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SEE Campaign proposal

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#1 khamulrulz


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Posted 28 November 2009 - 06:19 AM

I would make the campaign a living world map. I would want the armies to be huge, to represent how large the scale was for the war of the ring, with every hero alive at the start of the war, and none revivable except gandalf (once). the heroes and units are from my 4.8 suggestion thread. i believe that if this campaign were to be put in effect, the result would be sheer AWESOMENESS!!! the armies are listed in order from largest to smallest according to strength (taking into account that monsters and heroes are better than elite units, which are better than regular units, and so forth) the following armies would start at these locations:


Army of the Dwarves (Huge army, starts at Erebor): Dain, Durin, Gimli, Gloin, Thorin, Dwalin + 2 bats each khazad guard, veterans; 3 bats guardians; 4 bats each erebor archers, phalanx, 4 battlewagons; 5 bats miners; 2 catapults

Army of Minas Tirith (Huge army, starts in Minas Tirith): Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir, Beregond, Denethor, Pippin + 2 bats fountain guard; 3 bats citadel guard; 4 bats each gondor soldiers, archers, knights, spearmen; 2 trebuchets

Army of Edoras (Medium army, starts in Edoras): Theoden, Hama, Eowyn, Merry + 2 bats each royal guard, edoras knights; 3 bats rohirrim horse-archers; 2 horse rams

Army of the Eagles (Medium army, starts at Caradhras): Gwaihir; 4 eagles

Army of the Westfold (Medium army, starts at Helm's Deep): Eomer, Theodred, Gamling + 3 bats spearthrowers; 4 bats each riders of the mark, westfold militia, rohan spearmen, yeoman archers; 5 bats peasants; 2 bats stonethrowers

Army of Rivendell (Medium army, starts at Rivendell): Elrond, Glorfindel, Arwen, Frodo, Sam + 2 bats noldor warriors; 4 bats rivendell lancers; 5 bats gardeners

Army of Fangorn (Small army, starts at Fangorn Forest): Treebeard + 3 ents

Army of Lorien (Small army, starts at Lothlorien): Galadriel, Celeborn, Haldir + 2 bats galadhrim warriors; 4 bats each lorien swordsmen and archers

Army of the Fiefs (Small army, starts in Ithilien): Imrahil, Faramir + 2 bats koda; 3 bats each ithilien rangers, ithilien scouts; 5 bats citizens

Army of Mirkwood (Tiny army, starts at Mirkwood): Thranduil, Legolas + 3 bats each mirkwood archers, mirkwood axemen; 4 bats mirkwood spearmen

Army of Lindon (Tiny army, starts at Grey Havens): Cirdan + 3 bats each lindon horse archers and mithlond sentries; 2 ballistas

Army of Dale (Tiny army, starts at Dale - separate map): Brand, Bilbo + 3 bats dale archers; 4 bats dale swordsmen


Army of Minas Morgul (Gigantic army, starts at Minas Morgul): Witch-King, 6 Nazgul, Gothmog + 2 bats black numenorean knights; 2 battering rams, 2 siege towers, 2 catapults

Army of the Black Tower (Huge army, starts at Mordor): Sauron; Mouth of Sauron, Shagrat, Grishnakh + 2 bats black uruks; 3 bats each morannon orc warriors, archers; 5 bats snagas; 2 drummer trolls, 2 mountain trolls, 2 attack trolls

Army of Moria (Large army, starts at Moria): Balrog; Zaghur; Azog, Bolg + 2 bats goblin bodyguards; 3 drummers; 4 bats each goblin warriors, goblin archers, goblin spearmen; 5 bats tunnellers; 2 cave trolls

Army of Harad (Large army, starts at Harad): Suladan, Muthanna, Ubayy + 2 bats serpent guard; 3 bats each hasharii, haradrim archers; 4 bats each haradrim raiders, swordsmen; 2 mumakil, royal mumak

Army of Orthanc (Large army, starts at Isengard): Saruman, Sharku, Wormtongue + 4 bats warg riders; 5 bats snagas; 2 battering rams, 2 ballistas, 2 siege ladders, 2 explosive mines

Army of the Northern Orcs (Large army, starts at High Pass): Rogash; Great Goblin, Golfimbul + 2 bats hobgoblin champions; 3 bats warg riders; 4 wolf packs; 2 mountain giants, 2 troll stone-throwers

Army of Rhun (Medium army, starts at Rhun): Alatar, Pallando, Lorgan, Oldur + 2 bats soldiers of rhun; 3 bats kataphrakts, easterling warriors, 3 wainriders; 4 bats easterling pikemen

Army of the Fighting Uruk-Hai (Medium army, starts at Gap of Rohan): Lurtz, Ugluk, Mauhur + 2 bats deathbringers, 8 berserkers; 3 bats each uruk crossbows, uruk warriors; 4 bats each uruk pikemen, uruk scouts

Army of Dol Guldur (Small army, starts at Dol Guldur): 2 Nazgul, Shelob + 4 bats each gorgoroth skirmishers, trackers, pikemen

Army of the Dragons (Tiny army, starts at Withered Heath): Drogoth; Fire Drake

Army of Umbar (Tiny army, starts at Umbar - new map): Captain Jackson + 4 bats corsairs; 5 bats slaves; 2 ballistas

Army of Dunland (Tiny army, starts at Dunland): Wulf + 3 bats half-orc axemen; 4 bats each dunlending horsemen, pillagers

In this army setup, every hero and unit is used only once, so while some of you may disagree with this, gondor soldiers are only in the minas tirith army, and nowhere else. the way i did it is that armies only get 2 battalions of an anti-hero unit, 3 battalions of an elite unit, 4 battalions of a regular unit, and 5 battalions of a spam unit, with 2 each of a siege weapon or monsters. drummer goblins are counted as elite units. i made the armies so large because this is a real war, and the numbers should be impressive like that. also, the huge contrast in some of the army sizes adds a new level of strategy when attacking.

also, this is much cooler than the current war of the ring mode, because the armies are so much bigger! the smallest army in this planned campaign, dunland, would actually be a three-star (large) army in wotr mode! some cool scenarios arise, as isengard and rohan both have strong armies. minas tirith and minas morgul have some of the largest armies in the game, so early clashes could be interesting there. so which side will you chose, good or evil? (there are only two sides in this campaign)

the skirmish factions would still be the 8 announced ones for 4.8 and beyond.

Edited by khamulrulz, 31 December 2009 - 05:48 PM.

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#2 Uruk King

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Posted 28 November 2009 - 11:02 AM

You have rare imagination, Khamulrulz. ^_^

But please, for the sake of not overwhelming the team with ideas, refine it. Not that I object to your notions, I just think it, if it were to become so, should start small. Grander designs and ideas come later, as to not overwhelm a mod, a similar thing contributed to the befalling RA.

Another thing, why are axemen for the Mirkwood faction? Do you mean the Woodsmen/Beornings?
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#3 khamulrulz


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Posted 28 November 2009 - 12:00 PM

wood elves used axes, i believe. this was seen in the first age as well

and this is just me spewing out ideas that may or not be taken into consideration... its better for me to put them down somewhere before i forget them ^_^

also, i think that this would be in the final beta v, after all the skirmish stuff is done. this includes new factions, units, heroes, and powers.

Edited by khamulrulz, 28 November 2009 - 12:06 PM.

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#4 Ring o' Fate

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Posted 29 November 2009 - 12:19 AM

I personally would like to sub divide them a bit more, for example separate Faramir and the Rangers from Imrahil and the KoDA.
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#5 khamulrulz


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Posted 29 November 2009 - 01:29 AM

hmm... yeah i know the armies could be further subdivided, but i feel that imrahil and faramir have a certain bond, probably stemming from when the KoDA saved faramir's live out on pelennor fields. besides, the fiefdom army is already quite small. this idea may not even be picked up by the dev team, its just me spitting ideas out
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#6 Ring o' Fate

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Posted 29 November 2009 - 05:26 AM

Well, was Imrahil in ITHILIEN? :p
My argument of example. :)
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#7 khamulrulz


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Posted 29 November 2009 - 06:29 AM

we could put that army in "gondor"...
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#8 yams in a can

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Posted 29 November 2009 - 06:52 PM

Imrahil is Faramir's uncle. Imrahil's sister married Denethor.

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To the professor, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.

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#9 khamulrulz


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Posted 29 November 2009 - 10:15 PM

nice one yams, i totally forgot that. so there is the connection. btw, i removed that over-complicated second post.
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#10 Ring o' Fate

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Posted 29 November 2009 - 11:29 PM

...You guys are missing the point. How OFTEN where they together? Once in the War Of The Ring. At MINAS TIRITH. And they technically didn't even FIGHT together.
Edit: And Khamul, just tack on that second post onto the first one.

Edited by Ring o' Fate, 29 November 2009 - 11:30 PM.

A changed man is only the same man with a different outlook of life.

#11 khamulrulz


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Posted 30 November 2009 - 06:45 AM

the second one was unnecessary... i just took the best bits of it and added it to the first.
i know that they didn't fight together, but in my suggestion, that army represents all of the southern fiefs (actually, just ithilien, dol amroth, and lossarnarch). make of it what you will - this is just me spitting ideas out there.
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#12 Arveanor

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Posted 31 December 2009 - 01:56 PM

No offense khamul, but those armies are pretty much wimpy. I'm thinking a good army for the white city would be(excluding heroes, I usually don't bother with them too much): 8 bats gondor knights, 12 bats gondor archers, 8 bats of swordsmen and spearmen, 2 bats of tower guards, and 10 trebs.

If I can have an army looking like this ready to attack the elves from a small outpost of a base in nurn, the white city can have all that and more.

#13 khamulrulz


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Posted 31 December 2009 - 04:41 PM

i honestly don't think that the mod will ever get to a campaign, but i put this out as a general template for a cool war of the ring campaign with a good-vs-evil scenario. obviously you would still be able to use the production buildings to produce more troops, to make an army like your preferred. this is just the starting troops, which are small in number to encourage more production (although it is considerably less wimpy than the current wotr, which doesn't give the same feel as a large campaign would have). if you churn out double the numbers of those units from your production buildings, you could have some nice big-sized armies.
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#14 yams in a can

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Posted 31 December 2009 - 05:10 PM

Doesn't need one, must mods don't even have a campaign. Only reason I think Nazgul wants a campaign is because of the movies. Who here does not want to see all those Mumakil attack all those Rohirrim?

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To the professor, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.

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-yams in a can

#15 isledebananas

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Posted 31 December 2009 - 07:17 PM

I thought they are gonna release heavily scripted fortress maps like Minas Tirith and the like. That should cover those cool scenes from the movies.

#16 khamulrulz


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Posted 01 January 2010 - 06:11 AM

i just think that with the limited resources available this mod will not get past a skirmish-only phase. i would prefer this, because i think a great skirmish mod is better than an average skirmish-plus-campaign mod.
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#17 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 01 January 2010 - 07:25 PM

But SEE is already a great skirmish mod. It can only get better

#18 Archon


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Posted 01 January 2010 - 09:40 PM

Hehe yeah, well said.
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#19 Arveanor

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Posted 14 January 2010 - 01:04 AM

Yeah, the skirmish certainly can get better, but that needs to happen and be done with before any sort of campaign, but I think a couple highly scripted fortress maps would be EPIC :good:

#20 Guest_Matt_*

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Posted 22 April 2011 - 10:41 PM

I have a suggestion for the campaign or a change to war of the ring mode. Could you guys use the Battle for Middle Earth I world map? I think it covers the northern area so you guys would just need to attach the Battle for Middle Earth II maps to a specific area on the world map. The Battle for Middle Earth I world map has good detail I just don't know if you can combine the two parts of two different games?

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