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Unofficial v1.1.1 Bug Tracking Thread

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#1 Guest_StarWars_*

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Posted 28 December 2008 - 01:55 AM

Since Phoenix wanted a new one...and I had some bugs to say, I created a new Bug Thread for version 1.1.1

-Leia's Star Destroyer, Rebel Dream, seems to only be upgraded to IMP II, I thought you wanted all hero ships fully upgraded? Or did you decide otherwise?
-Garm Bel Iblis no longer has the Peregrine

-For the Rebel Heroes, could you use an upgraded barloz for them, so they can get around in 1.0 hyperdrive like the Imperial Heroes.
-Do all troops move at 4.0 hyperdrive...pretty slow :p when your moving them from Mon Cal. to Ossus in the Shadow Hand campign....

#2 Guest_StarWars_*

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Posted 28 December 2008 - 03:42 AM

For the above posts, those bugs were from Operation Shadow Hand Campign and so are these...
-Imperials don't build space colonies on their new worlds
-Also it seems that units don't build faster even when you have more construction docks(Ex. One Space Station 2 builds the same ship at the same time as Four Space Stations 2s would) Though I haven't actually done a good test on it...I'll try it later

#3 X4ldin

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Posted 28 December 2008 - 03:17 PM

As stated in the other report thread but for v1.1.1

A few bugs
> on the Thrawn Camapign GC I was able to build Obi-wan on Jomack as the Empire
> Pellaeon's description was missing on most of his upgrades and once i'd upgraded him to the Chimaera I could build another Pellaeon
> not sure if its a bug but the ai (on medium) would attack straggling planets I had left to be conquered (Its a waste trying to defend them all), destroy my space defences then leave even though there were no ground buildings or troops...

#4 cromy

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Posted 28 December 2008 - 09:41 PM

Aside from the occasional exception error after a bit of playing i've repeatedly gotten an exception error on the land battle for Yavin 4 as the imperials when the retreat timer comes upso i can't auto resolve it now that i've gotten involved in the combat.
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#5 Guest_StarWars_*

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Posted 28 December 2008 - 10:03 PM

Some more from Operation Shadow Hand
-There is a typo on the Metellos description. Ditizens instead of Citizens
-There is no Executor II-class Star Dreadnaught upgrade.

#6 feld


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Posted 28 December 2008 - 11:02 PM

Game crashing exception error:
GC - Core Campaign
Playing as Galactic Empire
Conducted raid on Kalist VI with Kam Solusar three times and crash occurred each time. Don't see any particular reason why or when.

Raiding party composition:
1st and 2nd time:
Kam Solusar
2x Stormtrooper units
1x AT-AT unit

3rd time:
Kam Solusar
2x AT-AT unit
1x Stormtrooper units

Exception logfile excerpt:
"Exception in thread C6C - Main Thread
The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Attempt to write to address 00000040"

Whole file available on request (PM me if it is desired)

overall, having a great time otherwise. Core campaign is *slightly* laggy on 2.5 GHz Dual Core with 3 GB RAM.

back to the Core Sieges!!

#7 RyanK

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Posted 28 December 2008 - 11:36 PM

In Operation Shadow Hand, i went as the rebels and i hit the option to research the Republic class star destroyer. But instead of making it buildable, it just made one unit appear above the planet (Metellos) with the description of the research option.....so it built the research. I don't know yet if this happens with other ships.

#8 coinich


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Posted 28 December 2008 - 11:50 PM

I believe the Executor and Sovreign II variants were removed.

#9 cromy

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Posted 29 December 2008 - 01:00 AM

I believe the Executor and Sovreign II variants were removed.

Aye they are even says so in the readme.

And i do believe ditizens is a literary term used to describe less than lawful citizens at least thats how i've seen it used
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#10 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 29 December 2008 - 04:49 AM

The Land Battles, when some units see another unit, they attack from a ridiculous Long range like from across the map. Even on some maps, when theres turbolaser towers active, When I get some units on the field, they'll be destroyed when touchdown. Even also, they try to shoot the units through walls, Which they can't.

#11 Corran Horn

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Posted 29 December 2008 - 07:22 AM

I have to say I do not care how much time and effort you put into this mod, it is terrible. The mod does not even auto save and when you try to save it manually it says save failed not enough disk space. What a joke. It takes more than 10 full minutes for the game to load and then you cannot play it because you cannot save. The lag is horrible and I get like 5 frames per second. I cannot even move the map around it jumps around like I am working on a 486 computer. I love how I click time to go forward and I cannot tell if the game is going because the week goes so slow with all the lag. Do not even try to hit the fast button, it is slower than the normal speed button. I did do the defrag, no luck. I did remove the old PR and the failed 1.1 and added the 1.1.1 and still it did not work. At least I do not get an exception that crashes my computer. However, I still get an exception when I move a fleet to battle. For some strange reason it minimizes FOC into the task bar and if I click FOC it goes back to full screen and I can still play. But who cares, I cannot save and thus the mod is utterly useless. I am sorry to say this, but people working on this mod need to get a clue.

#12 RyanK

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Posted 29 December 2008 - 08:05 AM

The mod is still very playable though, even on my computer which only has 1.6 ghz cpu and 512 MB ram. As for the saving problem that people have encountered, for some reason, i never got that, even with only 1.1 Lag isn't all that bad if you play the smaller GC's and for the loading time, if you don't want to sit there and wait, go get a drink or something and by the time that you get back it will probably be done.
Yes there will granted be issues and bugs with mods (especially detailed ones like this done by only 2 (3?) people), but that is what these forums are for, so that the problems can be ironed out. As far as i am concerned, PR seems to still be a working progress that is constantly improving.

Sorry if this seems like a rant. :p

#13 A1Dasdfsdkli4r2

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Posted 29 December 2008 - 09:08 AM

I have to say I do not care how much time and effort you put into this mod, it is terrible. The mod does not even auto save and when you try to save it manually it says save failed not enough disk space. What a joke. It takes more than 10 full minutes for the game to load and then you cannot play it because you cannot save. The lag is horrible and I get like 5 frames per second. I cannot even move the map around it jumps around like I am working on a 486 computer. I love how I click time to go forward and I cannot tell if the game is going because the week goes so slow with all the lag. Do not even try to hit the fast button, it is slower than the normal speed button. I did do the defrag, no luck. I did remove the old PR and the failed 1.1 and added the 1.1.1 and still it did not work. At least I do not get an exception that crashes my computer. However, I still get an exception when I move a fleet to battle. For some strange reason it minimizes FOC into the task bar and if I click FOC it goes back to full screen and I can still play. But who cares, I cannot save and thus the mod is utterly useless. I am sorry to say this, but people working on this mod need to get a clue.

This forumis about constructive critisisim, not bitching and pissing like you are, it doesn't help anyone do anything about your little problems. Did you make an account just to bitch? I see you posted before about bugs, so did you do this for attention? I mean come on.... I bet half your problems are because your probably running on an old ass computer. Half the crap you spewed you could say about Crysis if you tried to run it on that 99 cent comp you got.

#14 Guest_StarWars_*

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Posted 29 December 2008 - 10:57 AM

I have to say I do not care how much time and effort you put into this mod, it is terrible. The mod does not even auto save and when you try to save it manually it says save failed not enough disk space. What a joke. It takes more than 10 full minutes for the game to load and then you cannot play it because you cannot save. The lag is horrible and I get like 5 frames per second. I cannot even move the map around it jumps around like I am working on a 486 computer. I love how I click time to go forward and I cannot tell if the game is going because the week goes so slow with all the lag. Do not even try to hit the fast button, it is slower than the normal speed button. I did do the defrag, no luck. I did remove the old PR and the failed 1.1 and added the 1.1.1 and still it did not work. At least I do not get an exception that crashes my computer. However, I still get an exception when I move a fleet to battle. For some strange reason it minimizes FOC into the task bar and if I click FOC it goes back to full screen and I can still play. But who cares, I cannot save and thus the mod is utterly useless. I am sorry to say this, but people working on this mod need to get a clue.

That is really rude...
1. If you don't like the mod THERE IS NO REASON to come here and complain
2.This is a bug thread, not your personal attack thread
3.If you read the forums you would understand the lag is from Phoenix trying to add some last minute things that he didn't have to add, but he wanted to make the mod extra special and he is fixing it.
4.If you try Operation Shadow Hand you should not get any lag problems
5.And for the fast button, big deal, I couldn't click the fast button even at 1.0, go grow up

#15 Tropical Bob

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Posted 29 December 2008 - 11:29 AM

> on the Thrawn Camapign GC I was able to build Obi-wan on Jomack as the Empire

PR said that he forgot to change the text and image values to C'baoth's, so that's really Joruus, but with the name and picture of Obi-wan.

> Pellaeon's description was missing on most of his upgrades and once i'd upgraded him to the Chimaera I could build another Pellaeon

It looks to me as if PR tried to make all the heroes rebuildable...After poking around a bit, it looks as if this should be the case with any other upgradeable hero. Are you having this problem with any others, or just Pellaeon?

#16 X4ldin

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Posted 29 December 2008 - 11:33 PM

I wondered if it might be Joruus C'baoth but I thought i'd mention it,

As for the rebuildable heroes, I only upgraded Pellaeon due to the large build times on a 3 planet conquer GC but I shall try to go on it sometime tomorrow and check with Thrawn etc., is there a list of available heroes per GC?

Also as a side note, I noticed Pellaeon has the 13X before he gets the Chimaera, I thought he got the 13X after the Thrawn campaign/after the Chimaera? As no-one would want to downgrade to a Victory-class and he got the Chimaera back perhaps it should be removed - just a suggestion :grin:

#17 Tropical Bob

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Posted 30 December 2008 - 12:18 AM

As for the rebuildable heroes, I only upgraded Pellaeon due to the large build times on a 3 planet conquer GC but I shall try to go on it sometime tomorrow and check with Thrawn etc., is there a list of available heroes per GC?

You can check the two stickied campaign threads about Thrawn and Shadow Hand in General Discussion, which has an unfinished list of heroes.

Also as a side note, I noticed Pellaeon has the 13X before he gets the Chimaera, I thought he got the 13X after the Thrawn campaign/after the Chimaera? As no-one would want to downgrade to a Victory-class and he got the Chimaera back perhaps it should be removed - just a suggestion :grin:

He commanded the Chimaera again later as well. The instance I remember was the Battle of Bastion against the Yuuzhan Vong, and I don't think the books mentioned him commanding anything else specific after that.

#18 RyanK

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Posted 30 December 2008 - 01:19 AM

About my previous post regarding the research of the Republic class building the research and not actually researching the unit. I restarted a campaign, beginning at tech level one and researched the Quasar class and it worked the way it should, so i don't know if it is only the republic class or if there are also others that do this. Has anyone else come across this issue?

#19 Guest_StarWars_*

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Posted 30 December 2008 - 02:52 AM

Singularity is really messed up. It only fires 2 of its main turbolaser batteries. Also it doesn't put on the special ability of missle defense(its fighters do, just not the ISD) This happened on Kuat, Operation Shadow Hand Campign, and he was the entering starting force(since you can't bring him in from reinforcements)

Speaking of reinforcements will the heroes ever be able to enter into battle via the reinforcement tab???

#20 Ghostrider


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Posted 30 December 2008 - 02:32 PM

Got a new hero bug.

I raided a planet with Garm Bel Iblis and 2 infantry companies.
Instead of Garm's monster vehicle, I got 35 infantry units instead!!!! (and when I clicked the Garm Icon in the panel all 35 infantry units lit up)

A nice surprise to be sure, but not really right!

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