Army of the Dwarves (Huge army, starts at Erebor): Dain, Durin, Gimli, Gloin, Thorin, Dwalin + 2 bats each khazad guard, veterans; 3 bats guardians; 4 bats each erebor archers, phalanx, 4 battlewagons; 5 bats miners; 2 catapults
Army of Minas Tirith (Huge army, starts in Minas Tirith): Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir, Beregond, Denethor, Pippin + 2 bats fountain guard; 3 bats citadel guard; 4 bats each gondor soldiers, archers, knights, spearmen; 2 trebuchets
Army of Edoras (Medium army, starts in Edoras): Theoden, Hama, Eowyn, Merry + 2 bats each royal guard, edoras knights; 3 bats rohirrim horse-archers; 2 horse rams
Army of the Eagles (Medium army, starts at Caradhras): Gwaihir; 4 eagles
Army of the Westfold (Medium army, starts at Helm's Deep): Eomer, Theodred, Gamling + 3 bats spearthrowers; 4 bats each riders of the mark, westfold militia, rohan spearmen, yeoman archers; 5 bats peasants; 2 bats stonethrowers
Army of Rivendell (Medium army, starts at Rivendell): Elrond, Glorfindel, Arwen, Frodo, Sam + 2 bats noldor warriors; 4 bats rivendell lancers; 5 bats gardeners
Army of Fangorn (Small army, starts at Fangorn Forest): Treebeard + 3 ents
Army of Lorien (Small army, starts at Lothlorien): Galadriel, Celeborn, Haldir + 2 bats galadhrim warriors; 4 bats each lorien swordsmen and archers
Army of the Fiefs (Small army, starts in Ithilien): Imrahil, Faramir + 2 bats koda; 3 bats each ithilien rangers, ithilien scouts; 5 bats citizens
Army of Mirkwood (Tiny army, starts at Mirkwood): Thranduil, Legolas + 3 bats each mirkwood archers, mirkwood axemen; 4 bats mirkwood spearmen
Army of Lindon (Tiny army, starts at Grey Havens): Cirdan + 3 bats each lindon horse archers and mithlond sentries; 2 ballistas
Army of Dale (Tiny army, starts at Dale - separate map): Brand, Bilbo + 3 bats dale archers; 4 bats dale swordsmen
Army of Minas Morgul (Gigantic army, starts at Minas Morgul): Witch-King, 6 Nazgul, Gothmog + 2 bats black numenorean knights; 2 battering rams, 2 siege towers, 2 catapults
Army of the Black Tower (Huge army, starts at Mordor): Sauron; Mouth of Sauron, Shagrat, Grishnakh + 2 bats black uruks; 3 bats each morannon orc warriors, archers; 5 bats snagas; 2 drummer trolls, 2 mountain trolls, 2 attack trolls
Army of Moria (Large army, starts at Moria): Balrog; Zaghur; Azog, Bolg + 2 bats goblin bodyguards; 3 drummers; 4 bats each goblin warriors, goblin archers, goblin spearmen; 5 bats tunnellers; 2 cave trolls
Army of Harad (Large army, starts at Harad): Suladan, Muthanna, Ubayy + 2 bats serpent guard; 3 bats each hasharii, haradrim archers; 4 bats each haradrim raiders, swordsmen; 2 mumakil, royal mumak
Army of Orthanc (Large army, starts at Isengard): Saruman, Sharku, Wormtongue + 4 bats warg riders; 5 bats snagas; 2 battering rams, 2 ballistas, 2 siege ladders, 2 explosive mines
Army of the Northern Orcs (Large army, starts at High Pass): Rogash; Great Goblin, Golfimbul + 2 bats hobgoblin champions; 3 bats warg riders; 4 wolf packs; 2 mountain giants, 2 troll stone-throwers
Army of Rhun (Medium army, starts at Rhun): Alatar, Pallando, Lorgan, Oldur + 2 bats soldiers of rhun; 3 bats kataphrakts, easterling warriors, 3 wainriders; 4 bats easterling pikemen
Army of the Fighting Uruk-Hai (Medium army, starts at Gap of Rohan): Lurtz, Ugluk, Mauhur + 2 bats deathbringers, 8 berserkers; 3 bats each uruk crossbows, uruk warriors; 4 bats each uruk pikemen, uruk scouts
Army of Dol Guldur (Small army, starts at Dol Guldur): 2 Nazgul, Shelob + 4 bats each gorgoroth skirmishers, trackers, pikemen
Army of the Dragons (Tiny army, starts at Withered Heath): Drogoth; Fire Drake
Army of Umbar (Tiny army, starts at Umbar - new map): Captain Jackson + 4 bats corsairs; 5 bats slaves; 2 ballistas
Army of Dunland (Tiny army, starts at Dunland): Wulf + 3 bats half-orc axemen; 4 bats each dunlending horsemen, pillagers
In this army setup, every hero and unit is used only once, so while some of you may disagree with this, gondor soldiers are only in the minas tirith army, and nowhere else. the way i did it is that armies only get 2 battalions of an anti-hero unit, 3 battalions of an elite unit, 4 battalions of a regular unit, and 5 battalions of a spam unit, with 2 each of a siege weapon or monsters. drummer goblins are counted as elite units. i made the armies so large because this is a real war, and the numbers should be impressive like that. also, the huge contrast in some of the army sizes adds a new level of strategy when attacking.
also, this is much cooler than the current war of the ring mode, because the armies are so much bigger! the smallest army in this planned campaign, dunland, would actually be a three-star (large) army in wotr mode! some cool scenarios arise, as isengard and rohan both have strong armies. minas tirith and minas morgul have some of the largest armies in the game, so early clashes could be interesting there. so which side will you chose, good or evil? (there are only two sides in this campaign)
the skirmish factions would still be the 8 announced ones for 4.8 and beyond.
Edited by khamulrulz, 31 December 2009 - 05:48 PM.