEnemiesInside = No ; AllowNeutralInside = Yes ; AllowAlliesInside = Yes ; DamagePercentToUnits = 0% ; TypeOneForWeaponSet = HOBBIT ; PassengerBonePrefix = PassengerBone:PASSENGERBONE KindOf:HOBBIT ; EjectPassengersOnDeath = Yes ;; ConditionForEntry = AnimState: MOUNTED ; End Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_SpecialAbilityGrabPassenger SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityGrabPassenger UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes ;InitiateSound = End Behavior = SpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_SpecialAbilityGrabPassengerUpdate SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityGrabPassenger StartAbilityRange = 8.0 UnpackTime = 300; This does not match the animation, but looks good. PreparationTime = 1; touching it to grabbing it PersistentPrepTime = 630; grabbing it to whacking it on the ground (if shrubbery) PackTime = 1000; whacking it to holding it nice ;CustomAnimAndDuration = AnimState:EATING AnimTime:3000 TriggerTime:1400 AwardXPForTriggering = 0 End Geometry = CYLINDER GeometryMajorRadius = 16.0 GeometryMinorRadius = 16.0 GeometryHeight = 20.0 GeometryIsSmall = No Shadow = SHADOW_DECAL ShadowSizeX = 30; ShadowSizeY = 21; ShadowTexture = ShadowI; ; So the question you need to ask yourself is: do I need to change GondorCavalryRiderless? ; Well, do ya, punk? End ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ChildObject GondorAragornCavalry GondorAragorn Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_W3DModelDrawInWorldBuilder ;When in Worldbuilder, show the mounted version of Theoden! OkToChangeModelColor = Yes DefaultModelConditionState ;Model = RUHHs_Theo_M ;WeaponLaunchBone = PRIMARY PASSENGERBONE Model = None End ModelConditionState = WORLD_BUILDER Model = RUHHs_Theo_M End End Behavior = ToggleMountedSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_HorseToggle SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityToggleMounted TriggerInstantlyOnCreate = Yes;Instantly puts Theoden on a horse. UnpackTime = 2000 PreparationTime = 1 PersistentPrepTime = 250 PackTime = 2000 OpacityTarget = .3; How see-thru to be at peak of change ; PackSound = ; UnpackSound = ; TriggerSound = ; PrepSoundLoop = AwardXPForTriggering = 0 End ClientBehavior = AnimationSoundClientBehavior ModuleTag_AnimAudioBehavior MaxUpdateRangeCap = 800 AnimationSound = Sound: HorseWhinny50Percent Animation: GUGdfHrs_SKL.GUGdfHrs_IDLC Frames: 0 End ; *** AUDIO Parameters ***; ;VoiceMove = TheodenVoiceMoveMounted ;SoundMoveStart = GondorHorseMoveStart ;TheodenVoiceDismountHobbit ;TheodenVoiceFavor ;TheodenVoiceGloriousCharge ;TheodenVoiceJoinHobbit ;TheodenVoiceModeFoot ;TheodenVoiceModeMount ;TheodenVoiceRespawn ;TheodenVoiceSpeech ;TheodenRousingSpeechEnd (old speech?) ShadowSizeX = 30; ShadowSizeY = 21; End
this is the code for aragorns command set what i've edited
CommandSet GondorAragornCommandSet 1 = Command_SpecialAbilityAthelas 2 = Command_SpecialAbilityBladeMaster 3 = Command_AragornFakeLeadershipButton 4 = Command_SpecialAbilityElendil 5 = Command_SpawnOathbreakers 6 = Command_TheodenToggleMounted 13 = Command_AttackMove 14 = Command_Stop 15 = Command_Guard End
and i also just add the w3d thing to the art folder thing
if im totally wrong could some one tell me where to begin?
Edited by legoceleborn, 05 May 2008 - 03:31 AM.