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Proposed Patch 1.07 Balance Changes

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#1 Fenemarche

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Posted 20 January 2009 - 09:44 PM

EA have given us an insight into some changes that we can expect in the forthcoming patch 1.07. The primary purpose of this patch seems to be to balance out the air dominance of Allies and to give Empire a better fighting chance before tier 3.
Suggested nerfs to the allied air include a speed nerf to the Apollo fighter, and perhaps most importantly a longer reload time for the Vindicator, more than doubling the amount of time between bombing runs.
Empire will receive some fixes to their Secret Protocols and a lower cost to reach tier 3, amongst some other changes.
They also won't have to worry so much about Flakblade harassment now, as Twinblades receive a health nerf, and can now only transport 3 flak troopers each. On the positive side for soviets, the Conscript's gun may now have some use as there is a proposed 25% damage increase to it.

Read all of the proposed changes here, as posted by an EA developer on the GameReplays forums. Bare in mind these are only the propsed changes at this stage, nothing is final!

Parachuting drop speed increased.

The range bonus applied to infantry in garrisons reduced to 25% (was 100%).

Aircraft Return To Base speed boost reduced to 25% from 50%.

Allied Vindicator (unupgraded) reload time increased to 15s from 5s
Allied Vindicator (upgraded) reload time increased to 10s from 3.5s.

Allied Apollo speed reduced to 225 from 250.
Allied Apollo now twice as vulnerable to attack from units other than the Mig, Tengu, and other Apollos.
Allied Apollo ammo reduced by 25%.

Allied Century Bomber reload time increased by 50%

Allied Multigunner Turret (ungarrisoned) damage versus infantry reduced by 50%.

Allied IFV cost reduced to 800 from 900.

Allied Aircraft Carrier Drone health doubled.

Allied Assault Destroy build cost reduced to 1500 from 1800.

Japan Burst Drone vulnerability to FLAK & AUTO_CANNON damage reduced by 25%.

Japan Imperial Warrior armor penalty while Bonzai Charging removed.

Japan Balloon Bomb reload time now increases based on its level.

Japan Final Squadron reload time now increases based on its level.

Japan Enhanced Kamikaze damage done to friendly units reduced by 50%

Japan Defender-VX base defense unpack time halved.
Japan Defender-VX base defense transform cool-down time reduced to 2 seconds from 15.

Japanese Production Structures (Barracks, Naval Yard, War Factory) gain 25% health with each tech level purchased.

Japan Barracks Egg cost decreased to 500 from 750.
Japan Barracks T3 upgrade build time reduced to 30s from 60s.

Japan Power Plant cost reduced to 800 from 1000.

Japan Naval Yard T3 upgrade build time reduced to 30s from 60s.

Japan War Factory T3 upgrade build time reduced to 30s from 60s.

Japan Mainframe Core build cost decreased to 2500 from 3000.
Japan Mainframe Core unpack time increased to 30s from 16s.

Soviet Bullfrog Man-Cannon launch speed increased.

Soviet Conscript gun damage increased by 25%.

Soviet MiG speed reduced to 200 from 225.
Soviet MiGs now twice as vulnerable to attack from units other than the Mig, Tengu, and other Apollos.

Soviet Ultratorpedo damage reduced to 300 from 400. Damage now tapers to 100 at the edge of the blast radius.

Soviet Twinblade health reduced to 500 from 600.
Soviet Twinblade passenger capacity reduced to 3 from 5.

#2 Rygar


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Posted 22 January 2009 - 11:10 AM

Thanks. I guess this patch will be a big fail if all air units mentioned above get nerfed so badly.

Are these downgrades necessary? I guess no.
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#3 Fenemarche

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Posted 22 January 2009 - 02:14 PM

I personally think they are necessary from an empire PoV, I mean they just get totally owned by allied air dominance. But with so many changes, it could lead to the empire being too overpowerd again. Maybe they will nerf empire sea as well to balance it out. Lets wait and see :p

#4 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 22 January 2009 - 04:49 PM

Or just buff those damn AA units.. especially Bullfrog :p

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