A lot of Generals stuff was left over and some of it even works in BFME.
I am going to attach my list of BMFE enums I found all these in game.dat it took ages to list them all so I hope they are useful.
Some of them I don't know how they work because I never really played generals so if there are any generals players that can explain some these it will help.
On top of the enum list I have found where the behaviours are listed a lot I didn't know about i'm going to be testing some of these out to see what works,so if you're a coder please try and help me figure these out, and again generals players will be of help here.
EvacuateDamage SpecialPowerCreate SupplyWarehouseCreate SupplyCenterCreate PreorderCreate LockWeaponCreate TemporarilyDefectUpdate AudioLoopUpgrade AttributeModifierUpgrade ModelConditionUpgrade MaxHealthUpgrade ExperienceScalarUpgrade WeaponBonusUpgrade RadarUpgrade DelayedUpgrade LevelUpUpgrade BaseUpgrade WanderAIUpdate TransportAIUpdate RadarUpdate BoneFXUpdate HijackerUpdate ProneUpdate SlavedUpdate OCLUpdate SpawnPointProductionExitUpdate WeaponSetSpecialAbilityUpdate BattlePlanUpdate ShareExperienceBehavior CivilianSpawnUpdate DemoTrapUpdate LaserUpdate FloatUpdate FireSpreadUpdate DestroyEnvironmentUpdate RainOfFireUpdate RadiusDecalUpdate DynamicShroudClearingRangeUpdate DeletionUpdate StealthDetectorUpdate AutoFindHealingUpdate AssistedTargetingUpdate KeepObjectDie SpecialPowerCompletionDie UpgradeDie RefundDie CreateCrateDie HeroDie CrushDie FXListDie DestroyDie SlaveWatcherBehavior ReplenishUnitsBehavior SupplyWarehouseCripplingBehavior PoisonedBehavior FireWeaponWhenDamagedBehavior PropagandaTowerBehavior ContestableContain HorseHordeContain HealContain CritterEmitterUpdate CaveContain ClickReactionBehavior BridgeTowerBehavior BridgeScaffoldBehavior
Some of these I know,most I don't.
This not the full list but a sampling.
and finally I found some code for the AutoHeal_Module (or whatever it was called) I haven't tested these yet but they maybe of interest
AffectsWholePlayer HealOnlyOthers
I hope this helps coders I will post more when I find it