No two world devastators are the same.These are some nice news!
Are there going to be upgradeable World Devastators in the mod...? Because in the Dark Empire comics there are also different variants with antennas or towers. This would be a great addition to not only see the "standard" variant of those giants.
But it's just a suggestion.
For the current version they are all non-buildable; non-upgradeable specials. I suspect that even in future editions, we will kepp them as Operation Shadow Hand only unique units and it is highly unlikely that they wuill ever be upgradeable. They are bad enough as it is!
It might interest you to know, however that WD's are "grown" from a baby molecular furnace with basic droid components attached, so I don't see why we can't have Corvette and Frigate-sized World Devastator variants in future releases (but not in 1.2)!
We do have one different variant in version 1.2 however, the heroic Silencer-7!
Well, it's nice too see that you take such an amount of work for detail on yourselves. Great work and keep it up!