Concussion Missile/Proton Torpedo:
Concussion Missiles are your basic anti-fighter guided weapon. Fast and maneuverable, few ships can avoid these. They can do heavy damage to frigates and light cruisers en masse.
Proton Torpedoes are your basic anti-big stuff guided weapon. With a decent speed, they pack a heavy punch. They cannot target ships smaller than corvettes, however.
- Concussion Missile:
- Damage per shot: 24 (Hull only)
- Range: 2400
- Speed: 500 MGLTs
- Turn Rate: 240 DPF
- Proton Torpedo:
- Damage per shot: 48 (Hull only)
- Range: 2400
- Speed: 250 MGLTs
- Turn Rate: 120 DPF
Rocket/Proton Bomb:
Heavier than the Proton Torpedoes, the Rockets are slower and less common. Even more so for Proton Bombs. These weapons can devastate capital ships with ease, if you can hit them. Neither can target ships smaller than corvettes.
- Rocket:
- Damage per shot: 120 (Hull only)
- Range: 2400
- Speed: 100 MGLTs
- Turn Rate: 60 DPF
- Proton Bomb:
- Damage per shot: 240 (Hull only)
- Range: 2400
- Speed: 50 MGLTs
- Turn Rate: 30 DPF
Plasma Torpedo:
The Turboion Cannons of guided weapons, the Plasma Torpedo burns away shields at a high rate, supporting other weapons rather than doing hull damage. Cannot target ships smaller than corvettes.
- Plasma Torpedo:
- Damage per shot: 240 (Shields only)
- Range: 2400
- Speed: 250 MGLTs
- Turn Rate: 120 DPF
Flechette Missile/Diamond Boron Missile:
Instead of increasing single target damage against low health opponents, the advanced anti-fighter weapons damage all ships in an area. Flechette Missiles don't have any extra single-target damage, while the powerful Diamond Boron Missiles have to punch through the shields as well. Both are rare.
- Flechette Missile:
- Damage per shot: -
- Area of Effect: 50
- AoE Damage: 27 (Hull only)
- Range: 2400
- Speed: 250 MGLTs
- Turn Rate: 240 DPF
- Diamond Boron Missile:
- Damage per shot: 96
- Area of Effect: 100
- AoE Damage: 96
- Range: 2400
- Speed: 250 MGLTs
- Turn Rate: 240 DPF
Mag Pulse Torpedo/Heavy MagnaPulse Cluster Bomb:
Very, very scary weapons. Perversely, they deal no damage to shields or hull, however, they cut the target ship's rate of fire and speed by 75%. The Cluster Bomb is very slow and both are extremely rare.
- Mag Pulse Torpedo:
- Damage per shot: 180 (Energy only)
- Area of Effect: -
- AoE Damage: -
- Range: 2400
- Speed: 250 MGLTs
- Turn Rate: 240 DPF
- Heavy MagnePulse Cluster Bomb:
- Damage per shot: 480 (Energy only)
- Area of Effect: 1200
- AoE Damage: 480
- Range: 1800
- Speed: 100 MGLTs
- Turn Rate: 60 DPF
Baradium Missile:
I believe this weapon is unused in the current version of PR.
- Baradium Missile:
- Damage per shot: 48 (Hull only)
- Area of Effect: 50
- AoE Damage: 48
- Range: 2400
- Speed: 250 MGLTs
- Turn Rate: 120 DPF
Seismic Charge/Heavy Cluster Bomb:
I believe these are activated solely by abilities.
- Seismic Charge:
- Damage: 108
- Area of Effect: 100
- AoE Damage: 36
- Range: -
- Speed: -
- Turn Rate: -
- Heavy Cluster Bomb:
- Damage: 300
- Area of Effect: 600
- AoE Damage: 300
- Range: 600
- Speed: 250 MGLTs
- Turn Rate: -
Self-Destruct Blasts:
The weapon of last resort, it's not used often for obvious reasons. They're quite powerful, though they have to go through shields. The CTF-1 self-destruct is found only on illegal ships.
- GR-75 Medium Transport:
- Area of Effect: 200
- AoE Damage: 600
- BFF-1 Bulk Freighter:
- Area of Effect: 200
- AoE Damage: 1200
- CTF-1 Container Transport:
- Area of Effect: 400
- AoE Damage: 18000 (Shield only)
- Quasar Fire-class Bulk Cruiser:
- Area of Effect: 800
- AoE Damage: 3600