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#1 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 09 February 2009 - 09:29 AM

Ok, so i saw this on another forum, and with a slight tweek im setting one up here (in that one one person did all the 'rping' while others just voted)

So what you do is i will make a post, and at the end have a few different options, we then take a quick vote, and then someone else posts the next part of the adventure and the next set of options.

You wake up, the cool filtered air rushing past you as the lid on your high tech coffin opens wide. He step forward dazed an confused, in the background you hear quite music. Elevator music you think to yourself as you listen to its gentle rhythm and soft instrumental work.
"Welcome" said a cold computerised voice
"if you look to your left you will see an light blue line, please follow it to the next chamber" your eyes are still adjusting, but you can make out the sharp brightness of a white room, and as your vision clears further you realise you are naked. You jump and try to cover yourself up, your eyes finally working again.

The room, while not large, is relatively empty, the only distinguishing features, besides its lack off, is a bulbous camera up in one corner, and your cylender-like capsule which is already beginning to close, and a light blue line which travels across the floor and up a wall to a large circular door. the sleek white look of the place seems super modern, and too... pure, for your taste.

At a loss for what else to do, you follow the blue line. The door opens automatically as you approach, leading to a T in the path, directly infront of you the blue line leads to a pedistool with a button on it. Above the button in big bold red letters it reads "do not touch the button". There is an arrow pointing left, it appears hand drawn, as if in a hurry and underneath in scrappy writing says "this way". The computer voice then speaks to you once more "proceed to the right"

what do you do?

1. Press the button, the temptation is just to much to resist!
2. listen to the computer and go right, its obviously the correct way
3. you have a gut feeling you should go left, and you are going to follow it

Ok, now the voting begins, obviously we aren't going to wait for ever, so get in quick. After we are decided the next person who wants to go can write up the next part, (following on from whatever our choice is, of coarse), and then at the end put in another choice for us to vote on
(and it doesn't have to be three options, it can be more or less, thats just how many i chose to do)

Also, try to keep this at a fairly high stnadard, and dont let it degrade into stupidity.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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#2 Black Temple Gaurdian

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Posted 09 February 2009 - 07:26 PM


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according to our determinedly dopey Prime Minister Mr Brown, Obama also has a beach in Normandy named after him. If that can't win you an election, what can?

#3 Rafv Nin IV

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Posted 10 February 2009 - 06:24 AM


And you should make a poll, so that this doesn't just have a crapload of votes for posting.

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#4 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 10 February 2009 - 07:08 AM

Can you edit polls?
Cause i thought you couldn't, and seen as there is going to be a lot of voting i left out a poll and instead did it this way...

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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#5 Vortigern


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Posted 10 February 2009 - 03:22 PM

No, you can't change the votes in a poll. I've got a better suggestion for this. Why don't we do it so that one person leaves 3 options and the next person has to choose an option and then write up what happens. That way it's actually a game and not "Vote for what SWG should write about". Be all like:

Option 2, shoot him in the face.

You shoot him in the face and he keels over, dead. In the distance, you hear the sound of a police siren, coming closer. It may be coincidence, but you have a gut feeling they're coming to where you are, and if they find you with a gun and a corpse you're pretty much fucked. What do you do?


Sound better, guys?
I hope I am a good enough writer that some day dwarves kill me and drink my blood for wisdom.

#6 Black Temple Gaurdian

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Posted 10 February 2009 - 09:04 PM


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according to our determinedly dopey Prime Minister Mr Brown, Obama also has a beach in Normandy named after him. If that can't win you an election, what can?

#7 Vortigern


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Posted 10 February 2009 - 09:21 PM

Awesome, then let's begin.

3. Turn left. You turn left as the arrow dictates and walk down the corridor before you. Suddenly the floor gives way beneath you, dropping you down a level or two into a stone room with some crazy-ass pictures on the walls, two of which have doors in them. You look around and notice some strange things, like a desk covered in all sorts of contraptions. Do you:

1) Fuck about with whatever you find on the desk.
2) Ignore the desk and go through the door on the left.
3) Take shit from the desk and go through the door on the right.
I hope I am a good enough writer that some day dwarves kill me and drink my blood for wisdom.

#8 Rafv Nin IV

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Posted 10 February 2009 - 11:55 PM

1. Fuck about with whatever you find on the desk.

You cover the distance to the desk in two long strides, and pick up a glass orb. The orb is filled with a silver liquid and is ridiculously heavy; you feel as if you are working out at the gym just lifting it. It has a black stopper on it. You set the orb down. Gazing at the desk, you see a sheet of plywood covered by random articles of junk. After uncovering it, you discover that it is a giant mousetrap, primed and ready to fire. Where cheese typically goes is a massive hamburger that would put every fast food restaurant in the world to shame.

Do you:
1) Go for the hamburger! It's gonna taste so good!
2) This is stupid. You're going through one of those doors.
3) It's been a while since you've bathed, and that mysterious liquid is such an opportunity.

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#9 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 11 February 2009 - 03:40 AM

That way it's actually a game and not "Vote for what SWG should write about".

that was never the idea!

So what you do is i will make a post, and at the end have a few different options, we then take a quick vote, and then someone else posts the next part of the adventure and the next set of options.

Also, Ravnin, your mouse fetish is kinda disturbing, i also believe i asked for this not to degrade into stupidity, and i count giant mouse traps with a hamburger on the end as stupidity.

Anyway, Vort, the idea was we get 3 or 4 votes then the next person gets to write up what happens when we chose the voted-on option
but whatever.

Also, i get this really 'rushed' feeling from your posts, as if what you detail as happening happened in only a couple of seconds of the characters time, this was meant to be some serious creative storytelling, and although i dont expect anyone to have to write up one as long as my first, it would be nicer if they were more then a few seconds of 'character time', also, continuation between post was suppose to be pretty well kept, so no one writing 'and then they woke up and it was all a dream' or anything like that.

anyway, i will continue from where you lot have directed it:

2) This is stupid. You're going through one of those doors.
You walk out, wondering what strange little man with a mouse fetish ever thought of a giant mousetrap with a hamburger, and who would ever be stupid enough to fall for it. The voice once again rings out
"very good, you have passed your first test. It helps to separate... the men from the mice" the joke was said without emotion. You follow the corridor and find a set of overalls suspended in some sort of futuristic force field
"feel free to cover yourself, most subjects find a certain level of discomfort while naked" you put on the overalls
"please proceed along the path way to your next destination, all your questions will be answered in the fullness of time" in the fullness of time, why does that make you feel like you wont be getting any answers for a long time?

you walk to another fork in the road, but this time there is more then just 2 ways. each is numbered from 1 to 9, but aside from that all look exactly the same. The computerised voices talks once more "just follow the path"

which do you take?
or 9.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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#10 Black Temple Gaurdian

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Posted 11 February 2009 - 10:22 PM

7. As you proceed along the hallway a door enters sight. Upon stepping through bright metal rings flash up around you. After the rings dissapear and your sight returns you find yourself in a room with only a door and a table. From the door a metalic sculting sound can be heard getting every closer, on the table are various weapons.

1) Investigate the sound
2) Pick up a machine gun
3) Pick up a submachine gun
4) Pick up a grenade launcher
5) Pick up a strange looking energy weapon
6) Look for another way out

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according to our determinedly dopey Prime Minister Mr Brown, Obama also has a beach in Normandy named after him. If that can't win you an election, what can?

#11 Rafv Nin IV

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Posted 12 February 2009 - 12:01 AM

6) Look for another way out.

You quickly scan the room for an escape route, as the sounds outside the door indicate that something ferocious wants to interfere with your living. Spotting none, you drag the table over to the door and jam it to buy some extra time. Whatever is outside the door begins shaking it, sending tremors down it and threatening to burst in any moment. Finally, you spot the heating vent, and rip the cover off of it. Lowering yourself into it, you discover that it is larger than normal: plenty of room for yourself to crawl around. After navigating through the vents for a few minutes, you bust out into another room. A voice sounds from nowhere and everywhere at once, "Good. You have passed that section of the test. Your insistence on exhausting peaceable alternatives before resorting to violence will be quite useful."

After adjusting your eyes to the new room, which is much brighter than the heating vents were, you notice that there is a corridor in front of you, with a metal plate dividing it horizontally, with one tunnel from the floor to the plate, and another from the plate to the ceiling.

Do you:
1) Take the top tunnel.
2) Take the bottom tunnel.
3) You hate crawling. You're just going to sit down and do nothing at all!

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#12 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 12 February 2009 - 05:04 AM

you take the top tunnel, it makes no difference to you. you crawl for a while, the air is getting hotter, and thicker the further you go, and the light less and less. As you crawl though suddenly spikes begin to pierce the walls at random intervals, you rush forward as fast as you can, as spikes poke closer and closer. you are just about to be skewered when the vents floor falls out from under you.

You fall down to the floor hard, and when you get up you see you are in an empty room, with a single light focusing on a button, just like the one you saw before. Like the other time it has in big red letters "do not touch the button", you look around at a loss for what to do, when you notice in the corner a vent, next to the vent is some more messy writing, it says "button bad, must escape"

what do you do?

1. press the button, the vent is way to small to get into, even if you could take off its case
2. try and jump back up into the vent in the ceiling, sure it seems to high to reach, and has spikes, but you are determined!
3. try and force open the case and squeeze into the other vent, you can just fit.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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#13 True Lord of Chaos

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Posted 12 February 2009 - 06:08 AM

3. Try and force open the case and squeeze into the other vent, you can just fit.

You closely observe the case, and see a deadbolt but no visible keyhole. You look around, and see a metal pipe on the floor. You pick it up and start hitting the case as hard as you can, and eventually it pops open. You climb in, and start crawling. 'Damn, I'm glad I forgot to eat breakfast this morning,' you think to yourself. After climbing for several minutes, you hear some humming from behind you. You twist around a bit and notice that several gun barrels are poking through the back of the vent. To your right, you see a small hole in the wall with a box of grenades. It seems big enough to fit you. But farther ahead, you see an opening in the floor of the vent.

1. Push out the grenade box and hide in the gap.
2. Take a grenade and throw it at the barrels, and hide in the hole until the grenade goes off.
3. Crawl hastily towards the opening in the floor.

Hello everyone. I am back.

#14 Black Temple Gaurdian

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Posted 12 February 2009 - 07:11 PM

2. As you hide in the hole the grenade detonates.After crawling out the opening in the floor you find yourself facing a familiar sight. Nine doors, each is numbered from 1 to 9, but aside from that all look exactly the same. The computerised voices talks once more "just follow the path"

which do you take?

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according to our determinedly dopey Prime Minister Mr Brown, Obama also has a beach in Normandy named after him. If that can't win you an election, what can?

#15 Copaman



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Posted 12 February 2009 - 07:53 PM

7. You follow the path through the seventh door into a brilliant white room. As you walk further in, the door slams shut behind you, and when you check, it is locked. As you explore the large circular room, you note a pedestal in the middle of the room. You walk up to it, and there are three flashing buttons to press: a green one, a blue one, and the ever-present big red button.

Do You:

1. Press the green button. Green means go, right?
2. Press the blue button. Blue is a pretty color...
3. Press the big red button. Take the chance...
4. Sit around and starve.
5. Pound on the locked door, hoping you can eventually knock it down.

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If you meet me:

Have some courtesy,

Have some sympathy,

And some taste.

Use all your well-learned politesse,

Or I'll lay your soul to waste.

#16 some_weirdGuy


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Posted 13 February 2009 - 03:33 AM

You press the green button, hoping that green is considered the opposite of red in this situation, and not blue. From the roof came hydrolic arms, which lower four turrets down to surround you. the arms retract, and you are left with four sleek machines of death, staring you down. you hold completely still and wait with your eyes squeezed shut expecting them to riddle you with bullets any second. Nothing happens, you reopen your eyes and look as the turrets remain stationary, fixed to the floor. Unfortunatly there is nothing you can do about them. There is no cover, no way out, and you cant push over the turrets. you look back to your only options

1. Red, the red button might put them back away
2. Try the blue, blue seems safer then red

Edited by some_wierdGuy, 13 February 2009 - 03:37 AM.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" -Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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#17 True Lord of Chaos

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Posted 13 February 2009 - 05:39 AM

2. Try the blue, blue seems safer then red

'Whatever happened to opposite colors having opposite meanings?' you think to yourself as you hastily slam the blue button with your fist. The barrels retract, and you hear a computerized voice.
"You lack good judgment, thinking that opposite colors have opposite meanings. That isn't always true. You will pay the price for that."
'What is that supposed to mean?' you think.
"10 seconds to drop."
"What the fuck?!" You see a button and a parachute sitting in a corner.
"9, 8, 7..." You look at your options.

1. Take the parachute, you're gonna fall after all.
2. Press the button, it may be an override.

Hello everyone. I am back.

#18 Black Temple Gaurdian

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Posted 13 February 2009 - 11:43 AM

2. You press the button and hear something fold away. Just then the floor opens and you fall. Luckily the floor is soft and cushony so no damage done. When you stand up though, you hear a cracking sound and look down to discover that you have just snapped some dead guy's body wrist. He looks like he was shot alot, perhaps it was lucky you pressed that button after all. There appears to be a small grate to the left and and large doorway to the right, which way do you go?
1) Left
2) Right

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according to our determinedly dopey Prime Minister Mr Brown, Obama also has a beach in Normandy named after him. If that can't win you an election, what can?

#19 Vortigern


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Posted 14 February 2009 - 03:23 PM

1) Left, but not before checking the dead dude for stuff. Unfortunately, he's completely clean, stripped bare and dumped here, and he's been dead quite a while, judging by the way there's nothing but a skeleton left. You crawl through the grate, assuming it will likely lead to somewhere more interesting than the door, and lo and behold, you may have been proved right. There's no way to know, you didn't bother finding out what was behind the door. However, the vent comes to an abrupt end above a grill, below which two sleeping guards are sat in chairs. You have no idea why they're asleep or what they're guarding, but it's probably worth investigating. Do you:

1) Take out the grill softly and silently and try not to wake the guards.
2) Smash out the grill and beat up the guards.
3) Go back and investigate that door in the hope of something easier to deal with.
I hope I am a good enough writer that some day dwarves kill me and drink my blood for wisdom.

#20 Black Temple Gaurdian

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Posted 14 February 2009 - 08:47 PM

1) As you drop down you notice a pot of sleeping pills on the table, it appears the guards have been having rough nights. It an attempt to not wake them up you slip a few into each guards mouth, they won't be waking up any time soon. There is nothing but papers on the table but there are draws in the table.

a) Search the draws
b) Read the papers

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according to our determinedly dopey Prime Minister Mr Brown, Obama also has a beach in Normandy named after him. If that can't win you an election, what can?

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