Since the day I first layed eyes on BFME (and then subsequently on BFME II which I bought a year later) I have been making plans for a mod that I think could turn out to be one of the most awesome ever established for BFME II. I decided that I didn't want to go ahead and make it without some degree of experience in the BFME modding field, however, so I took up coding and decided to join in with another mod - SEE - to gain insight on the runnings of the game and the functions of the different lines of code and scripting that the game itself contains. I also didn't want to go ahead and post some massive 'I'M DOING A NEW MOD AND I WANT CODERS, MODDERS, ETC ETC ETC ETC' post to start this whole thing off either as I thought that wasn't really going to get me anywhere and that a degree of civilised introduction to other members of this forum was due before any sort of planning could begin.
So, moving swiftly on to the mod itself: I propose (not so simply) this: to convert the BFME II into a game that allows players to control different races from the TV show Dr.Who (ah GOD I love that show - watched it since I was yae high...) - including the Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans, Autons etc across different places in the show, whether it be from the underground city on planet Skaro to Big Ben in London City. The game is based mostly around Skirmish battling (though a campaign battle COULD be designed if everyone wants one, but that takes a hell of a lot of work and the skirmishes are going to be hard enough as it is) and does not include CaH. WotR may be included, but it will be converted into a version of the Time War if possible at a later date.
I have a ton of ideas for this mod but I will not even begin to list them on this topic until everyone has given me feedback on their views and opinions on the whole thing and maybe even decided to go ahead and sign up for modding positions.
I call this mod the BFME II: DOCTOR WHO mod, simply because that's the name of the TV show and I haven't got enough imagination to think up a better name!
However if there are any fans of the show who want to suggest ideas for a different mod name, don't hesitate to tell me because everyone's ideas count.
-thanks everyone
Edited by Dr.Kirk, 28 August 2008 - 01:19 PM.