Things like him commenting on his growing insanity and events leading up to the last entry...
so here goes:
Personal Journal
Written, Illustrated, and Property of: Zhar Cadavok
The writings within this tome are a congregation of the chronicles of my life, i am writing this as a reference for myself and others who seek the same goals as me... eternal life.
About the Author
I(Zhar) was born to a poor family on the outskirts of Durren Hill. My memories of them are foggy, but i recall that i had my parents and a younger sibling of whom i do not know their name. When i was about five years of age the plague struck, and my family dropped of like flies. I Believe my father went first, then my mother and sibling at the same time shortly after that.
I have but one memory of awaking in the cold arms of my mother, with hers and my brothers dead eyes staring up at me. It was a particularly traumatic experience, and has instilled in my an unreasoning fear of death. It is from this single event that i believe my drive from immortality comes from. When i had grown to manhood i chose to join the order of dark magi, where i learned of many spells those of 'the light' would refuse to use. But i did not find what i was looking, and so expanded my search, i learned of summoning magics, light agics, and various other magics, though to not as great a depth as the dark magics, finding that these bough greater fruit in my quest for immortality then light or healing magic ever did.
Eventually i struck out on my own, and began my personal studies. it is now that you find me thus, ordering any findings within this Journal in the hope that i will one day make the discovery i so hope for.
-Findings in The Dark Arts
-Healing magics and light
-Magic Properties, and the effects of magical life extensions
-Longevity Among Other Races
-Earth Magic, and its uses in extending life
-Summoning Research
-Demons, and how they can help
-Diary Entries
-Personal Notes
((ok, so i wont really go through all those things, but i still felt like getting into character and including an index in Zhars book))
Edited by some_wierdGuy, 18 November 2008 - 07:59 AM.