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Any Progress in killing Airfoce?^^

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#1 FlyingDeath

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Posted 10 July 2010 - 09:22 AM

Heyho, Remix-Fans,
ive wondered if anyone of you had a One on One Win Against Airfoce (Agressive) ,
or propably a 2 on 1 Against Insanee? (course i don't think Insanee can be beaten in 1-1)

My Bro and i have Tested the AI and:

Demo is good to test the Defences ^^

Tank is a good Match when you Test your Units^^

Airfoce is the Ultimate Test for your Taktik/Skill and so on^^

weve Nearly Beaten Airfoce Agressive Together (Nuke-My Bro, Infa-Me VS Agressive-Airforce)

but unfortunally weve had a Sync-Mismatch (or how this shitty thing is Called -.-)
before his Last buildings were Blown to Dust^^

At the moment, were Trying against Insanee
ALWAYS on Mountain Conflict 2-1 but somehow we can't finish him^^
our MAIN-Tactik is Lasergen (Atleast 1) and a Laser-Defender-Spam
(course of the Fast "Research" (He has ANY UPGRADE INSTANT^^) we found that Lasers OR Gattling-Weapons would help the most, course his Point-Defense and Countermeasures are Worthless against this)
and or Toxin/Infa or Stealth (My gens^^)

Our Tactik in Detail (we youst can't hold it too long... as we reach Tech 2, He spams too much Aircraft O_O)
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As you can see, the Lase Gen Defends ME AND the "Hot-Spot" (only Point, were the battle SHOULD be^^)
as for my self, in the first phase (Infantry-Spam and Super-Powers) my base is Mostly a Decoy for the Superpowers, i have to make shure, that i can Unstealth the Airforces-Stealth-Bombers nad my bro Mostly shoots them down (works quite well, loss is limited too 3-8 Buildings, instead of the Whole base^^)
while i Bild Anty-Infantry and my bro fills the two Bunker with Laser-Defender
AFTER the Superpower-Spam Phase, my bro ONLY Spams Trooper to the Hotspot, while i build Money AND Drop him some from time to time (He is takes the Spam, and i the Support Role).
Our Goal is it to Defend the two Bunkers (which make quite good damage) AND the Anti-Infantry (course Laserdefenders are quite useless against Rangers with Flashbangs)
after some time (when we reach Tech1, or mostly my bro, course somehow Toxin needs a long time for the Upgrade -.-)
Airforce Builds a Helipad UNDER the Hotspot and Spams Comanches and Apaches from there (Blue-Arrow) aswell buillds his Second Base on top of the Map
he FIRST Builds his Tier-2 Sw (strategic-Bombing) at his MAinbase, Later, First another Tier2 at the Side-Base and THEN his Tier-3 Sw (Satuation Bombing, WARNING, really strong^^) at his Side-Base.
don't know, how we should build or attack after that, but, somehow we think that the airforce from Laser could be a good choice, course they are sthealthed or Invulnerable (he chooses Particle and Ion Tech, Falken-Plane/Ion-Aurora)
and i thought it would be a good Idea to tech Toxin (with Toxindelivery from Canister-Cannon i could Deactivate Airforces Buildings and or Superweapons and/or his Production to stop the Flow)
but Somehow i think stealth could be better course i could sneak into his base and course some Destruction, and i could defend us with Snipers (to shoot down Airforces-Artillerie AND kill his infantry)
but i don't know, if it would be good^^

anyhoww, no its YOUR time, to post your Expirences, Tactics or Sugesstions for the Fight against Airforce, Course this, is maybe the Hardest-Ai Ecer^^ (hope that the Insanee Mode will be just as Difficult with Every Gen, course this Challange is Ridiculus, Crazy AND makes some REAL Tactical Challange (we have fought 20-30 Times against insanee and fought 1-1 to search for good Combinations and Advantages against Airforce, so we mostly had 2 Days in Planning AND ompeeting for 1 Opponent, and THATS the way, it schould be for a REAL Challange.... so maybe, if you make you AI, Pend, you could do something like this for every Gen on Insanee (of others are OK with it too^^) AND Make the AI on Defensive/Agrtessive a bit stronger (Airforce is a good run so far^^)

Hope you see it like we do, and have fun to compete against Airforce^^

Good Luck wishes:
CrissFD (aka flyingdeath) and DJMerster (Aka Hardbase-FM-(Poser :p )-DJ-Merster.... shit, really long nickname^^)

#2 MasterZH

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Posted 11 July 2010 - 11:03 AM

I win 1vs1 Against Airfoce general will post replay and details soon.

#3 Sheremetev

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Posted 11 July 2010 - 02:21 PM

Well, on such a small map, it will be really hard. The distance is smaller and the time gap between attacks is shorter (if my idea about the game mechanics is correct). Try a larger map, maybe Twillight flame (ideal for a 2vs1). You will have more time to establish defences and supply stashes for both you and your brother. You will have 3 relatively easy to hold choke points.
And some time to experiment too. Combining minigunners in fortified bunkers and chain guns + lazer defenders, unleashing artillery barrages + particle/ion strikes,...
A good thing about infantry general is you can neutron one of your own dozers and your brother can capture it with his own unit. Vice-versa, you can take one of his units too, but I think this will be good only in Tier 1 stage.

Trying out some of the Tank generals anti-air units might also yield good results (or Tao's retribution turrets & Su-47B latestage "Black squadron", bua-ha-ha.).

On an off-topic note, perhaps it will be really nice when the mod is ready if a good mapper (with experience in Remix) makes some good maps especially for it.

#4 Pendaelose


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Posted 11 July 2010 - 03:48 PM

A good thing about infantry general is you can neutron one of your own dozers and your brother can capture it with his own unit. Vice-versa, you can take one of his units too, but I think this will be good only in Tier 1 stage.

Actually, I've entirely prevented that in Remix. While it was a popular exploit in Vanilla ZH it can cause lots of pretty severe bugs, even in Vanilla.
Besides that, A dozer is just a vehicle. The designs to a Nuclear power plant or particle cannon are hardly kept in a single dozer. I have always thought it silly that stealing a piece of construction equipment gave access to technologies.

Trying out some of the Tank generals anti-air units might also yield good results (or Tao's retribution turrets & Su-47B latestage "Black squadron", bua-ha-ha.).

Laser's Mithril is probably the best AA unit in the game and is also effective vs missiles. Tank's Hive Launcher is fantastic, but it has reduced effect vs the point defense lasers. Micro Tree- Robot General is a good choice too... you can use the Stinger defense drones to distract and tie up enemy aircraft while you're Flak spiders do the bulk of the damage. Macro Tree has an excellent Flak gun AA that is effective vs AirF general too.

SuperWeapon general can do a fair bit in the late game. Lots of Avengers (laser style) mixed with he Heavy AA missile sites built around an SDI cannon with shield generators covering everything is a pretty extreme defense setup. On the same note, Laser General and SupW general togeather makes an excellent combo. Shield Gens and Mithrals protecting an SDI cannon is about as missile/aircraft resistant as you'll ever get.

For study purposes try this... ... I recommend setting up a game on Fortress Avalanche. Play as any USA for the quick radar access. Put yourself in the bottom left corner and an AirF general (on your team) in the top left corner. then put an enemy AirF general in the top right corner. You can now watch 2 AirF AI's just "go at it" and see what they build, how they build, and watch what units are used etc. It's a great way to learn about the AI before trying to fight it yourself.

On an off-topic note, perhaps it will be really nice when the mod is ready if a good mapper (with experience in Remix) makes some good maps especially for it.

Capt Drake has been working hard to give us Remix specific maps. He's made a few already, but more are always welcome. If you know any mappers I'd be glad to talk to them.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#5 MasterZH

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Posted 11 July 2010 - 07:54 PM

So 1vs1 game win:

China Infantry general(me) vs USA air force general(insane AI)
Map:lone eagle

Posted Image

>>Replay Link<<

Sry for little cheating by so small map and start position ,but win :crazed: .

#6 FlyingDeath

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 09:03 AM

uhh, don't know why, but somehow my Remix says, your Replay is from another Version ????
and suddenly, if I Play it, you Loose.... don't know if it should be like that...^^
perhaps, you have changed something on your Remix, or you have a "Never" version as the official?^^

e: but the Rush-Taktic is a good idea, only the Point-Defense is a GREAT Problem for the most units, and if you ONLY Focus on minigunners, his Stryker-Army kills you.... sou you have too mix it right^^
but a good taktical start (even if it only will funktion on some maps, 1-1)

but somehow my goal is too find a Weakness in his attacks and Bild a Tactic over it, so you can beat him in MOST situations on MOST maps^^
Anyway, good Idea^^

Edited by FlyingDeath, 12 July 2010 - 09:07 AM.

#7 Sheremetev

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 10:21 AM

I think I noticed something- the AI sent his spirit and airforce wave powers against my supply depot. Knowing that, you can create a kill zone around the supply depot. His other favourite targets are defence structures.

Edited by Sheremetev, 12 July 2010 - 10:23 AM.

#8 MasterZH

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 01:04 PM

Yes it was "old" 0.75 version of remix.(before quick fix)
I will try to fix replay or record with fraps :crazed:

Edited by MasterZH, 12 July 2010 - 01:21 PM.

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