Two things.
I am trying to create a simpler way to move large amounts of spawned enemies around the map.
I have not had much success.
Basically I thought I would create a conveyor belt kind of system.
Instead of say "spawn unit named X" and "Spawn unit named y" etc etc and then "move unit X to here" and "Move unit Y to here" I could just eliminate the naming all together. I could do this by just creating an area with a waypoint in it. All units spawn on waypoint and then I have a script along the lines of "Any unit in area X move to waypoint y"
That way I don't have to name every single spawned unit to later tell the game to moved named unit. I could just spawn mass amounts of enemies in an area and tell them game "Any unit inside this area move here".
The problem being there is no selection for <Any Object> just like there is <any player>. I was hoping I could creata a script that said
If <any object> is in area X
move <any object> to waypoint.
So you guys have any idea if there is another way I could do this. I would just be so simple to move tha mass amounts of spawned enemy waves with less lines of scripting.
I want to have players have to enter an area to recharge their science power, particularily "heal". So "if player is in area X , set science availability to available". But here is the thing, once they cast that power, I don't want them to be able to use it again until they re enter this special area. So I need to find a way to have the power set to unavailble once the power is executed. Only problem is there is no script that I can do this with. I can do this with a Hero power. There is a script that "when player starts using special (hero) power......" but there is not script for "When player starts using Science power".
Essentially what I need is "when player uses science power X, set science availability to unavaible"
If I can not manage to make this happen some way, my whole awesome gameplay idea will be completely messed, and I might cry.....possibly. If you have any work arounds, I would be incredibly grateful!!!!!!
If someone is dumb enough as me to make the same mistake, here is a solution for you.
The script that I thought only reffered to hero's powers also referred to science powers as well, and it worked successfully.
*** IF *** Player Player 'Player_1' starts using Special power 'SpellBookHeal'. *** THEN *** Null operation. (Does nothing.) Player 'Player_1' set Science 'SCIENCE_Heal' availability to Science availability 'Disabled'.
Edited by Ap0C552, 11 December 2009 - 11:58 PM.