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Crimson Fists Master Voice Script thread

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#1 thudo


    Wacko AI Guy!

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  • Location:Lemonville North, Canada
  • Projects:DoW AI Scripting Project
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Posted 02 September 2010 - 02:19 PM


Notes: Mechanical voice. Martellus from DOWII basically
Unit_Complete1: I long to return to the reconstruction of Arx Tyrannus [pronounced "Arcs Tie-RAN-us"]
Unit_Complete2: The Imperium is a fortress built against the enemies of Mankind
Unit_Complete3: Soon, the Chapter will need me to rebuild again
Unit_Complete4: You cannot comprehend the Glory of the Omnissiah as we do, brother [pronounced "Omni-sigh-ah"]
Unit_Complete5: I will not posit suppositions without adequate data
Unit_Complete6: The Mechanicus and the Chapter serve as one
Unit_Complete7: It is my duty and honor to serve thus
Selection1: All machines are wonders
Selection2: Comfort is irrelevant
Selection3: Glory to transcend weakness
Selection4: Ignorance is offensive
Selection5: I have reviewed your performance
Selection6: The information is logged
Selection7: How do you wish I proceed?
Move1: Omnissiah E Rogal Dorn Ave
Move2: I will perform optimally
Move3: Efficiency in every action
Move4: I have factored this into the calculations
Move5: I concur with your assessment
Move6: The logic is flawless
Move7: The auspex return is strong
Attack1: Forced adjustment procedure
Attack2: Attack posture
Attack3: Worry not, my brother
Attack4: I am beyond fear
Attack5: It is my wish also
Attack6: You ask it from me and I comply
Attack7: I shall deconstruct it
Build1: May its gates hold against the beast without
Build2: May the it be firm beneath our feet
Build3: I have the schematics in coded parchments
Build4: I have much processing to do
Build5: The blessings of the Machine God upon it
Build6: You ask and I serve
Build7: I build for the Chapter
Capture1: I calculate a 93.73 percent chance
Capture2: Unacceptable levels of subjectivity
Capture3: I will extract the intelligence core
Capped1: The array stands
Capped2: The machine gives us eyes behind the lines
Capped3: The Closed circuit vision shall linger
Lay_Mines1: Those who attack the Fists are in peril
Lay_Mines2: Securing our fallback position
Lay_Mines3: Death reaches the unprepared
Load_Transport1: God-Machine bids us take sanctuary within
Load_Transport2: A worthy device to safeguard Astartes [pronounced "Ass-tar-tehs"]
Unload_Transport1: Time to attack
Unload_Transport2: Well traveled, brothers
Morale_Break1: It is a computational oversight
Morale_Break2: We must egress to safety
Morale_Break3: If we stay we will be destroyed
Morale_Restored1: Pending my next upgrade, it will do
Morale_Restored2: It changes nothing
Morale_Restored3: We proceed as planned
Charge1: Praise the Omnissiah!
Charge2: Kill for the Machine and Lord Dorn!
Charge3: Resist in vain!
Ability1: [offensive] I will rain destruction upon them
Ability2: [offensive] Directive One: fill for the Emperor
Ability3: [offensive] They are disassembled
Ability4: [defensive] There is no cause for alarm
Ability5: [defensive] Our survival is certain
Repair1: The Chapter’s relic, clothed in iron
Repair2: It shall serve the Chapter again
Repair3: Machines die only from neglect
Combat1: No brother falls to you this day
Combat2: Your termination is upon you
Combat3: Your function ends
Under_Fire1: Machina victus [pronounced "vick-toos"]
Under_Fire2: Our battle comes
Under_Fire3: They provoke us
Damage1: Pain can be purged from thought
Damage2:I am efficient unto point of death
Damage3: Damage will not stop me
Death1: System failure
Death2: No dishonor in death
Death3: The forge will survive
Death4: Salvage me

Servitor (Rynns guard Servitor)
Notes: Toneless servitor with faint Portuguese accent. The point is have the Iberian sound but different from marines
Unit_Complete1: Indentured to the Crimson Fists
Unit_Complete2: I serve the heroes of New Rynn City
Unit_Complete3: No aspiration but to serve
Unit_Complete4: I am grateful to serve
Unit_Complete5: I will gladly die again for Rynns world
Unit_Complete6: The militia obeys the Crimson Fists
Unit_Complete7: The Rynns guard serves loyally
Selection1: I am not worthy
Selection2: Make use of me
Selection3: Savior?
Selection4: Humility
Selection5: Liberator?
Selection6: How may I serve
Selection7: Hand of the Emperor?
Move1: It shall be so
Move2: Salvador angelis [pronounced "salve-a-door an-gel-lis"]
Move3: I humbly yield
Move4: I hear you well
Move5: Going in servitude
Move6: I serve well
Move7: Diligently
Attack1: Attack order
Attack2: I will do that
Attack3: Disassemble
Attack4: Intruder
Attack5: Defending
Attack6: Of course
Attack7: Invader alert
Build1: I will toil
Build2: It is no trouble
Build3: Of course my lord
Build4: Suitable location
Build5: Deploy protocols
Build6: War material
Build7: I heed your command
Capture1: Consolidate
Capture2: Establish control
Capture3: Planting banner
Capped1: Area secured
Capped2: Prepared for listening post
Capped3: Parameters are acceptable
Lay_Mines1: Lay mines
Lay_Mines2: Denying the area
Lay_Mines3: In Rynns world pattern
Load_Transport1: Transporting
Load_Transport2: Prepared for new assignment
Unload_Transport1: Unloaded
Unload_Transport2: Re-designate task
Morale_Break1: I require repair
Morale_Break2: This unit is broken
Morale_Break3: I need maintenance
Morale_Restored1: Servitor functional
Morale_Restored2: Require me to build
Morale_Restored3: Ready to serve again
Charge1: Engaging threat..
Charge2: Commencing attack protocols..
Charge3: Initiating offensive measures..
Ability1: Bombard!
Ability2: Frontal Assault!
Ability3: Maximum Damage!
Ability4: Counter-measure!
Ability5: Activating defensive grid!
Repair1: Affirmative
Repair2: Restoring power
Repair3: Sealing fractures
Combat1: Smash!
Combat2: Pulverize!
Combat3: Kill!
Under_Fire1: Enemy attacking
Under_Fire2: Danger alert
Under_Fire3: Attack at front line
Damage1: Threat alert..
Damage2: Requiring repairs..
Damage3: Systems compromised..
Death1: *clank*
Death2: Failure...
Death3: Systems.. going.. down..
Death4: Critical Malfunction..


Scout Marine Squad
Notes: Young and eager, anxious to prove themselves worthy and rebuild the Chapter.
Unit_Complete1: Swift and silent we have come.
Unit_Complete2: We will find the enemy.
Unit_Complete3: For Dorn and the Emperor.
Unit_Complete4: Never forget, never forgive, for Rynn's World.
Unit_Complete5: We will prove ourselves worthy.
Unit_Complete6: In Pedro Kantor's name we come.
Unit_Complete7: We are ready to serve.
Selection1: Scouts reporting.
Selection2: We are ready.
Selection3: What are your orders?
Selection4: Task us lord.
Selection5: What next commander.
Selection6: Willing and able lord.
Selection7: We serve lord.
Move1: As you wish lord.
Move2: We go there now.
Move3: Stay alert.
Move4: We will check it out.
Move5: Moving to target.
Move6: We're moving out.
Move7: Time to stalk.
Attack1: Cleared to engage!
Attack2: Bring them down!
Attack3: For Dorn!
Attack4: Silence them!
Attack5: Opening fire!
Attack6: Crush the foe!
Attack7: Engaging the target!
Capture1: Securing the area.
Capture2: We will capture the target.
Capture3: Locking down the area.
Capped1: In the Emperor's name we have taken it.
Capped2: This area now belongs to the Chapter.
Capped3: Mission accomplished.
Load_Transport1: Loading up.
Load_Transport2: All aboard.
Unload_Transport1: Clean and sweep!
Unload_Transport2: Go, Go, GO!
Morale_Break1: We have failed lord!
Morale_Break2: Dorn forgive us!
Morale_Break3: Unit broken!
Morale_Restored1: The worst has passed.
Morale_Restored2: We must prevail.
Morale_Restored3: Our strength returns.
Charge1: Engage!
Charge2: Into them!
Charge3: Cut them down!
Charge4: In Dorn's name Charge!
Jump_Teleport1: Steel and Thunder!
Jump_Teleport2: We strike like lightning!
Deepstrike1: Into the maelstrom of battle!
Deepstrike2: We go to war!
Ability1: For vengeance we strike!
Ability2: We are the Emperor's wrath!
Ability3: Destroy them brothers!
Ability4: The Emperor Protects brothers!
Ability5: We will endure.
Combat1: We are engaged.
Combat2: Battle is joined.
Combat3: We have engaged the foe.
Under_Fire1: We are under fire!
Under_Fire2: Our position is suppressed!
Under_Fire3: Taking heavy fire!
Damage1: We are taking casualties!
Damage2: Sons of Dorn are falling!
Damage3: We must overcome this!
Death1: We have failed the Chapter!
Death2: Our mission... has failed...
Death3: Brothers... we have fallen...
Death4: Dorn's legacy... must endure... without us

Scout Marine Squad Sergeant
Notes: Grizzled veteran of Rynn's World, determined to forge a new generation of the Chapter from young recruits. Stern and unflinching.
Unit_Complete1: Look alive initiates!
Unit_Complete2: I'm not impressed.
Unit_Complete3: You are the Chapter's future, act like it!
Unit_Complete4: These charges are in need of stewardship.
Unit_Complete5: Follow me and pay attention.
Unit_Complete6: I am here to lead.
Unit_Complete7: I serve the Chapter.
Selection1: We are ready to kill.
Selection2: The enemy awaits.
Selection3: We await orders.
Selection4: Task us lord.
Selection5: What next commander.
Selection6: Willing and able lord.
Selection7: We serve lord.
Move1: Heads on the swivel and move out.
Move2: Stay alert for sign of the enemy.
Move3: Follow me and stay silent.
Move4: We will check it out.
Move5: Moving to target.
Move6: We're moving out.
Move7: Time to stalk.
Attack1: Fire at will!
Attack2: Fire on my target!
Attack3: Their death is the will of the Emperor!
Attack4: Silence them!
Attack5: Opening fire!
Attack6: Crush the foe!
Attack7: Engaging the target!
Capture1: Securing the area.
Capture2: We will capture the target.
Capture3: Locking down the area.
Capped1: In the Emperor's name we have taken it.
Capped2: This area now belongs to the Chapter.
Capped3: Mission accomplished.
Load_Transport1: Loading up.
Load_Transport2: All aboard.
Unload_Transport1: Clean and sweep!
Unload_Transport2: Go, Go, GO!
Morale_Break1: We have failed lord!
Morale_Break2: Dorn forgive us!
Morale_Break3: Unit broken!
Morale_Restored1: The worst has passed.
Morale_Restored2: We must prevail.
Morale_Restored3: Our strength returns.
Charge1: Engage!
Charge2: Into them!
Charge3: Cut them down!
Charge4: In Dorn's name Charge!
Jump_Teleport1: Steel and Thunder!
Jump_Teleport2: We strike like lightning!
Deepstrike1: Into the maelstrom of battle!
Deepstrike2: We go to war!
Ability1: For vengeance we strike!
Ability2: We are the Emperor's wrath!
Ability3: Destroy them brothers!
Ability4: The Emperor Protects brothers!
Ability5: We will endure.
Combat1: We are engaged.
Combat2: Battle is joined.
Combat3: We have engaged the foe.
Under_Fire1: We are under fire!
Under_Fire2: Our position is suppressed!
Under_Fire3: Taking heavy fire!
Damage1: We are taking casualties!
Damage2: Sons of Dorn are falling!
Damage3: We must overcome this!
Death1: I'm sorry Pedro... we've failed...
Death2: The Chapter's future... is in jeopardy...
Death3: Unit lost... I repeat... unit los...
Death4: Dorn's legacy... must endure... without us

Marine Squad
Notes: As the Crimson Fists are the Spartans of the 40K Universe, I strongly advise watching 300 for reference of the way the Crimson Fists should be portrayed.
Unit_Complete1: We will fight to the death.
Unit_Complete2: We are the Shield and Spear of the Imperium.
Unit_Complete3: For the honour of the Chapter.
Unit_Complete4: We will avenge our fallen brothers.
Unit_Complete5: We will show no mercy to the enemies of the Imperium.
Unit_Complete6: The Fists of the Emperor standing by.
Unit_Complete7: We stand with you Commander.
Selection1: Yes my Lord?
Selection2: We seek a beautiful death.
Selection3: Side by side, the Crimson Fists stand together.
Selection4: Together as one.
Selection5: Strength and honour.
Selection6: For Rogal Dorn.
Selection7: Defiant to the end.
Move1: Moving out.
Move2: We march on.
Move3: Taking positions.
Move4: For the glory of the Imperium.
Move5: To victory.
Move6: Moving to flanking positions.
Move7: Brothers, phalanx formation.
Attack1: Give nothing, but take everything.
Attack2: For Kantor!
Attack3: There is only the Emperor.
Attack4: He is our shield and protector.
Attack5: Our enemies shall face obliteration.
Attack6: We know no fear.
Attack7: For Cortez!
Capture1: We will hold it with an iron fist.
Capture2: Take and Hold.
Capture3: Objective spotted.
Capped1: Objective secure.
Capped2: We hold the higher ground.
Capped3: Defensive pattern alpha initiated.
Load_Transport1: This Rhino will take us to battle.
Load_Transport2: To the frontline!
Unload_Transport1: Disembark.
Unload_Transport2: Unload Troops, Unleash Firepower.
Morale_Break1: Fall back and regroup.
Morale_Break2: To the rally point!
Morale_Break3: Initiate defensive pattern Beta.
Morale_Restored1: We didn't run at Rynn's World, we will not run here!
Morale_Restored2: Hold the line!
Morale_Restored3: Stay with me!
Charge1: I will kill you where you stand.
Charge2: To arms!
Charge3: Ready Chainswords!
Charge4: Charging Power Fists.
Jump_Teleport1: Teleporting to location Echo.
Jump_Teleport2: Into the Maelstrom of battle!
Deepstrike1: Drop Pod incoming.
Deepstrike2: Strikedown into the heart of their lines.
Ability1: Attack Pattern Delta.
Ability2: Load Special Ammunition and fire.
Ability3: Fire in the hole!
Ability4: Tend to injured.
Ability5: We must protect the Gene-Seed.
Combat1: Intensify Bolter fire!
Combat2: Foul creature, you will die!
Combat3: I will crush you.
Under_Fire1: Under fire!
Under_Fire2: Crimson Fists taking hits.
Under_Fire3: Courage under fire brothers.
Damage1: Taking damage.
Damage2: Send reinforcements to my location.
Damage3: The enemy have us pinned.
Death1: A brother has met his end.
Death2: It is a beautiful death.
Death3: In death I will take you with me.
Death4: I died... in His... name.

Marine Squad Sergeant
Notes: As the Crimson Fists are the Spartans of the 40K Universe, I strongly advise watching 300 for reference of the way the Crimson Fists should be portrayed.
Unit_Complete1: Standing ready Commander.
Unit_Complete2: I stand as but one of three hundred.
Unit_Complete3: Taking command.
Unit_Complete4: Follow my lead brothers.
Unit_Complete5: For the Imperium of Man.
Unit_Complete6: The Fists of the Emperor stand with you Commander.
Unit_Complete7: My squad stands with you commander.
Selection1: My Lord!
Selection2: To the frontline and a beautiful death my brothers.
Selection3: Side by side, the Crimson Fists stand together.
Selection4: Together as one, we are united.
Selection5: Phalanx, standing by.
Selection6: A glorious death awaits those who fight in the name of the Emperor.
Selection7: Defiant to the end.
Move1: Moving out.
Move2: He is our shield and protector.
Move3: For Dorn and the Emperor.
Move4: For the glory of the Imperium.
Move5: To victory.
Move6: Squad moving to flanking positions.
Move7: Brothers, phalanx formation.
Attack1: Give nothing, but take everything.
Attack2: For Kantor!
Attack3: There is only the Emperor.
Attack4: To the death.
Attack5: Fire at will brothers.
Attack6: We are the angels of death and we know no fear.
Attack7: Make Cortez proud!
Capture1: We will hold it with an iron fist.
Capture2: Take and Hold.
Capture3: Objective spotted.
Capped1: Objective secure.
Capped2: We hold the higher ground.
Capped3: Defensive pattern alpha initiated.
Load_Transport1: This Rhino will take us to battle.
Load_Transport2: To the frontline!
Unload_Transport1: Disembark.
Unload_Transport2: Unload Troops, Unleash Firepower.
Morale_Break1: Fall back and regroup.
Morale_Break2: To the rally point!
Morale_Break3: Initiate defensive pattern Beta.
Morale_Restored1: We didn't run at Rynn's World, we will not run here!
Morale_Restored2: Hold the line!
Morale_Restored3: Stay with me!
Charge1: I will kill you where you stand.
Charge2: To arms!
Charge3: Ready Chainswords!
Charge4: Charging Power Fists.
Jump_Teleport1: Teleporting to location Echo.
Jump_Teleport2: Into the Maelstrom of battle!
Deepstrike1: Drop Pod incoming.
Deepstrike2: Strikedown into the heart of their lines.
Ability1: Attack Pattern Delta.
Ability2: Load Special Ammunition and fire.
Ability3: Fire in the hole!
Ability4: Tend to injured.
Ability5: We must protect the Gene-Seed.
Combat1: Intensify Bolter fire!
Combat2: Foul creature, you will die!
Combat3: I will crush you.
Under_Fire1: Under fire!
Under_Fire2: Crimson Fists taking hits.
Under_Fire3: Courage under fire brothers.
Damage1: Taking damage.
Damage2: Send reinforcements to my location.
Damage3: The enemy have us pinned.
Death1: It was an honour to fight at your side Commander.
Death2: It is a beautiful death.
Death3: Avenge... me!
Death4: I died... in His... name.

Assault Marine Squad
Notes: Vanilla assault marine with Spanish accent
Unit_Complete1: Let there be no mistake, we are the Emperor’s chosen
Unit_Complete2: We shall know no equal save our brothers
Unit_Complete3: The swords of distant Terra guard mankind still
Unit_Complete4: War is the forge of truth
Unit_Complete5: What they see, they shall soon learn to fear
Unit_Complete6: The Emperor’s service is one of bloodshed
Unit_Complete7: Ever serve Rogal Dorn and the Emperor
Selection1: Let the Primarch judge us worthy [pronounced "Prime-ark"]
Selection2: Angels of Death
Selection3: All hail the Crimson Fists
Selection4: Righteous sons of Rogal Dorn
Selection5: Combat protocols
Selection6: We are their death
Selection7: Heed the words of Rhetoricus [pronounced "Ret-or-i-cus"]
Move1: No place is denied to us
Move2: In fury, faith. In hatred, purpose
Move3: For Dorn and the Emperor
Move4: Order us into battle
Move5: Wars will never cease
Move6: You honor us
Move7: We go swiftly
Attack1: We will look into their soulless eyes, and strike them down!
Attack2: They will not bar our way!
Attack3: For Lord Hellblade and the second rising of the Crimson Fists!
Attack4: Let us teach them the folly of their ways
Attack5: With the sword is honor won
Attack6: We will cut them down!
Attack7: Cold and fast!
Capture1: Ours is the right of conquest
Capture2: Dominate, in the name of the Emperor
Capture3: Secure the point
Capped1: Area secured
Capped2: Victory is ours
Capped3: A great day, brothers
Load_Transport1: Jump packs to idle
Load_Transport2: Prepared for transport
Unload_Transport1: Back to combat
Unload_Transport2: Ready to fly
Morale_Break1: The tide turns against us!
Morale_Break2: Conserve our numbers!
Morale_Break3: We must pull back!
Morale_Restored1: This day shall be ours yet
Morale_Restored2: Continuing assault
Morale_Restored3: Ready to deploy from reserve
Charge1: Space Marines! Engage!
Charge2: Fury of Dorn!
Charge3: Blood of the Primarch!
Charge4: Destroy them!
Jump_Teleport1: Jump as one!
Jump_Teleport2: Assault jump!
Deepstrike1: We have arrived
Deepstrike2: Assault marines have arrived
Ability1: Eat explosive death
Ability2: Blessed intolerance
Ability3: Perish the invader
Ability4: Contempt is our armor!
Ability5: Rally, Crimson Fists!
Combat1: Come to your ruin!
Combat2: Fear me! For I am the Emperor’s might!
Combat3: No hesitation! No fear!
Under_Fire1: Engaging the foe!
Under_Fire2: Meet the challenge!
Under_Fire3: In Dorn’s name, destroy them!
Damage1: We die in glory!
Damage2: Until death take us!
Damage3: Live, liberators of Rynns world!
Death1: Nooo..
Death2: Arrrgghhhh..
Death3: Ohhhpppfff...
Death4: For the chapter!

Assault Marine Squad Sergeant
Notes: more grizzled, rough version of the CF assault marine
Unit_Complete1: Spaces marines are men in the same way a blade is merely metal
Unit_Complete2: I stand against the terrors of the universe unbowed and unbroken
Unit_Complete3: May my blade drink deep of the foe and never be satisfied
Unit_Complete4: May I not feel the touch of fear at the death that is my service
Unit_Complete5: May we stand as warriors and fall with blades in hand
Unit_Complete6: Our hearts will never falter
Unit_Complete7: Honor the Primarch on the field of battle
Selection1: Fists of Rynns world
Selection2: The Emperor’s Justice is harsh
Selection3: Ave Imperator [pronounced "Im-pear-a-tor"]
Selection4: Righteous sons of Rogal Dorn
Selection5: Combat protocols
Selection6: We are their death
Selection7: Heed the words of Rhetoricus [pronounced "Ret-or-i-cus"]
Move1: With your leave
Move2: Your command be done
Move3: The way is clear
Move4: Order us into battle
Move5: Wars will never cease
Move6: You honor us
Move7: We go swiftly
Attack1: Crimson Fists, attack!
Attack2: Fight as one!
Attack3: Cut down the impure!
Attack4: Let us teach them the folly of their ways
Attack5: With the sword is honor won
Attack6: We will cut them down!
Attack7: Cold and fast!
Capture1: Ours is the right of conquest
Capture2: Dominate, in the name of the Emperor
Capture3: Secure the point
Capped1: Area secured
Capped2: Victory is ours
Capped3: A great day, brothers
Load_Transport1: Jump packs to idle
Load_Transport2: Prepared for transport
Unload_Transport1: Back to combat
Unload_Transport2: Ready to fly
Morale_Break1: The tide turns against us!
Morale_Break2: Conserve our numbers!
Morale_Break3: We must pull back!
Morale_Restored1: This day shall be ours yet
Morale_Restored2: Continuing assault
Morale_Restored3: Ready to deploy from reserve
Charge1: Space Marines! Engage!
Charge2: Fury of Dorn!
Charge3: Blood of the Primarch!
Charge4: Destroy them!
Jump_Teleport1: Jump as one!
Jump_Teleport2: Assault jump!
Deepstrike1: We have arrived
Deepstrike2: Assault marines have arrived
Ability1: Eat explosive death
Ability2: Blessed intolerance
Ability3: Perish the invader
Ability4: Contempt is our armor!
Ability5: Rally, Crimson Fists!
Combat1: Come to your ruin!
Combat2: Fear me! For I am the Emperor’s might!
Combat3: No hesitation! No fear!
Under_Fire1: Engaging the foe!
Under_Fire2: Meet the challenge!
Under_Fire3: In Dorn’s name, destroy them!
Damage1: We die in glory!
Damage2: Until death take us!
Damage3: Live, liberators of Rynns world!
Death1: Nooo..
Death2: Arrrgghhhh..
Death3: Ohhhpppfff...
Death4: For the chapter!

Devastator Marine Squad
Notes: Same as tac marine. IE vanilla SM tac squad with Spanish accent
Unit_Complete1: Planetfall, brothers
Unit_Complete2: We hands of the Emperor
Unit_Complete3: Remain alert and adjust the auspect
Unit_Complete4: We have waited long enough
Unit_Complete5: Though uncompromising vigilance comes victory
Unit_Complete6: We are Chapter’s armoury now
Unit_Complete7: We bring fire and war onto the foe
Selection1: Foes strike from within and without
Selection2: Our foes swarm and multiply in the darkness
Selection3: Hail, lord brother
Selection4: It is a worthy crusade
Selection5: Brothers make ready
Selection6: Comm-channel encryption alpha 3
Selection7: Death comes from a distance
Move1: It is the way of the Imperium
Move2: For the Emperor
Move3: What is the Emperor’s will
Move4: Squad forward
Move5: Formation!
Move6: The Chapter is the savior of the people
Move7: The Codex is clear
Attack1: Let them fear to tread this ground
Attack2: Assess and destroy
Attack3: Cover fire
Attack4: Lay them low
Attack5: Targets acquired
Attack6: Gladius formation
Attack7: A taste of the Chapter’s munitions
Capture1: Securing the waypoint
Capture2: Take the ground
Capture3: Our foothold is there
Capped1: It is a glorious sight
Capped2: A great improvement, my lord
Capped3:The field is ours
Load_Transport1: Deploy us anew
Load_Transport2: To the transport
Unload_Transport1: Fire support squad deployed
Unload_Transport2: Devastators in position
Morale_Break1: Fall back to the second line!
Morale_Break2: Regroup at rally point ultima six-eight
Morale_Break3: Abandon the position
Morale_Restored1: Onto the anvil of war once more
Morale_Restored2: Prepared to engage again
Morale_Restored3: We attack once more
Charge1: Chase them down!
Charge2: It is time for vengeance!
Charge3: Let none escape!
Charge4: Destroy them!
Jump_Teleport1: Take us to the coordinates
Jump_Teleport2: Brace for teleport assault
Deepstrike1: Take us to the surface
Deepstrike2: To the battlefield
Ability1: Such is the price of heresy!
Ability2: For the salvation of Mankind!
Ability3: Pay for you sins, heretic!
Ability4: Steadfast and resolute in faith
Ability5: Our victory is justice
Combat1: Fell creatures!
Combat2: Hammer them with fire!
Combat3: No pity!
Under_Fire1: Incoming!
Under_Fire2: We are receiving fire!
Under_Fire3: We are being fired upon!
Damage1: Brothers, we will die together!
Damage2: If this be our last stand, so be it!
Damage3: In death we prove ourselves worthy!
Death1: Nooo..
Death2: Arrrgghhhh..
Death3: Ohhhpppfff...
Death4: For the chapter!

Devastator Marine Squad Sergeant
Notes: More grizzled, rough version of the CF devastator
Unit_Complete1: Spaces marines are men in the same way a blade is merely metal
Unit_Complete2: I stand against the terrors of the universe unbowed and unbroken
Unit_Complete3: Mankind’s protectors until death take us
Unit_Complete4: These relics are safe while we wield them in battle
Unit_Complete5: Rally to me, Angels of Death
Unit_Complete6: Keep close, brothers, our moment has come
Unit_Complete7: We stand shoulder to shoulder once more, brothers
Selection1: Truly, the foes of Mankind never tire
Selection2: I care not but for my duty
Selection3: Vigilance shall be our fortress
Selection4: It is a worthy crusade
Selection5: Brothers make ready
Selection6: Comm-channel encryption alpha 3
Selection7: Death comes from a distance
Move1: The warrior who acts out of honor cannot fail
Move2: We have faced untold enemies
Move3: A warrior’s eye should see everything
Move4: Squad forward
Move5: Formation!
Move6: The Chapter is the savior of the people
Move7: The Codex is clear
Attack1: Hatred’s flame burns long and cold
Attack2: A hail of righteousness for the enemy
Attack3: Enough words, we take the fight to the enemy
Attack4: Lay them low
Attack5: Targets acquired
Attack6: Gladius formation
Attack7: A taste of the Chapter’s munitions
Capture1: Securing the waypoint
Capture2: Take the ground
Capture3: Our foothold is there
Capped1: It is a glorious sight
Capped2: A great improvement, my lord
Capped3:The field is ours
Load_Transport1: Deploy us anew
Load_Transport2: To the transport
Unload_Transport1: Fire support squad deployed
Unload_Transport2: Devastators in position
Morale_Break1: Fall back to the second line!
Morale_Break2: Regroup at rally point ultima six-eight
Morale_Break3: Abandon the position
Morale_Restored1: Onto the anvil of war once more
Morale_Restored2: Prepared to engage again
Morale_Restored3: We attack once more
Charge1: Chase them down!
Charge2: It is time for vengeance!
Charge3: Let none escape!
Charge4: Destroy them!
Jump_Teleport1: Take us to the coordinates
Jump_Teleport2: Brace for teleport assault
Deepstrike1: Take us to the surface
Deepstrike2: To the battlefield
Ability1: Such is the price of heresy!
Ability2: For the salvation of Mankind!
Ability3: Pay for you sins, heretic!
Ability4: Steadfast and resolute in faith
Ability5: Our victory is justice
Combat1: Fell creatures!
Combat2: Hammer them with fire!
Combat3: No pity!
Under_Fire1: Incoming!
Under_Fire2: We are receiving fire!
Under_Fire3: We are being fired upon!
Damage1: Brothers, we will die together!
Damage2: If this be our last stand, so be it!
Damage3: In death we prove ourselves worthy!
Death1: Nooo..
Death2: Arrrgghhhh..
Death3: Ohhhpppfff...
Death4: For the chapter!

Bike Squad (Mounted Initiates)
Notes: Same as tac marine with a bike engine roar behind them. IE vanilla SM tac squad with Spanish accent
Unit_Complete1: Ride for Glory. Ride for Dorn
Unit_Complete2: We will never relent
Unit_Complete3: On attack bikes, Sons of Dorn
Unit_Complete4: All gates are open before us
Unit_Complete5: A siege upon open ground
Unit_Complete6: By the Codex Astartes, swift attack
Unit_Complete7: Squad deployed on attack bikes
Selection1: We the few
Selection2: Attack bike squad
Selection3: Brother
Selection4: Levity is weakness
Selection5: Fast attack
Selection6: Rynnsworld Defendus
Selection7: Swift fists
Move1: Yes, Strategos
Move2: With pride
Move3: Ride for redemption
Move4: Approaching
Move5: On angels’ wing
Move6: Patrol and conquer
Move7: Scout for glory
Attack1: Fast attack salvation
Attack2: Strike at weakness
Attack3: It be your command
Attack4: Praise be
Attack5: Pursing
Attack6: Straight at them
Attack7: Search
Capture1: Take the point
Capture2: Get the objective
Capture3: Capture the point
Capped1: Captured
Capped2: It is ours
Capped3: Point secure
Morale_Break1: Back to the machine cult
Morale_Break2: Fall back for repairs
Morale_Break3: Break off
Morale_Restored1: Maintain the watch
Morale_Restored2: Brothers stand fast
Morale_Restored3: Stay vigilant, brothers
Charge1: Dorn’s blood!
Charge2: Strike swiftly, brothers!
Charge3: For the Charge!
Charge4: Forward Crimson Fists!
Jump_Teleport1: Cycling to teleport
Jump_Teleport2: Engines idle
Deepstrike1: Attack bikes to coordinates
Deepstrike2: Deep striking attack bikes
Ability1: As on Declates, we will destroy the foe
Ability2: From shadows to victory
Ability3: Hammer the foe
Ability4: Obedience
Ability5: Hold the line
Combat1: Terra and Rynnsworld!
Combat2: Emperor wills it!
Combat3: Do not let them get to cover!
Under_Fire1: Engaging the foe
Under_Fire2: Counterattack
Under_Fire3: Charge the foe
Damage1: Marine fear no death
Damage2: Maintain the attack
Damage3: No Son of Dorn flinches from death
Death1: *bike malfunction death*

Bike Squad Sergeant (Biker Sergeant)
Notes: More grizzled, rough version of the CF bikes
Unit_Complete1: In the moment of need, come the blue riders
Unit_Complete2: Designate a target for us to attack
Unit_Complete3: I am yours to command
Unit_Complete4: The honor is mine, Brother-Commander
Unit_Complete5: I will scout ahead and engage the enemy
Unit_Complete6: The armoury has attack bikes still
Unit_Complete7: Speed is our advantage
Selection1: Remember brother Tomasi
Selection2: Vengeance on all ork-kind
Selection3: Fast attack
Selection4: Levity is weakness
Selection5: Fast attack
Selection6: Rynnsworld Defendus
Selection7: Swift fists
Move1: Hesitate not
Move2: Ranging ahead of our brothers
Move3: Affirmative, brother
Move4: Approaching
Move5: On angels’ wing
Move6: Patrol and conquer
Move7: Scout for glory
Attack1: Copy fast attack
Attack2: At them, brothers
Attack3: For the Imperium
Attack4: Praise be
Attack5: Pursing
Attack6: Straight at them
Attack7: Search
Capture1: Take the point
Capture2: Get the objective
Capture3: Capture the point
Capped1: Captured
Capped2: It is ours
Capped3: Point secure
Morale_Break1: Back to the machine cult
Morale_Break2: Fall back for repairs
Morale_Break3: Break off
Morale_Restored1: Maintain the watch
Morale_Restored2: Brothers stand fast
Morale_Restored3: Stay vigilant, brothers
Charge1: Dorn’s blood!
Charge2: Strike swiftly, brothers!
Charge3: For the Charge!
Charge4: Forward Crimson Fists!
Jump_Teleport1: Cycling to teleport
Jump_Teleport2: Engines idle
Deepstrike1: Attack bikes to coordinates
Deepstrike2: Deep striking attack bikes
Ability1: As on Declates, we will destroy the foe
Ability2: From shadows to victory
Ability3: Hammer the foe
Ability4: Obedience
Ability5: Hold the line
Combat1: Terra and Rynnsworld!
Combat2: Emperor wills it!
Combat3: Do not let them get to cover!
Under_Fire1: Engaging the foe
Under_Fire2: Counterattack
Under_Fire3: Charge the foe
Damage1: Marine fear no death
Damage2: Maintain the attack
Damage3: No Son of Dorn flinches from death
Death1: *bike malfunction death*

Veterans Squad
Notes: As the Crimson Fists are the Spartans of the 40K Universe, I strongly advise watching 300 for reference of the way the Crimson Fists should be portrayed. The veterans, be it squads or squad leaders all form a tight knit comradery.
Unit_Complete1: We will fight to the death, as one.
Unit_Complete2: We are the Shield and Spear of the Imperium.
Unit_Complete3: Taking command.
Unit_Complete4: Take my lead brothers.
Unit_Complete5: We will show no mercy to the enemies of the Imperium.
Unit_Complete6: The Fists of the Emperor standing by.
Unit_Complete7: My squad stands with you commander.
Selection1: Yes my Lord?
Selection2: We seek a beautiful death.
Selection3: Side by side, the Crimson Fists stand together.
Selection4: Together as one.
Selection5: Strength and honour.
Selection6: Fight with your head and then with your heart brothers.
Selection7: Defiant to the end.
Move1: Moving out.
Move2: Stay in attack formation.
Move3: Taking positions.
Move4: For the glory of the Imperium.
Move5: To victory.
Move6: Squad moving to flanking positions.
Move7: Brothers, phalanx formation.
Attack1: Give nothing, but take everything.
Attack2: For Kantor!
Attack3: There is only the Emperor.
Attack4: He is our shield and protector.
Attack5: Fire at will brothers.
Attack6: We know no fear.
Attack7: Make Cortez proud!
Capture1: We will hold it with an iron fist.
Capture2: Take and Hold.
Capture3: Objective spotted.
Capped1: Objective secure.
Capped2: We hold the higher ground.
Capped3: Defensive pattern alpha initiated.
Load_Transport1: This Rhino will take us to battle.
Load_Transport2: To the frontline!
Unload_Transport1: Disembark.
Unload_Transport2: Unload Troops, Unleash Firepower.
Morale_Break1: Fall back and regroup.
Morale_Break2: To the rally point!
Morale_Break3: Initiate defensive pattern Beta.
Morale_Restored1: We didn't run at Rynn's World, we will not run here!
Morale_Restored2: Hold the line!
Morale_Restored3: Stay with me!
Charge1: I will kill you where you stand.
Charge2: To arms!
Charge3: Ready Chainswords!
Charge4: Charging Power Fists.
Jump_Teleport1: Teleporting to location Echo.
Jump_Teleport2: Into the Maelstrom of battle!
Deepstrike1: Drop Pod incoming.
Deepstrike2: Strikedown into the heart of their lines.
Ability1: Attack Pattern Delta.
Ability2: Load Special Ammunition and fire.
Ability3: Fire in the hole!
Ability4: Tend to injured.
Ability5: We must protect the Gene-Seed.
Combat1: Intensify Bolter fire!
Combat2: Foul creature, you will die!
Combat3: I will crush you.
Under_Fire1: Under fire!
Under_Fire2: Crimson Fists taking hits.
Under_Fire3: Courage under fire brothers.
Damage1: Taking damage.
Damage2: Send reinforcements to my location.
Damage3: The enemy have us pinned.
Death1: It will take more than that to take us down!
Death2: It is a beautiful death.
Death3: In death I will take you with me.
Death4: I died... in His... name.

Veteran Squad Sergeant
Notes: As the Crimson Fists are the Spartans of the 40K Universe, I strongly advise watching 300 for reference of the way the Crimson Fists should be portrayed.
Unit_Complete1: Standing ready Commander.
Unit_Complete2: Where I go, 300 more stand with me.
Unit_Complete3: Taking command of the Sternguard.
Unit_Complete4: Be stern in your guard brothers.
Unit_Complete5: For the Imperium of Man.
Unit_Complete6: The Fists of the Emperor stand with you Commander.
Unit_Complete7: My squad stands with you commander, for the Imperium.
Selection1: My Lord!
Selection2: To the frontline and a beautiful death my brothers.
Selection3: Side by side, together as one.
Selection4: Ready for your orders Commander.
Selection5: Sternguard, standing by.
Selection6: A glorious death awaits those who fight in the name of the Emperor.
Selection7: Defiant to the end.
Move1: Moving out.
Move2: He is our shield and protector.
Move3: For Dorn and the Emperor.
Move4: For the glory of the Imperium.
Move5: Be vigilant Brothers.
Move6: Squad moving to flanking positions.
Move7: Sternguard, phalanx formation.
Attack1: Give nothing, but take everything.
Attack2: Snap Fire on my target.
Attack3: Kraken Bolts on my mark.
Attack4: To the death.
Attack5: Fire at will brothers.
Attack6: We are the angels of death and we know no fear.
Attack7: Load Special Ammunition and fire.
Capture1: We will hold it with an iron fist.
Capture2: Take and Hold.
Capture3: Objective spotted.
Capped1: Objective secure.
Capped2: We hold the higher ground.
Capped3: Defensive pattern alpha initiated.
Load_Transport1: This Rhino will take us to battle.
Load_Transport2: To the frontline!
Unload_Transport1: Disembark.
Unload_Transport2: Unload Troops, Unleash Firepower.
Morale_Break1: Fall back and regroup.
Morale_Break2: To the rally point!
Morale_Break3: Initiate defensive pattern Beta.
Morale_Restored1: We didn't run at Rynn's World, we will not run here!
Morale_Restored2: Hold the line!
Morale_Restored3: Stay with me!
Charge1: I will kill you where you stand.
Charge2: To arms!
Charge3: Ready Chainswords!
Charge4: Charging Power Fists.
Jump_Teleport1: Teleporting to location Echo.
Jump_Teleport2: Into the Maelstrom of battle!
Deepstrike1: Drop Pod incoming.
Deepstrike2: Strikedown into the heart of their lines.
Ability1: Attack Pattern Delta.
Ability2: Load Special Ammunition and fire.
Ability3: Fire in the hole!
Ability4: Tend to injured.
Ability5: We must protect the Gene-Seed.
Combat1: Intensify Bolter fire!
Combat2: Foul creature, you will die!
Combat3: I will crush you.
Under_Fire1: Under fire!
Under_Fire2: Crimson Fists taking hits.
Under_Fire3: Courage under fire brothers.
Damage1: Taking damage.
Damage2: Send reinforcements to my location.
Damage3: The enemy have us pinned.
Death1: It was an honour to fight at your side Commander.
Death2: It is a beautiful death.
Death3: Twas not a beautiful death.
Death4: May I find solace in a sarcophagus, so I might fight again.

Terminator Squad
Notes: Honored to bear some of the Chapter's only remaining relics, veterans of the Rynn's World disaster the Crimson Fists Terminators are stoic warriors determined to uphold the Chapter and wreak vengeance on their foes, especially the Orks!
Unit_Complete1: The Fists of Dorn have come!
Unit_Complete2: We bear the Chapter's relics, we will not fail.
Unit_Complete3: What foe requires our might?
Unit_Complete4: The Crusade Company is ready for war!
Unit_Complete5: In Dorn's name we come to fight.
Unit_Complete6: We seek vengeance for Rynn's World!
Unit_Complete7: The Terminators have come, give us a target.
Selection1: What do you want lord?
Selection2: We stand at the ready.
Selection3: We await action.
Selection4: Send us into battle commander.
Selection5: We are ready for battle.
Selection6: None can stand before our Crusade.
Selection7: Orders commander?
Move1: Whatever is there, we will crush it!
Move2: Do you think there will be Orks to kill?
Move3: Moving to target.
Move4: Make way for the Terminators.
Move5: We will show you how it is done!
Move6: Is it xenos? We hate xenos.
Move7: Onwards, to glory in Dorn's name!
Attack1: We bring the Emperor's Judgment!
Attack2: Purge them!
Attack3: Our judgment is swift.
Attack4: Leave none alive!
Attack5: Vengeance for Rynn's World!
Attack6: We are the Chapter's wrath made manifest!
Attack7: Smite now the enemies of the Emperor!
Capture1: We claim this area for Pedro Kantor.
Capture2: It will be done.
Capture3: As you order it, so it shall be.
Capped1: Area secured commander.
Capped2: Our Chapter's hold is sure.
Capped3: This position is now ours.
Load_Transport1: Bring us to the front!
Load_Transport2: We embark on this journey.
Unload_Transport1: To the fight brothers!
Unload_Transport2: We have arrived to join the fight.
Morale_Break1: We are overcome!
Morale_Break2: Dorn preserve us!
Morale_Break3: Our position is lost!
Morale_Restored1: We have weathered the storm.
Morale_Restored2: In Dorn's name we still stand!
Morale_Restored3: We are unbroken.
Charge1: In Kantor's name destroy them!
Charge2: We will crush them in our mailed fist!
Charge3: None can stand before us!
Charge4: Sweep them before us!
Jump_Teleport1: Through the warp we come.
Jump_Teleport2: The Emperor has delivered us to battle.
Deepstrike1: Deployment complete.
Deepstrike2: Prepared to engage.
Ability1: We will unleash hell upon them!
Ability2: None can stand before Dorn's wrath!
Ability3: We pass our judgment upon them.
Ability4: In Dorn and the Emperor we place our faith.
Ability5: We have faced worse, we shall endure.
Combat1: Engaging foe, threat minimal.
Combat2: We have joined the battle.
Combat3: In the thick of battle, where we belong.
Under_Fire1: Insects swat at us.
Under_Fire2: We have been noticed.
Under_Fire3: Ah, that's where they are.
Damage1: Our suits are taking damage.
Damage2: System integrity dropping.
Damage3: We are taking wounds.
Death1: Our time has come...
Death2: Our fight is over...
Death3: In death our duty... ends...
Death4: The Emperor's light beckons us...

Terminator Squad Sergeant
Notes: Notes: A grizzled Veteran of many wars, including the Battle for Rynn's World that saw almost all the Chapter holds dear destroyed by the Orks.
Unit_Complete1: I see my experience is needed.
Unit_Complete2: I will not fail the Chapter.
Unit_Complete3: I have seen this all before, it will not be a problem.
Unit_Complete4: Do we face a real foe this time?
Unit_Complete5: Is there an enemy here, I see only filth.
Unit_Complete6: Follow me brothers, we are the Chapter's exemplars.
Unit_Complete7: War calls once more.
Selection1: What do you require commander?
Selection2: I see the enemy, I am not impressed.
Selection3: I tire of idleness.
Selection4: Send us into battle commander.
Selection5: We are ready for battle.
Selection6: None can stand before our Crusade.
Selection7: Orders commander?
Move1: Advance brothers.
Move2: We will seek the enemy, and destroy them.
Move3: Follow me brothers, we are needed elsewhere.
Move4: Make way for the Terminators.
Move5: We will show you how it is done!
Move6: Is it xenos? We hate xenos.
Move7: Onwards, to glory in Dorn's name!
Attack1: Destroy them brothers, Vengeance for Rynn's World!
Attack2: Start with the biggest, then all the rest!
Attack3: Leave none alive, no mercy, no respite!
Attack4: Leave none alive!
Attack5: Vengeance for Rynn's World!
Attack6: We are the Chapter's wrath made manifest!
Attack7: Smite now the enemies of the Emperor!
Capture1: We claim this area for Pedro Kantor.
Capture2: It will be done.
Capture3: As you order it, so it shall be.
Capped1: Area secured commander.
Capped2: Our Chapter's hold is sure.
Capped3: This position is now ours.
Load_Transport1: Bring us to the front!
Load_Transport2: We embark on this journey.
Unload_Transport1: To the fight brothers!
Unload_Transport2: We have arrived to join the fight.
Morale_Break1: We are overcome!
Morale_Break2: Dorn preserve us!
Morale_Break3: Our position is lost!
Morale_Restored1: We have weathered the storm.
Morale_Restored2: In Dorn's name we still stand!
Morale_Restored3: We are unbroken.
Charge1: In Kantor's name destroy them!
Charge2: We will crush them in our mailed fist!
Charge3: None can stand before us!
Charge4: Sweep them before us!
Jump_Teleport1: Through the warp we come.
Jump_Teleport2: The Emperor has delivered us to battle.
Deepstrike1: Deployment complete.
Deepstrike2: Prepared to engage.
Ability1: We will unleash hell upon them!
Ability2: None can stand before Dorn's wrath!
Ability3: We pass our judgment upon them.
Ability4: In Dorn and the Emperor we place our faith.
Ability5: We have faced worse, we shall endure.
Combat1: Engaging foe, threat minimal.
Combat2: We have joined the battle.
Combat3: In the thick of battle, where we belong.
Under_Fire1: Insects swat at us.
Under_Fire2: We have been noticed.
Under_Fire3: Ah, that's where they are.
Damage1: Our suits are taking damage.
Damage2: System integrity dropping.
Damage3: We are taking wounds.
Death1: Our Crusade... is over...
Death2: We shall be... remembered...
Death3: We go to death... but not alone...
Death4: The Emperor's light beckons us...


Notes: Vanilla apothecary with a Spanish accent
Unit_Complete1: Sing Praise to the Emperor
Unit_Complete2: Through campaigns and firestorms,
Unit_Complete3: The Crimson Fists endure through the ages
Unit_Complete4: It is glorious to fight at your side against
Unit_Complete5: What is life next to service to the Primarch
Unit_Complete6: Even at the end of life, accept no defeat
Unit_Complete7: At the end of this road, we will on in our brothers
Selection1: Even the dead were once as we are now
Selection2: We can ill afford the lost
Selection3: Go in glory
Selection4: War is never fair
Selection5: So few remain
Selection6: Preserve the geneseed
Selection7: Precious geneseed
Move1: It is a perilous path
Move2: The demands of the living outweigh those of the dead
Move3: Only the Emperor gives eternal life
Move4: It is my wish as well
Move5: Our numbers will grow again
Move6: He that may fight no more, give him peace
Move7: He that may fight, heal him
Attack1: Kill in the Primarch’s name
Attack2: Primarch’s blood
Attack3: We all serve the Emperor
Attack4: I can take life as well as give it
Attack5: Angels of death, attack
Attack6: We will do great harm
Attack7: First, war for the Primarch
Capture1: I will succeed
Capture2: It would be suitable for a field Apothecarion [pronounced "A-poth-a-car-i-on"]
Capture3: I will deploy my tools there
Capped1: A protectorate of Mankind
Capped2: Come, all who seek healing
Capped3: This is a sanctuary
Join1: Even those who fall, live on through me
Join2: Concern yourself not with death
Join3: There is no injury, only service
Detach1: The Chapter has other need of me
Detach2: Pure thoughts beget pure geneseed. Go now.
Load_Transport1: Good, you have brought the cryotome [pronounced "cry-o-tome"]
Load_Transport2: It will serve, for now
Unload_Transport1: I have monitored your health closely, brothers
Unload_Transport2: I pronounce you fit, brothers
Morale_Break1: Do you desire the Emperor’s Peace, brother?
Morale_Break2: Work through the pain, brothers
Morale_Break3: Our brother is no more
Morale_Restored1: They are with the Primarch now
Morale_Restored2: Bless our brothers, who have gone to meet our Master
Morale_Restored3: You require my assistance once more?
Charge1: Into the fires of battle!
Charge2: Show them no mercy!
Charge3: Take them apart!
Jump_Teleport1: I am going
Jump_Teleport2: Copy my position
Deepstrike1: Place me where I am needed
Deepstrike2: I will tend to our brothers
Ability1: Pain and death are illusions of the mind
Ability2: Whatever may come, the Chapter will take its due
Ability3: While even a single Crimson Fist lives, our war is not finished
Ability4: You will feel stronger
Ability5: While his geneseed returns to the chapter, a space marine cannot die
Combat1: Let not a single one survive!
Combat2: Fight on, Crimson Fists!
Combat3: For our brothers! For Rogal Dorn!
Under_Fire1: Contact!
Under_Fire2: Assassins!
Under_Fire3: Hold them back, brothers!
Damage1: Death holds no fear for us!
Damage2: Protect your brothers!
Damage3: Make them pay for every death!
Death1: Arrgghhhh!
Death2: Noooo... save the geneseed!
Death3: I... have... failed...
Death4: In Dorn.. I trust...

Retinue Command Squad Leader (Crusade Company Veterans)
Notes: Tac Marine veterans. Like fiercer version of tac marines with a Spanish castillian accent.
Unit_Complete1: We brothers of the Crusade Company have arrived
Unit_Complete2: It will be auspicious when the Crusade Company is at full strength again
Unit_Complete3: The Crusade Company leads the Chapter by example
Unit_Complete4: The Crusade Company survives, now and forever
Unit_Complete5: So deep will the memory be that they will fear us for a thousand years
Unit_Complete6: This is the day of the Rogal Dorn’s Truth
Unit_Complete7: A second Crusade of Righteous Liberation
Selection1: Pride of the Chapter
Selection2: Trust in us
Selection3: May the Emperor watch over you
Selection4: Our faith keeps us safe
Selection5: Cowards die in shame
Selection6: Maestus Acceptum [pronounced "My-stus Accept-um"]
Selection7: At your sufferance, lord
Move1: It will unfold as you command
Move2: As you command, brother
Move3: As my lord wishes
Move4: Move in and support
Move5: The Crusade Company fights again
Move6: Ever at the forefront of battle
Move7: Spearpoint excelsior
Attack1: Final mercy
Attack2: Open fire
Attack3: Let battle be joined
Attack4: Their existence demeans us
Attack5: For Sacred Sol and the Praetorian
Attack6: Learn you lesson, monster
Attack7: To kill a heretic is not murder
Capture1: With the Emperor’s help
Capture2: Give the Emperor his praise
Capture3: The Chapter’s due
Capped1: It is good to gain ground again
Capped2: The field is nearly ours
Capped3: A salient for the coming battle
Join1: With me, brothers!
Join2: Prepare for War!
Join3: Together, we shall champion all!
Detach1: Farewell, brethren!
Detach2: I am engaged elsewhere.
Load_Transport1: Crusade Company is mobilized for riding assault
Load_Transport2: This shall be our chantry
Unload_Transport1: Forward, brothers of the Crusade Company
Unload_Transport2: Let every battlefield strengthen your faith in the Emperor’s Favored Son
Morale_Break1: Codex Astartes calls for fallback
Morale_Break2: Preserve our numbers!
Morale_Break3: The peril is too great
Morale_Restored1: We can still fight
Morale_Restored2: Our honor is intact
Morale_Restored3: Our pride is restored
Charge1: Crusade Company, attack!
Charge2: Engage, brothers, engage!
Charge3: There is the challenge, brothers!
Jump_Teleport1: Lock on well, brothers
Jump_Teleport2: We are ready
Deepstrike1: Cast aside the Ceres Protocol (series)
Deepstrike2: It is our right
Ability1: Let’s have you, wretch!
Ability2: I curse you, minion of evil!
Ability3: Flee to the abyss from which spawned you!
Ability4: Steel yourselves against the heresy of their existence!
Ability5: The Armor of Contempt is our shield!
Combat1: Let’s have it, monster!
Combat2: Brother! We fight well this day!
Combat3: I will make you believe!
Under_Fire1: Our foe is here!
Under_Fire2: These foes are ours!
Under_Fire3: Charge, Crusade Company!
Damage1: Die well, brothers!
Damage2: Pain is an illusion of the senses!
Damage3: Honor in death!
Death1: Carry on…!
Death2: Remember me, brothers!
Death3: No surrender…!
Death4:*standard SM death sound*

Standard Bearer (Praetorian Banner)
Notes: Sergeant of the command squad, with morale/attack aura. Like SM tac marine with a Spanish castillian accent.
Unit_Complete1: Forming command squad around the Chapter Banner
Unit_Complete2: The Banner marches to war again
Unit_Complete3: What foes will learn to dread the Crimson Fist anew?
Unit_Complete4: Loki Sector will be made safe again, I so swear
Unit_Complete5: Even when at the far end of the galaxy, we are Terra and we are Rynnsworld
Unit_Complete6: Sacrifices which must be made for Mankind, we make them gladly
Unit_Complete7: The Bell of Heroes will not toll for us yet
Selection1: It has been a long time since Zeist
Selection2: What do you counsel?
Selection3: Chapter Banner
Selection4: We have our pride again
Selection5: Many brother will hold this after me
Selection6: Follow me brothers
Selection7: Sanctus Praetorii [pronounced "sank-tus pry-tor-ee"]
Move1: The Imperium has come at last
Move2: Mankind marches at our backs
Move3: Lift your hearts, brothers
Move4: At dawn, comes the sons of Rogal Dorn
Move5: Curse the Ork
Move6: We take our sanctum with us
Move7: Be true, even hope grows faint
Attack1: Bring the wrath, bring the might of the Crimson Fists
Attack2: Scour the invader and grind him to dust
Attack3: Honor the dead and fight in their memory
Attack4: We show them our strength this day
Attack5: Unbowed and unbroken
Attack6: Our enemy is cunning
Attack7: Gather to me, sons of Rogal Dorn
Capture1: By the House of Dorn, it will be done
Capture2: I understand
Capture3: Raise the chapter standard
Capped1: It is fair warning to those who oppose Mankind
Capped2: It is done, let it be
Capped3: Back to battle
Join1: Form alongside the Standard!
Join2: Attend to the Banner!
Join3: The Flag bearer demands your attention!
Detach1: The Banner leaves you now.
Detach2: I am joined elsewhere.
Load_Transport1: Sheltering within the armor
Load_Transport2: Carry us swiftly, brother
Unload_Transport1: We have arrived, brothers
Unload_Transport2: Brace yourself for contact, brothers
Morale_Break1: We will live to fight another day!
Morale_Break2: Fall back, our brothers will support us!
Morale_Break3: We must conserve our numbers, to fall back positions!
Morale_Restored1: Arise, super-soldiers of Rogal Dorn
Morale_Restored2: Our wounds will heal
Morale_Restored3: Take heart, Crimson Fists
Charge1: For glory! For Rogal Dorn!
Charge2: Smash the foes of the Emperor!
Charge3: Libertas! [pronounced "Lee-ber-tahs"]
Jump_Teleport1: Brace yourself and think of Rynnsworld
Jump_Teleport2: Our brothers in orbit are locking on
Deepstrike1: Crusade Company Deepstriking
Deepstrike2: Into the heat of battle
Ability1: What they can see, they soon learn to fear!
Ability2: The Emperor deems them unclean!
Ability3: Rally, brothers and destroy the foe!
Ability4: Uphold the good name of the Chapter!
Ability5: No death, brothers! You duty lies yet undone!
Combat1: For the Emperor!
Combat2: Glory be!
Combat3: Blood of the Primarch!
Under_Fire1: Moving to combat!
Under_Fire2: Do your worst, dark one!
Under_Fire3: Into the fires of battle once more!
Damage1: Though we lay shattered, the Chapter will avenge us!
Damage2: No fear of death!
Damage3: If this is our end, then we will fight to the last breath!
Death1: Such folly!
Death2: Brothers…!
Death3: Take… the Chapter’s due!
Death4:*standard SM death sound*

Company Champion (Swordmaster)
Notes: Like SM force commander with a Spanish castillian accent. Company level champion of the Crimson Fists. The traditions of the sword and champion are strong in the Crimson Fists, though not as strong as among the Imperial Fists.
Unit_Complete1: Mankind’s cries for salvation fall not on deaf ears
Unit_Complete2: Above all, the Emperor has one command: fight
Unit_Complete3: The path of the Champion is one of sacrifice and bravery
Unit_Complete4: I stand attentive to the needs of the Chapter
Unit_Complete5: I have prayed for the day struggle and fire
Unit_Complete6: As Dorn was to the Emperor, so shall I be to Master Kantor
Unit_Complete7: I have been restless in battle-meditation as of late
Selection1: I heed thy call
Selection2: Upon the battlefield I have purpose
Selection3: My faith is my shield
Selection4: No Marine fears death
Selection5: Rogal Dorn hear my prayers
Selection6: What is your command?
Selection7: Throne of Terra
Move1: I am en route
Move2: Affirmative, brother
Move3: Nothing will district me from my course
Move4: Only one destiny awaits us
Move5: May the Emperor watch over and guide you
Move6: Billions of lives hang in the balance
Move7: In His name
Attack1: We protect the innocent
Attack2: By our actions, mankind will be saved
Attack3: We will hold
Attack4: A show of strength, brother
Attack5: For the future of the Imperium of Mankind
Attack6: They will suffer at our hands
Attack7: Certainty is our prerogative
Capture1: As you ask
Capture2: Captus [pronounced "Cap-tus"]
Capture3: Quickly does victory come
Capped1: They shall know we are here
Capped2: Honor prevails before the darkness
Capped3: Praise the icon of the Chapter
Join1: Assemble, warriors
Join2: We fight as one this day
Join3: Battle calls to each of us
Detach1: We each our duty
Detach2: We have our objectives, go
Load_Transport1: Deliver me to the field of honor
Load_Transport2: I will prepare for the renewed battle
Unload_Transport1: I am deployed
Unload_Transport2: I have honed my focus
Morale_Break1: Fall… back!
Morale_Break2: Dis-engage and regroup!
Morale_Break3: We are broken!
Morale_Restored1: It is the toll of war
Morale_Restored2: We return to duty
Morale_Restored3: I will never yield
Charge1: I am the keen blade of the Primarch!
Charge2: For honor! For Rogal Dorn!
Charge3: For Terra!
Jump_Teleport1: Initiating beacon
Jump_Teleport2: Praise its Machine Spirit
Deepstrike1: Deploying
Deepstrike2: Commencing Deepstrike
Ability1: Purity’s flame
Ability2: Glorious annihilate
Ability3: Neutralizing
Ability4: My Emperor. My duty.
Ability5: I will stand until the last
Combat1: Repent, for your Nemesis is upon you!
Combat2: Fall to my blade!
Combat3: Foul iconoclast, I cast you down!
Under_Fire1: Come, I will destroy you!
Under_Fire2: A challenge to the Chapter!
Under_Fire3: Fall, enemies of the Emperor!
Damage1: In the Emperor’s name, I will not fall!
Damage2: The Emperor watches over his own!
Damage3: I will do my duty, whatever the cost!
Death1: A setback…
Death2: Another will come…
Death3: Honor my memory brothers…
Death4:*standard SM death sound*

Captain (Hellblade Sergeant)
Notes: Like SM force commander with a Spanish castillian accent. A survivor of the holocaust at Arx Tyrannus among the number who escorted Chapter Master Pedro Kantor to safety in New Rynn City. This is a marine elevated to sergeant without a squad, he nevertheless carries of the lineage, traditions, and honor of the squad and company until the day when both may be formed anew. While the Crimson Fists reconstitute the lost Chapters, this marine’s squad exists by tradition alone… as does his entire Company.
Unit_Complete1: For Vardua, Caltara and Sagarro, I will have vengeance [pronounced "Var-doo-ah, Cal-tara, Sa-gar-oe"]
Unit_Complete2: While my company lay dead, I safeguarded the Silver Citadel
Unit_Complete3: Master Kantor survives, that is all that matters
Unit_Complete4: Yes, death in combat is glorious
Unit_Complete5: So many brothers went to the Emperor’s side that night
Unit_Complete6: Out of a hundred brothers… that I should survive…
Unit_Complete7: The will of the Emperor is at times unclear
Selection1: The Cassar is not Arx Tyrannus
Selection2: I heed your call, brother
Selection3: Regret is poison
Selection4: I will not speak of that Night
Selection5: Never forget the Night of the Burning Sky
Selection6: Trust only in your brothers
Selection7: Detest the Ork
Move1: Where you require entrance, I will make one
Move2: My life for vengeance
Move3: His kingdom comes
Move4: Never forget
Move5: A warrior’s pilgrimage
Move6: A blood-debt is not soon forgotten
Move7: I trust in your judgment
Attack1: Where you require death, I shall dispense it
Attack2: It will be punitive
Attack3: In battle there is purity
Attack4: Destroy those who would destroy us in turn
Attack5: I will honor the memories of fallen
Attack6: Fight for the Chapter
Attack7: The Emperor provides
Capture1: Your command
Capture2: For Rynnsworld
Capture3: I claim it for Rogal Dorn
Capped1: Hail the standard of the Chapter
Capped2: Point is captured
Capped3: We will be as we were
Join1: It is good to be among brothers again
Join2: We fight together, for a time
Join3: I defer to your command, brothers
Detach1: Our companies part ways, brothers
Detach2: My gratitude, brothers
Load_Transport1: We travel so swiftly thus
Load_Transport2: Enemies of Dorn, beware the warriors herein
Unload_Transport1: Do not go far, brother
Unload_Transport2: I will show them no mercy
Morale_Break1: We cannot hold this position
Morale_Break2: No death in vain
Morale_Break3: Disengaging
Morale_Restored1: I will fight on until I fall in His service
Morale_Restored2: We will not disgrace Master Kantor this day
Morale_Restored3: My duty stands
Charge1: Hand-to-hand!
Charge2: Charge them, brothers!
Charge3: Let none survive!
Jump_Teleport1: Activating beacon
Jump_Teleport2: May its Machine Spirit be strong
Deepstrike1: The company deploys
Deepstrike2: Deepstrike inbound
Ability1: Breaking through
Ability2: Company attack
Ability3: Death claims the Enemies of the Emperor this day
Ability4: The Chapter is forever
Ability5: The honored dead watch over us
Combat1: You have made a terrible mistake, my foe!
Combat2: You wrote your fate when you made war on Mankind!
Combat3: Your death will be a mercy!
Under_Fire1: To battle!
Under_Fire2: We engage!
Under_Fire3: They come to die!
Damage1: Outnumbered is not outfought!
Damage2: There is no greater service than to die fighting his foes!
Damage3: I will not yield so quickly, invader!
Death1: I join my brothers…
Death2: So long in coming…
Death3: I go to peace, brothers…
Death4:*standard SM death sound*

Chaplain (High Chaplain)
Notes: Like vanilla Chaplain with Spanish accent.
Unit_Complete1: From the Emperor we came, and to Him we shall return
Unit_Complete2: Heed the orders of Kantor, Lord Hellblade of the Crimson Fists
Unit_Complete3: In your moment of peril, think of your gene-father and Primarch [pronounced "Prime-ark"]
Unit_Complete4: Bless the Day of Foundation, for a new future has come to the chapter
Unit_Complete5: Father and Primarch, vouchsafe your son in this hour of peril
Unit_Complete6: Emperor of Mankind, hallowed be His majesty
Unit_Complete7: The Primarch will come again, and there shall be the Crimson Fists
Selection1: Look to your brothers
Selection2: The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal
Selection3: To acknowledge any but the Emperor is heresy
Selection4: Duty is paid for in blood
Selection5: Bless the Emperor for his guidance
Selection6: The enemy of your enemy is still your enemy
Selection7: It is dark without the Emperor
Move1: Again and again we overcome.
Move2: Bright be His light everlasting
Move3: Purify the domain of Mankind
Move4: To stray from the path of obedience is death
Move5: In this life there is but duty and war
Move6: Speak but the name of Rogal Dorn
Move7: Honor from the past, pride from the present
Attack1: Let none stand in our way
Attack2: Such is our holy mandate
Attack3: Our crusade will never end
Attack4: In battle the Chapter lives again
Attack5: Be free from doubt, strong in faith
Attack6: Bring honor to Rynns-world and Lord Hellblade
Attack7: They have seen their last day
Capture1: This shall be hallowed ground
Capture2: A worthy endeavor
Capture3: It shall be so
Capped1: It is made sacred
Capped2: We stand, the conquerors
Capped3: Hold it against a galaxy of usurpers
Join1: Brothers by oath and brothers by blood.
Join2: This shall be our brightest hour
Join3: We shall honor Rogal Dorn together
Detach1: Honor the Chapter, I go
Detach2: Fight well, I am commanded elsewhere
Load_Transport1: Take this time to pray, brothers
Load_Transport2: Regain your focus, brothers
Unload_Transport1: There are no coincidences, for the Emperor has willed us here this day
Unload_Transport2: Bless the Emperor who has seen us to the battlefield again
Morale_Break1: Emperor and Dorn forgive us! Break off the attack
Morale_Break2: Shame! Black defeat and dishonor!
Morale_Break3: It cannot be! How has it come to this?!
Morale_Restored1: Inhuaca will be avenged [pronounced "in-hu-a-ca"]
Morale_Restored2: Carelessness is a doom unto us all
Morale_Restored3: Fight until the war is won, until the Emperor has no more enemies
Charge1: Rogal Dorn and the Emperor!
Charge2: Through hell and fire we shall conquer!
Charge3: Slay them all, in Rogal Dorn’s name!
Jump_Teleport1: Pray, as our brothers lock on to our position!
Jump_Teleport2: Have faith in the Emperor too see us through the warp!
Deepstrike1: I will wrench victory from the jaws of heresy
Deepstrike2: I am free of doubt, free of weakness
Ability1: The foe is breaking!
Ability2: To lose faith is to lose purpose!
Ability3: Glory is never easy!
Ability4: In each of us our father lives on!
Ability5: Our father’s blood flows in us!
Combat1: This is the strength of will eternal!
Combat2: To the End of Time if need be we will fight on!
Combat3: As you fall, know the name of Rogal Dorn!
Under_Fire1: Bless the Emperor and kill in his name!
Under_Fire2: Show them our fury!
Under_Fire3: Brothers! Our time is now!
Damage1: Our faith is strong!
Damage2: The Emperor listens to us, even now!
Damage3: Die with the Primarch’s name on your lips!
Death1: I… have… failed!
Death2: No redemption!
Death3: Arrggghhhh!
Death4: Oorrrppphhhhh!

Notes: Vanilla SM librarian with a thick Spanish accent
Unit_Complete1: Blasphemy arises from minds too weak for the horrors of this universe
Unit_Complete2: Mankind fights a secret war of soul and damnation
Unit_Complete3: The soul of an Astartes is pure and true [pronounced "Ass-tar-tehs"]
Unit_Complete4: In every age of desperation, the truth must die
Unit_Complete5: There is a background roar in my ears
Unit_Complete6: I have cast the tarot and I am ready
Unit_Complete7: You called me from the Assimularum? [pronounced "As-sim-u-lar-i-um"]
Selection1: Go with the light
Selection2: The Emperor is the light of creation
Selection3: Loss strengthens the faithful
Selection4: I gaze often towards Him on Terra
Selection5: Destroy the taint, wherever it be
Selection6: So wane, this mortal vale
Selection7: Have a care
Move1: The light that burns brightest, burns briefest of all
Move2: It is a sacred path to obey the Emperor
Move3: It is destiny
Move4: Trust is a weakness
Move5: I feel it also
Move6: This place is impure
Move7: A presence lingers here
Attack1: They are a blight to be purged
Attack2: I hear you
Attack3: Their hour has come
Attack4: There is much danger ahead
Attack5: The Emperor protects
Attack6: By the Light of Mankind
Attack7: The Light of the Emperor burns the impure
Capture1: It is indicated on the auspex
Capture2: I can see that place clearly
Capture3: That be your will
Capped1: Bless the Chapter banner
Capped2: The tarot predicted this
Capped3: Sector secured
Join1: Well met, brothers
Join2: Danger is nearing. Be ready
Join3: On alert, the foe approaches
Detach1: You have your orders, brothers
Detach2: I will return
Load_Transport1: I will meditate for a time
Load_Transport2: Going to the transport
Unload_Transport1: There are lines of power here
Unload_Transport2: This is our place
Morale_Break1: Go! We cannot stand here
Morale_Break2: We will not die in vain!
Morale_Break3: Follow me out, brothers
Morale_Restored1: In the Emperor’s teachings, veritas [pronounced "very-tahs"]
Morale_Restored2: The mind is strong even when the body lies broken
Morale_Restored3: He shines through the empyrean, the Alpha and the Omega
Charge1: Space Marines, engage!
Charge2: Forward as one!
Charge3: We smite them together!
Jump_Teleport1: I will guide us there
Jump_Teleport2: I see our destination well
Deepstrike1: Focusing well the teleportation beam
Deepstrike2: Deploying by deep strike
Ability1: Fear the psyker!
Ability2: Witness your demise at my hands!
Ability3: I banish you from the Emperor’s realm!
Ability4: Let me amplify your hatred
Ability5: Calm yourselves brothers, I know the way
Combat1: Begone, enemy of the Chapter!
Combat2: Draw strength from your brothers!
Combat3: Rogal Dorn! And the Throne of Terra!
Under_Fire1: The time for battle has come
Under_Fire2: We have engaged the enemy
Under_Fire3: The enemy has come
Damage1: Pain is immaterial!
Damage2: I have no fear of death, for I am Space Marine!
Damage3: Though I fall, others will rebuild the Librarius in my place!
Death1: It is so beautiful…
Death2: aagggghhhh!
Death3: Nooo...
Death4: OOohhhhpppfffff!

Commander (Captain of Crimson Fists)
Notes: Like SM force commander with a Spanish castillian accent.
Unit_Complete1: We will return to New Rynn City in glory
Unit_Complete2: War dawns upon the Crimson Fists again
Unit_Complete3: Our Chapter will be reborn anew, for Pedro Kantor
Unit_Complete4: The enemy is subtle and has many weapons
Unit_Complete5: Honor the fallen of Arx Tyrannus [pronounced "Ars Tie-ran-us"]
Unit_Complete6: Know thine enemy, that you may destroy him
Unit_Complete7: There are times when the present is more important than the past
Selection1: Rynn’s World will rise again
Selection2: Make your oaths known to me
Selection3: The Emperor watches us all
Selection4: Praise the name of Pedro Cantor
Selection5: We are glorious again
Selection6: Ave Praetorian
Selection7: Curse the Ork
Move1: Blood of the Primarch
Move2: Honor demands and I answer
Move3: The future has a price
Move4: By the Emperor and his Praetorian
Move5: The Crimson Fists and His Saints stand as one
Move6: Mine eyes have seen a future reborn
Move7: To have faith is to have purpose
Attack1: In the darkest hours, be the candle to guide mankind
Attack2: No Crimson Fist dies this day
Attack3: There is no salvation for the fallen
Attack4: In the blood of foes, heroes are born
Attack5: The Emperor wills it
Attack6: We are not finished yet
Attack7: By Alessio’s memory
Capture1: It is the example of Alexis Polux
Capture2: Lord Hellblade will be pleased
Capture3: It is a noble task
Capped1: In the name of Dorn, this day is ours
Capped2: Our victory must be absolute
Capped3: A worthy deed
Join1: May you be strong at war, brothers
Join2: Greetings, brothers. Ave Praetorian
Join3: Great deeds await us, brothers
Detach1: Go as I command
Detach2: Proceed, brothers
Load_Transport1: Get to the transport
Load_Transport2: We ride, brothers
Unload_Transport1: We fight as planned!
Unload_Transport2: Dismount brothers, we fight on foot!
Morale_Break1: Maneuver back! No Fist dies this day!
Morale_Break2: Circle back, we’ll attack on a different vector!
Morale_Break3: Fall back, pattern Imperius Nine-Four
Morale_Restored1: What is past is past
Morale_Restored2: Good, we will attack again
Morale_Restored3: Regroup, Crimson Fists
Charge1: For the glory of all mankind!
Charge2: For Lord Hellblade!
Charge3: Crimson Fists… attack!
Jump_Teleport1: Teleportarium, make ready to teleport from this position
Jump_Teleport2: Maneuver Steel Rain… activating teleportation beacon
Deepstrike1: Joining the battle
Deepstrike2: I am going to the surface
Ability1: Meet your doom and know that its name is the Crimson Fists!
Ability2: This is your fate, deviant! The Emperor’s Fist crushing your kind for eternity!
Ability3: Die! And know that the Emperor has no place for you in this life or the next!
Ability4: Though the enemy comes, our armor is our fortress!
Ability5: In the Light of Terra, we are invincible!
Combat1: For Pedro Kantor!
Combat2: Concede your defeat and die!
Combat3: Pay the price, deviant!
Under_Fire1: Take heed, for the Crimson Fist Chapter is your end!
Under_Fire2: Rue the day you made an enemy of Mankind!
Under_Fire3: I will teach you a fearful lesson in fear, deviant!
Damage1: It is not I who will be slain this day!
Damage2: I will fight you until no life remains in me!
Damage3: If you keep coming, I will never stop killing!
Death1: Dorn… Father…
Death2: No!... It cannot be…
Death3: Master Kantor forgive me…
Death4: *standard SM death sound*


Notes: Standard SM vehicle voice, with a Spanish accent
Unit_Complete1: Rhino has arrived
Unit_Complete2: A transport from the armoury
Unit_Complete3: Rhino deployed
Unit_Complete4: Convoy prepared
Unit_Complete5: Rhino arrived from low anchor
Unit_Complete6: We ride to battle
Unit_Complete7: The fires of battle will not touch us
Selection1: Honored commander?
Selection2: Ready status
Selection3: Precious cargo
Selection4: Marine carrier
Selection5: Carrier of angels
Selection6: Rhino hears you
Selection7: Preserve our numbers
Move1: As you say
Move2: Proceeding
Move3: Into safety or danger
Move4: We go
Move5: Shielding our brothers from harm
Move6: Taking our brothers close
Move7: Riding assault
Attack1: Firing a barrage
Attack2: Target tracking
Attack3: Moving to hostile area
Attack4: Courage never falters
Attack5: Honor the Emperor and chase down His foes
Attack6: As you command it
Attack7: Into the storm
Charge1: They cannot hide
Charge2: Death pursues the unwary
Charge3: Fearless advance
Ability1: Keep the enemy at bay
Ability2: Laying fire
Ability3: Pick off stragglers
Ability4: Launching smoke
Ability5: Cover smoke
Combat1: Endure and destroy
Combat2: Strength of the Praetorian
Combat3: Rogal Dorn is with us and we are invincible

Notes: Standard SM vehicle voice, with a Spanish accent
Unit_Complete1: Deploy, Razorback transport
Unit_Complete2: It is a deadly payload
Unit_Complete3: Shelter without our hold
Unit_Complete4: Assault support transport
Unit_Complete5: We drive to victory
Unit_Complete6: Carrier of Crimson Fists
Unit_Complete7: Ride to victory, ye brothers and heroes
Selection1: Razorback transport
Selection2: Weapons powered
Selection3: Request combat protocols?
Selection4: What is your directive?
Selection5: Transport status ready
Selection6: Well armed
Selection7: At the helm
Move1: Advancing apace
Move2: Razorback acknowledges
Move3: A Marine fears no pain
Move4: It will be so
Move5: Swiftly advance
Move6: Unto the field of battle
Move7: With all speed
Attack1: Cover fire
Attack2: Trading fire
Attack3: Supporting fire
Attack4: Weapons engaged
Attack5: The enemy is upon us
Attack6: Engage and pursue
Attack7: Let none stop us
Charge1: They cannot hide
Charge2: Death pursues the unwary
Charge3: Fearless advance
Ability1: Returning fire
Ability2: Strike back
Ability3: Heavy fire
Ability4: Laying cover
Ability5: Out of sight
Combat1: Endure and destroy
Combat2: Strength of the Praetorian
Combat3: Rogal Dorn is with us and we are invincible

Land Speeder
Notes: Standard SM tac squad voice, with a Spanish accent
Unit_Complete1: Death is the reward of heresy
Unit_Complete2: Our brothers on foot have need of us
Unit_Complete3: Life without weakness. War with swiftness
Unit_Complete4: Enforce the will of the Emperor
Unit_Complete5: Devout to the Chapter and Forge
Unit_Complete6: Many hours we trained
Unit_Complete7: The heat of battle calls
Selection1: Fast attack
Selection2: Skirmish assault
Selection3: Land speeder
Selection4: No frailty
Selection5: You have our position
Selection6: Accomplished pilots
Selection7: A life of honor is worthy
Move1: Scouting forward
Move2: Swift war
Move3: Strafe them
Move4: Take them down
Move5: The way is clear
Move6: Swift and true
Move7: Afterburners
Attack1: Bane of the enemy
Attack2: Swift death
Attack3: Heavy bolters
Attack4: Target acquired
Attack5: Harass their lines
Attack6: Let them take cover
Attack7: Let them hide
Charge1: Chase them down
Charge2: They cannot run
Charge3: Deadly shadow
Ability1: Opening fire all guns
Ability2: Suppressing
Ability3: Fire pattern
Ability4: Adjusting Stabilizers
Ability5: Holding steady
Combat1: Heavy bolter smites the wicked
Combat2: Fire of vengeance
Combat3: Justice prevails

Notes: Standard toneless SM dreadnought voice, with a Spanish accent
Unit_Complete1: I fell and was raised to life by my brothers
Unit_Complete2: Only the Emperor grants eternal life
Unit_Complete3: I have returned from the cryo-holds
Unit_Complete4: You awaken me to serve again?
Unit_Complete5: I will avenge the lost brothers of Arx Tyrannus [pronounced "Arks Tie-ran-us"]
Unit_Complete6: In my dreams, I thought of naught but battles past
Unit_Complete7: I rejoice to serve on the battlefield once more
Selection1: There are so few brothers here
Selection2: I stand to war again
Selection3: The Praetorian is with us this day
Selection4: Where have the scouts gone?
Selection5: I am dutiful to my Chapter
Selection6: I live again
Selection7: Assign me an objective
Move1: Laxity cannot be forgiven
Move2: I understand
Move3: Dreadnought endures
Move4: My memory is not what it was
Move5: I serve beyond death
Move6: I have the strength of the Machine
Move7: Time flies from battle to battle
Attack1: They fear the might of the Imperium
Attack2: No abomination lives that insults us
Attack3: I did not shrink from battle in life, and I will not do so in death
Attack4: I live only to war for the Chapter
Attack5: I would gladly die for the Chapter again
Attack6: Now and forever, for the Crimson Fists
Attack7: The path of honor, of loyalty
Charge1: I am the Crimson Fist of the Emperor come to destroy you
Charge2: I will break you. I will break you all.
Charge3: You who dare defy Dorn and the Emperor, die
Ability1: I will never show mercy for heretics
Ability2: Flee or die, for I shall give no quarter
Ability3: Though I am dreadnought, I can still feel hate
Ability4: I was chosen to survive, and I shall survive you
Ability5: I am not so easily slain
Combat1: Suffer under the heel of the righteous
Combat2: Observe well the form of Imperial forgiveness
Combat3: These are the consequence of defying Mankind

Venerable Dreadnought
Notes: Deeper standard toneless SM dreadnought voice, with a Spanish accent
Unit_Complete1: The Techmarines took great care to rebuild my ossuary
Unit_Complete2: It has been a long since I was battle-captain of the Chapter
Unit_Complete3: Honor be to the Crusade Company of the Crimson Fists
Unit_Complete4: And what of the Imperial Fists? The Black Templars? The Soul Drinkers?
Unit_Complete5: I see the pride is not extinguished in your eyes
Unit_Complete6: Our distant brothers will not disband us, swear it
Unit_Complete7: I will not sleep until our Chapter is whole again
Selection1: These are dark days of the Chapter
Selection2: How few survived the cataclysm
Selection3: The orks will pay onto the end of time
Selection4: What is it, brother?
Selection5: You require my guidance?
Selection6: You could not save the others?
Selection7: Pedro Kantor lives?
Move1: How I long to see Arx Tyrannus again [pronounced "Arks Tie-ran-us"]
Move2: Are we a crusading Chapter again?
Move3: So few survived the firestorm
Move4: I remember well the burdens of command
Move5: So long as Rynnsworld survives
Move6: The traditions are old but the faces are new
Move7: We will be whole again
Attack1: Leave that task to me
Attack2: Watch and learn, young brother
Attack3: I will crush them
Attack4: There are no lengths I will not go for the Chapter
Attack5: For Rogal Dorn and the Emperor
Attack6: I will show no mercy
Attack7: My fists are crimson again
Charge1: Our strength is that of Dorn
Charge2: When you remember this day, you will only remember pain
Charge3: I have fought greater foes than you and won
Ability1: Perish now
Ability2: He has but one commandment: thou shalt kill
Ability3: For Alexian
Ability4: Invocio Iron Halo ]pronounced "In-volk-ee-o"]
Ability5: I am barded in faith
Combat1: I will end you. I will end you all!
Combat2: I am the rock in the storm, the fist of Rogal Dorn
Combat3: I defeated your kind many times before

Notes: Standard SM vehicle voice, with a Spanish accent
Unit_Complete1: Deploy in glorious fire
Unit_Complete2: The day begins, my brethren
Unit_Complete3: Every round that hits the enemy is one more to hit the next
Unit_Complete4: The armoury is generous yet
Unit_Complete5: Armour clad fire support
Unit_Complete6: Deploying Codex maneuver Righteous Hammer
Unit_Complete7: Whirlwind has arrived
Selection1: Priority message
Selection2: We strike from afar
Selection3: The enemy is upon us
Selection4: We are Dorn’s wrath
Selection5: Whirlwind of the Fists
Selection6: Distance is our ally
Selection7: Which brother needs our aid?
Move1: Moving to Grid Nine Nine Two
Move2: Service without question
Move3: Rogal Dorn is our strength
Move4: Ignorance is the road to failure
Move5: Reap that which you sow
Move6: Moving to defensive position
Move7: Maneuvering firing vector
Attack1: It shall be as the fireworks of New Rynn City
Attack2: Execution rockets
Attack3: Delivering the Emperor’s mercy
Attack4: Targeting Square Vermillion Twelve-Five
Attack5: Torpedoes away
Attack6: It rains fire on the Emperor’s enemies
Attack7: His Fist falls on them from above
Charge1: Close engagement
Charge2: Finding range
Charge3: Seek all targets
Ability1: Salvo Firestorm
Ability2: They cannot hide from the Crimson Fists Chapter
Ability3: Abominations, begone
Ability4: Dig in position
Ability5: Standing strong
Combat1: Fear the machines of war
Combat2: Death comes in fire
Combat3: Defend with pride

Notes: Standard SM vehicle voice, with a Spanish accent
Unit_Complete1: Vindicator has landed true
Unit_Complete2: Executors of the Emperor’s will
Unit_Complete3: Glorious, the day of battle
Unit_Complete4: What is peace but the silence between conflicts?
Unit_Complete5: We will go where mankind cannot
Unit_Complete6: Where men fear to tread, we make war for Rogal Dorn
Unit_Complete7: Before the mightiest fortress, we will not perish
Selection1: Main gun has clearance
Selection2: Preparing for bombardment
Selection3: Scopes are clear
Selection4: Call in
Selection5: Aspire to service
Selection6: Blood and honor
Selection7: Without relent
Move1: More speed, brothers
Move2: For the liberty of mankind
Move3: Our advance will not falter
Move4: Moving up
Move5: Face to face
Move6: They hide in vain
Move7: I carry out your orders
Attack1: Triangulating now
Attack2: The thunder of vengeance
Attack3: Let His foes beware
Attack4: The Emperor’s own wrath
Attack5: Attacking the coordinates
Attack6: Striking at the foe
Attack7: Rounds to high detonation
Charge1: Enemies of the Emperor despair
Charge2: Accept the Emperor mercy
Charge3: For the Emperor
Ability1: None may deny our zeal
Ability2: Devotion is the wine of heroes
Ability3: For our honored company
Ability4: Where men fail, we triumph
Ability5: If we join the Emperor, we do so gladly
Combat1: No wall shall stand
Combat2: They cannot resist
Combat3: Righteous Cannonade

Notes: Standard SM vehicle voice, with a Spanish accent
Unit_Complete1: A gift of the Aurora Chapter
Unit_Complete2: Salvaged from the Fortress Monastery
Unit_Complete3: The Chapter’s heavy armor
Unit_Complete4: Swift armor of the Crimson Fists
Unit_Complete5: Armor vanguard, sworn to Pedro Kantor
Unit_Complete6: The mailed fist of the Chapter
Unit_Complete7: Swords of faith, relics of the Chapter
Selection1: Lock on to my position
Selection2: How may we assist?
Selection3: I read you clearly, brother
Selection4: Pride of the Loki Sector
Selection5: Rynnsworld predator
Selection6: Armor of the Crimson Fists
Selection7: Crusaders of Dorn
Move1: Maintaining over-watch
Move2: Forming on the column
Move3: Moving into formation
Move4: Moving up now
Move5: Confirming, brother
Move6: Coming in close
Move7: Understood, brother
Attack1: With faith and fire
Attack2: Advancing in line formation
Attack3: Not one of the blasphemers survives
Attack4: We fill the air with our wrath
Attack5: Cutting a corridor for advance
Attack6: Moving to intercept
Attack7: Destroying targets of opportunity
Charge1: Forward for the Chapter
Charge2: Advance, Fists of the Emperor
Charge3: We crush those who would lay the Chapter low
Ability1: Outgun the weak
Ability2: They hold at their peril
Ability3: Break their lines
Ability4: Baffles are holding
Ability5: The armor is strong
Combat1: Enemies of the Emperor, your end is come
Combat2: You cannot flee, lay down your arms and accept the Emperor’s Peace
Combat3: This is a day of retribution against the foe

Land Raider
Notes: Standard SM vehicle voice, with a Spanish accent
Unit_Complete1: We are of one mind with the machine spirit this day
Unit_Complete2: We answer your call, commander
Unit_Complete3: Praise be the trinity: Emperor, Dorn, and Alexis
Unit_Complete4: Dream not of battle, when thou canst seek out thy foe
Unit_Complete5: Serve without dishonor. Battle without defeat
Unit_Complete6: Only in war can we prove our worth
Unit_Complete7: When we die, how glorious a death it shall be
Selection1: The Emperor be with us all
Selection2: Aquila One to all units
Selection3: Rogal Dorn is with us this day
Selection4: Supremacy of Space Marines
Selection5: Punisher of sin
Selection6: Never underestimate
Selection7: At last, we attack again
Move1: By Lethandrus the Templar [pronounced "Leth-an-drus"]
Move2: See how the Chapter endures
Move3: Dorn’s blood runs in our veins… and calls us to duty
Move4: Though our course takes us to the midst of the firestorm
Move5: Act justly, that we may be the shield of manki9njd
Move6: Unto the anvil of war, the light of Terra
Move7: The warrior who acts out of honor cannot fail
Attack1: The fury of Arx Tyrannus comes again! [pronounced "Arks Tie-ran-us"]
Attack2: No remorse, for Rogal Dorn!
Attack3: They will pay for their temerity
Attack4: The might of the Imperium is with us, and we are invincible
Attack5: I am Paladin, the righteous hand of Rogal Dorn
Attack6: A threat to the imperium is a threat to the Emperor
Attack7: They are the walking death, for we have marked them for extinction
Charge1: Enemies of the Emperor, you are finished
Charge2: Crimson Fists, to victory
Charge3: The Steel Shod Fist of Rogal Dorn
Ability1: [offensive] Go unto your masters, for the Emperor has forsaken you
Ability2: [offensive] Smite those who oppose us
Ability3: [offensive] The lot of courage is to sacrifice on the alter of battle
Ability4: [defensive] They will learn to fear us for a thousand years
Ability5: [defensive] Armor charged with obedience, to overcome all obstacles
Combat1: They fear the wrath of the Adeptus Astartes
Combat2: We have prayed for this day
Combat3: Our cause is righteous


HQ Building [Arx Hagia]
HQ Addon/Upgrade1: [Crusade Company Honors]
HQ Addon/Upgrade2: [Sanction Basilikos]
Selection1: [Vocal, like the chorus of a catholic service]

Barracks [Gift of Dorn]
Selection1: [Different monks’ vocal]

Armoury [Vault Astartes]
Wargear Research Upgrade1 [Salvaged Relics]
Wargear Research Upgrade2 [Wargear Anew]
Infantry Accuracy Research Upgrade1 [Tactical Engage]
Infantry Accuracy Research Upgrade2 [Crusade Codex]
Infantry Health Research Upgrade1 [Lokian Lineage]
Infantry Health Research Upgrade2 [Hellblade Survivors]
Commander Health Research Upgrade1 [Rising Star]
Commander Health Research Upgrade2 [Hidalgo Apollonis]
Selection1: [Clanking mechanical sounds]

Tech Building (Tier2) [Rynn’s World Shine]
Selection1: [Soaring vocal]

Vehicle Building (Tier2) [Armor’s Landing]
Vehicle Research Upgrade: [Machine Bay]
Tier3-4 Research Upgrade: [Commit Reserves]
Selection1: [Machine shop sounds]

Advanced Tech Building [Inquisition Beacon]
Selection1: [Beeping code]

Listening Post [Gun Sentry]
Listening Post Addon1: [Machine Kale]
Listening Post Addon2: [Machine Tor]
Requisition Research Upgrade1: [Claim of Right]
Requisition Research Upgrade2: [Numerus Frater]
Selection1: [Scanning sounds]

Generator [Plasma Well]
Power Research Upgrade1: [True Fusion]
Power Research Upgrade2: [Rynnstar Fire]
Selection1: [Rhythmic plasma strumming]

Large Generator [Plasma Derrick]
Selection1: [Stronger rhythmic plasma strumming]

Turret [Point Turret]
Turret Addon1: [Missile Turret]
Selection1: [Whirl and clack]

Mines [Tribule]
Selection1: [Low hum]


Those who embrace dark fate of Chaos deserve only death
The Traitor Legions are here

Dark Eldar
Xeno pirates come to take what we would deny them
Death to the Dark Eldar

Suffer not the Eldar to live
Treachery is the way of the Eldar

Imperial Guard
All heretics crave absolution in death!
Traitors among the mortals

A Space Marine does not fear death, Necron!
Locate the Necron Lord and destroy him!

Let the Ork come in all their millions
Vengeance for Arx Tyrannus!

Sisters of Battle
Shades of Vandire’s heresy!
Die in heresy, False Daughters of the Emperor!

Space Marines
So it is to be the fate of the Marines Vigilant
In different colors, the Sons of Gideon come again

Tau heresy begets retribution
No alien has the right to take the life of a man

Black Templars
Our brothers of the Black Templar, it cannot be
The Black Templar are tainted with deviance, Dorn forgive us

Blood Angels
The sons of noble Sanguinius are lost to madness! [pronounced "Sang-win-ee-us"]
Blood Angels have taken the field against us!

Blood Ravens
So the Blood Ravens have doomed themselves to heresy!
The mark of heresy is upon the Blood Ravens!

Crimson Fists
The traitor in our midst!
The enemy is within our own ranks!

Dark Angels
The Dark Angels turn on us!
Treachery from the Dark Angels!

Fallen Angels
These rebels are led by Astartes![pronounced "Ass-tar-tehs"]
Renegade Astartes are among the rebels

Imperial Fists
So it is war with the knife, progenitor brothers!
It is a dark day that Crimson and Imperial Fists shed each other’s blood!

Iron Hands
The machine curse has taken the Iron Hands, they are lost to us now!
The Iron Hands of Medusa attack us!

Legion of the Damned
These Astartes are haunted, brothers!
These Astartes have no allegiance markings!

Raven Guard
The Raven Guard have gone mad, we will do what is necessary
The Raven Guard are our enemy this day, Emperor forgive us

Red Scorpions
The Red Scorpions have tread far from the Emperor’s light
The Red Scorpions have cross the line to treachery

A dark fire burns in the Salamanders
So it is civil stife with the Salamanders

Space Wolves/13th Company
The wolves of Fenis have come!
Space Wolves, you will pay for your barbarism!

The Ultramarines show their true colors!
The Imperium will know of Ultarmarines’ treachery!

White Scars
Outriders of the White Scars!
Stand firm against the White Scars!

Alpha Legion
Sindermann… we meet again, Alpha Legionnaire
So! A cell of the Alpha Legion!

Black Legion
Betrayers of the Black Legion!
The Legions of Abaddon are here! [pronounced "Abb-a-don"]

Death Guard
Chaos filth! Hold back corruption of the Traitor Death Guard!
Cleanse the taint of corruption with fire!

Emperors Children
Abhor the Children, for they are betrayers and madmen!
Destroy those corrupted by Chaos and burn their bodies!

Iron Warriors
Our oldest rivals!
Iron Warriors, the old foe!

Night Lords
The Night Lords will terrorize Mankind no more!
Beware the treachery of the Night Lords!

Red Corsairs
They are a long way from the maelstrom, these Red Corsairs!

Thousand Sons
Abhor the witch, for he is no brother of ours!
Target the sorcerers among the Thousand Sons!

World Eaters
Draw bolters, the World Eaters will charge us!
World Eaters!

Word Bearers
We will end these traitor heretics together!
The Word Bearers will not spread their heresy here!

Jungle rats!
No one escapes the Emperor’s justice, rebel!

Death Korps of Kreig
Mutiny is punishable by death, Imperial Guard!
When the dust settles, no rebels will survive.

The rebels deploy drop troops!
The rebels attack from above!

Last Chancer's/13th Penal Legion
The Imperium is too trusting of the unfaithful
There is no redemption for these men

You have forgotten where your loyalties lie, Guardsmen!
The Imperial Guard are in rebellion

The garrison is in rebellion
The Guard have turned

Steel Legions
Rebel armor infantry
The steel legion has turned their allegiance

Destroy the desert militia
Sand rebels, we will bring you to heel

Tanith First & Only (Gaunt's Ghosts)
The taint of chaos is upon the rebel infiltrators
Scout elements of the rebel Guardsmen

The rebels of winter, the Vahallans! [pronounced "Val-hal-ans"]
Ice world militia, destroy them!

The proud regiments of the Imperial Guard have turned to darkness!
Destroy the rebel, lest he destroyed Mankind from within!

Eldar sword dancers! Engage them at range!
Eldar! Cut them down with bolter fire!

Inquisition Daemonhunt
The fallen Inquisitor, purge him!
We are pure and woe to any who otherwise claims!

Who in the Imperium would hunt *us*?!
The Sororitas bring civil strife to the Imperium!

We will hold against the hive fleet!
Burn the Tyranids before their numbers grow! [pronounced "Tear-ra-nids"]

Foul avatars of Chaos!
We will banish the Daemon back to their abyss in the warp!
The peril to Man is great where Daemonkind walk!

Destroy the beasts!
Abominations deserve only death!
Bring own the beasts, and the rest will soon follow!

Our enemy comes to their doom!
Crimson Fists, our foe this day is neigh!
Brothers, our enemy is here!
In Terra’s Holy Name, we meet the foe!
The enemy attack without honor!
We have spotted the foe!
Enemy sighted, they are in strength!
The enemy show themselves!

The armor of Mankind’s enemies is here!
Destroy the armor with missiles and cannon!
Meet armor with faith!


-They have olive Mediterranean skin tone and hazel/brown eyes

-They all have spanish/conquistador accents.

-all left fists should be painted red, of course

-All their max squad sizes should have 1-2 less units than their vanilla SM counterparts. They are quite understrength

-Most of their commanders should have a unique ability - Honor Duel (temporarily: doubles their melee attack, triples against commander armor, slight boost to speed, makes its so they loose ranged attack completely and automatically begins to close into melee... provided they're not on stand ground stance)

-Librarians have two unique psychic powers in addition to Honor Duel: (1) Predictive Vision - temporarily gains vision around all enemy commanders (2) Faith Hold - does no damage. elevates an enemy unit up in the air like the harlequin mock bird does. elevated unit can be attacked by range but not melee. Librarian is immobilized while the ability is in effect

-They hate the Orks. Hate them. (3-5% more damage when attack Orks) *Not applicable in Dawn of War 1 since it cannot be coded.

-They are the IF successor most at ease with the codex astartes. importing some closer-to-codex ideas might be appropriate. Have no idea what those would be though

-They should be chock full of swords. Their heroes have swords/chainsword, their terminators have swords. Lots of swords. But a minority should have bright red power fists.

-Because of weaker numbers, they have bit more access to/are reliant on Heroes. (looks like we've got this one covered)

-All Heroes should be bit tougher than their vanilla counterparts but can only be attached to the crusade company squad. so they're lone wolves for the most part basically but the crusade company veterans can become an absolute beast.

Commander(Captain) should have a big chainsword, like the starting campaign sm commander w/out wargear and stormbolter.

Command Squad (Crusade Company Veterans): both fists painted red. some should have the Black Templar cross on a kneepad. Different members have either completely white helmets or red with white stripe down the middle. should have lots of cool markings on their armor. no gaudy gold encrusting though. should be a lot of very clean looking markings. painted on white or red aquila, fists, lightning bolts, roman numerals, letters etc. Should be equally good at range and cc, good at both

Librarian: wields a power rapier/sword

Chaplain: Should have a mace/scepter. A shortcut could be to put an oversized completely gold/silver textured space marine helmet on the end of the Crozius instead of the usual eagle wings & skull

Swordmaster: This guy IS over the top decorative. two power swords, one in each hand. Different helmet (golden vanilla grey knight kind of helmet?) Pennant on his back (but aligned front to back instead of side to side like sergeants). Lots of gold. could perhaps borrow some bits from the campaign space marine commander gear. White helmet

Captain (Hellblade Sergeant): one of the 16 survivors of Arx Tyrannus. Beaky helmet, power hammer, scarred/dented armor(I remember seeing a beat up SM skin, that could work), back banner depicts a red fist on top of a mountain and the roman numeral VII. I could make a .tga banner like that but I wouldn't know how to put it on a model...

Sergeants (all sergeants called "Commander," Not Hellblade Sergeant though)

Terminators: Powerfists and stormbolters. Make sure powerfist is on the left side.

Tactical Marines:
Default: bolter
Upgrade: Plasma Gun, Melta Gun, Flamer

Scout Squad:
Default weapon: Combat knives. melee only, no range.
Upgraded weapon: Rapier (sisters of battle melee knife/sword)
very good against light infantry (cultists, guards etc). Bit tougher than SM scout squad. and could be wearing a few bits of Imperial Guard gear salvaged from the Rynnsguard.

Scout Sergeant (Commander): Sniper rifle. However default attack is melee with no ranged attack. Should only be able to shoot sniper rifle as a fairly fast recharging special ability that does a lot of damage & knockback to infantry/commander/light vehicle. Ability should be able to do something like 75-100% health damage to a vanilla SM tactical sergeant. When target a squad, fires at the squad leader or attached commander like the vindicare does.

Devastator Marines: Small squad.
Default: bolter.
Upgrade: Plasma cannon (decent against armor but not specialized like lascannon or missile launcher), heavy bolter, relic bolter (better attack than regular bolter but no long cooldown like plasma cannon or setup like heavy bolter)... if possible, relic bolter should just be a regular bolter colored with diagonal alternating red and gold stripes.

Assault Marines: Swords and powerfists. Sergeant should have TWO red powerfists

Attack Bike: Bolter/heavy bolter
These guys should be the bike with heavy bolter sidecar model

Dreadnought: has Honor Duel ability like commanders

Land Speeder (fast like tank hunter. more expensive, different role than SM land speeder):
Default: Multimelta

Predator (forced to be well rounded. IE can’t go all anti-armor):
Turret: Autocannon, Sponson: Heavy Bolter, Upgraded Turret: None Upgraded Sponson: Lascannon
Hardcap of 1

Vindicator: vanilla armaments
Hardcap of 1

Whirlwind: vanilla armaments.
Hardcap of 1

Venerable Dreadnought (Venerable Ancient)
Alternate Super Unit. Rock hard melee superunit, pure defense in contrast to the Land Raider’s offense
Ability: Stun. Pretty weak special ability. Smashes the ground (same animation as vanilla dreadnought attack) and the ground ruptures in a line like in the necron lord attack. Knockdown and damage on all units caught in the way.

Land Raider (Rynn's Might):
Alternative Super Unit. more expensive than Venerable Ancient
Ability: Machine Fury. the machine spirit takes full control and becomes overwhelmed with rage. temporarily much much better attack, range becomes very very short (practically melee), and vehicle uncontrollably moves to engage enemies and can't be ordered away until the ability period is over. same code as the black templar squads that refuse to disengage? the effect should be like a rampaging bull.

Rynn's Might fluff:
This particular land raider is rather famous. when the Crimson Fist Fortress Monastery exploded in a giant mushroom cloud, the Rynn's Might was thrown clear. The marines inside all died in the crash. So the machine spirit took over, went on a rampage killing a ton of orks singlehandedly, and the CF were so impressed that they eventually recovered its machine spirit from its ruined chassis to be reinstalled into a fresh body

ToDo (June 26.2011)

1) Units

2) Spottings
Advanced Skirmish AI Team Lead for the coolest Warhammer40k PC RTS out there:

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#2 thudo


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Posted 02 September 2010 - 02:19 PM


Each using the following:

Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]


Each using the following:

Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]

Note for Sergeants:
For Sergeants just add 7 unique Unit_Complete, and 3 unique Selection, Move, Attack, and Death voice scripts. The rest of the script will be inherited from the squad they come from.


Each using the following:

Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]


Each using the following:

Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]

SPOTTINGS (2 of each - spoken by Tier1 main infantry):

Vanilla Factions
Dark Eldar
Imperial Guard
Sisters of Battle
Space Marines

User Factions

Space Marine Chapters
Black Templars
Blood Angels
Blood Ravens
Crimson Fists
Dark Angels
Fallen Angels
Imperial Fists
Iron Hands
Legion of the Damned
Raven Guard
Red Scorpions
Space Wolves/13th Company
White Scars

Chaos Legions
Alpha Legion
Black Legion
Death Guard
Emperors Children
Iron Warriors
Night Lords
Red Corsairs
Thousand Sons
World Eaters
Word Bearers

Imperial Guard
Death Korps of Kreig
Last Chancer's/13th Penal Legion
Steel Legions
Tanith First & Only (Gaunt's Ghosts)


Inquisition Daemonhunt


Daemon (need 3x)
Monstrosity (need 3x)
Enemy (need 8x)
Tanks(need 3x)


HQ Building [name?]
HQ Addon/Upgrade1 [name?]
HQ Addon/Upgrade2 [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]

Barracks [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]

Armoury [name?]
Wargear Research Upgrade1 [name?]
Wargear Research Upgrade2 [name?]
Infantry Accuracy Research Upgrade1 [name?]
Infantry Accuracy Research Upgrade2 [name?]
Infantry Health Research Upgrade1 [name?]
Infantry Health Research Upgrade2 [name?]
Commander Health Research Upgrade1 [name?]
Commander Health Research Upgrade2 [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]

Tech Building (Tier2) [name?]
Commander Feature Upgrade1 [name?]
Commander Feature Upgrade2 [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]

Vehicle Building (Tier2) [name?]
Vehicle Research Upgrade: [name?]
Tier3-4 Research Upgrade: [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]

Advanced Tech Building (Tier3) [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]

Listening Post [name?]
Listening Post Addon1: [name?]
Listening Post Addon2: [name?]
Requisition Research Upgrade1: [name?]
Requisition Research Upgrade2: [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]

Generator [name?]
Power Research Upgrade1: [name?]
Power Research Upgrade2: [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]

Large Generator [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]

Turret [name?]
Turret Addon1: [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]

Mines [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]

Take your time of these and submit each unit as it comes.

Other things to keep in mind..

1) Keep each line to a max of, say, 40 words. No need for run-on sentences.
2) Single worded lines like "Acknowledged" or "Yes" are ok here and there but please use infrequently.
3) When spelling I word that is VERY hard to say verbally please try to break the word down so the voice actor who may not know War40k fluff/codecs can say it. There are factions in War40k that have names that are bizarre so the voice actor will need to understand the word and how to deliver it. ie. Macragge [pronounced "Mac - raaj"]
4) No need to put the scripts in quotes "".

Also to clarify the above:

Capture = when the squad or unit is commanded to go to a Strategic/Criticial/Relic point to commence the capture of it.
Capped = when the squad or unit has successfully captured such a point.
Charge = when the squad or unit issues a mighty battlecry before heading into combat so as to inspire fellow troops/allies and demoralize the enemy.
Combat = when the squad or unit is directly right in the fray/center of the battle and ushers a comment about the situation basically taunting the enemy.
Under_Fire = when the squad or unit finds itself being attacked by the enemy but taking real minor damage.
Damage = when the squad or unit is being hurt light to moderately by the enemy (for a squad, this is before morale is broken).

If you have ANY questions about anything above fire away..

ie. Unless you are familiar with the Dawn of War game mechanic re: capturing and capping map points such points giving extra income and strategic supremacy to the player when a squad or individual unit commences capturing the point then finishing the capture. Such voice scripts are meant for this part.

Always assume a unit/squad's abilities will be of two kinds:

1) provide a voice script of what a unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units
2) provide a voice script of what a unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units

ie. even if the Commissar could, say, call an Orbital Strike that targets a local area on the battlefield which hurts all enemies near to the affected zone a generic Commissar script could say: "Perish you unworthy filth!" The key is to be somewhat generic with both those ability types mentioned above. This will cover many possibilities.
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#3 goldenhorde


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Posted 11 June 2011 - 05:30 AM

Techmarine (Frater Technicarum)
Notes: Mechanical voice. Martellus from DOWII basically
Unit_Complete1: I long to return to the reconstruction of Arx Tyrannus (Arcs Tie-RAN-us)
Unit_Complete2: The Imperium is a fortress built against the enemies of Mankind
Unit_Complete3: Soon, the Chapter will need me to rebuild again
Unit_Complete4: You cannot comprehend the Glory of the Omnissiah as we do, brother
Unit_Complete5: I will not posit suppositions without adequate data
Unit_Complete6: The Mechanicus and the Chapter serve as one
Unit_Complete7: It is my duty and honor to serve thus
Selection1: All machines are wonders
Selection2: Comfort is irrelevant
Selection3: Glory to transcend weakness
Selection4: Ignorance is offensive
Selection5: I have reviewed your performance
Selection6: The information is logged
Selection7: How do you wish I proceed?
Move1: Omnissiah E Rogal Dorn Ave
Move2: I will perform optimally
Move3: Efficiency in every action
Move4: I have factored this into the calculations
Move5: I concur with your accessment
Move6: The logic is flawless
Move7: The auspex return is strong
Attack1: Forced adjustment procedure
Attack2: Attack posture
Attack3: Worry not, my brother
Attack4: I am beyond fear
Attack5: It is my wish also
Attack6: You ask it from me and I comply
Attack7: I shall deconstruct it
Build1: May its gates hold against the beast without
Build2: May the it be firm beneath our feet
Build3: I have the schematics in coded parchments
Build4: I have much processing to do
Build5: The blessings of the Machien God upon it
Build6: You ask and I serve
Build7: I build for the Chapter
Capture1: I calculate a 93.73 percent chance
Capture2: Unacceptable levels of subjectivity
Capture3: I will extract the intelligence core
Capped1: The array stands
Capped2: The machine gives us eyes behind the lines
Capped3: The Closed circuit vision shall linger
Lay_Mines1: Those who attack the Fists are in peril
Lay_Mines2: Securing our fallback position
Lay_Mines3: Death reaches the unprepared
Load_Transport1: God-Machine bids us take sanctuary within
Load_Transport2: A worthy device to safeguard Astartes
Unload_Transport1: Time to attack
Unload_Transport2: Well travelled, brothers
Morale_Break1: It is a computational oversight
Morale_Break2: We must egress to safety
Morale_Break3: If we stay we will be destroyed
Morale_Restored1: Pending my next upgrade, it will do
Morale_Restored2: It changes nothing
Morale_Restored3: We proceed as planned
Charge1: Praise the Omnissiah!
Charge2: Kill for the Machine and Lord Dorn!
Charge3: Resist in vain!
Ability1: [offensive] I will rain destruction upon them
Ability2: [offensive] Directive One: fill for the Emperor
Ability3: [offensive] They are disassembled
Ability4: [defensive] There is no cause for alarm
Ability5: [defensive] Our survival is certain
Repair1: The Chapter’s relic, clothed in iron
Repair2: It shall serve the Chapter again
Repair3: Machines die only from neglect
Combat1: No brother falls to you this day
Combat2: Your termination is upon you
Combat3: Your function ends
Under_Fire1: Machina victus (vick-toos)
Under_Fire2: Our battle comes
Under_Fire3: They provoke us
Damage1: Pain can be purged from thought
Damage2:I am efficient unto point of death
Damage3: Damage will not stop me
Death1: System failure
Death2: No dishonor in death
Death3: The forge will survive
Death4: Salvage me

Edited by goldenhorde, 21 June 2011 - 05:14 AM.

#4 goldenhorde


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Posted 11 June 2011 - 06:12 AM

HQ Building : [Arx Hagia]
HQ Addon/Upgrade1: [Crusade Company Honors]
HQ Addon/Upgrade2: [Sanction Basilikos]
Selection1: [Vocal, like the chorus of a catholic service]

Barracks [Gift of Dorn]
Selection1: [Different monks’ vocal]

Armoury [Vault Astartes]
Wargear Research Upgrade1 [Salvaged Relics]
Wargear Research Upgrade2 [Wargear Anew]
Infantry Accuracy Research Upgrade1 [Tactical Engage]
Infantry Accuracy Research Upgrade2 [Crusade Codex]
Infantry Health Research Upgrade1 [Lokian Lineage]
Infantry Health Research Upgrade2 [Hellblade Survivors]
Commander Health Research Upgrade1 [Rising Star]
Commander Health Research Upgrade2 [Hidalgo Apollonis]
Selection1: [Clanking mechanical sounds]

Tech Building (Tier2) [Rynn’s World Shine]
Selection1: [Soaring vocal]

Vehicle Building (Tier2) [Armor’s Landing]
Vehicle Research Upgrade: [Machine Bay]
Tier3-4 Research Upgrade: [Commit Reserves]
Selection1: [Machine shop sounds]

Advanced Tech Building [Inquisition Beacon]
Selection1: [Beeping code]

Listening Post [Gun Sentry]
Listening Post Addon1: [Machine Kale]
Listening Post Addon2: [Machine Tor]
Requisition Research Upgrade1: [Claim of Right]
Requisition Research Upgrade2: [Numerus Frater]
Selection1: [Scanning sounds]

Generator [Plasma Well]
Power Research Upgrade1: [True Fusion]
Power Research Upgrade2: [Rynnstar Fire]
Selection1: [Rhythmic plasma strumming]

Large Generator [Plasma Derrick]
Selection1: [Stronger rhythmic plasma strumming]

Turret [Point Turret]
Turret Addon1: [Missile Turret]
Selection1: [Whirl and clack]

Mines [Tribule]
Selection1: [Low hum]

Edited by goldenhorde, 12 June 2011 - 01:02 AM.

#5 thudo


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Posted 11 June 2011 - 01:26 PM

Superb start, GH! Really looking forward to these guys!
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#6 goldenhorde


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Posted 13 June 2011 - 10:38 PM

*So... everyone has some form of Spanish accent. Except servitors, who have slightly different origin from the Rynnsworld PDF.

Servitor(Rynnsguard Servitor)
Notes: [toneless servitor with faint Portuguese accent. The point is have the Iberian sound but different from marines]
Unit_Complete1: Indentured to the Crimson Fists
Unit_Complete2: I serve the heroes of New Rynn City
Unit_Complete3: No aspiration but to serve
Unit_Complete4: I am grateful to serve
Unit_Complete5: I will gladly die again for Rynnsworld
Unit_Complete6: The militia obeys the Crimson Fists
Unit_Complete7: The Rynnsguard serves loyally
Selection1: I am not worthy
Selection2: Make use of me
Selection3: Savior?
Selection4: Humility
Selection5: Liberator?
Selection6: How may I serve
Selection7: Hand of the Emperor?
Move1: It shall be so
Move2: Salvador angelis (salve-a-door an-gel-lis)
Move3: I humbly yield
Move4: I hear you well
Move5: Going in servitude
Move6: I serve well
Move7: Diligently
Attack1: Attack order
Attack2: I will do that
Attack3: Disassemble
Attack4: Intruder
Attack5: Defending
Attack6: Of course
Attack7: Invader alert
Build1: I will toil
Build2: It is no trouble
Build3: Of course my lord
Build4: Suitable location
Build5: Deploy protocols
Build6: War material
Build7: I heed your command
Capture1: Consolidate
Capture2: Establish control
Capture3: Planting banner
Capped1: Area secured
Capped2: Prepared for listening post
Capped3: Parameters are acceptable
Lay_Mines1: Lay mines
Lay_Mines2: Denying the area
Lay_Mines3: In Rynnsworld pattern
Load_Transport1: Transporting
Load_Transport2: Prepared for new assignment
Unload_Transport1: Unloaded
Unload_Transport2: Redesignate task
Morale_Break1: I require repair
Morale_Break2: This unit is broken
Morale_Break3: I need maintence
Morale_Restored1: Servitor functional
Morale_Restored2: Require me to build
Morale_Restored3: Ready to serve again
Charge1: n/a
Charge2: n/a
Charge3: n/a
Ability1: [offensive] n/a
Ability2: [offensive] n/a
Ability3: [offensive] n/a
Ability4: [defensive] n/a
Ability5: [defensive] n/a
Repair1: Affirmative
Repair2: Restoring power
Repair3: Sealing fractures
Combat1: n/a
Combat2: n/a
Combat3: n/a
Under_Fire1: Enemy attacking
Under_Fire2: Danger alert
Under_Fire3: Attack at front line
Damage1: n/a
Damage2: n/a
Damage3: n/a
Death1: *clank*

Assault Marine Squad
Notes: Vanilla assault marine with Spanish accent
Unit_Complete1: Let there be no mistake, we are the Emperor’s chosen
Unit_Complete2: We shall know no equal save our brothers
Unit_Complete3: The swords of distant Terra guard mankind still
Unit_Complete4: War is the forge of truth
Unit_Complete5: What they see, they shall soon learn to fear
Unit_Complete6: The Emperor’s service is one of bloodshed
Unit_Complete7: Ever serve Rogal Dorn and the Emperor
Selection1: Let the Primarch judge us worthy
Selection2: Angels of Death
Selection3: All hail the Crimson Fists
Selection4: Righteous sons of Rogal Dorn
Selection5: Combat protocols
Selection6: We are their death
Selection7: Heed the words of Rhetoricus
Move1: No place is denied to us
Move2: In fury, faith. In hatred, purpose
Move3: For Dorn and the Emperor
Move4: Order us into battle
Move5: Wars will never cease
Move6: You honor us
Move7: We go swiftly
Attack1: We will look into their soulless eyes, and strike them down!
Attack2: They will not bar our way!
Attack3: For Lord Hellblade and the second rising of the Crimson Fists!
Attack4: Let us teach them the folly of their ways
Attack5: With the sword is honor won
Attack6: We will cut them down!
Attack7: Cold and fast!
Capture1: Ours is the right of conquest
Capture2: Dominate, in the name of the Emperor
Capture3: Secure the point
Capped1: Area secured
Capped2: Victory is ours
Capped3: A great day, brothers
Load_Transport1: Jump packs to idle
Load_Transport2: Prepared for transport
Unload_Transport1: Back to combat
Unload_Transport2: Ready to fly
Morale_Break1: The tide turns against us!
Morale_Break2: Conserve our numbers!
Morale_Break3: We must pull back!
Morale_Restored1: This day shall be ours yet
Morale_Restored2: Continuing assault
Morale_Restored3: Ready to deploy from reserve
Charge1: Space Marines! Engage!
Charge2: Fury of Dorn!
Charge3: Blood of the Primarch!
Charge4: Destroy them!
Jump_Teleport1: Jump as one!
Jump_Teleport2: Assault jump!
Deepstrike1: We have arrived
Deepstrike2: Assault marines have arrived
Ability1: [offensive] Eat explosive death
Ability2: [offensive] Blessed intolerance
Ability3: [offensive] Perish the invader
Ability4: [defensive] Contempt is our armor!
Ability5: [defensive] Rally, Crimson Fists!
Combat1: Come to your ruin!
Combat2: Fear me! For I am the Emperor’s might!
Combat3: No hesitation! No fear!
Under_Fire1: Engaging the foe!
Under_Fire2: Meet the challenge!
Under_Fire3: In Dorn’s name, destroy them!
Damage1: We die in glory!
Damage2: Until death take us!
Damage3: Live, liberators of Rynnsworld!
Death1: *standard sm death sounds*

Assault Marine Squad Sergeant
Notes: [more grizzled, rough version of the CF assault marine]
Unit_Complete1: Spaces marines are men in the same way a blade is merely metal
Unit_Complete2: I stand agqinst the terrors of the universe unbowed and unbroken
Unit_Complete3: May my blade drink deep of the foe and never be satisfied
Unit_Complete4: May I not feel the touch of fear at the death that is my service
Unit_Complete5: May we stand as warriors and fall with blades in hand
Unit_Complete6: Our hearts will never falter
Unit_Complete7: Honor the Primarch on the field of battle
Selection1: Fists of Rynnsworld
Selection2: The Emperor’s Justice is harsh
Selection3: Ave Imperator (Im-pear-a-tor)
Move1: With your leave
Move2: Your command be done
Move3: The way is clear
Attack1: Crimson Fists, attack!
Attack2: Fight as one!
Attack3: Cut down the impure!
Death1: *standard SM death sounds*

Devastator Marine Squad
Notes: Same as tac marine. IE vanilla SM tac squad with Spanish accent
Unit_Complete1: Planetfall, brothers
Unit_Complete2: We hands of the Emperor
Unit_Complete3: Remain alert and adjust the auspect
Unit_Complete4: We have waited long enough
Unit_Complete5: Though uncompromising vigilance comes victory
Unit_Complete6: We are Chapter’s armoury now
Unit_Complete7: We bring fire and war onto the foe
Selection1: Foes strike from within and without
Selection2: Our foes swarm and multiply in the darkness
Selection3: Hail, lord brother
Selection4: It is a worthy crusade
Selection5: Brothers make ready
Selection6: Comm-channel encryption alpha 3
Selection7: Death comes from a distance
Move1: It is the way of the Imperium
Move2: For the Emperor
Move3: What is the Emperor’s will
Move4: Squad forward
Move5: Formation!
Move6: The Chapter is the savior of the people
Move7: The Codex is clear
Attack1: Let them fear to tread this ground
Attack2: Assess and destroy
Attack3: Cover fire
Attack4: Lay them low
Attack5: Targets acquired
Attack6: Gladius formation
Attack7: A taste of the Chapter’s munitions
Capture1: Securing the waypoint
Capture2: Take the ground
Capture3: Our foothold is there
Capped1: It is a glorious sight
Capped2: A great improvement, my lord
Capped3:The field is ours
Load_Transport1: Deploy us anew
Load_Transport2: To the transport
Unload_Transport1: Fire support squad deployed
Unload_Transport2: Devastators in position
Morale_Break1: Fall back to the second line!
Morale_Break2: Regroup at rally point ultima six-eight
Morale_Break3: Abandon the position
Morale_Restored1: Onto the anvil of war once more
Morale_Restored2: Prepared to engage again
Morale_Restored3: We attack once more
Charge1: Chase them down!
Charge2: It is time for vengeance!
Charge3: Let none escape!
Charge4: Destroy them!
Jump_Teleport1: Take us to the coordinates
Jump_Teleport2: Brace for teleport assault
Deepstrike1: Take us to the surface
Deepstrike2: To the battlefield
Ability1: [offensive] Such is the price of heresy!
Ability2: [offensive] For the salvation of Mankind!
Ability3: [offensive] Pay for you sins, heretic!
Ability4: [defensive] Steadfast and resolute in faith
Ability5: [defensive] Our victory is justice
Combat1: Fell creatures!
Combat2: Hammer them with fire!
Combat3: No pity!
Under_Fire1: Incoming!
Under_Fire2: We are receiving fire!
Under_Fire3: We are being fired upon!
Damage1: Brothers, we will die together!
Damage2: If this be our last stand, so be it!
Damage3: In death we prove ourselves worthy!
Death1: *standard SM death sounds*

Devastator Marine Squad Sergeant
Notes: [more grizzled, rough version of the CF devastator]
Unit_Complete1: Spaces marines are men in the same way a blade is merely metal
Unit_Complete2: I stand against the terrors of the universe unbowed and unbroken
Unit_Complete3: Mankind’s protectors until death take us
Unit_Complete4: These relics are safe while we wield them in battle
Unit_Complete5: Rally to me, Angels of Death
Unit_Complete6: Keep close, brothers, our moment has come
Unit_Complete7: We stand shoulder to shoulder once more, brothers
Selection1: Truly, the foes of Mankind never tire
Selection2: I care not but for my duty
Selection3: Vigilance shall be our fortress
Move1: The warrior who acts out of honor cannot fail
Move2: We have faced untold enemies
Move3: A warrior’s eye should see everything
Attack1: Hatred’s flame burns long and cold
Attack2: A hail of righteousness for the enemy
Attack3: Enough words, we take the fight to the enemy
Death1: *standard SM death sounds*

Notes: Vanilla apothecary with a Spanish accent
Unit_Complete1: Sing Praise to the Emperor
Unit_Complete2: Through campaigns and firestorms,
Unit_Complete3: The Crimson Fists endure through the ages
Unit_Complete4: It is glorious to fight at your side against
Unit_Complete5: What is life next to service to the Primarch
Unit_Complete6: Even at the end of life, accept no defeat
Unit_Complete7: At the end of this road, we will on in our brothers
Selection1: Even the dead were once as we are now
Selection2: We can ill afford the lost
Selection3: Go in glory
Selection4: War is never fair
Selection5: So few remain
Selection6: Preserve the geneseed
Selection7: Precious geneseed
Move1: It is a perilous path
Move2: The demands of the living outweigh those of the dead
Move3: Only the Emperor gives eternal life
Move4: It is my wish as well
Move5: Our numbers will grow again
Move6: He that may fight no more, give him peace
Move7: He that may fight, heal him
Attack1: Kill in the Primarch’s name
Attack2: Primarch’s blood
Attack3: We all serve the Emperor
Attack4: I can take life as well as give it
Attack5: Angels of death, attack
Attack6: We will do great harm
Attack7: First, war for the Primarch
Capture1: I will succeed
Capture2: It would be suitable for a field Apothecarion
Capture3: I will deploy my tools there
Capped1: A protectorate of Mankind
Capped2: Come, all who seek healing
Capped3: This is a sanctuary
Join1: Even those who fall, live on through me
Join2: Concern yourself not with death
Join3: There is no injury, only service
Detach1: The Chapter has other need of me
Detach2: Pure thoughts beget pure geneseed. Go now.
Load_Transport1: Good, you have brought the cryotome
Load_Transport2: It will serve, for now
Unload_Transport1: I have monitored your health closely, brothers
Unload_Transport2: I pronounce you fit, brothers
Morale_Break1: Do you desire the Emperor’s Peace, brother?
Morale_Break2: Work through the pain, brothers
Morale_Break3: Our brother is no more
Morale_Restored1: They are with the Primarch now
Morale_Restored2: Bless our brothers, who have gone to meet our Master
Morale_Restored3: You require my assistance once more?
Charge1: Into the fires of battle!
Charge2: Show them no mercy!
Charge3: Take them apart!
Jump_Teleport1: I am going
Jump_Teleport2: Copy my position
Deepstrike1: Place me where I am needed
Deepstrike2: I will tend to our brothers
Ability1: [offensive] Pain and death are illusions of the mind
Ability2: [offensive] Whatever may come, the Chapter will take its due
Ability3: [offensive] While even a single Crimson Fist lives, our war is not finished
Ability4: [defensive] You will feel stronger
Ability5: [defensive] While his geneseed returns to the chapter, a space marine cannot die
Combat1: Let not a single one survive!
Combat2: Fight on, Crimson Fists!
Combat3: For our brothers! For Rogal Dorn!
Under_Fire1: Contact!
Under_Fire2: Assassins!
Under_Fire3: Hold them back, brothers!
Damage1: Death holds no fear for us!
Damage2: Protect your brothers!
Damage3: Make them pay for every death!
Death1: *standard SM death sounds*

Notes: [Vanilla SM librarian with a thick Spanish accent]
Unit_Complete1: Blasphemy arises from minds too weak for the horrors of this universe
Unit_Complete2: Mankind fights a secret war of soul and damnation
Unit_Complete3: The soul of an Astartes is pure and true
Unit_Complete4: In every age of desperation, the truth must die
Unit_Complete5: There is a background roar in my ears
Unit_Complete6: I have cast the tarot and I am ready
Unit_Complete7: You called me from the Assimularum?
Selection1: Go with the light
Selection2: The Emperor is the light of creation
Selection3: Loss strengthens the faithful
Selection4: I gaze often towards Him on Terra
Selection5: Destroy the taint, wherever it be
Selection6: So wane, this mortal vale
Selection7: Have a care
Move1: The light that burns brightest, burns briefest of all
Move2: It is a sacred path to obey the Emperor
Move3: It is destiny
Move4: Trust is a weakness
Move5: I feel it also
Move6: This place is impure
Move7: A presence lingers here
Attack1: They are a blight to be purged
Attack2: I hear you
Attack3: Their hour has come
Attack4: There is much danger ahead
Attack5: The Emperor protects
Attack6: By the Light of Mankind
Attack7: The Light of the Emperor burns the impure
Capture1: It is indicated on the auspex
Capture2: I can see that place clearly
Capture3: That be your will
Capped1: Bless the Chapter banner
Capped2: The tarot predicted this
Capped3: Sector secured
Join1: Well met, brothers
Join2: Danger is nearing. Be ready
Join3: On alert, the foe approaches
Detach1: You have your orders, brothers
Detach2: I will return
Load_Transport1: I will meditate for a time
Load_Transport2: Going to the transport
Unload_Transport1: There are lines of power here
Unload_Transport2: This is our place
Morale_Break1: Go! We cannot stand here
Morale_Break2: We will not die in vain!
Morale_Break3: Follow me out, brothers
Morale_Restored1: In the Emperor’s teachings, veritas (very-tahs)
Morale_Restored2: The mind is strong even when the body lies broken
Morale_Restored3: He shines through the empyrean, the Alpha and the Omega
Charge1: Space Marines, engage!
Charge2: Forward as one!
Charge3: We smite them together!
Jump_Teleport1: I will guide us there
Jump_Teleport2: I see our destination well
Deepstrike1: Focusing well the teleportion beam
Deepstrike2: Deploying by deep strike
Ability1: [offensive] Fear the psyker!
Ability2: [offensive] Witness your demise at my hands!
Ability3: [offensive] I banish you from the Emperor’s realm!
Ability4: [defensive] Let me amplify your hatred
Ability5: [defensive] Calm yourselves brothers, I know the way
Combat1: Begone, enemy of the Chapter!
Combat2: Draw strength from your brothers!
Combat3: Rogal Dorn! And the Throne of Terra!
Under_Fire1: The time for battle has come
Under_Fire2: We have engaged the enemy
Under_Fire3: The enemy has come
Damage1: Pain is immaterial!
Damage2: I have no fear of death, for I am Space Marine!
Damage3: Though I fall, others will rebuild the Librarius in my place!
Death1: It is so beautiful…
Death2: *standard SM death sounds*

Notes: Like vanilla Chaplain with Spanish accent.
Unit_Complete1: From the Emperor we came, and to Him we shall return
Unit_Complete2: Heed the orders of Kantor, Lord Hellblade of the Crimson Fists
Unit_Complete3: In your moment of peril, think of your gene-father and primarch
Unit_Complete4: Bless the Day of Foundation, for a new future has come to the chapter
Unit_Complete5: Father and Primarch, vouchsafe your son in this hour of peril
Unit_Complete6: Emperor of Mankind, hallowed be His majesty
Unit_Complete7: The Primarch will come again, and there shall be the Crimson Fists
Selection1: Look to your brothers
Selection2: The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal
Selection3: To acknowledge any but the Emperor is heresy
Selection4: Duty is paid for in blood
Selection5: Bless the Emperor for his guidance
Selection6: The enemy of your enemy is still your enemy
Selection7: It is dark without the Emperor
Move1: Again and again we overcome.
Move2: Bright be His light everlasting
Move3: Purify the domain of Mankind
Move4: To stray from the path of obedience is death
Move5: In this life there is but duty and war
Move6: Speak but the name of Rogal Dorn
Move7: Honor from the past, pride from the present
Attack1: Let none stand in our way
Attack2: Such is our holy mandate
Attack3: Our crusade will never end
Attack4: In battle the Chapter lives again
Attack5: Be free from doubt, strong in faith
Attack6: Bring honor to Rynnsword and Lord Hellblade
Attack7: They have seen their last day
Capture1: This shall be hallowed ground
Capture2: A worthy endeavor
Capture3: It shall be so
Capped1: It is made sacred
Capped2: We stand, the conquerors
Capped3: Hold it against a galaxy of usurpers
Join1: Brothers by oath and brothers by blood.
Join2: This shall be our brightest hour
Join3: We shall honor Rogal Dorn together
Detach1: Honor the Chapter, I go
Detach2: Fight well, I am commanded elsewhere
Load_Transport1: Take this time to pray, brothers
Load_Transport2: Regain your focus, brothers
Unload_Transport1: There are no coincidences, for the Emperor has willed us here this day
Unload_Transport2: Bless the Emperor who has seen us to the battlefield again
Morale_Break1: Emperor and Dorn forgive us! Break off the attack
Morale_Break2: Shame! Black defeat and dishonor!
Morale_Break3: It cannot be! How has it come to this?!
Morale_Restored1: Inhuaca will be avenged
Morale_Restored2: Carelessness is a doom unto us all
Morale_Restored3: Fight until the war is won, until the Emperor has no more enemies
Charge1: Rogal Dorn and the Emperor!
Charge2: Through hell and fire we shall conquer!
Charge3: Slay them all, in Rogal Dorn’s name!
Jump_Teleport1: Pray, as our brothers lock on to our position!
Jump_Teleport2: Have faith in the Emperor too see us through the warp!
Deepstrike1: I will wrench victory from the jaws of heresy
Deepstrike2: I am free of doubt, free of weakness
Ability1: [offensive] The foe is breaking!
Ability2: [offensive] To lose faith is to lose purpose!
Ability3: [offensive] Glory is never easy!
Ability4: [defensive] In each of us our father lives on!
Ability5: [defensive] Our father’s blood flows in us!
Combat1: This is the strength of will eternal!
Combat2: To the End of Time if need be we will fight on!
Combat3: As you fall, know the name of Rogal Dorn!
Under_Fire1: Bless the Emperor and kill in his name!
Under_Fire2: Show them our fury!
Under_Fire3: Brothers! Our time is now!
Damage1: Our faith is strong!
Damage2: The Emperor listens to us, even now!
Damage3: Die with the Primarch’s name on your lips!
Death1: I… have… failed!
Death2: *standard SM death sounds*

Notes: Like SM force commander with a Spanish castillian accent.
Unit_Complete1: We will return to New Rynn City in glory
Unit_Complete2: War dawns upon the Crimson Fists again
Unit_Complete3: Our Chapter will be reborn anew, for Pedro Kantor
Unit_Complete4: The enemy is subtle and has many weapons
Unit_Complete5: Honor the fallen of Arx Tyrannus
Unit_Complete6: Know thine enemy, that you may destroy him
Unit_Complete7: There are times when the present is more important than the past
Selection1: Rynn’s World will rise again
Selection2: Make your oaths known to me
Selection3: The Emperor watches us all
Selection4: Praise the name of Pedro Cantor
Selection5: We are glorious again
Selection6: Ave Praetorian
Selection7: Curse the Ork
Move1: Blood of the Primarch
Move2: Honor demands and I answer
Move3: The future has a price
Move4: By the Emperor and his Praetorian
Move5: The Crimson Fists and His Saints stand as one
Move6: Mine eyes have seen a future reborn
Move7: To have faith is to have purpose
Attack1: In the darkest hours, be the candle to guide mankind
Attack2: No Crimson Fist dies this day
Attack3: There is no salvation for the fallen
Attack4: In the blood of foes, heroes are born
Attack5: The Emperor wills it
Attack6: We are not finished yet
Attack7: By Alessio’s memory
Capture1: It is the example of Alexis Polux
Capture2: Lord Hellblade will be pleased
Capture3: It is a noble task
Capped1: In the name of Dorn, this day is ours
Capped2: Our victory must be absolute
Capped3: A worthy deed
Join1: May you be strong at war, brothers
Join2: Greetings, brothers. Ave Praetorian
Join3: Great deeds await us, brothers
Detach1: Go as I command
Detach2: Proceed, brothers
Load_Transport1: Get to the transport
Load_Transport2: We ride, brothers
Unload_Transport1: We fight as planned!
Unload_Transport2: Dismount brothers, we fight on foot!
Morale_Break1: Maneuver back! No Fist dies this day!
Morale_Break2: Circle back, we’ll attack on a different vector!
Morale_Break3: Fall back, pattern Imperius Nine-Four
Morale_Restored1: What is past is past
Morale_Restored2: Good, we will attack again
Morale_Restored3: Regroup, Crimson Fists
Charge1: For the glory of all mankind!
Charge2: For Lord Hellblade!
Charge3: Crimson Fists… attack!
Jump_Teleport1: Teleportarium, make ready to teleport from this position
Jump_Teleport2: Maneuver Steel Rain… activating teleportation beacon
Deepstrike1: Joining the battle
Deepstrike2: I am going to the surface
Ability1: [offensive] Meet your doom and know that its name is the Crimson Fists!
Ability2: [offensive] This is your fate, deviant! The Emperor’s Fist crushing your kind for eternity!
Ability3: [offensive] Die! And know that the Emperor has no place for you in this life or the next!
Ability4: [defensive] Though the enemy comes, our armor is our fortress!
Ability5: [defensive] In the Light of Terra, we are invincible!
Combat1: For Pedro Kantor!
Combat2: Concede your defeat and die!
Combat3: Pay the price, deviant!
Under_Fire1: Take heed, for the Crimson Fist Chapter is your end!
Under_Fire2: Rue the day you made an enemy of Mankind!
Under_Fire3: I will teach you a fearful lesson in fear, deviant!
Damage1: It is not I who will be slain this day!
Damage2: I will fight you until no life remains in me!
Damage3: If you keep coming, I will never stop killing!
Death1: Dorn… Father…
Death2: No!... It cannot be…
Death3: Master Kantor forgive me…
Death4:*standard SM death sound*

Edited by goldenhorde, 13 June 2011 - 10:54 PM.

#7 thudo


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Posted 16 June 2011 - 01:47 PM

Stellar scripting, GH.. again, superior writings from the master!

Btw.. not sure if they were missed from your list but these ones also needed:

Bike Squad
Bike Squad Sergeant

Standard Bearer
Retinue Command Squad Leader
Company Champion
Advanced Skirmish AI Team Lead for the coolest Warhammer40k PC RTS out there:

Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters

Latest DoW Advanced AI Download!

#8 goldenhorde


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Posted 17 June 2011 - 05:47 AM

Notes: [standard SM vehicle voice, with a Spanish accent]
Unit_Complete1: Rhino has arrived
Unit_Complete2: A transport from the armoury
Unit_Complete3: Rhino deployed
Unit_Complete4: Convoy prepared
Unit_Complete5: Rhino arrived from low anchor
Unit_Complete6: We ride to battle
Unit_Complete7: The fires of battle will not touch us
Selection1: Honored commander?
Selection2: Ready status
Selection3: Precious cargo
Selection4: Marine carrier
Selection5: Carrier of angels
Selection6: Rhino hears you
Selection7: Preserve our numbers
Move1: As you say
Move2: Proceeding
Move3: Into safety or danger
Move4: We go
Move5: Shielding our brothers from harm
Move6: Taking our brothers close
Move7: Riding assault
Attack1: Firing a barrage
Attack2: Target tracking
Attack3: Moving to hostile area
Attack4: Courage never falters
Attack5: Honor the Emperor and chase down His foes
Attack6: As you command it
Attack7: Into the storm
Charge1: They cannot hide
Charge2: Death pursues the unwary
Charge3: Fearless advance
Ability1: [offensive] Keep the enemy at bay
Ability2: [offensive] Laying fire
Ability3: [offensive] Pick off stragglers
Ability4: [defensive] Launching smoke
Ability5: [defensive] Cover smoke
Combat1: Endure and destroy
Combat2: Strength of the Praetorian
Combat3: Rogal Dorn is with us and we are invincible
Death1: *vehicle explosion*

Notes: [standard SM vehicle voice, with a Spanish accent]
Unit_Complete1: Deploy, Razorback transport
Unit_Complete2: It is a deadly payload
Unit_Complete3: Shelter without our hold
Unit_Complete4: Assault support transport
Unit_Complete5: We drive to victory
Unit_Complete6: Carrier of Crimson Fists
Unit_Complete7: Ride to victory, ye brothers and heroes
Selection1: Razorback transport
Selection2: Weapons powered
Selection3: Request combat protocols?
Selection4: What is your directive?
Selection5: Transport status ready
Selection6: Well armed
Selection7: At the helm
Move1: Advancing apace
Move2: Razorback acknowledges
Move3: A Marine fears no pain
Move4: It will be so
Move5: Swiftly advance
Move6: Unto the field of battle
Move7: With all speed
Attack1: Cover fire
Attack2: Trading fire
Attack3: Supporting fire
Attack4: Weapons engaged
Attack5: The enemy is upon us
Attack6: Engage and pursue
Attack7: Let none stop us
Charge1: They cannot hide
Charge2: Death pursues the unwary
Charge3: Fearless advance
Ability1: [offensive] Returning fire
Ability2: [offensive] Strike back
Ability3: [offensive] Heavy fire
Ability4: [defensive] Laying cover
Ability5: [defensive] Out of sight
Combat1: Endure and destroy
Combat2: Strength of the Praetorian
Combat3: Rogal Dorn is with us and we are invincible
Death1: *vehicle explosion*

Land Speeder
Notes: [standard SM tac squad voice, with a Spanish accent]
Unit_Complete1: Death is the reward of heresy
Unit_Complete2: Our brothers on foot have need of us
Unit_Complete3: Life without weakness. War with swiftness
Unit_Complete4: Enforce the will of the Emperor
Unit_Complete5: Devout to the Chapter and Forge
Unit_Complete6: Many hours we trained
Unit_Complete7: The heat of battle calls
Selection1: Fast attack
Selection2: Skirmish assault
Selection3: Land speeder
Selection4: No frailty
Selection5: You have our position
Selection6: Accomplished pilots
Selection7: A life of honor is worthy
Move1: Scouting forward
Move2: Swift war
Move3: Strafe them
Move4: Take them down
Move5: The way is clear
Move6: Swift and true
Move7: Afterburners
Attack1: Bane of the enemy
Attack2: Swift death
Attack3: Heavy bolters
Attack4: Target acquired
Attack5: Harass their lines
Attack6: Let them take cover
Attack7: Let them hide
Charge1: Chase them down
Charge2: They cannot run
Charge3: Deadly shadow
Ability1: [offensive] Opening fire all guns
Ability2: [offensive] Suppressing
Ability3: [offensive] Fire pattern
Ability4: [defensive] Adjusting Stabilizers
Ability5: [defensive] Holding steady
Combat1: Heavy bolter smites the wicked
Combat2: Fire of vengeance
Combat3: Justice prevails
Death1: *land speeder explosion*

Notes: [standard toneless SM dreadnought voice, with a Spanish accent]
Unit_Complete1: I fell and was raised to life by my brothers
Unit_Complete2: Only the Emperor grants eternal life
Unit_Complete3: I have returned from the cryo-holds
Unit_Complete4: You awaken me to serve again?
Unit_Complete5: I will avenge the lost brothers of Arx Tyrannus
Unit_Complete6: In my dreams, I thought of naught but battles past
Unit_Complete7: I rejoice to serve on the battlefield once more
Selection1: There are so few brothers here
Selection2: I stand to war again
Selection3: The Praetorian is with us this day
Selection4: Where have the scouts gone?
Selection5: I am dutiful to my Chapter
Selection6: I live again
Selection7: Assign me an objective
Move1: Laxity cannot be forgiven
Move2: I understand
Move3: Dreadnought endures
Move4: My memory is not what it was
Move5: I serve beyond death
Move6: I have the strength of the Machine
Move7: Time flies from battle to battle
Attack1: They fear the might of the Imperium
Attack2: No abomination lives that insults us
Attack3: I did not shrink from battle in life, and I will not do so in death
Attack4: I live only to war for the Chapter
Attack5: I would gladly die for the Chapter again
Attack6: Now and forever, for the Crimson Fists
Attack7: The path of honor, of loyalty
Charge1: I am the Crimson Fist of the Emperor come to destroy you
Charge2: I will break you. I will break you all.
Charge3: You who dare defy Dorn and the Emperor, die
Ability1: [offensive] I will never show mercy for heretics
Ability2: [offensive] Flee or die, for I shall give no quarter
Ability3: [offensive] Though I am dreadnought, I can still feel hate
Ability4: [defensive] I was chosen to survive, and I shall survive you
Ability5: [defensive] I am not so easily slain
Combat1: Suffer under the heel of the righteous
Combat2: Observe well the form of Imperial forgiveness
Combat3: These are the consequence of defying Mankind
Death1: *standard dreadnought death*

Venerable Dreadnought
Notes: [deeper standard toneless SM dreadnought voice, with a Spanish accent]
Unit_Complete1: The Techmarines took great care to rebuild my ossuary
Unit_Complete2: It has been a long since I was battle-captain of the Chapter
Unit_Complete3: Honor be to the Crusade Company of the Crimson Fists
Unit_Complete4: And what of the Imperial Fists? The Black Templars? The Soul Drinkers?
Unit_Complete5: I see the pride is not extinguished in your eyes
Unit_Complete6: Our distant brothers will not disband us, swear it
Unit_Complete7: I will not sleep until our Chapter is whole again
Selection1: These are dark days of the Chapter
Selection2: How few survived the cataclysm
Selection3: The orks will pay onto the end of time
Selection4: What is it, brother?
Selection5: You require my guidance?
Selection6: You could not save the others?
Selection7: Pedro Kantor lives?
Move1: How I long to see Arx Tyrannus again
Move2: Are we a crusading Chapter again?
Move3: So few survived the firestorm
Move4: I remember well the burdens of command
Move5: So long as Rynnsworld survives
Move6: The traditions are old but the faces are new
Move7: We will be whole again
Attack1: Leave that task to me
Attack2: Watch and learn, young brother
Attack3: I will crush them
Attack4: There are no lengths I will not go for the Chapter
Attack5: For Rogal Dorn and the Emperor
Attack6: I will show no mercy
Attack7: My fists are crimson again
Charge1: Our strength is that of Dorn
Charge2: When you remember this day, you will only remember pain
Charge3: I have fought greater foes than you and won
Ability1: [offensive] Perish now
Ability2: [offensive] He has but one commandment: thou shalt kill
Ability3: [offensive] For Alexian
Ability4: [defensive] Invocio Iron Halo (In-volk-ee-o)
Ability5: [defensive] I am barded in faith
Combat1: I will end you. I will end you all!
Combat2: I am the rock in the storm, the fist of Rogal Dorn
Combat3: I defeated your kind many times before
Death1: *standard dreadnought death*

Notes: [standard SM vehicle voice, with a Spanish accent]
Unit_Complete1: Deploy in glorious fire
Unit_Complete2: The day begins, my brethren
Unit_Complete3: Every round that hits the enemy is one more to hit the next
Unit_Complete4: The armoury is generous yet
Unit_Complete5: Armour clad fire support
Unit_Complete6: Deploying Codex maneuver Righteous Hammer
Unit_Complete7: Whirlwind has arrived
Selection1: Priority message
Selection2: We strike from afar
Selection3: The enemy is upon us
Selection4: We are Dorn’s wrath
Selection5: Whirlwind of the Fists
Selection6: Distance is our ally
Selection7: Which brother needs our aid?
Move1: Moving to Grid Nine Nine Two
Move2: Service without question
Move3: Rogal Dorn is our strength
Move4: Ignorance is the road to failure
Move5: Reap that which you sow
Move6: Moving to defensive position
Move7: Maneuvering firing vector
Attack1: It shall be as the fireworks of New Rynn City
Attack2: Execution rockets
Attack3: Delivering the Emperor’s mercy
Attack4: Targeting Square Vermillion Twelve-Five
Attack5: Torpedos away
Attack6: It rains fire on the Emperor’s enemies
Attack7: His Fist falls on them from above
Charge1: Close engagement
Charge2: Finding range
Charge3: Seek all targets
Ability1: [offensive] Salvo Firestorm
Ability2: [offensive] They cannot hide from the Crimson Fists Chapter
Ability3: [offensive] Abominations, begone
Ability4: [defensive] Dig in position
Ability5: [defensive] Standing strong
Combat1: Fear the machines of war
Combat2: Death comes in fire
Combat3: Defend with pride
Death1: *vehicle explosion*

Notes: [standard SM vehicle voice, with a Spanish accent]
Unit_Complete1: Vindicator has landed true
Unit_Complete2: Executors of the Emperor’s will
Unit_Complete3: Glorious, the day of battle
Unit_Complete4: What is peace but the silence between conflicts?
Unit_Complete5: We will go where mankind cannot
Unit_Complete6: Where men fear to tread, we make war for Rogal Dorn
Unit_Complete7: Before the mightiest fortress, we will not perish
Selection1: Main gun has clearance
Selection2: Preparing for bombardment
Selection3: Scopes are clear
Selection4: Call in
Selection5: Aspire to service
Selection6: Blood and honor
Selection7: Without relent
Move1: More speed, brothers
Move2: For the liberty of mankind
Move3: Our advance will not falter
Move4: Moving up
Move5: Face to face
Move6: They hide in vain
Move7: I carry out your orders
Attack1: Triangulating now
Attack2: The thunder of vengeance
Attack3: Let His foes beware
Attack4: The Emperor’s ownj wrath
Attack5: Attacking the coordinates
Attack6: Striking at the foe
Attack7: Rounds to high detonation
Charge1: Enemies of the Emperor despair
Charge2: Accept the Emperor mercy
Charge3: For the Emperor
Ability1: [offensive] None may deny our zeal
Ability2: [offensive] Devotion is the wine of heroes
Ability3: [offensive] For our honored company
Ability4: [defensive] Where men fail, we triumph
Ability5: [defensive] If we join the Emperor, we do so gladly
Combat1: No wall shall stand
Combat2: They cannot resist
Combat3: Righteous Cannonade
Death1: *vehicle explosion*

Notes: [standard SM vehicle voice, with a Spanish accent]
Unit_Complete1: A gift of the Aurora Chapter
Unit_Complete2: Salvaged from the Fortress Monastery
Unit_Complete3: The Chapter’s heavy armor
Unit_Complete4: Swift armor of the Crimson Fists
Unit_Complete5: Armor vanguard, sworn to Pedro Kantor
Unit_Complete6: The mailed fist of the Chapter
Unit_Complete7: Swords of faith, relics of the Chapter
Selection1: Lock on to my position
Selection2: How may we assist?
Selection3: I read you clearly, brother
Selection4: Pride of the Loki Sector
Selection5: Rynnsworld predator
Selection6: Armor of the Crimson Fists
Selection7: Crusaders of Dorn
Move1: Maintaining over-watch
Move2: Forming on the column
Move3: Moving into formation
Move4: Moving up now
Move5: Confirming, brother
Move6: Coming in close
Move7: Understood, brother
Attack1: With faith and fire
Attack2: Advancing in line formation
Attack3: Not one of the blasphemers survives
Attack4: We fill the air with our wrath
Attack5: Cutting a corridor for advance
Attack6: Moving to intercept
Attack7: Destroying targets of opportunity
Charge1: Forward for the Chapter
Charge2: Advance, Fists of the Emperor
Charge3: We crush those who would lay the Chapter low
Ability1: [offensive] Outgun the weak
Ability2: [offensive] They hold at their peril
Ability3: [offensive] Break their lines
Ability4: [defensive] Baffles are holding
Ability5: [defensive] The armor is strong
Combat1: Enemies of the Emperor, your end is come
Combat2: You cannot flee, lay down your arms and accept the Emperor’s Peace
Combat3: This is a day of retribution against the foe
Death1: *vehicle explosion*

Land Raider
Notes: [standard SM vehicle voice, with a Spanish accent]
Unit_Complete1: We are of one mind with the machine spirit this day
Unit_Complete2: We answer your call, commander
Unit_Complete3: Praise be the trinity: Emperor, Dorn, and Alexis
Unit_Complete4: Dream not of battle, when thou canst seek out thy foe
Unit_Complete5: Serve without dishonor. Battle without defeat
Unit_Complete6: Only in war can we prove our worth
Unit_Complete7: When we die, how glorious a death it shall be
Selection1: The Emperor be with us all
Selection2: Aquila One to all units
Selection3: Rogal Dorn is with us this day
Selection4: Supremacy of Space Marines
Selection5: Punisher of sin
Selection6: Never underestimate
Selection7: At last, we attack again
Move1: By Lethandrus the Templar
Move2: See how the Chapter endures
Move3: Dorn’s blood runs in our veins… and calls us to duty
Move4: Though our course takes us to the midst of the firestorm
Move5: Act justly, that we may be the shield of manki9njd
Move6: Unto the anvil of war, the light of Terra
Move7: The warrior who acts out of honor cannot fail
Attack1: The fury of Arx Tyrannus comes again!
Attack2: No remorse, for Rogal Dorn!
Attack3: They will pay for their temerity
Attack4: The might of the Imperium is with us, and we are invincible
Attack5: I am Paladin, the righteous hand of Rogal Dorn
Attack6: A threat to the imperium is a threat to the Emperor
Attack7: They are the walking death, for we have marked them for extinction
Charge1: Enemies of the Emperor, you are finished
Charge2: Crimson Fists, to victory
Charge3: The Steel Shod Fist of Rogal Dorn
Ability1: [offensive] Go unto your masters, for the Emperor has forsaken you
Ability2: [offensive] Smite those who oppose us
Ability3: [offensive] The lot of courage is to sacrifice on the alter of battle
Ability4: [defensive] They will learn to fear us for a thousand years
Ability5: [defensive] Armor charged with obedience, to overcome all obstacles
Combat1: They fear the wrath of the Adeptus Astartes
Combat2: We have prayed for this day
Combat3: Our cause is righteous
Death1: *vehicle explosion*

Edited by goldenhorde, 17 June 2011 - 06:35 AM.

#9 goldenhorde


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Posted 26 June 2011 - 04:25 AM

Chaplain (High Chaplain)
Commander (Captain of Crimson Fists)

Bike Squad (Mounted Initiates)
Notes: Same as tac marine with a bike engine roar behind them. IE vanilla SM tac squad with Spanish accent
Unit_Complete1: Ride for Glory. Ride for Dorn
Unit_Complete2: We will never relent
Unit_Complete3: On attack bikes, Sons of Dorn
Unit_Complete4: All gates are open before us
Unit_Complete5: A siege upon open ground
Unit_Complete6: By the Codex Astartes, swift attack
Unit_Complete7: Squad deployed on attack bikes
Selection1: We the few
Selection2: Attack bike squad
Selection3: Brother
Selection4: Levity is weakness
Selection5: Fast attack
Selection6: Rynnsworld Defendus
Selection7: Swift fists
Move1: Yes, Strategos
Move2: With pride
Move3: Ride for redemption
Move4: Approaching
Move5: On angels’ wing
Move6: Patrol and conquer
Move7: Scout for glory
Attack1: Fast attack salvation
Attack2: Strike at weakness
Attack3: It be your command
Attack4: Praise be
Attack5: Pursing
Attack6: Straight at them
Attack7: Search
Capture1: Take the point
Capture2: Get the objective
Capture3: Capture the point
Capped1: Captured
Capped2: It is ours
Capped3: Point secure
Load_Transport1: n/a
Load_Transport2: n/a
Unload_Transport1: n/a
Unload_Transport2: n/a
Morale_Break1: Back to the machine cult
Morale_Break2: Fall back for repairs
Morale_Break3: Break off
Morale_Restored1: Maintain the watch
Morale_Restored2: Brothers stand fast
Morale_Restored3: Stay vigilant, brothers
Charge1: Dorn’s blood!
Charge2: Strike swiftly, brothers!
Charge3: For the Charge!
Charge4: Forward Crimson Fists!
Jump_Teleport1: Cycling to teleport
Jump_Teleport2: Engines idle
Deepstrike1: Attack bikes to coordinates
Deepstrike2: Deep striking attack bikes
Ability1: [offensive] As on Declates, we will destroy the foe
Ability2: [offensive] From shadows to victory
Ability3: [offensive] Hammer the foe
Ability4: [defensive] Obedience
Ability5: [defensive] Hold the line
Combat1: Terra and Rynnsworld!
Combat2: Emperor wills it!
Combat3: Do not let them get to cover!
Under_Fire1: Engaging the foe
Under_Fire2: Counterattack
Under_Fire3: Charge the foe
Damage1: Marine fear no death
Damage2: Maintain the attack
Damage3: No Son of Dorn flinches from death
Death1: *bike malfunction death*

Bike Squad Sergeant (Biker Sergeant)
Notes: [more grizzled, rough version of the CF bikes]
Unit_Complete1: In the moment of need, come the blue riders
Unit_Complete2: Designate a target for us to attack
Unit_Complete3: I am yours to command
Unit_Complete4: The honor is mine, Brother-Commander
Unit_Complete5: I will scout ahead and engage the enemy
Unit_Complete6: The armoury has attack bikes still
Unit_Complete7: Speed is our advantage
Selection1: Remember brother Tomasi
Selection2: Vengeance on all ork-kind
Selection3: Fast attack
Move1: Hesitate not
Move2: Ranging ahead of our brothers
Move3: Affirmative, brother
Attack1: Copy fast attack
Attack2: At them, brothers
Attack3: For the Imperium
Death1: * bike malfunction death*

Standard Bearer (Praetorian Banner)
Notes: Sergeant of the command squad, with morale/attack aura. Like SM tac marine with a Spanish castillian accent.
Unit_Complete1: Forming command squad around the Chapter Banner
Unit_Complete2: The Banner marches to war again
Unit_Complete3: What foes will learn to dread the Crimson Fist anew?
Unit_Complete4: Loki Sector will be made safe again, I so swear
Unit_Complete5: Even when at the far end of the galaxy, we are Terra and we are Rynnsworld
Unit_Complete6: Sacrifices which must be made for Mankind, we make them gladly
Unit_Complete7: The Bell of Heroes will not toll for us yet
Selection1: It has been a long time since Zeist
Selection2: What do you counsel?
Selection3: Chapter Banner
Selection4: We have our pride again
Selection5: Many brother will hold this after me
Selection6: Follow me brothers
Selection7: Sanctus Praetorii (sank-tus pry-tor-ee)
Move1: The Imperium has come at last
Move2: Mankind marches at our backs
Move3: Lift your hearts, brothers
Move4: At dawn, comes the sons of Rogal Dorn
Move5: Curse the Ork
Move6: We take our sanctum with us (sank-tum)
Move7: Be true, even hope grows faint
Attack1: Bring the wrath, bring the might of the Crimson Fists
Attack2: Scour the invader and grind him to dust
Attack3: Honor the dead and fight in their memory
Attack4: We show them our strength this day
Attack5: Unbowed and unbroken
Attack6: Our enemy is cunning
Attack7: Gather to me, sons of Rogal Dorn
Capture1: By the House of Dorn, it will be done
Capture2: I understand
Capture3: Raise the chapter standard
Capped1: It is fair warning to those who oppose Mankind
Capped2: It is done, let it be
Capped3: Back to battle
Join1: n/a
Join2: n/a
Join3: n/a
Detach1: n/a
Detach2: n/a
Load_Transport1: Sheltering within the armor
Load_Transport2: Carry us swiftly, brother
Unload_Transport1: We have arrived, brothers
Unload_Transport2: Brace yourself for contact, brothers
Morale_Break1: We will live to fight another day!
Morale_Break2: Fall back, our brothers will support us!
Morale_Break3: We must conserve our numbers, to fall back positions!
Morale_Restored1: Arise, super-soldiers of Rogal Dorn
Morale_Restored2: Our wounds will heal
Morale_Restored3: Take heart, Crimson Fists
Charge1: For glory! For Rogal Dorn!
Charge2: Smash the foes of the Emperor!
Charge3: Libertas! (Lee-ber-tahs)
Jump_Teleport1: Brace yourself and think of Rynnsworld
Jump_Teleport2: Our brothers in orbit are locking on
Deepstrike1: Crusade Company Deepstriking
Deepstrike2: Into the heat of battle
Ability1: [offensive] What they can see, they soon learn to fear!
Ability2: [offensive] The Emperor deems them unclean!
Ability3: [offensive] Rally, brothers and destroy the foe!
Ability4: [defensive] Uphold the good name of the Chapter!
Ability5: [defensive] No death, brothers! You duty lies yet undone!
Combat1: For the Emperor!
Combat2: Glory be!
Combat3: Blood of the Primarch!
Under_Fire1: Moving to combat!
Under_Fire2: Do your worst, dark one!
Under_Fire3: Into the fires of battle once more!
Damage1: Though we lay shattered, the Chapter will avenge us!
Damage2: No fear of death!
Damage3: If this is our end, then we will fight to the last breath!
Death1: Such folly!
Death2: Brothers…!
Death3: Take… the Chapter’s due!
Death4:*standard SM death sound*

Retinue Command Squad Leader (Crusade Company Veterans)
Notes: Tac Marine veterans. Like fiercer version of tac marines with a Spanish castillian accent.
Unit_Complete1: We brothers of the Crusade Company have arrived
Unit_Complete2: It will be auspicious when the Crusade Company is at full strength again
Unit_Complete3: The Crusade Company leads the Chapter by example
Unit_Complete4: The Crusade Company survives, now and forever
Unit_Complete5: So deep will the memory be that they will fear us for a thousand years
Unit_Complete6: This is the day of the Rogal Dorn’s Truth
Unit_Complete7: A second Crusade of Righteous Liberation
Selection1: Pride of the Chapter
Selection2: Trust in us
Selection3: May the Emperor watch over you
Selection4: Our faith keeps us safe
Selection5: Cowards die in shame
Selection6: Maestus Acceptum (My-stus Accept-um)
Selection7: At your sufferance, lord
Move1: It will unfold as you command
Move2: As you command, brother
Move3: As my lord wishes
Move4: Move in and support
Move5: The Crusade Company fights again
Move6: Ever at the forefront of battle
Move7: Spearpoint excelsior
Attack1: Final mercy
Attack2: Open fire
Attack3: Let battle be joined
Attack4: Their existence demeans us
Attack5: For Sacred Sol and the Praetorian
Attack6: Learn you lesson, monster
Attack7: To kill a heretic is not murder
Capture1: With the Emperor’s help
Capture2: Give the Emperor his praise
Capture3: The Chapter’s due
Capped1: It is good to gain ground again
Capped2: The field is nearly ours
Capped3: A salient for the coming battle
Join1: n/a
Join2: n/a
Join3: n/a
Detach1: n/a
Detach2: n/a
Load_Transport1: Crusade Company is mobilized for riding assault
Load_Transport2: This shall be our chantry
Unload_Transport1: Forward, brothers of the Crusade Company
Unload_Transport2: Let every battlefield strengthen your faith in the Emperor’s Favored Son
Morale_Break1: Codex Astartes calls for fallback
Morale_Break2: Preserve our numbers!
Morale_Break3: The peril is too great
Morale_Restored1: We can still fight
Morale_Restored2: Our honor is intact
Morale_Restored3: Our pride is restored
Charge1: Crusade Company, attack!
Charge2: Engage, brothers, engage!
Charge3: There is the challenge, brothers!
Jump_Teleport1: Lock on well, brothers
Jump_Teleport2: We are ready
Deepstrike1: Cast aside the Ceres Protocol (series)
Deepstrike2: It is our right
Ability1: [offensive] Let’s have you, wretch!
Ability2: [offensive] I curse you, minion of evil!
Ability3: [offensive] Flee to the abyss from which spawned you!
Ability4: [defensive] Steel yourselves against the heresy of their existence!
Ability5: [defensive] The Armor of Contempt is our shield!
Combat1: Let’s have it, monster!
Combat2: Brother! We fight well this day!
Combat3: I will make you believe!
Under_Fire1: Our foe is here!
Under_Fire2: These foes are ours!
Under_Fire3: Charge, Crusade Company!
Damage1: Die well, brothers!
Damage2: Pain is an illusion of the senses!
Damage3: Honor in death!
Death1: Carry on…!
Death2: Remember me, brothers!
Death3: No surrender…!
Death4:*standard SM death sound*

Captain (Hellblade Sergeant)
Notes: Like SM force commander with a Spanish castillian accent. A survivor of the holocaust at Arx Tyrannus among the number who escorted Chapter Master Pedro Kantor to safety in New Rynn City. This is a marine elevated to sergeant without a squad, he nevertheless carries of the lineage, traditions, and honor of the squad and company until the day when both may be formed anew. While the Crimson Fists reconstitute the lost Chapters, this marine’s squad exists by tradition alone… as does his entire Company.
Unit_Complete1: For Vardua, Caltara and Sagarro, I will have vengeance (Var-doo-ah, Cal-tara, Sa-gar-oe)
Unit_Complete2: While my company lay dead, I safeguarded the Silver Citadel
Unit_Complete3: Master Kantor survives, that is all that matters
Unit_Complete4: Yes, death in combat is glorious
Unit_Complete5: So many brothers went to the Emperor’s side that night
Unit_Complete6: Out of a hundred brothers… that I should survive…
Unit_Complete7: The will of the Emperor is at times unclear
Selection1: The Cassar is not Arx Tyrannus
Selection2: I heed your call, brother
Selection3: Regret is poison
Selection4: I will not speak of that Night
Selection5: Never forget the Night of the Burning Sky
Selection6: Trust only in your brothers
Selection7: Detest the Ork
Move1: Where you require entrance, I will make one
Move2: My life for vengeance
Move3: His kingdom comes
Move4: Never forget
Move5: A warrior’s pilgrimage
Move6: A blood-debt is not soon forgotten
Move7: I trust in your judgment
Attack1: Where you require death, I shall dispense it
Attack2: It will be punitive
Attack3: In battle there is purity
Attack4: Destroy those who would destroy us in turn
Attack5: I will honor the memories of fallen
Attack6: Fight for the Chapter
Attack7: The Emperor provides
Capture1: Your command
Capture2: For Rynnsworld
Capture3: I claim it for Rogal Dorn
Capped1: Hail the standard of the Chapter
Capped2: Point is captured
Capped3: We will be as we were
Join1: It is good to be among brothers again
Join2: We fight together, for a time
Join3: I defer to your command, brothers
Detach1: Our companies part ways, brothers
Detach2: My gratitude, brothers
Load_Transport1: We travel so swiftly thus
Load_Transport2: Enemies of Dorn, beware the warriors herein
Unload_Transport1: Do not go far, brother
Unload_Transport2: I will show them no mercy
Morale_Break1: We cannot hold this position
Morale_Break2: No death in vain
Morale_Break3: Disengaging
Morale_Restored1: I will fight on until I fall in His service
Morale_Restored2: We will not disgrace Master Kantor this day
Morale_Restored3: My duty stands
Charge1: Hand-to-hand!
Charge2: Charge them, brothers!
Charge3: Let none survive!
Jump_Teleport1: Activating beacon
Jump_Teleport2: May its Machine Spirit be strong
Deepstrike1: The company deploys
Deepstrike2: Deepstrike inbound
Ability1: [offensive] Breaking through
Ability2: [offensive] Company attack
Ability3: [offensive] Death claims the Enemies of the Emperor this day
Ability4: [defensive] The Chapter is forever
Ability5: [defensive] The honored dead watch over us
Combat1: You have made a terrible mistake, my foe!
Combat2: You wrote your fate when you made war on Mankind!
Combat3: Your death will be a mercy!
Under_Fire1: To battle!
Under_Fire2: We engage!
Under_Fire3: They come to die!
Damage1: Outnumbered is not outfought!
Damage2: There is no greater service than to die fighting his foes!
Damage3: I will not yield so quickly, invader!
Death1: I join my brothers…
Death2: So long in coming…
Death3: I go to peace, brothers…
Death4:*standard SM death sound*

Company Champion (Swordmaster)
Notes: Like SM force commander with a Spanish castillian accent. Company level champion of the Crimson Fists. The traditions of the sword and champion are strong in the Crimson Fists, though not as strong as among the Imperial Fists.
Unit_Complete1: Mankind’s cries for salvation fall not on deaf ears
Unit_Complete2: Above all, the Emperor has one command: fight
Unit_Complete3: The path of the Champion is one of sacrifice and bravery
Unit_Complete4: I stand attentive to the needs of the Chapter
Unit_Complete5: I have prayed for the day struggle and fire
Unit_Complete6: As Dorn was to the Emperor, so shall I be to Master Kantor
Unit_Complete7: I have been restless in battle-meditation as of late
Selection1: I heed thy call
Selection2: Upon the battlefield I have purpose
Selection3: My faith is my shield
Selection4: No Marine fears death
Selection5: Rogal Dorn hear my prayers
Selection6: What is your command?
Selection7: Throne of Terra
Move1: I am en route
Move2: Affirmative, brother
Move3: Nothing will district me from my course
Move4: Only one destiny awaits us
Move5: May the Emperor watch over and guide you
Move6: Billions of lives hang in the balance
Move7: In His name
Attack1: We protect the innocent
Attack2: By our actions, mankind will be saved
Attack3: We will hold
Attack4: A show of strength, brother
Attack5: For the future of the Imperium of Mankind
Attack6: They will suffer at our hands
Attack7: Certainty is our prerogative
Capture1: As you ask
Capture2: Captus (Cap-tus)
Capture3: Quickly does victory come
Capped1: They shall know we are here
Capped2: Honor prevails before the darkness
Capped3: Praise the icon of the Chapter
Join1: Assemble, warriors
Join2: We fight as one this day
Join3: Battle calls to each of us
Detach1: We each our duty
Detach2: We have our objectives, go
Load_Transport1: Deliver me to the field of honor
Load_Transport2: I will prepare for the renewed battle
Unload_Transport1: I am deployed
Unload_Transport2: I have honed my focus
Morale_Break1: Fall… back!
Morale_Restored1: It is the toll of war
Morale_Restored2: We return to duty
Morale_Restored3: I will never yield
Charge1: I am the keen blade of the Primarch!
Charge2: For honor! For Rogal Dorn!
Charge3: For Terra!
Ability1: [offensive] Purity’s flame
Ability2: [offensive] Glorious anniliate
Ability3: [offensive] Neutralizing
Ability4: [defensive] My Emperor. My duty.
Ability5: [defensive] I will stand until the last
Combat1: Repent, for your Nemesis is upon you!
Combat2: Fall to my blade!
Combat3: Foul iconoclast, I cast you down!
Under_Fire1: Come, I will destroy you!
Under_Fire2: A challenge to the Chapter!
Under_Fire3: Fall, enemies of the Emperor!
Damage1: In the Emperor’s name, I will not fall!
Damage2: The Emperor watches over his own!
Damage3: I will do my duty, whatever the cost!
Death1: A setback…
Death2: Another will come…
Death3: Honor my memory brothers…
Death4:*standard SM death sound*

Chaos: Those who embrace dark fate of Chaos deserve only death
Chaos: The Traitor Legions are here

Dark Eldar: Xeno pirates come to take what we would deny them
Dark Eldar: Death to the Dark Eldar

Eldar: Suffer not the Eldar to live
Eldar: Treachery is the way of the Eldar

Imperial Guard: All heretics crave absolution in death!
Imperial Guard: Traitors among the mortals

Necrons: A Space Marine does not fear death, Necron!
Necrons: Locate the Necron Lord and destroy him!

Orks: Let the Ork come in all their millions
Orks: Vengeance for Arx Tyrannus!

Sisters of Battle: Shades of Vandire’s heresy!
Sisters of Battle: Die in heresy, False Daughters of the Emperor!

Space Marines: So it is to be the fate of the Marines Vigilant
Space Marines: In different colors, the Sons of Gideon come again

Tau: Tau heresy begets retribution
Tau: No alien has the right to take the life of a man

Black Templars: Our brothers of the Black Templar, it cannot be
Black Templars: The Black Templar are tainted with deviance, Dorn forgive us

Blood Angels: The sons of noble Sanguinius are lost to madness!
Blood Angels: Blood Angels have taken the field against us!

Blood Ravens: So the Blood Ravens have doomed themselves to heresy!
Blood Ravens: The mark of heresy is upon the Blood Ravens!

Crimson Fists: The traitor in our midst!
Crimson Fists: The enemy is within our own ranks!

Dark Angels: The Dark Angels turn on us!
Dark Angels: Treachery from the Dark Angels!

Fallen Angels: These rebels are led by Astartes!
Fallen Angels: Renegade Astartes are among the rebels

Imperial Fists: So it is war with the knife, progenitor brothers!
Imperial Fists: It is a dark day that Crimson and Imperial Fists shed each other’s blood!

Iron Hands: The machine curse has taken the Iron Hands, they are lost to us now!
Iron Hands: The Iron Hands of Medusa attack us!

Legion of the Damned: These Astartes are haunted, brothers!
Legion of the Damned: These Astartes have no allegiance markings!

Raven Guard: The Raven Guard have gone mad, we will do what is necessary
Raven Guard: The Raven Guard are our enemy this day, Emperor forgive us

Red Scorpions: The Red Scorpions have tread far from the Emperor’s light
Red Scorpions: The Red Scorpions have cross the line to treachery

Salamanders: A dark fire burns in the Salamanders
Salamanders: So it is civil stife with the Salamanders

Space Wolves/13th Company: The wolves of Fenis have come!
Space Wolves/13th Company: Space Wolves, you will pay for your barbarism!

UltraMarines: The Ultramarines show their true colors!
UltraMarines: The Imperium will know of Ultarmarines’ treachery!

White Scars: Outriders of the White Scars!
White Scars: Stand firm against the White Scars!

Alpha Legion: Sindermann… we meet again, Alpha Legionnaire
Alpha Legion: So! A cell of the Alpha Legion!

Black Legion: Betrayers of the Black Legion!
Black Legion: The Legions of Abaddon are here!

Death Guard: Chaos filth! Hold back corruption of the Traitor Death Guard!
Death Guard: Cleanse the taint of corruption with fire!

Emperors Children: Abhor the Children, for they are betrayers and madmen!
Emperors Children: Destroy those corrupted by Chaos and burn their bodies!

Iron Warriors: Our oldest rivals!
Iron Warriors: Iron Warriors, the old foe!

Night Lords: The Night Lords will terrorize Mankind no more!
Night Lords: Beware the treachery of the Night Lords!

Red Corsairs: Renegades!
Red Corsairs: They are a long way from the maelstrom, these Red Corsairs!

Thousand Sons: Abhor the witch, for he is no brother of ours!
Thousand Sons: Target the sorcerers among the Thousand Sons!

World Eaters: Draw bolters, the World Eaters will charge us!
World Eaters: World Eaters!

Word Bearers: We will end these traitor heretics together!
Word Bearers: The Word Bearers will not spread their heresy here!

Catachan: Jungle rats!
Catachan: No one escapes the Emperor’s justice, rebel!

Death Korps of Kreig: Mutiny is punishable by death, Imperial Guard!
Death Korps of Kreig: When the dust settles, no rebels will survive.

Elysians: The rebels deploy drop troops!
Elysians: The rebels attack from above!

Last Chancer's/13th Penal Legion: The Imperium is too trusting of the unfaithful
Last Chancer's/13th Penal Legion: There is no redemption for these men

Mordians: You have forgotten where your loyalties lie, Guardsmen!
Mordians: The Imperial Guard are in rebellion

Praetorian: The garrison is in rebellion
Praetorian: The Guard have turned

Steel Legions: Rebel armor infantry
Steel Legions: The steel legion has turned their allegiance

Tallarns: Destroy the desert militia
Tallarns: Sand rebels, we will bring you to heel

Tanith First & Only (Gaunt's Ghosts): The taint of chaos is upon the rebel infiltrators
Tanith First & Only (Gaunt's Ghosts): Scout elements of the rebel Guardsmen

Vahallans: The rebels of winter, the Vahallans!
Vahallans: Ice world militia, destroy them!

Vostroyans: The proud regiments of the Imperial Guard have turned to darkness!
Vostroyans: Destroy the rebel, lest he destroyed Mankind from within!

Harlequins: Eldar sword dancers! Engage them at range!
Harlequins: Eldar! Cut them down with bolter fire!

Inquisition Daemonhunt: The fallen Inquisitor, purge him!
Inquisition Daemonhunt: We are pure and woe to any who otherwise claims!

WitchHunters: Who in the Imperium would hunt *us*?!
WitchHunters: The Sororitas bring civil strife to the Imperium!

Tyranids: We will hold against the hive fleet!
Tyranids: Burn the Tyranids before their numbers grow!

Daemon: Foul avatars of Chaos!
Daemon: We will banish the Daemon back to their abyss in the warp!
Daemon: The peril to Man is great where Daemonkind walk!
Monstrosity: Destroy the beasts!
Monstrosity: Abominations deserve only death!
Monstrosity: Bring own the beasts, and the rest will soon follow!
Enemy: Our enemy comes to their doom!
Enemy: Crimson Fists, our foe this day is neigh!
Enemy: Brothers, our enemy is here!
Enemy: In Terra’s Holy Name, we meet the foe!
Enemy: The enemy attack without honor!
Enemy: We have spotted the foe!
Enemy: Enemy sighted, they are in strength!
Enemy: The enemy show themselves!
Tanks: The armor of Mankind’s enemies is here!
Tanks: Destroy the armor with missiles and cannon!
Tanks: Meet armor with faith!

Edited by goldenhorde, 26 June 2011 - 04:28 AM.

#10 thudo


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Posted 26 June 2011 - 04:41 PM

GH.. You did it man... Crimson Fists are indeed complete!

There are two last items to do..

1) Need an alternate name for a Crimson Fist Librarian..

2) Crimson Fist Gameplay ideas..

Basically a general overview how to further make a Crimson Fist faction distinguish itself from other Space Marine chapters in a Real-Time Strategy..

As example.. here is what we did for the Salamanders:

Gameplay Ideas

These are my ideas of the Salamanders gameplay. It’s written on base of their fluff, official rules and books. Their exclusively fire-based weapon and vehicle usage I wrote to more characterizing their close-range firefight style. There is too many codex chapters. :thumbsupsmiley:


-They have coal black skin and glowing red eyes

-They have more Techmarines than other (full Codex) Chapters

-Veterans and Terminators called Firedrake Veterans and Firedraks Terminators

-Librarians have a unique psychic power - Fury of the Salamander (as known as Might of the Ancients now)

-Most of their battle-experience comes from fight Dark Eldar and Orks (15% more Accuracy when fight them)

-The Land Raider Prometheus is developed by Salamanders (25% expand in sight range around it and reveal infiltrated units)(Ground Scanner Research - reveal an area)

Due to their Promethean Cult’s teachings:

-They prefer close-range firefight so using Flamer, Meltagun as special weapons as Heavy Flamer, Multi-melta as special / heavy weapons; Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield as Assault Terminator weapons.
(they don’t use Plasma Pistol, Plasma Gun, Plasma Cannon, Lascannon, Missile Launcher)

-They prefer using power weapons in hammer form (as Power Hammer) or Thunder Hammer

-They use Forge-Hammers as close combat weapon in place of Combat Dagger of other (full Codex) Chapters

-Chaplains are leaders and priests of the Promethean Cult (units around them or attached have 15% more Morale, their Morale couldn’t be broken)

-Chaplains may exchange their Crozius for a Thunder Hammer

-Techmarines may exchange their Mechanicus Power Axe for a Thunder Hammer

-On Whirlwind tanks they use Incendiary Castellan Missiles

Due to the high (and fluctuating) gravity of Nocturne:

-They have naturally larger and well-muscled physique as their Astartes-Brothers in other Chapters (15% more HP)

-They not as swift as their Space Marines in other Chapters (15% slower moving and fall back)

-Because of their larger physique their characters (non-independent and independent) can wield a two-handed weapon along their Close Combat / Power Weapon and because of their Techmarines’ skills these two-handed weapons in most cases are Combi-Flamer, Combi-Melta.

-They have difficulities to train using Bikes, Jump Packs and Land Speeders (Bike, Scout Bike, Assault Bike and Land Speeder Squads shares a softcap of 0-1, Assault Squad have a hardcap of 0-1)

Due to their Techmarines are the greatest artificers outside the Adeptus Mechanicus:

-Non-independent characters (Apothecaries, Sergeants) can wear Artificer Armour (10% more Hitpoints - as Research, maybe separatly for every characters)

-Independent characters (Commanders, Librarians, Chaplains, Techmarines) can wield Master-crafted weapons (causes 10% more damage - as Research, maybe separatly for every characters) and wear Artificer Armour (10% more Hitpoints - as Research, maybe separatly for every characters)

-Independent characters can wield Salamander Mantle (take 50% less Damage)

-Every characters (non-independent and independent) can handle Signum (15% more Accuracy - as Research, maybe separatly for every characters)

-Vehicles (Rhino, Razorback, Predator, Vindicator, Whirlwind, Land Raider and Dreadnought) can upgraded with Reinforced Ceramite (Meltagun, Multi-melta and Melta Bomb cause 33% less damage)

Due to their organization:

-They have smaller Scout Company than in other (full Codex) Chapters so they have fewer Scouts (Scouts and Scout Bikes shares a softcap of 0-1)

-They have larger Companies than in other (full Codex) Chapters so they have more Devastator Squads (no limitations - can fill up all Heavy Support slot with them)

-Due to the larger Companies they have more Terminator and Assault Terminator Squads (no limitations - can fill up all Elites slot with them)


Commander, Librarian, Chaplain: Combi-weapon and Hammer

Command Squad, Honour Guard: Bolter/Combi-weapon

Land Raider Prometheus


Terminators: Heavy Flamer

Assault Terminators: Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

Techmarine: Combi-weapon and Power Axe/Thunder Hammer

Dreadnought: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer, Multi-melta and Dreadnought CCW


Tactical Marines: Flamer, Meltagun, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer, Multi-melta

Scout Squad: Flamer, Meltagun, Heavy Bolter

Fast Attack:

Assault Marines: Flamer, Meltagun

Bike Squad: Flamer, Meltagun (I don't know if there is in the mod or not)

Attack Bike: Heavy Bolter, Multi-melta (I don't know if there is in the mod or not)

Scout Bike Squad: (I don't know if there is in the mod or not)

Land Speeder:
Heavy Weapons: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer, Multi-melta

Heavy Support:

Devastator Marines: Heavy Bolter, Multi-melta

Turret: Autocannon, Sponson: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer

Vindicator: as DoW SM

Whirlwind: as DoW SM (but Incendiary Missiles)

Land Raider Redeemer

Thank you so very much GH!
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#11 goldenhorde


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Posted 30 June 2011 - 02:04 AM

Faction Notes:

-They have olive Mediterranean skin tone and hazel/brown eyes

-They all have spanish/conquistador accents.

-all left fists should be painted red, of course

-All their max squad sizes should have 1-2 less units than their vanilla SM counterparts. They are quite understrength

-Most of their commanders should have a unique ability - Honor Duel (temporarily: doubles their melee attack, triples against commander armor, slight boost to speed, makes its so they loose ranged attack completely and automatically begins to close into melee... provided they're not on stand ground stance)

-Librarians have two unique psychic powers in addition to Honor Duel: (1) Predictive Vision - temporarily gains vision around all enemy commanders (2) Faith Hold - does no damage. elevates an enemy unit up in the air like the harlequin mock bird does. elevated unit can be attacked by range but not melee. Librarian is immobilized while the ability is in effect

-They hate the Orks. Hate them. (3-5% more damage when attack Orks)

-They are the IF successor most at ease with the codex astartes. importing some closer-to-codex ideas might be appropriate. Have no idea what those would be though

-They should be chock full of swords. Their heroes have swords/chainsword, their terminators have swords. Lots of swords. But a minority should have bright red power fists.

-Because of weaker numbers, they have bit more access to/are reliant on Heroes. (looks like we've got this one covered)

-All Heroes should be bit tougher than their vanilla counterparts but can only be attached to the crusade company squad. so they're lone wolves for the most part basically but the crusade company veterans can become an absolute beast.

Commander(Captain) should have a big chainsword, like the starting campaign sm commander w/out wargear and stormbolter.

Command Squad (Crusade Company Veterans): both fists painted red. some should have the Black Templar cross on a kneepad. Different members have either completely white helmets or red with white stripe down the middle. should have lots of cool markings on their armor. no gaudy gold encrusting though. should be a lot of very clean looking markings. painted on white or red aquila, fists, lightning bolts, roman numerals, letters etc. Should be equally good at range and cc, good at both

Librarian: wields a power rapier/sword

Chaplain: Should have a mace/scepter. A shortcut could be to put an oversized completely gold/silver textured space marine helmet on the end of the Crozius instead of the usual eagle wings & skull

Swordmaster: This guy IS over the top decorative. two power swords, one in each hand. Different helmet (golden vanilla grey knight kind of helmet?) Pennant on his back (but aligned front to back instead of side to side like sergeants). Lots of gold. could perhaps borrow some bits from the campaign space marine commander gear. White helmet

Captain (Hellblade Sergeant): one of the 16 survivors of Arx Tyrannus. Beaky helmet, power hammer, scarred/dented armor(I remember seeing a beat up SM skin, that could work), back banner depicts a red fist on top of a mountain and the roman numeral VII. I could make a .tga banner like that but I wouldn't know how to put it on a model...

Sergeants (all sergeants called "Commander," Not Hellblade Sergeant though)

Terminators: Powerfists and stormbolters. Make sure powerfist is on the left side.

Tactical Marines:
Default: bolter
Upgrade: Plasma Gun, Melta Gun, Flamer

Scout Squad:
Default weapon: Combat knives. melee only, no range.
Upgraded weapon: Rapier (sisters of battle melee knife/sword)
very good against light infantry (cultists, guards etc). Bit tougher than SM scout squad. and could be wearing a few bits of Imperial Guard gear salvaged from the Rynnsguard.

Scout Sergeant (Commander): Sniper rifle. However default attack is melee with no ranged attack. Should only be able to shoot sniper rifle as a fairly fast recharging special ability that does a lot of damage & knockback to infantry/commander/light vehicle. Ability should be able to do something like 75-100% health damage to a vanilla SM tactical sergeant. When target a squad, fires at the squad leader or attached commander like the vindicare does.

Devastator Marines: Small squad.
Default: bolter.
Upgrade: Plasma cannon (decent against armor but not specialized like lascannon or missile launcher), heavy bolter, relic bolter (better attack than regular bolter but no long cooldown like plasma cannon or setup like heavy bolter)... if possible, relic bolter should just be a regular bolter colored with diagonal alternating red and gold stripes.

Assault Marines: Swords and powerfists. Sergeant should have TWO red powerfists

Attack Bike: Bolter/heavy bolter
These guys should be the bike with heavy bolter sidecar model

Dreadnought: has Honor Duel ability like commanders

Land Speeder (fast like tank hunter. more expensive, different role than SM land speeder):
Default: Multimelta

Predator (forced to be well rounded. IE can’t go all anti-armor):
Turret: Autocannon, Sponson: Heavy Bolter, Upgraded Turret: None Upgraded Sponson: Lascannon

Vindicator: vanilla armaments

Whirlwind: vanilla armaments.

Venerable Dreadnought (Venerable Ancient)
Alternate Super Unit. Rock hard melee superunit, pure defense in contrast to the Land Raider’s offense
Ability: Stun. Pretty weak special ability. Smashes the ground (same animation as vanilla dreadnought attack) and the ground ruptures in a line like in the necron lord attack. Knockdown and damage on all units caught in the way.

Land Raider (Rynn's Might):
Alternative Super Unit. more expensive than Venerable Ancient
Ability: Machine Fury. the machine spirit takes full control and becomes overwhelmed with rage. temporarily much much better attack, range becomes very very short (practically melee), and vehicle uncontrollably moves to engage enemies and can't be ordered away until the ability period is over. same code as the black templar squads that refuse to disengage? the effect should be like a rampaging bull.

Rynn's Might fluff:
This particular land raider is rather famous. when the Crimson Fist Fortress Monastery exploded in a giant mushroom cloud, the Rynn's Might was thrown clear. The marines inside all died in the crash. So the machine spirit took over, went on a rampage killing a ton of orks singlehandedly, and the CF were so impressed that they eventually recovered its machine spirit from its ruined chassis to be reinstalled into a fresh body

Edited by goldenhorde, 30 June 2011 - 06:18 AM.

#12 jONES1979



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Posted 30 June 2011 - 10:01 AM

-They hate the Orks. Hate them. (3-5% more damage when attack Orks)

It is not possible in DoW1

Honor Duel (temporarily: ..., triples against commander armor, ...)

It will be really IMBAlance, as you can test it in TS already :D


Thudo, just curious, which is those ideas?

Edited by jONES1979, 30 June 2011 - 10:29 AM.

#13 thudo


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Posted 30 June 2011 - 01:18 PM

Yeah in DoW1 (and doubt in DoW2) you cannot have faction-specific bonuses that are aimed right at a particular species. In DoW1, its all about armour class.

Still.. thank you GH! CF are now officially done! Chatting with you on Alpha Legion in PM..
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#14 goldenhorde


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Posted 30 June 2011 - 01:33 PM

Haha, sounds goods. Naturally all suggestions r subject to the needs of balance/fun. The fluff gives some mixed signals - saying they're quite codex and then showing them being quite un-codex all the time. So! anything is fair game as far as I would be concerned.

The Honor Duel ability is derived from the Rynns World novel - where despite activating a protocol to conserve their numbers at all costs, a slew of the CF's dwindling number of senior commanders went mano-a-mano with ork commanders/mobs anyways. They had a pretty mixed record of either coming close to death or dying in the process.

Edited by goldenhorde, 30 June 2011 - 01:56 PM.

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