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SRPS 1: Cursed Town [95% ready][BFME2]

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#1 Samppu

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Posted 21 December 2009 - 04:02 PM

Samppu's RolePlay Scenario 1:


Information about me
Hello guys! I am really new guy here, just today registered, and I registered becuse I needed help with problem, but I solved it by myself. And, on that topic, I writed a post about this, my first RolePlay Scenario, and I am planning about making many of RP Scenarios. And, then, something about me, so, I live in Finland, it's at nothern-europe, and my english is pretty bad, but please, try to understand my text.

What are RP Scenarios?
RP Scenario is (I think) my own idea. So, in RP Scenario you are moving only one hero, and you can make sidequests on the scenario, and it's open world, and it means you can do everything at any time. The special thing in RP Scenario isn't only that you are roleplaying: you can raise your character's level up to 50. In most of my scenarios, I think you are controlling Aragorn, and he always get somewhere, where he is needed, like now he is in Cursed Town, but I will tell story later.

My RP Scenario is using my selfmade mod, and it needs installing, so when you want to play my RP Scenario, you have to use my INI.big-file, and make a copy of your original INI.big, so it means, when you want to play my scenarios, you have to use my INI.big, and when others, you have to close your game, and change the file, so it's little bit complicated. And why you have to do that is becuse if you are playing some other map, Aragorn can level up there 50 too, and he's health and other attributes are too low. I call my INI.big-file "RP Scenario Engine", becuse my all RP Scenarios will work with same INI.big-file, so it's like "game-engine".

So, the story will be in the Scenario itself too, but Aragorn did go to this Cursed Town, and the villagers and normal people has much problems, like Goblins are burning their farms, or orcs are raiding their homes. They are the sidequests, what can be made for extra-experience. The main quest is to beat The Thug, big troll, and he is living in he's cave, near to the Town. That guy is avaible to be beaten whenever player just wants - but it won't be easy. When player dies (like when he is trying to kill that troll), he will be spawned to Town Center, and he is again avaible to do anything he wants again. This means, that the scenario cannot be losed, so you can die so many times you just want.

Map Size
This is my first roleplay scenario (I have made one big one year ago, but it did get deleted), so I want to make it small. Map Size will be 200x200, and 50 of that will be border where both players citadel's are. In this scenario, there will be only 5-15 sidequests, 1-5 other activities (like Arena and other games), may be jail, where you will get when you do crime, and the main quest.

4PM, 21.12.2009:
--Engine Coding: 100%
----Level Up: 100%
----Skills and attributes: 100%
--Map Designing: 0%
----Terrain: 0%
----Objects: 0%
--Map Scripting: 0%
----NPC: 0%
----Sidequests: 0%
----Mainquest: 0%
----Other: 0%
--MAP.STR: 0%
----Texts: 0%
----Mission Objectives: 0%

9PM, 21.12.2009:
--Engine Coding: 100%
----Level Up: 100%
----Skills and attributes: 100%
--Map Designing: 100%
----Terrain: 100%
----Objects: 100%
--Map Scripting: 0%
----NPC: 0%
----Sidequests: 0%
----Mainquest: 0%
----Other: 0%
--MAP.STR: 0%
----Texts: 0%
----Mission Objectives: 0%

5am, 25.12.2009:
--Engine Coding: 100%
----Level Up: 100%
----Skills and attributes: 100%
--Map Designing: 100%
----Terrain: 100%
----Objects: 100%
--Map Scripting: 25%
----NPC: 25%
----Sidequests: 5%
----Mainquest: 0%
----Other: 0%
--MAP.STR: 90%
----Texts: 50%
----Mission Objectives: 100%

10pm, 25.12.2009:
--Engine Coding: 100%
----Level Up: 100%
----Skills and attributes: 100%
--Map Designing: 70%
----Terrain: 100%
----Objects: 100%
----Camera Animations: 50%
--Map Scripting: 95%
----NPC: 100%
----Sidequests: 90%
----Mainquest: 100%
----Other: 100%
--MAP.STR: 100%
----Texts: 100%
----Mission Objectives: 100%


UPDATE, 9PM, 21.12.2009
I designed the level whole day! Uhhuh, now I am very tired, but I am sure that now this level
looks like amazing! There is new info about Cursed Town itself, and story has been changed little bit.
The story is now:
"This is the time when Elves, Dwarves and Men (and we dont forget Hobbits!) lives together.
They all are living in same cities, and their all enemies are the Dark Forcer: orcs, goblins and
uruks. This time is called 'The time of Confict'. And there is battles all the time - but they are
not becuse the ring, they are becuse the power and who rule. This time, Side of the Good is
controlling whole Middle-Earth.

But, there is a man, he's name is Aldoir. He is hero, and he's home town, named Cursed Town,
is in a trouble. The Wise Man of the city, did try to destroy The Thug - a troll, who did came to
Oxilia Cave. In Oxilia, there was a little town, like Cursed, but after The Thug came, the whole
town were sweeped away, and only ruins of that remains. And, Wise Man, named Heldaer, was
trying to destroy The Thug, but he failed, and he is still trapped in the ruins - nobody knows
where. But only hero can save him, and Heldaer is important to the town - he is one of the
one hundread men of The Council of the Middle-Earth. People of the Council are leaders of the
Middle-Earth - so that guy is really important to the Town, and to whole Middle-Earth, and for
the Good Side. And Aldoir, who is young, and strong man, wants to save him. He want's to
clean the whole Middle-Earth from the Evil Side. And he will do it!"

So, there is the story! And then, when I was designing maps, I named every place on the map:
there is mountain, what is named Troll's Fist, and there is little cave, it's called Gollum's Eye, and
the town is offcourse Cursed Town, and there is a Well, and area near to that is Town Center, and
the cave, where The Thug is living, is Oxilia Cave, and there is little Elven farm, and that is named
Little Mirkwood, and near to Oxilia, there is two lakes, and they are called "Mirror of Terror". And,
in the map, when you walk from area to another, there will show in top of the screen text, where
is the name of the area you came, like in GTA. The Dialogs, when you talk to someone, are in
message, and you cant choose, do you want to make sidequest or not: when you go to near to
NPC, and if he has quest to you, you will receive it, did you want or not, but you dont have to
complete it. All missions will (hopefully if this works) when you get it go to your Objectives list.


I will update that list, and aswer your posts so good how I just can!

Edited by Samppu, 29 December 2009 - 08:02 PM.

#2 Kwen



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Posted 22 December 2009 - 01:21 AM

Comment on what? show us something :good:

Although the idea does sound Intriguing.

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#3 Samppu

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Posted 22 December 2009 - 11:55 AM

"Comment on what? show us something"

If there is nothing to see in this thread, my first post should be blank. But if you mean you want to see picture of the map, I currently have one, what I just tooked for ya. Here is it:
Posted Image

Now I have started to make scripts, and I have made my own AI for enemies - they will only start to follow and try to kill you when you see them, and they will not stop when they follow you. And I made this more like Role Play, so you cant control the camera, becuse it follows you, and you can only rotate it little bit. The game looks like now Diablo 2, becuse your vision is only 20 (I may be raise it to 50) so everything is black near to you, and this really looks RPG, and I am proud about that. And now, when you enter new area, areas name will come to top of the screen GTA-style, and it will be gone in 5sec. I have also designed all sidequests. I hope that I can publish this in this week, but it needs your help, becuse my Aragorn Dying Problem is not solved yet, and you can see that from Modding-category of the forum, please help :good:

#4 Zarmoz

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Posted 22 December 2009 - 11:17 PM

Woah, nice man
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#5 Masterbadeend



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Posted 23 December 2009 - 09:23 AM

I would go and look for some objects to replace the black 'mountains', because they don't look very natural atm :p .

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Thanks to MirkwoordArcher for this great signature and the lovely duck.
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#6 Samppu

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Posted 23 December 2009 - 05:07 PM

@Masterbadeend, they are "caves", and in game, when you go into one like that, it looks like cave, really much, becuse you cant control camera, and zoom out, and see that the mountain ends little bit further than you can see. I can take you a picture of that. And, thanks for your comments, I have made first sidequest, and now I have to somehow get the objective list working, but that quest works very well, and after it's completed, you will be rewarder with 60 exp.

Levels are now fully coded, but somehow the game doesn't allow more than 40 max lvl, but I will try to somehow fix that, but 40lvl is enough - I think. It takes many hours to raise your character very good. And, now I have maded areas fully working, and now there is enemies in forests and at mountain, and when you enter area, there is reading area name, and what is good level to fight in that area, like now when you enter Town Outskirts, there reads on the top of the screen "Town Outskirts (1-10)", so it's good to be 1-10lvl when wants to fight in there.

One more important thing is, that you dont fight against big hordes in this game, you fight against one units or more, like in MMORPG games, and the units you kill, will respawn again in random time, like in MMORPG games. There is boss units of each unit too, so in one area, there is like goblins, there are few lvl 5 goblins with all upgrades, and you will be rewarded more experience when you kill them. Now I have converted my mod to Middle-Earth v. 1.06 too, so it's up to date. I have also changed Aragorn-unit's name to Aldoir.

Then, one more thing. I have modified Aragorn's stats too, so in the beginning, you will have only less than 100hp and your armor is 15%, and your damage is little, but when you level up, all your stats will get raised (Health Regeneration Speed, Armor percent, Damage, and Health), and when you move your cursor over Aragorn, you will see your Max Health and Max Damage. And I have made little changes to the game too, like now Aragorn cannot change hes formation or battle stance, and he cannot call Oathbreakers, and there is now two empty slots, and I dont know, will I add there some new skills, if you have idea, please tell me that. I have also disabled Aragorn's moving sounds, becuse every time you want to move, Aragorn says like "For Gondor", "Go!", "We will beat the Sauron", and it was really annoying, becuse you are moving him little distances all the time.

About that sidequest, I will just tell, that it's really simple. You will get that mission from one guy from the town, and he is telling about that there is a man living near to Oxilian, and he want's to know is he alive anymore, and everything is told to you in nice dialog. When you go there, you will see the man, and when you talk to him, he tells you that he is moving to city becuse there is not safe to live, and then he starts to move to the Town, and he asks you to bring a message to the man you spoke. After you speak to the man who gave you the quest, you will be rewarded with 60 hp.

TO DO-list
- To change enemies AI little bit, becuse they are following you to the Town
- Add new player, who is your ally, and in some sidequests, they are killing enemies with you, and that player is guarding the Town too.
- To complete every area (add there enemies)
- [not sure] Make a bridge to go to the statue, what is located in southern Mirror of Terror
- All Side-Quests
- Make objectives list working (I may be have to make this scenario to work like campaign to get that working)
- New respawn

Please, comment my new ideas, and after I just take screenshots and add them here, comment them too!

#7 Masterbadeend



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Posted 23 December 2009 - 06:15 PM

This is AFAIK one of the most (if not most) original ideas for a map, so there aren't that much comments possible, but I'll think with you :dry: :
- To change enemies AI little bit, becuse they are following you to the Town
I would make a trigger area as where you don't want to get followed, and make a script like:
When player_enemy enters area (your trigger area)...
Then player_enemy stops following Aragorn for example :p .

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Thanks to MirkwoordArcher for this great signature and the lovely duck.
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#8 Samppu

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Posted 23 December 2009 - 06:36 PM

^ You dont need to help me with the coding, if I dont ask you to help :p

You said this is original idea of the map, so with my bad english, does that mean that there is like 100 maps like this? Here are btw. all the images I just took (and more is coming):
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#9 Masterbadeend



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Posted 23 December 2009 - 08:22 PM

^ You dont need to help me with the coding, if I dont ask you to help :dry:

You said this is original idea of the map, so with my bad english, does that mean that there is like 100 maps like this?

Ok sorry that I helped, and if I say it's an original idea without the :p smiley, it is :D .

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Thanks to MirkwoordArcher for this great signature and the lovely duck.
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#10 Gfire



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Posted 23 December 2009 - 08:23 PM

I think he meant there are very few maps like this.

Those shots look very cool.
Greetings, community.

#11 Samppu

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Posted 24 December 2009 - 01:19 AM

Thanks for comments again dudes! There was little bit problems when I converted this to v. 1.06, becuse lang-directory files was little bit strange, but now Aragorn is Aldoir, and everything is working like in 1.00. I am now beginning to convert this to campaign-style, or just somehow get objective list to work. I have also edited map little bit: there is now a bridge going to statue at the southern Mirror, and Corsairs of Umbar are bugging so much that I changed 'em to another, MordorFighters, but they are too easy, so I am may be going to change them again. And, here is big list of screenshots and Spoilers doesn't somehow work for me, so here are the links to those pics (there is so many pictures that I will get banned if I list them all here. There is the cave pictures too, so now you can see what it looks inside the cave. Also there is picture about Aldoir stats)

Killing Archer at the Statue
Aragorn (Aldoir) stats
5lvl fighting against a troll... (I died 5sec after I took the picture)
Inside Gollum's Eye
Hanging around the nothern Mirror
Town's Wise guy will be located here
Inside Oxilian
Just talking to Outsider

#12 Zarmoz

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Posted 24 December 2009 - 01:44 PM

Wow, you are really good :good:
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#13 Samppu

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Posted 25 December 2009 - 02:50 AM

^ I think sometimes that way too, becuse I am only 14 years old, and I can even program my own games with multiply languages, amazing I think, but we Finlanders are like this, super-smart-alcoholics.

Okay, but back to thread. I have now enough energy to update the main post, and the map is 70% ready, thank's for Crusard for he's help in Aragorn's respawn solution, wich is now solved. Now, I have made so much changes to this, that I cant even remember them all, but here we go...

I have made introduction to the beginning of the map. There is little Camera Animation, what is looking at the statue, and after that camera stops and it's looking straight to the statue, and there comes the story. Here is a picture of that, and there is 7 long texts (what are changing every 25sec).
(When I was uploading this picture, I regonized that Imageshack has been changed today, the uploading is looking different)
Posted Image

Okay. I did make many other changes too, but that was may be the biggest one. One change was, that there is not coming Objective List, becuse it doesn't work, or people said me that it wont work on the theard where I was asking about that. You guys just have to remember your quests! Another thing was, that when you went some places, you are not leaving the fog places where you have went, they will be shrouded. It looks nice, that the map is only showing your location, not the places you have been, and it looks more Diablo.

I did also make that when you go to Town, and enemies are following you, they will stop, and go back to there where they were, and their health will get full. So now, you cant anymore have amazing battles inside the town, becuse Town is like "safe place".

So there is the new things, and I am making this map really carefully, and I am making it perfect, becuse I want comments when I am publishing this, like "I love this map" etc. This map is going to be unique and perfect. I have already hired a 21 years old man, who is going to fix my english in this map to perfect, so there is not going to be my bad english, and you will not laugh to dialogues, becuse they are so wrong.

And, I am now going to reveal the sidequests, what are going to be in this map. Most of them are, that you have to kill somebody, but there is some nice ones too! Do not read these, if you want to keep all sidequests as suprise.
1. Speak with Ólander, who asks you to speak with the Outsider. After doing this, get back to Óldeander.
2. Speak to Outsider, who have came to Cursed Town. He asks you to steal a treasure from Troll's Fist. After this, get back to Outsider.
3. Go to speak with Elv, who is living at the farm. He asks you to kill Goblin Lord at the Southern Mirror, becuse he have been raiding hes farm. After killing Goblin Lord, get back to Elv.
4. Speak again with the Elv, and you will have to defend Elv's farm for 3 minutes against Goblin's attacks. There will spawn few Elven Archers, and if you get killed, you can speak again to Elv to start his mission again. When you defend farm for 3 minutes, you will be automatically rewarded.
5. Speak once more to Elv, and he asks you to kill a Goblin Horde inside the Gollum's Eye, becuse that horde is may be planning to raid hes farm. After that, get back to Elv.
6. Go to the Statue, and talk to a man over there. He asks you to search a Wyrm, who has been killing civilians and razed some buildings. After you find Wyrm, get back to him.
7. Speak a Woman inside Cursed Town, and he asks you to get back she's money, that Town Guards did stole from her. When you kill those guards, get back to that Woman.
8. Speak again with the Woman, and she asks you to kill The Thug's raiders from Little Mirkwood, becuse her hosbend thinks that he can kill them, but Woman thinks it's too dangerous to him. After you killed those raiders, speak again with her.
9. Speak again with the Woman, and she asks you now to kill annoying troll from Gollum's Eye, becuse her hosbend is once more trying to be brave, and go to kill that. After that, get back to Woman.
10. Speak once more to the Woman, and she tells you, that her hosbend is gone. Go to find her hosbend, and you will find him... dead. Get back to her.
11. This will be last time you speak with the Woman, becuse she asks you to have revenge on her hosbend murderers, becuse her hosbend did try to be brave and kill The Raiders, and spider-rider gang from Little Mirkwood. After you kill them, get back to her.

So, there is going to be 11 side-quests! All them has nice and personal dialogues, and most of them as I said are killing someone, but there is going to be 3 minutes defending, yay! If you thinked why I made so much missions to be founded from same person, it's becuse you would get more missions accidently, if there would be one quest with 11 guys. Also, it feels more realistic, that one person has many things he/she needs, and, those quests are making a little sidestory. So, please, comment this updated information, and tell me, are those quests nice, and does this map feel f*****g good! I am the author of this map, but every time I test it, I somehow get addicted an raise my character up to like 12 levels, and it takes time!

Main Quest is now ready. When you enter Oxilia, you will get a notice box about you have new mission objective. Then, when you try to get out of the cave, there is invicible wall, that blocks your way. When you die, you will spawn to Cursed, and you can try again, and you will again see notice box etc. If you kill The Thug inside the cave, you will get new objective, and it's that you have to speak with Healder, Wise man of the Town. After you speak him, there will come the ending, but it's secret. After that, you will see Victory-screen. BUT, you dont have to speak with Healder after you beat The Thug: you can go free and continue making all Side-Quests and have some fun, before you want to end the scenario.

TO-DO List [Updated]
- Make remaining 10 Side-Quests
- Put PvE-fight to S. Mirror and N.Mirror
- Make Random Enemies to areas. They will randomly spawn to random places in map, but they are tough and you will be rewarded with a lot of experience by killing them
- Make Other Activies (Postman and Gladiator)
- Finish the map, like doing some nice effects somewhere, and just making it little bit more better

Other Activities:
- Postman. In this Other Activitie, you will get always RANDOM target, what will be highlighted at the map. When you go to target, you will see man there, who needs he's letter. When you do this kind of unlimited missions, you will be rewarded with extra-exp.
- Gladiator. In this Other Activitie, you can speak to the one guy, who is making fights. Then, you will Spawn to somewhere, I dont know yet, and you will fight against random enemies, or just enemy. When you kill your enemy, you will be rewarded by the experience you get when you kill that enemy, AND with extra-exp. You can Fight in Arena so many times you just want to, so this "Other Activities" are unlimited, and they are made just for getting easily level up.

UPDATE (again in same post...)

Hey, guys, please, send some comments about this map that I can post a message that is not doublepost! But by the way, this map is getting ready really soon. Here is what I've done:

- I updated the introduction at the beginning of the map.
- I have made PvE-fight's to S. Mirror and N. Mirror.
- I have made 3 full SideQuests that are working perfectly. In one of those SQ's, you will even get allies, who will fight on your side, but you can't control those units, becuse the only one you control, is Aldoir.
- If you unselect Aldoir, Aldoir get's selected in one frame, so you have always Aldoir selected.
- Dialogs has been made better.

I have also got new idea to the map, and it's that Aldoir can "recruit" units to fight on he's side, so you will find from random places some units, who will start to follow you when you get close. Off course those units are really bad, and they will be killed, but it looks nice when you attack against The Thug, and you have for example ten units following you, and The Thug will sweep them all in one slash, and the others get killed, but only you will stand again. Off course ranged units are the best ones, becuse they will shoot enemies from far away - but they will start fight's more often, when they just spot enemy, what is not a good thing?

So please guys, tell your ideas or comments about this map. It makes me feel better, and I will work on this with more speed.

75% Update

Hi guys, this is the third update today! I have been making the map now rrrreally much, and I have a picture from 70%-version, where we can see, that 18 level character is enough to beat The Thug:
Posted Image

And, it's not all! I have made little changes to the map, and I did realize, that the character selection thing all the time works bad, so I have to delete that. Also, I did make little changes to INI.big, becuse now the maxium level cap is 99, and also I made it harder to gain experience levels, becuse I made change to my program what calculates the needed experience for each level, and the chance is that every single 10 levels last needed experience will be doubled, that means when you get from under 10 levels up to 10 levels, it will be 2X harded to gain levels than before.

Okay, but next I will work on the other sidequests, so, I will keep this theard alive by updating this post, but I ask you someone to post a comment that I can change the message where I am telling about the updates, becuse this message is too long to read! Uhh!

UPDATE (tomorrow I will make doublepost if you are not going to send a comment...)

Okay guys! It's time to go sleep, but I did make one more SideQuest, and it's the defending quest! For beginning, you speak to the farmer, and after that he asks you to kill some aggressive goblins at the road wich goes from farm to town. Then, you get new objective to recruit Elven Warriors from town. After you go to speak with the Elven Warriors, who came to defend the farms, they start to follow you, and you get new objective to speak with the farmer. After that, a timer comes to screen, and brutal attack of goblins will begin, and I made it to be that you WILL NOT SURVIVE (if you are under like 14lvl) if you dont fight with your own troops, that means you wait they die and you are back of them. You have to fight with them to complete the quest.

I did also take a picture from defending mission:
Posted Image

So, I will go to sleep, and you guys are going to comment, becuse time is here 6am, and it's GMT+02, so I dont know where you guys live, but in US it's like middle of the day. So, may be you comment the progress I have made, and I say that 4/11 SideQuests are now ready, and map will be published at next week, and I am sure about that, but tomorrow is too early, becuse I made 3 SideQuests in one day.

Edited by Samppu, 27 December 2009 - 04:08 AM.

#14 NewErr



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Posted 27 December 2009 - 11:34 AM

Incredible man :p . I love it , keep up the good work :p .

#15 Masterbadeend



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Posted 27 December 2009 - 12:31 PM

I don't know how experienced you are with map.ini, but you could replace Aragorn's leadership with a knife throw ;) .
I will definitly play this map :p . It sounds great :p .

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Thanks to MirkwoordArcher for this great signature and the lovely duck.
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#16 Samppu

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Posted 27 December 2009 - 02:04 PM

Yay, atleast some comments! Okay, so I saw this Knife Throw in Aragorn's file inside INI.big, and I am thinking about overwriting (I dunno is that right word) some other skill with that, becuse Elendil and Leadership both suck on this map, becuse enemies will not flee when you use Elendil, so it's more useless than Leadeship, but may be I am going to copy some other skills from other heroes, I'm not sure. I will make new sidequests today, and update this message.

#17 Elvenlord


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Posted 27 December 2009 - 04:26 PM

Ummm... yeah. This makes me want to install bfme2 again. Good work. That's quite an amazing feat :p
Have you thought about applying for hosting?


#18 Spartan184



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Posted 27 December 2009 - 04:47 PM

Ummm... yeah. This makes me want to install bfme2 again. Good work. That's quite an amazing feat :p
Have you thought about applying for hosting?

You can get hosted for a map?
And nice job totally reinstalling bfme2.




#19 {IRS}Athos


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Posted 27 December 2009 - 05:13 PM

Ummm... yeah. This makes me want to install bfme2 again. Good work. That's quite an amazing feat :p
Have you thought about applying for hosting?

You can get hosted for a map?
And nice job totally reinstalling bfme2.

HDLH is a map. ;)

That's pretty much amazing. Nice job. :p

Careful. This link is DANGEROUS. Do NOT click it. This one, however, is fine.

I had the meaning of life in my signature, but it exceeded the character limit.

#20 Masterbadeend



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Posted 27 December 2009 - 06:49 PM

Yes, but there are new models and units for that one :p .
And it's Rob, he's admin. :p

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Thanks to MirkwoordArcher for this great signature and the lovely duck.
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