Anyway, this update centers around the GLA airforce. This first one I'm sure many of you have seen before but I just want to list to be complete.
A low grade intercepter common to all GLA subfactions that currently have an airforce. Packs two AA missile that do enough damage to be a threat but by no means can match US or Chinese aircraft. I will be modifying the texture prior to release to better match the other two aircraft.
Tactical Gunship
This is just a visual replacement for assault's gunship. As of right now the only modification is to the weapon. Rather than all missile landing on top of each other they will scatter similar to how the comanche's rocket pods do. This will lower the damage to some targets but makes it better against groups of targets. (it can generally hit 4 - 9 tanks if they are close enough)
Tactical Bomber
Same model as teh gunship but this version carries small bombs. As with the gunship this is only a visual replacement for demo/chem tactical bomber. Weapon has the same modification to it.
Edited by Rosco9487, 14 February 2009 - 06:09 PM.