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(BFME2 ROTWK) Catwalk passability ?

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#1 Scythiak

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Posted 19 June 2009 - 06:09 AM

Hi all,
While working on my Barad-Dur map I encounter a problem that I have never encounter before and that have eluded me so far. Now I am asking if it's possible to make a "not-meant-to-be-a-bridge" object (in this case Dol Guldur Catwalk) to be use as a passable bridge for units ingame.

See the pic below for a visual explanation;

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Now that I'm on the subject I just experienced a similar problem on another map I'm doing;

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Many thanks in advance,

Edited by Scythiak, 19 June 2009 - 03:34 PM.

#2 Crusard


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Posted 19 June 2009 - 04:26 PM

I'm not super familiar with walkable stuff, but I think you need a plane in the original model (it's like a bounding box) which the Dol Guldur catwalk probably doesn't have.

A possible walkaround would be to place an object that does, such as the walls that come with the game, and hide it using the subobjectsupdate behavior. Then it will look like you're walking over the catwalk (if the catwalk doesn't have a colliding bounding box at least).

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#3 Scythiak

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Posted 19 June 2009 - 08:01 PM

Making the wall invisible means messing with ini files right ?

#4 Sûlherokhh


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Posted 19 June 2009 - 09:58 PM


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#5 m@tt



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Posted 20 June 2009 - 03:04 PM

Alternatively, in Worldbuilder, scale it down to a tiny size. AFAIK, this doesn't affect geometry.
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#6 Scythiak

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Posted 20 June 2009 - 03:48 PM

Right mind to explain me step by step how to make the object invisible; I'm a total nOOb when it come to mess with ini files. Thought I will try matt's idea and see what it give me.

#7 Crusard


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Posted 21 June 2009 - 03:52 PM

Well for someone who hasn't worked with inis before, I can't explain in a way you'd understand since there's A LOT to explain here :shiftee:
First you need to extract the desired wall w3d model with FinalBig and open it up on W3D Viewer to see what's the name of the subobject you need to hide. Then in the code you must override the wall object and apply the subobjectsupdate behavior, triggered by an upgrade given at start so they remove the subobject you found earlier.

I can do it for you if you like, but it's some work :p

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#8 Scythiak

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 08:08 PM

Well I tried m@tt idea by putting cirith ungols walls right under the catwalks but units won't cross the dam thing so my guess is; it does have a collision box. So here comes my next question: is there any chance to remove the collision box ?

Crusard if I go with your idea I'll try do it myself otherwise I won't learn. Thanks for your offer though.

#9 Masterbadeend



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Posted 21 June 2009 - 08:21 PM

I have no idea if it works, but you can also try to delete the geometry of the catwalk. I think you'll know how to do that and if not I'll help you :shiftee: .

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#10 Crusard


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Posted 21 June 2009 - 10:51 PM

Well the explanation is the one I gave you earlier, then you need to use the following behavior in your map.ini:

Object SomeWall; << Use the name of your desired wall object

	Behavior = GrantUpgradeCreate ModuleTag_GiveMyUpgrade
		UpgradeToGrant = Upgrade_GandalfWhite	; Granted at start to trigger the hide behavior. Gandalf has nothing to do with it, it's just a random upgrade that comes with the game I decided to use.

	Behavior = SubObjectsUpgrade ModuleTaaaag_MakeWallInvisible
	TriggeredBy			= Upgrade_GandalfWhite

	HideSubObjects		   = WALLSECTION; Name of the subobject (depends on the model you're using)

	FadeTimeInSeconds		  = 0.0
	RecolorHouse	   	   = No



If you don't know the basics of ini this may make your head hurt.

About the bounding box, I'm not completely sure (someone correct me if I'm wrong) but these are unremovable and have nothing to do with geometry (that is used for construction areas, etc). They come with the model and cannot be changed.

You can view bounding boxes in the WorldBuilder by activating them from View > Influences > Show Bounding Boxes .

Edited by Crusard, 21 June 2009 - 10:58 PM.

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#11 Scythiak

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Posted 24 June 2009 - 07:42 PM

Thank you for your explanation. It's way easier then it seems at first look.

#12 Puppeteer


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Posted 29 June 2009 - 05:44 PM

To solve that 'similar problem', you need stairs going down to the walkable rock section. And make sure the end of the stairs directly corresponds with the rock section. You can't cut it halfway.

#13 Puzzler33

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Posted 05 August 2009 - 03:57 PM

It might work if you use the 'European' bridge (Road tool - Bridges [not Roads]). It's probably the more effective and subtle bridge there is as long as it isn't too big or something.
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