Generals Delta will be a Enhancement Mod for C&C Generals ZH. It will be like a sequel to Generals Series, adding new units, Generals, and a completely new and epic Storyline. Right now we will work "Behind the Scenes", so we wont post alot of updates. We have a very small team right now, so we need help in every area, like modeling and skinning. So please join if you want to, you are always welcome to be in our dedicated team.
In the year of 2025, the USA had discovered news the of GLA developing a new toxic weapon: Anthrax Delta. The spies gave brief information about the deadly toxin, saying "This is not just a weapon that kills, it can also mutate the host it comes in contact with. It can even affect the invironment, killing the vegitation, polluting the water, everything it came into contact with was altered one way or another. Even metal corroded 7 times faster than normal."
After Dr.TraX death, a new person keept his research for the most deadly toxin ever built. And she found his plans for DELTA AntraX. Yes, you saw right! Prof. Arhudra, Dr.Trax only daughter. Soon she became a very energic and powerfull young girl that started to rule GLA War Power and Decided to re-start her father's domination plan, lauching a missels against the USA Coast.
In a state of emergency, the President had declared that the site be destroyed, and buried to prevent further use of this toxin. The United States now in danger, would give anything to find out the location of the facility where that chemical is located. They searched for years, but couldn't find a sign of the enemy facility. To make matters seem more deadly, the world had barely seen the GLA. Every country was alerted, and most of them established a network of security measures. Everything went fine until, in 2028, an alarm went off in Washington DC. It was the new Space Defence System, USSDS Chicago, which was a defence system that could protect against enemy ballistic missiles from high orbit.
After the alarm had sounded, the mutli-billion dollar weapon had fired a highly consentrated beam of light, hit the missile, and the missile had exploded before it had made it 150 miles from it launch site. It had released the harmful toxins over the land. It was not long after that that the local health clinics had sent out calls for horrible toxic burns, melted limbs, mutated bodies and the horrible mental nightmares that followed. We had no idea what was to follow the horrible toxins that were unleashed. We did have an idea what it would take to cleanse the region of disease. Alot of manpower and horribly grotesque deaths. War was upon the world again.
The sides in the game will still be the same: Technologically Advanced USA, Slow but Powerful China, and the Sneaky and Stealth GLA.
USA-USA will still be the most Technolagically Advanced Faction in the game. Its units are expensive, have moderate firepower and armor, and use any defensive systems. Its Airforce is unmatched by any other side. Resent alliance with Russian Federation gave it the ability to modify most USA weapons with powerfull Russian Technologies, like inproved Helicopters and Defensive Countermeasures. The USA has a major disadvantage, however, in that it has the slowest resource gathering in the game, in comparison to troop costs, it has a less stable supply of power than China, and its high-tech units are very expensive. If not, this forces a USA player to construct a smaller, more specialized army than China or GLA, and work to minimize losses.
China-China specializes more on Propoganda and Mass Production of heavy units, hacking, Specially trained Infantry, and overwhelming its enemies. As USA did, China also allied with Russian Federation, mostly for improving Chinese Tanks. China has a major disadvantage in that its ground forces are generally slower than those of the other two factions. China is forced to make large, ponderous assaults with heavy units, a tactic that can be countered by the GLA's speed or the USA's air power.
GLA-The sneaky GLA uses hit and run and guerilla tactics, stealth, ambushing, and a powerful economy to defeat its enemies. It now has a small, but supportive aircrafts. Upgrades and salvaging stolen enemy parts makes many GLA units powerful over time. The GLA's primary disadvantage is that, in terms of firepower, range, and durability, its units are outmatched by Chinese and American units. This forces a GLA player to outmaneuver or outnumber opponents, as in an even, direct confrontation the GLA will lose to superior Chinese firepower and American technology.
***New Top-Secret Faction***
-New generals
-New Arsenal and the modified version of the old one to bring back the Nostalgia
-Realistic Warfare
-Realistic Scales
-Improved Infantry to the point where its the main force in the battle, rather than a Cannon Fodder
-Improved GLA Millitary type look
-Airforce is now a supportive part of the Army
Mod members:
>Gen.Kenobi: Leader, Modeller.
>taxikiller: Coder, Skinner.
>Ruby92: Modeler
>V.Metalic: Support
Edited by Gen.Kenobi, 22 December 2009 - 04:49 PM.