ingame nor has the basilisk crew been fixed yet this is mainly due to an unfortunate turn of events
leading to the purchase of Super Smash Bros. Brawl (best game ever btw.)
Needless to say work has been somewhat stalled because of it.. it should pick up some speed
in a few weeks tho.. (hopefully.. i repeat.. awesome game )
So yeah we didn't manage to put it ingame yet but that doesn't mean we can't show a render to you.
Also i mentioned I'd post some more Basilisk pictures and for what its worth here they are
(again without animated bits mind you). And as a bonus I decided to slap in a render of some
of our Civil models aswell.
Shouldn't be too long before the next update.. but until next time, enjoy these screens and..
Emperor Protects.
Edited by Boomerang Python, 18 May 2011 - 09:33 AM.