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a little help?

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#1 spy46

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Posted 12 November 2008 - 06:21 AM

so i had to wipe my computer not long ago, still downloadedin some things here and there, any ways i thought i got every thing that i had to but now i have a small probelm.

when i try to compile my mod, i get a message saying that the mod XML is missing, how do i fix it?

and yeah yeah i know, im a noob ect so you dont have to remind me of it.

#2 Golan

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Posted 12 November 2008 - 12:19 PM

There´s two things that might cause this:
1. You´re running Buildmod.bat without a correct parameter. You have to run the bat with the name of your mod as a parameter, otherwise the program won´t know what to do.
If you don´t want to go through the hassle of having to use command prompt every time, you can create a second bat to run Buildmod.bat for your mod automatically. Just create a new bat (rename a .txt) and enter a command similar to this:
BuildMod.bat SecondDawn

2. You haven´t got a valid mod.xml or you´ve placed it in the wrong folder. See the SDK documentation on how to create a mod.xml and where to put it.

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#3 spy46

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Posted 12 November 2008 - 03:52 PM

thts what i did.

when i uploaded my beta i renamed it 1.0 and forgot to chance it back ................... it just became a habit for me.

thanks yet again golan :good:

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