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Lag issues, and others.

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#1 Sword_Of_Elisha

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Posted 08 May 2009 - 12:43 PM

Alrighty, I tried looking all over this forum and I haven't found anyone concerned over this, so I'm just gonna put it out there.

This mod works awesome for me in the beginning of the game, but once armies really start rolling and more units are being created, it gets extremely laggy at certain times. Now, I have never lagged before in a Rise of the Witch King game. I run on 3 gigs of ram, and a geforce 8600 graphics card.

So, my thinking is, maybe it's because of the smaller battalion size in some of the factions? That makes them have to create more Battalions and therefore using more commands to control etc. I have no idea if that's how it works but it seemed pretty logical to me. Since they are forced to create way more battalions, it would seem it lags more.

Anyone wanna shed some light on this maybe? I really don't think it's just my computer on this one haha.

Also, as far as units go, it seems like my men just do not retreat when I tell them to. It's like they will move a little bit towards where I want them to run to from a battle, and then they will turn right around and start fighting again. I have lost many a hero this way also and it's ticking me off haha.

Aside from these concerns, I love your mod, and I wish this was the real version and not the crap EA created.
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#2 Sword_Of_Elisha

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Posted 09 May 2009 - 05:40 PM

Also I have some other concerns to address. I don't know if you purposefully did this but, Trolls have got to be the most overpowered units in the game, that goes for regular trolls and especially troll heros. Any melee hero I pit against a troll or troll hero gets killed from the absolute 100% ownage knock-backs that they have. Also, I don't know if you did this on purpose also but, points for powers takes absolutely forever to get. I mean FOREVER haha.

Also, on some occasions the computer completely walls themselves in with all their men and refuses to build a gate.(Gets me very pissed off haha)
But, Despite all this, I still love this game!

pss:::It seems that when you pick rivendell as elves, they take forever to get a archer battalion. All they have is melee, and it takes a while to get melee.

(That was my friends complaint haha)
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#3 {IRS}Athos


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Posted 09 May 2009 - 11:56 PM

I have an issue similar to this... I can play the vanilla at full speed, but RJ gets some lag. Not uber lag... just enough to annoy me. :unsure:

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#4 Sword_Of_Elisha

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Posted 10 May 2009 - 01:27 AM

Haha, This game would be a 100thousand times better if the lag wasn't intense like it is at times. Once huge armies start forming it definitely starts to lag. It's not unplayable but, it's very annoying.
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#5 Devon


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Posted 10 May 2009 - 01:41 PM

It's probably the intense high quality skins. I mean, just compare RJ's gondor soldiers to ea's.

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#6 {IRS}Athos


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Posted 10 May 2009 - 01:58 PM

Yeah... that's probably the issue. :p

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#7 Sword_Of_Elisha

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Posted 10 May 2009 - 02:59 PM

I see, and what about all the other things besides the lag? Haha, have you guys noticed all that as well? I'm just trying to get some feedback on all my concerns. Seems people don't really come on here that much haha.
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#8 Devon


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Posted 10 May 2009 - 03:10 PM

When combo hordes split up, they lose all previous order you gave them, so that could be why the turn around. Otherwise, it's just ea's fault and nothing we can do about it.

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#9 Sword_Of_Elisha

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Posted 10 May 2009 - 05:45 PM

Ea's fault? The real Rise of the Witch King didn't have the problems of no retreat bro. They actually retreated haha.
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#10 Sword_Of_Elisha

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Posted 13 May 2009 - 01:55 AM

Well, After about a week of intense gaming with this mod, I am regretfully going to uninstall it. Sorry guys, but for the issues that I named, this mod is unplayable for me. Troll knockbacks are insane and make everything very frustrating when using heroes. The insane amount of lag once things really start kicking is awful, and I know it's not my computer, I've played the Special Edition Mod and that didn't lag at all, neither does the original patches by EA.

Alas, if in the next patch you can fix these issues, you will once again have a loyal follower :thumbsdownsmiley:

Till that day, I bid thee farewell!
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