Divide and Conquer Part II
Posted 24 January 2009 - 10:00 AM
Thus if I ever wanted to conquer ALL 158 planets I'll have to play "modded" PR 1.0 - nevertheless it looks pretty nice, despite some "lack of challenge" on pirate planets, but that's OK.
However, what I really like very much in mods for 1.0 are the following things:
1. Larger view of the Galaxy - the planets are much bigger and it's easier to pick a fleet on a planet that is very close to next one (which was a serious pain especially in the crowded area around Coruscant - some dozen of planets or more but I couldn't see from which one I'm picking my forces...) - I suppose that was DAImp's graphics mod (not sure of that as I've installed some other mods compatible with him, but it seems that to me) - is it possible to make the same thing for PR 1.1? Maybe he could help? (or just wait until a PR 1.1 - compatible version of his mod is released, if ever...) It's really impressive and I like it veeery much.
2. I also like the idea (from PR Enhanced I suppose) of limitinhg mining facilities to 1 per planet except planets with Mining Colonies ability, which could accomodate 4 mines - thus conquest of Mining Colonies was vital for increasing the money assets for each faction.
Just some ideas, though... yet I think the PR is really mind-blowing mod!
Posted 24 January 2009 - 10:19 PM
You could always try the Galaxy Far Far Away Full campaign. Just note that it's not endorsed by the mod staff and will probably strangle your computer to death.Thus if I ever wanted to conquer ALL 158 planets I'll have to play "modded" PR 1.0 - nevertheless it looks pretty nice, despite some "lack of challenge" on pirate planets, but that's OK.
However, what I really like very much in mods for 1.0 are the following things:
1. Larger view of the Galaxy - the planets are much bigger and it's easier to pick a fleet on a planet that is very close to next one (which was a serious pain especially in the crowded area around Coruscant - some dozen of planets or more but I couldn't see from which one I'm picking my forces...) - I suppose that was DAImp's graphics mod (not sure of that as I've installed some other mods compatible with him, but it seems that to me) - is it possible to make the same thing for PR 1.1? Maybe he could help? (or just wait until a PR 1.1 - compatible version of his mod is released, if ever...) It's really impressive and I like it veeery much.
2. I also like the idea (from PR Enhanced I suppose) of limitinhg mining facilities to 1 per planet except planets with Mining Colonies ability, which could accomodate 4 mines - thus conquest of Mining Colonies was vital for increasing the money assets for each faction.
You can change that by going into GameConstants.xml and changing the <GM_Initial_Pullback_Distance> tag value. I believe in v1.0, it was 750, and DalMP changed it to 450 or so. I personally liked it around 650; if you zoom in too much you have to scroll around like no other.
In v1.1, that sort of limitation might just get you killed, as you need all the money you can get at the beginning. But if that's you're thing, you can change that in SpecialStructures_Mining_Facility.xml by changing the <Build_Max_Instances_Per_Planet> tag value from -1 to 1.
Posted 25 January 2009 - 03:24 AM
Posted 25 January 2009 - 04:13 AM
Posted 25 January 2009 - 06:20 AM
Unfortunately, freighters do become the basic sole source of income on a planet.Think of it in more generic terms. The factories aren't (and shouldn't be) producing income since they're busy making units, so that basically leaves mines as the sole economic structure in terms of the game. In my view, buildings should be the foundation of the economy rather than ships, but all PG really gave us to work with for income is a fixed amount (freighters), a percentage of the planetary income (mines), and a bonus multiplier for special planets (mining colonies), so it's rather limited. That and freighters don't quite work like I had wanted them to (see SoaSE for a good approximation... they actually move), so I'd rather de-emphasize them.
OH!!! New idea: make freighters need a mining facility on the planet's surface in order to be produced. That way, in a sense, the mining facility is the source of income. Then perhaps, if it's possible (Though I don't think it is), you can cap freighters at a certain number per mining facility, simulating the mining facility's max efficiency.
Whoops, my bad on giving you the wrong line.OK, thanks!
BTW: the tag responsible for galaxy view seems to be the one:
PR 1.1's:<GMC_InitialPullbackDistance>750.0</GMC_InitialPullbackDistance>
Posted 25 January 2009 - 10:10 AM
OK, tghanks for replies.
Thus if I ever wanted to conquer ALL 158 planets I'll have to play "modded" PR 1.0 -
Not entirely accurate........ if you felt so inclined like I did you can simply mod the original v1.1 GFFA and trim it yourself. I kept all of the planets and simply trimmed the amount of units. I eliminated the lag and kept a good scroll speed. Now I had to work the last 3 days so I didn't get a chance to see if the AI would build units or not.
Personally I will keep my version and just work it a little. I generally just sit in one corner of space and let the enemy come to me after building a good defense so we'll see how it works out.
Edit: When I say I trimmed I mean I went through every single planet individually trimming units. I basically got rid of the bulk of the fighters and kept the larger ships. Next I'm going to work on adding the fighters back to respawning from the space stations so I can eliminate them from initial load all together. Now PR and Ghost possibly might have tried this so if you have please let me know your results.
Edited by cpl0311, 25 January 2009 - 10:26 AM.
Posted 25 January 2009 - 01:45 PM
To whose post does this sentence refer?assume you either A haven't tried it or B didn't meet with success.
Mine or someone's else?
BTW: in fact I'd like to play "full 158-planets but trimmed" campaign; if any result of Your work is available for play/test I'm interested in having chance to play it.
#55 Guest_Guest_Pred the Penguin_*_*
Posted 26 January 2009 - 08:29 AM
If you believe you got it right, you can post it on the site.Not entirely accurate........ if you felt so inclined like I did you can simply mod the original v1.1 GFFA and trim it yourself. I kept all of the planets and simply trimmed the amount of units. I eliminated the lag and kept a good scroll speed. Now I had ................
Posted 26 January 2009 - 02:06 PM
If you believe you got it right, you can post it on the site.Not entirely accurate........ if you felt so inclined like I did you can simply mod the original v1.1 GFFA and trim it yourself. I kept all of the planets and simply trimmed the amount of units. I eliminated the lag and kept a good scroll speed. Now I had ................
Please note if you want the 158 planet version of the mod, you need to download the modders pack and use GFFA Full. (not supported due to increased lag though) -
Although trimming content works just as well, try the Full version if your system can handle it as I up-tweaked the number of cruisers and destroyers to compensate for the loss in small-ship firepower. I also added more fleet carrier types to give increased fighter presence as just trimming content alone tends to leave few fighter craft in play.
The revised maps are en-route to PR as I write, so expect a short announcement from me on this in a day or so.
Posted 29 January 2009 - 10:07 PM
If you believe you got it right, you can post it on the site.
I don't really think it's a matter of right or wrong. It's a matter of what some machines will handle and others won't. I simply tailored the game to suit what my machine could take. It takes a lot of time and I hit a lot of bumps, some that I'm not sure how to fix yet.
Ghost did you ever try experimenting with stations that spawn fighters?
Posted 30 January 2009 - 08:58 AM
Ghost did you ever try experimenting with stations that spawn fighters?
No - mostly I leave the actual ship/station stats to PR - I'll make suggestions - but he does the final conversions. I have enough work just choosing and placing ships to make a full campaign.
Also for the sake of continuity, I want stations to spawn basic common fighters, but use individual craft to add character to individual planets.
It's easy enough to change though. Just scroll down and edit the compliments.
Posted 05 February 2009 - 08:24 PM
I'll have to look into increasing the impact of mining and/or increasing the population cost of freighters then.To be fair PR, freighters already control my income.
I can prevent them from being built without having a mining facility present, but I can't really cap them, so not sure if it's worth it... Good idea on paper though.OH!!! New idea: make freighters need a mining facility on the planet's surface in order to be produced. That way, in a sense, the mining facility is the source of income. Then perhaps, if it's possible (Though I don't think it is), you can cap freighters at a certain number per mining facility, simulating the mining facility's max efficiency.
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