Imperial Fists Master Voice Script thread
Posted 02 September 2010 - 02:51 PM
Notes: Theirs voice is inspiring, fiery and machine-like.
Unit_Complete1: Someone calls for a Techmarine?
Unit_Complete2: The Cult Mechanicus send me to aid you!
Unit_Complete3: From the Armoury!
Unit_Complete4: I am the Warsmith you requested for!
Unit_Complete5: Techmarine have arrived!
Unit_Complete6: Here I am to repair and maintain!
Unit_Complete7: Do you requested for technical assistance?
Selection1: Techmarine reports!
Selection2: I take care of weapons, armour and wargear of the Chapter!
Selection3: Something to repair?
Selection4: Servo-arm is ready!
Selection5: My skills are yours, Commander!
Selection6: Waiting for instructions!
Selection7: Some failure to resolve?
Move1: Moving to repair!
Move2: Some maintaining wait for me!
Move3: I’ll be there and reduce the pain of the machine!
Move4: The Chapter calls so I come!
Move5: Received coordinates where my skills are needed!
Move6: I see the target!
Move7: Some repairing wait for me!
Attack1: All machines, attack!
Attack2: Unleash the wrath of the machines!
Attack3: Eradicate them!
Attack4: All fear the machines of the Imperial Fists!
Attack5: In the name of the machines, attack!
Attack6: Die, weak livings!
Attack7: Show them the fury of the Armoury!
Build1: Constructing!
Build2: Build it for the Machine God!
Build3: Machine-spirit, wake up!
Build4: Creating!
Build5: Building in progress!
Build6: I construct the Chapter’s sacred machinery!
Build7: Awaking machines!
Capture1: Securing technology!
Capture2: This territory hide ancient technological marvels!
Capture3: I feel some holy artifact here!
Capped1: Technology secured!
Capped2: Captured for the Chapter and the Mechanicus!
Capped3: Artifact found and sanctified!
Lay_Mines1: Deploying mines!
Lay_Mines2: Laying minefield!
Lay_Mines3: Mines activating!
Load_Transport1: Machine-spirit, protect me!
Load_Transport2: Embarking!
Unload_Transport1: Machine-Spirit, I must go now!
Unload_Transport2: Disembarking!
Morale_Break1: Retreat and regroup!
Morale_Break2: Into better position!
Morale_Break3: They are too strong!
Morale_Restored1: For the glory of the Omnissiah! [pronounced "Aum - nih - sigh - uh"]
Morale_Restored2: For the Mechanicus, back to fight!
Morale_Restored3: Don’t let them fleeing!
Charge1: No mercy for the Heretek!
Charge2: Cut them down!
Charge3: Meet your death!
Ability1: Wreak havoc for greater glory of Omnissiah!
Ability2: Feel the wrath of the Mechanicus!
Ability3: Vanquish all the Hereteks!
Ability4: I feel the power of the Machine-God!
Ability5: Machine God, protect us from the Heretek!
Repair1: Doing maintenance!
Repair2: Repairing!
Repair3: I heal the machines!
Combat1: Don’t let them breaching!
Combat2: Throw them back!
Combat3: Hold your position!
Under_Fire1: Enemy holds us under fire!
Under_Fire2: Hold on and return fire!
Under_Fire3: Take cover!
Damage1: My systems get damaged!
Damage2: Servo-arm injured!
Damage3: Ignore the pain!
Death1: Techmarine failed!
Death2: Damaged machines… I can’t stand their pain…
Death3: I finish… existing.
Death4: I will die in Machine God’s name!
Notes: Their voice sounds machine-like, empty and mindless.
Unit_Complete1: Servitor programmed!
Unit_Complete2: I serve the Imperial Fists!
Unit_Complete3: The Techmarines finished my training!
Unit_Complete4: My reshaping is complete!
Unit_Complete5: I was an Initiate, now I have converted into a Monotask!
Unit_Complete6: Servitor… arrived…
Unit_Complete7: I programmed to serve you!
Selection1: Servitor is ready to serve!
Selection2: Program me!
Selection3: File uploading…done…
Selection4: Order me!
Selection5: Something to repair?
Selection6: New task?
Selection7: Programming is proceed!
Move1: Moving!
Move2: Going to execute my job!
Move3: Into position!
Move4: Some repair wait for me there!
Move5: Ordered… move…
Move6: Advance!
Move7: I see the marked area!
Attack1: Servitor in attack!
Attack2: To battle!
Attack3: Battle protocol starting!
Attack4: Deliver… death…
Attack5: Fight for the Chapter!
Attack6: Attacking routine started!
Attack7: To the fray!
Build1: Ordered to build!
Build2: An easy job for me!
Build3: Building program execution started.
Build4: Building… started…
Build5: I’ve created for this job!
Build6: I will do it!
Build7: Building is my task!
Capture1: I programmed to take it!
Capture2: Must… secure… it!
Capture3: Capturing started!
Capped1: Task completed!
Capped2: Capturing… finished…
Capped3: Job accomplished!
Lay_Mines1: Deploying minefield!
Lay_Mines2: Mines… activating…
Lay_Mines3: Preparing explosives!
Load_Transport1: Into… transport…
Load_Transport2: To transport!
Unload_Transport1: From… transport…
Unload_Transport2: To battle!
Morale_Break1: Too many… retreat…
Morale_Break2: Falling back!
Morale_Break3: Retreating in progress!
Morale_Restored1: Back to attack!
Morale_Restored2: Resume… fighting…
Morale_Restored3: Counterattack!
Charge1: Into… melee…
Charge2: Slaughter them all!
Charge3: Charging!
Ability1: Destroy them all!
Ability2: Feel… fury…
Ability3: Fear the anger of the Machines!
Ability4: Machine God, protect us!
Ability5: For… Armoury…
Repair1: Repairing!
Repair2: Dissolving… malfunction…
Repair3: Fixing!
Combat1: Receiving fire!
Combat2: Keep… position…
Combat3: Don’t let them breach our lines!
Under_Fire1: Fire… back…
Under_Fire2: Searching for cover!
Under_Fire3: Under heavy fire!
Damage1: Systems… damaged…
Damage2: I need repairing!
Damage3: Injured!
Death1: Servitor’s out of power!
Death2: Systems… shut down…
Death3: I die with pride.
Death4: System failure…
Scout Squad
Notes: Lines should be said in a solid, proud voice, though volume should reflect the covert nature of their combat style. They are dour and stoic, so everything they say should be weighted, as if their resolve even permeates what they say
Unit Complete1: We will prove our worth.
Unit Complete2: It is out pride to bear the name of Dorn
Unit Complete3: We shall earn our place amongst our Battle-Brothers
Unit Complete4: We shall do nothing to shame our Primarch
Unit Complete5: We are prepared to learn the way of war
Unit Complete6: Scouts prepared to infiltrate enemy lines
Unit Complete7: We will apply our training
Selection2: What are our orders?
Selection3: We are ready to serve.
Selection4: We are ready to fight
Selection5: Our training will serve us well
Selection6: We have learned enough to be of use.
Selection7: Our foes shall learn to fear the Astartes
Move1: Advance!
Move2: Move in primary formation
Move3: Move out, weapons ready
Move4: Be vigilant in our advance, brothers.
Move5: Cover your Battle brothers
Move6: Watch for contacts
Move7: Forward to glory
Attack1: For Dorn!
Attack2: Mark your targets!
Attack3: Form standard fire base!
Attack4: For the Emperor!
Attack5: By your command, they die
Attack6: Strike from the shadows
Attack7: Blessed be the Warriors!
Capture1: Securing location…
Capture2: Raising defenses.
Capture3: It will be ours
Capped1: It has been returned to the Imperial Fold
Capped2: Location secured
Capped3: It is ours, commander
Load Transport1: Embarking, commander.
Load Transport2: Boarding now.
Unload Transport1: Spread into standard formation
Unload Transport2: Disembark!
Morale Break1: Fall back!
Morale Break2: Disengage!
Morale Break3: Where’s our support?
Morale Restored1: We are not going to die this day
Morale Restored2: Regroup!
Morale Restored3: They will never best the Imperial Fists…
Charge1: Primarch-Progenitor, to your glory and the glory of him on earth!
Charge2: Let them feel the strength of our steel.
Charge3: We will prove our worth to Dorn
Charge4: For Terra!
Ability4: We shall see, but not be seen.
Ability5: They shall never see us coming
Combat1: Hold fast!
Combat2: We shall not yield!
Combat3: Give no quarter!
Under Fire1: Taking fire!
Under Fire2: Contacts engaging!
Under Fire3: Take cover!
Damage1: Stand firm!
Damage2: We shall not turn!
Damage3: Death before dishonor!
Death1: Scream
Scout Sergeant
Notes: Should be said in a solid and proud manner, but the most important feature to bring is a resolved tone to the voice
Unit Complete1: Show us your worth, Neophytes
Unit Complete2: You will learn what it means to be Astartes
Unit Complete3: Are you ready to become a true Astartes?
Unit Complete4: Are you ready to earn your right to don the armor of the Emperor’s chosen?
Unit Complete5: To be an Imperial Fist is to stand in the shadow of legends.
Unit Complete6: Learn well, Neophytes, for it shall be in Service to the Emperor.
Unit Complete7: Be honored to be considered worthy to join our ranks.
Selection1: My wards are prepared to serve.
Selection2: They are ready, Commander.
Selection3: They will not shame the name of Dorn.
Selection4: We are ready to fight
Selection5: Our training will serve us well
Selection6: We have learned enough to be of use.
Selection7: Our foes shall learn to fear the Astartes
Move1: Forward, you shall earn you place today
Move2: Advance as you have learned
Move3: Move quickly and silently, that is our duty
Move4: Be vigilant in our advance, brothers.
Move5: Cover your Battle brothers
Move6: Watch for contacts
Move7: Forward to glory
Attack1: This is where you earn your place!
Attack2: Maintain fire discipline and mark targets!
Attack3: To bring the wrath of Terra is our greatest joy.
Attack4: For the Emperor!
Attack5: By your command, they die
Attack6: Strike from the shadows
Attack7: Blessed be the Warriors!
Capture1: Securing location…
Capture2: Raising defenses.
Capture3: It will be ours
Capped1: It has been returned to the Imperial Fold
Capped2: Location secured
Capped3: It is ours, commander
Load Transport1: Embarking, commander.
Load Transport2: Boarding now.
Unload Transport1: Spread into standard formation
Unload Transport2: Disembark!
Morale Break1: Fall back!
Morale Break2: Disengage!
Morale Break3: Where’s our support?
Morale Restored1: We are not going to die this day
Morale Restored2: Regroup!
Morale Restored3: They will never best the Imperial Fists…
Charge1: Primarch-Progenitor, to your glory and the glory of him on earth!
Charge2: Let them feel the strength of our steel.
Charge3: We will prove our worth to Dorn
Charge4: For Terra!
Ability4: We shall see, but not be seen.
Ability5: They shall never see us coming
Combat1: Hold fast!
Combat2: We shall not yield!
Combat3: Give no quarter!
Under Fire1: Taking fire!
Under Fire2: Contacts engaging!
Under Fire3: Take cover!
Damage1: Stand firm!
Damage2: We shall not turn!
Damage3: Death before dishonor!
Death1: Our greatest fear… that we die with our work undone…
Death2: Always avenge your fallen…
Death3: Go forth and mark your place in the history of the Phalanx…
Death4: Aggrhhhh!
Marine Squad
Notes: Die hard Marines, much like John McClain[Bruce Willis] and Rocky Balboa, that will get the victory no matter how hard it gets. Great reverence for the Emperor, Dorn [their Primarch] and the cause of the Imperium.
Unit_Complete1: Here to do the Emperor’s bidding.
Unit_Complete2: For the Glory of the Imperium.
Unit_Complete3: This land will come under our dominion.
Unit_Complete4: The Emperor commands us.
Unit_Complete5: Dorn guides us.
Unit_Complete6: Honour shields us.
Unit_Complete7: Fear our name, for it is vengeance.
Selection1: Yes Lord?
Selection2: Willing and able.
Selection3: Thou wishist?
Selection4: Vox clear.
Selection5: As ever, your faithful servants.
Selection6: As you will it.
Selection7: Orders, Lord?
Move1: We go.
Move2: As you will it.
Move3: The Emperor's light guides us.
Move4: The Emperor’s reign follows our footsteps.
Move5: Move out!
Move6: As you wish!
Move7: Astartes, onwards! [pronounced "As-tar-tez"]
Attack1: For the Emperor!
Attack2: For the Imperium!
Attack3: Die vile scum!
Attack4: For Dorn’s glory!
Attack5: Living, you defy the Emperor’s will!
Attack6: You wont remain even a footnote in history!
Attack7: We topple fortresses, you are nothing!
Capture1: We have it in our grasp!
Capture2: It shall be taken.
Capture3: For the Chapter.
Capped1: The Imperial dominion grows!
Capped2: Objective secured.
Capped3: Another success, victory comes steadily.
Load_Transport1: Embarking.
Load_Transport2: Onwards brave steed!
Unload_Transport1: Disembarking.
Unload_Transport2: Ready for battle!
Morale_Break1: The Codex suggests we retreat!
Morale_Break2: Lord, we require assistance!
Morale_Break3: This demands time in the Pain Glove!
Morale_Restored1: You’ll not outlast *us*!
Morale_Restored2: Ready to wreck vengeance on them!
Morale_Restored3: We are a bastion!
Charge1: CHAARGE!
Charge2: Strike them down with the wrath of the Emperor!
Charge3: Glory awaits - charge!
Charge4: End them!
Jump_Teleport1: Over the top.
Jump_Teleport2: On fiery wings we come.
Deepstrike1: From Phalanx we descend.
Deepstrike2: Through the void, we strike.
Ability1: We are the Imperial Fist!
Ability2: We are paragons of the Adeptus Astartes.
Ability3: The Emperor’s Praetorians excel!
Ability4: Progress begets success.
Ability5: We are indefatigable.
Combat1: They’re shooting at us?! *laughs*
Combat2: Taking light damage.
Combat3: The doomed resist the Emperor’s judgment.
Under_Fire1: Under heavy fire, Lord!
Under_Fire2: Battle-plate indicating structural integrity sound.
Under_Fire3: How dare they!
Damage1: Battle-plate indicating damage!
Damage2: The Pain Glove has more bite than *this*!
Damage3: The shield of Terra shall not falter!
Death1: Send for the apothecary.
Death2: Save the geneseed!
Death3: Brothers.... I falter....
Death4: .... Sublime .... peace!
Marine Squad Sergeant
Notes: Die hard Marines, much like John McClain[Bruce Willis] and Rocky Balboa, that will get the victory no matter how hard it gets. Great reverence for the Emperor, Dorn [their Primarch] and the cause of the Imperium. More battle-hardened and disciplined, the Sergeant speaks more authoritatively and with a lower deeper voice.
Unit_Complete1: It is in Dorn's name to which l take command of this squad!
Unit_Complete2: To all Glory will be his.
Unit_Complete3: Our dominion will secure this place.
Unit_Complete4: It is the Emperor's will.
Unit_Complete5: Faith, Loyalty, Duty.. the true hallmarks of the Chapter.
Unit_Complete6: I am honored..
Unit_Complete7: Sergeant is here.
Selection1: Affirmative!
Selection2: Of.. course..
Selection3: The Brother Sergeant hears you..
Selection4: Vox clear.
Selection5: As ever, your faithful servants.
Selection6: As you will it.
Selection7: Orders, Lord?
Move1: It shall be done!
Move2: In his name..
Move3: We go..
Move4: The Emperor’s reign follows our footsteps.
Move5: Move out!
Move6: As you wish!
Move7: Astartes, onwards!
Attack1: Form up and attack!!
Attack2: With our mighty bolters.. Forward!
Attack3: Be purged, heretic!
Attack4: For Dorn’s glory!
Attack5: Living, you defy the Emperor’s will!
Attack6: You wont remain even a footnote in history!
Attack7: We topple fortresses, you are nothing!
Capture1: We have it in our grasp!
Capture2: It shall be taken.
Capture3: For the Chapter.
Capped1: The Imperial dominium grows!
Capped2: Objective secured.
Capped3: Another success, victory comes steadily.
Load_Transport1: Embarking.
Load_Transport2: Onwards brave steed!
Unload_Transport1: Disembarking.
Unload_Transport2: Ready for battle!
Morale_Break1: The Codex suggests we retreat!
Morale_Break2: Lord, we require assistance!
Morale_Break3: This demands time in the Pain Glove!
Morale_Restored1: You’ll not outlast *us*!
Morale_Restored2: Ready to wreck vengeance on them!
Morale_Restored3: We are a bastion!
Charge1: CHAARGE!
Charge2: Strike them down with the wrath of the Emperor!
Charge3: Glory awaits - charge!
Charge4: End them!
Jump_Teleport1: Over the top.
Jump_Teleport2: On fiery wings we come.
Deepstrike1: From Phalanx we descend.
Deepstrike2: Through the void, we strike.
Ability1: We are the Imperial Fist!
Ability2: We are paragons of the Adeptus Astartes.
Ability3: The Emperor’s Praetorians excel!
Ability4: Progress begets success.
Ability5: We are indefatigable.
Combat1: They’re shooting at us?! *laughs*
Combat2: Taking light damage.
Combat3: The doomed resist the Emperor’s judgement.
Under_Fire1: Under heavy fire, Lord!
Under_Fire2: Battle-plate indicating structural integrity sound.
Under_Fire3: How dare they!
Damage1: Battle-plate indicating damage!
Damage2: The Pain Glove has more bite than *this*!
Damage3: The shield of Terra shall not falter!
Death1: It is... done.
Death2: The geneseed.. protect it..
Death3: Brothers.... I falter....
Death4: Arrghhhh..
Assault Squad
Notes: Spoken with a proud and solid manner, the important feature is one of heavy resolve, each word weighing heavily. Also should have a slight aggressive edge
Unit Complete1: Assault marines deployed
Unit Complete2: The wrath of the Emperor shall fall from the heavens
Unit Complete4: We are prepared for battle
Unit Complete5: We shall bring death from the skies
Unit Complete6: The enemy shall regret standing against the Emperor this day, for it shall be their last.
Unit Complete7: We are the Angels of Death
Selection1: Direct us to our foe, and he shall be ripped asunder.
Selection2: What task shall be set before us?
Selection3: We are prepared to move at your command
Selection4: We are ready.
Selection5: Our blades are sharp and at your command
Selection6: Direct us to the heart of battle, commander
Selection7: The Imperial Fists are always ready for battle
Move1: With all haste, Commander
Move2: The Imperial Fists know only advance
Move3: Our zeal grants us speed.
Move4: We shall not take long
Move5: Guide us to our foe
Move6: We shall be swift as the wind
Move7: Nothing can stand in our way.
Attack1: Into the fray!
Attack2: Drive them back!
Attack3: With the blade cleanse the unclean!
Attack4: Nothing can stand against the might of Dorn.
Attack5: We are the Emperor’s wrath!
Attack6: Primarch-Progenitor, to your glory and the glory of him on earth!
Attack7: For the honor of Terra, Die!
Capture1: We have it within reach.
Capture2: That will be taken!
Capture3: The Chapter demands it.
Capped1: Our Dominion increases!
Capped2: Location seized!
Capped3: Another victory, success in increments.
Load_Transport1: Inside.
Load_Transport2: Load in.
Unload_Transport1: Prepared!
Unload_Transport2: We are ready!
Morale Break1: Give no quarter!
Morale Break2: In the name of Dorn, stand!
Morale Break3: My brother’s shall be avenged!
Morale Restored1: Never surrender!
Morale Restored2: In the name of Terra, Stand fast!
Morale Restored3: Brothers, for the sake of our fallen, do not falter!
Charge1: Lo, the Angels of Death have come!
Charge2: We shall wipe them from existence!
Charge3: In the name of Terra, Die!
Charge4: Kill the impure!
Jump Teleport1: To the skies!
Jump Teleport2: We shall fall from the heavens like the wrath of the Emperor!
Deepstrike1: Phalanx drop pod sequence started..
Deepstrike2: Descending from the skies.
Ability1: Plant Charges!
Ability2: Melta Bombs, now!
Ability3: Demolitions!
Ability4: Forever Chapter!
Ability5: Indomitable!
Combat1: For Dorn!
Combat2: Ave Imperator! [pronounced "Ah-vay Im-peer-ah-tor"]
Combat3: We do not falter!
Under Fire1: They have us ranged!
Under Fire2: Taking heavy fire!
Under Fire3: Cover!
Damage1: Taking casualties!
Damage2: We will have vengeance!
Damage3: We will not be defeated!
Death1: Press on in the name of Terra!
Death2: Take from me the chapter’s due…
Death3: We shall not yield…
Death4: Gahhhh!
Assault Squad Sergeant
Notes: A proud and grizzled veteran, and should have a words heavy with resolve, knowing the tasks will be done.
Unit_Complete1: Assault squad at your command.
Unit_Complete2: We are the Storm of Wrath
Unit_Complete3: Assault Squad prepared for combat.
Unit_Complete4: We are the hunters of warlords and the slayers of kings.
Unit_Complete5: What foe must we destroy?
Unit_Complete6: No force can halt the Fury of Dorn.
Unit_Complete7: We are ready to carry out orders.
Selection1: We are ready to storm enemy positions.
Selection2: What must we do?
Selection3: Are weapons are ready to carry out your orders.
Selection4: We are ready.
Selection5: Our blades are sharp and at your command
Selection6: Direct us to the heart of battle, commander
Selection7: The Imperial Fists are always ready for battle
Move1: Let the jump pack be our wings, and the roar of its engines a hymn of retribution.
Move2: We shall descend on the Perfidious Foe like an angel of judgment from on high.
Move3: Forward in the name of Dorn!
Move4: We shall not take long
Move5: Guide us to our foe
Move6: We shall be swift as the wind
Move7: Nothing can stand in our way.
Attack1: Our armor shall run thick with the blood of the vanquished
Attack2: Let the chain sword be our scepter of decree, its harsh voice singing with every blow.
Attack3: For the Honor of Dorn, Forward!
Attack4: Nothing can stand against the might of Dorn.
Attack5: We are the Emperor’s wrath!
Attack6: Primarch-Progenitor, to your glory and the glory of him on earth!
Attack7: For the honor of Terra, Die!
Capture1: We have it within reach.
Capture2: That will be taken!
Capture3: The Chapter demands it.
Capped1: Our Dominion increases!
Capped2: Location seized!
Capped3: Another victory, success in increments.
Load_Transport1: Inside.
Load_Transport2: Load in.
Unload_Transport1: Prepared!
Unload_Transport2: We are ready!
Morale Break1: Give no quarter!
Morale Break2: In the name of Dorn, stand!
Morale Break3: My brother’s shall be avenged!
Morale Restored1: Never surrender!
Morale Restored2: In the name of Terra, Stand fast!
Morale Restored3: Brothers, for the sake of our fallen, do not falter!
Charge1: Lo, the Angels of Death have come!
Charge2: We shall wipe them from existence!
Charge3: In the name of Terra, Die!
Charge4: Kill the impure!
Jump Teleport1: To the skies!
Jump Teleport2: We shall fall from the heavens like the wrath of the Emperor!
Deepstrike1: Phalanx drop pod sequence started..
Deepstrike2: Descending from the skies.
Ability1: Plant Charges!
Ability2: Melta Bombs, now!
Ability3: Demolitions!
Ability4: Forever Chapter!
Ability5: Indomitable!
Combat1: For Dorn!
Combat2: Ave Imperator! [pronounced "Ah-vay Im-peer-ah-tor"]
Combat3: We do not falter!
Under Fire1: They have us ranged!
Under Fire2: Taking heavy fire!
Under Fire3: Cover!
Damage1: Taking casualties!
Damage2: We will have vengeance!
Damage3: We will not be defeated!
Death1: In the name of Terra, press on!
Death2: Emperor!!
Death3: No retreat..
Death4: Arrgghhhh!
Devastator Marine Squad
Notes: Die hard Marines, much like John McClain[Bruce Willis] and Rocky Balboa, that will get the victory no matter how hard it gets. Great reverence for the Emperor, Dorn [their Primarch] and the cause of the Imperium. More battle-hardened and disciplined, the Sergeant speaks more authoritatively and with a lower deeper voice.
Unit_Complete1: Devastators at the ready.
Unit_Complete2: Imperial Fists' Heavy Guns stand ready.
Unit_Complete3: The Emperor’s finest praetorian guns ready to render judgment.
Unit_Complete4: There can be no one who dares best us!
Unit_Complete5: Our force is indomitable!
Unit_Complete6: Fire power at your command!
Unit_Complete7: We have arrived direct from Phalanx!
Selection1: For the Chapter!
Selection2: Commander?
Selection3: Squad is ready....
Selection4: Vox clear.
Selection5: As ever, your faithful servants.
Selection6: As you will it.
Selection7: Orders, Lord?
Move1: We move..
Move2: Squad answers..
Move3: With unyielding absolve.
Move4: The Emperor’s reign follows our footsteps.
Move5: Move out!
Move6: As you wish!
Move7: Astartes, onwards!
Attack1: Our Guns resonate with the sounds of our enemy's mighty fall!
Attack2: Finish them all!
Attack3: Their edifices will be dust!
Attack4: For Dorn’s glory!
Attack5: Living, you defy the Emperor’s will!
Attack6: You wont remain even a footnote in history!
Attack7: We topple fortresses, you are nothing!
Capture1: We have it in our grasp!
Capture2: It shall be taken.
Capture3: For the Chapter.
Capped1: The Imperial dominion grows!
Capped2: Objective secured.
Capped3: Another success, victory comes steadily.
Load_Transport1: Embarking.
Load_Transport2: Onwards brave steed!
Unload_Transport1: Disembarking.
Unload_Transport2: Ready for battle!
Morale_Break1: The Codex suggests we retreat!
Morale_Break2: Lord, we require assistance!
Morale_Break3: This demands time in the Pain Glove!
Morale_Restored1: You’ll not outlast *us*!
Morale_Restored2: Ready to wreck vengeance on them!
Morale_Restored3: We are a bastion!
Charge1: CHAARGE!
Charge2: Strike them down with the wrath of the Emperor!
Charge3: Glory awaits - charge!
Charge4: End them!
Jump_Teleport1: Over the top.
Jump_Teleport2: On fiery wings we come.
Deepstrike1: From Phalanx we descend.
Deepstrike2: Through the void, we strike.
Ability1: We are the Imperial Fist!
Ability2: We are paragons of the Adeptus Astartes.
Ability3: The Emperor’s Praetorians excel!
Ability4: Progress begets success.
Ability5: We are indefatigable.
Combat1: They’re shooting at us?! *laughs*
Combat2: Taking light damage.
Combat3: The doomed resist the Emperor’s judgement.
Under_Fire1: Under heavy fire, Lord!
Under_Fire2: Battle-plate indicating structural integrity sound.
Under_Fire3: How dare they!
Damage1: Battle-plate indicating damage!
Damage2: The Pain Glove has more bite than *this*!
Damage3: The shield of Terra shall not falter!
Death1: No.. I cannot not be.. laid so low..
Death2: Without me, fellow brothers, carry the fight to them!
Death3: The apothecary.. my.. gene-seed....
Death4: Arrghhhh..
Devastator Marine Squad Sergeant
Notes: Die hard Marines, much like John McClain[Bruce Willis] and Rocky Balboa, that will get the victory no matter how hard it gets. Great reverence for the Emperor, Dorn [their Primarch] and the cause of the Imperium. More battle-hardened and disciplined, the Sergeant speaks more authoritatively and with a lower deeper voice.
Unit_Complete1: Walls fail, Fists do not.
Unit_Complete2: Imperial Fists Astartes stand ready. [pronounced "As-tar-tez"]
Unit_Complete3: The Emperor’s justice ready to wreak vengeance on the wicked
Unit_Complete4: No one outlasts the Imperial Fists
Unit_Complete5: We are the irresistible force.
Unit_Complete6: We are the immovable object
Unit_Complete7: From Phalanx we come
Selection1: For the Emperor!
Selection2: Yes, my liege?
Selection3: Sergeant here....
Selection4: Vox clear.
Selection5: As ever, your faithful servants.
Selection6: As you will it.
Selection7: Orders, Lord?
Move1: That is prudent
Move2: As you will
Move3: Your will is my command
Move4: The Emperor’s reign follows our footsteps.
Move5: Move out!
Move6: As you wish!
Move7: Astartes, onwards!
Attack1: The Imperial Fist strikes!
Attack2: Let us end this vile scum!
Attack3: In the name of the Emperor!
Attack4: For Dorn’s glory!
Attack5: Living, you defy the Emperor’s will!
Attack6: You wont remain even a footnote in history!
Attack7: We topple fortresses, you are nothing!
Capture1: We have it in our grasp!
Capture2: It shall be taken.
Capture3: For the Chapter.
Capped1: The Imperial dominium grows!
Capped2: Objective secured.
Capped3: Another success, victory comes steadily.
Load_Transport1: Embarking.
Load_Transport2: Onwards brave steed!
Unload_Transport1: Disembarking.
Unload_Transport2: Ready for battle!
Morale_Break1: The Codex suggests we retreat!
Morale_Break2: Lord, we require assistance!
Morale_Break3: This demands time in the Pain Glove!
Morale_Restored1: You’ll not outlast *us*!
Morale_Restored2: Ready to wreck vengeance on them!
Morale_Restored3: We are a bastion!
Charge1: CHAARGE!
Charge2: Strike them down with the wrath of the Emperor!
Charge3: Glory awaits - charge!
Charge4: End them!
Jump_Teleport1: Over the top.
Jump_Teleport2: On fiery wings we come.
Deepstrike1: From Phalanx we descend.
Deepstrike2: Through the void, we strike.
Ability1: We are the Imperial Fist!
Ability2: We are paragons of the Adeptus Astartes.
Ability3: The Emperor’s Praetorians excel!
Ability4: Progress begets success.
Ability5: We are indefatigable.
Combat1: They’re shooting at us?! *laughs*
Combat2: Taking light damage.
Combat3: The doomed resist the Emperor’s judgment.
Under_Fire1: Under heavy fire, Lord!
Under_Fire2: Battle-plate indicating structural integrity sound.
Under_Fire3: How dare they!
Damage1: Battle-plate indicating damage!
Damage2: The Pain Glove has more bite than *this*!
Damage3: The shield of Terra shall not falter!
Death1: I. cannot. believe. this
Death2: Brothers, avenge me!
Death3: Send for the apothecary, save the gene-seed....
Death4: Arrghhhh..
Bike Squad
Notes: Their voice aggressive, hot-blooded, fierce and speed-maniac!
Unit_Complete1: Bike Squad enters to the fray!
Unit_Complete2: The fastest of the Chapter aid you!
Unit_Complete3: We are riders of death!
Unit_Complete4: Dorn’s bikers have arrived!
Unit_Complete5: For the Chapter’s glory we ride!
Unit_Complete6: We are fast and lethal!
Unit_Complete7: Fast attack specialists are here!
Selection1: Ready for outriding, Commander!
Selection2: Engines started!
Selection3: We draw blood without slowing down!
Selection4: The Chapter needs us!
Selection5: Bike Squad waiting for order!
Selection6: We are the fastest to deliver death!
Selection7: Next task?
Move1: Flank move!
Move2: We ride into battle!
Move3: Death follow our tracks!
Move4: To the flank!
Move5: Riding into target area!
Move6: Faster!
Move7: Bike Squad is on the way!
Attack1: Bike Squad, assault!
Attack2: Strike their most vulnerable points!
Attack3: Flank Attack!
Attack4: Strike fast and hard!
Attack5: Tread them down! Crush them with the wheels!
Attack6: Ride! Fire! Kill!
Attack7: Outflank and attack!
Capture1: In the name of the Emperor, capture it!
Capture2: Take it for the Chapter!
Capture3: It will be ours!
Capped1: Position taken!
Capped2: It is belongs to the Imperial Fists!
Capped3: Target under control!
Load_Transport1: Into vehicle, Brothers!
Load_Transport2: Moving into position!
Unload_Transport1: From vehicle, Brothers!
Unload_Transport2: Transport in position, exit!
Morale_Break1: No! It’s not possible for a Fist to defeat!
Morale_Break2: They are too strong! We must fall back!
Morale_Break3: Shame! We cannot hold them!
Morale_Restored1: This day will be glorious for the Imperial Fists!
Morale_Restored2: Primarch Dorn drive us to victory!
Morale_Restored3: Back for more …mmm! Pain!
Charge1: Run them over!
Charge2: Crush their bones under the wheels!
Charge3: Trample them!
Charge4: Into charge!
Jump_Teleport1: Death comes from the skies!
Jump_Teleport2: Overrun the enemy!
Deepstrike1: Strike where they are the most vulnerable!
Deepstrike2: Into the heart of the enemy!
Ability1: Prepare for fast death!
Ability2: We are the heralds of God-Emperor’s wrath!
Ability3: Fear the Imperial Fists!
Ability4: In holy name of Rogal Dorn!
Ability5: For the Golden Throne!
Combat1: Enemy tries to fight back!
Combat2: Throw them back, at all costs!
Combat3: They are fool enough to attack us!
Under_Fire1: Out of the enemy’s range, Brothers!
Under_Fire2: In Dorn’s name! Keep firing!
Under_Fire3: Bikers under heavy fire!
Damage1: Aaaah! I welcome pain with pleasure!
Damage2: This pain inspires me!
Damage3: Oh, holy pain!
Death1: Commander, Bike Squad erased!
Death2: The pain… killed me…
Death3: Emperor forgive us for failing!
Death4: Cannot… die… Nooo!!!
Bike Squad Sergeant
Notes: Their voice aggressive, hot-blooded, fierce and speed-maniac! Use a deeper voice here.
Unit_Complete1: Bike Squad Sergeant reports!
Unit_Complete2: I came to show you glory, Brother- Fists!
Unit_Complete3: We are fast and lethal!
Unit_Complete4: In Emperor’s name, I take command here!
Unit_Complete5: Brothers, I will order you!
Unit_Complete6: I will lead you on the battlefield!
Unit_Complete7: The Commander choose me to lead you!
Selection1: Bikers at your service, Commander!
Selection2: Prepare engines, Sons of Dorn!
Selection3: We never slow down to draw blood!
Selection4: The Chapter needs us!
Selection5: Bike Squad waiting for order!
Selection6: We are the fastest to deliver death!
Selection7: Next task?
Move1: Follow me, Brothers, to glory!
Move2: Outflank their battle lines!
Move3: Speed up, Fists!
Move4: To the flank!
Move5: Riding into target area!
Move6: Faster!
Move7: Bike Squad is on the way!
Attack1: Flanking fire!
Attack2: Crush them under the wheels!
Attack3: Strike with blinding speed!
Attack4: Strike fast and hard!
Attack5: Tread them down! Crush them with the wheels!
Attack6: Ride! Fire! Kill!
Attack7: Outflank and attack!
Capture1: In the name of the Emperor, capture it!
Capture2: Take it for the Chapter!
Capture3: It will be ours!
Capped1: Position taken!
Capped2: It is belongs to the Imperial Fists!
Capped3: Target under control!
Load_Transport1: Into vehicle, Brothers!
Load_Transport2: Moving into position!
Unload_Transport1: From vehicle, Brothers!
Unload_Transport2: Transport in position, exit!
Morale_Break1: No! It’s not possible for a Fist to defeat!
Morale_Break2: They are too strong! We must fall back!
Morale_Break3: Shame! We cannot hold them!
Morale_Restored1: This day will be glorious for the Imperial Fists!
Morale_Restored2: Primarch Dorn drive us to victory!
Morale_Restored3: Back for more …mmm! Pain!
Charge1: Run them over!
Charge2: Crush their bones under the wheels!
Charge3: Trample them!
Charge4: Into charge!
Jump_Teleport1: Death comes from the skies!
Jump_Teleport2: Overrun the enemy!
Deepstrike1: Strike where they are the most vulnerable!
Deepstrike2: Into the heart of the enemy!
Ability1: Prepare for fast death!
Ability2: We are the heralds of God-Emperor’s wrath!
Ability3: Fear the Imperial Fists!
Ability4: In holy name of Rogal Dorn!
Ability5: For the Golden Throne!
Combat1: Enemy tries to fight back!
Combat2: Throw them back, at all costs!
Combat3: They are fool enough to attack us!
Under_Fire1: Out of the enemy’s range, Brothers!
Under_Fire2: In Dorn’s name! Keep firing!
Under_Fire3: Bikers under heavy fire!
Damage1: Aaaah! I welcome pain with pleasure!
Damage2: This pain inspires me!
Damage3: Oh, holy pain!
Death1: I lived fast, now I die fast.
Death2: I prepared for death!
Death3: Emperor… forgive me…
Death4: Cannot… die… Nooo!!!
Veteran Squad
Notes: A regal but stern and strong voice
Unit_Complete1: We are here
Unit_Complete2: The Emperors finest are ready
Unit_Complete3: Standing by
Unit_Complete4: We are the emperors finest
Unit_Complete5: Sons of Dorn ready
Unit_Complete6: Our faith is strong
Unit_Complete7: We are ready
Selection1: Yes lord?
Selection2: My liege?
Selection3: Orders?
Selection4: Bolters loaded
Selection5: As you wish
Selection6: Ready!
Selection7: weapons ready!
Move1: We go
Move2: To war
Move3: Emperor, light our way
Move4: Move, move, move!
Move5: Forward!
Move6: As you say
Move7: Roll out
Attack1: For the emperor!
Attack2: For Dorn!
Attack3: Aim for the head!
Attack4:When you see their eyes!
Attack5: Grab your bolters!
Attack6: Go brothers!
Attack7: Primarch-Progenitor, to your glory and the glory of him on earth!
Capture1: We have it!
Capture2: It is ours!
Capture3: For the imperium
Capped1: The imperium steadily grows!
Capped2: Area secured!
Capped3: Victory
Load_Transport1:Onwards to the iron steed
Load_Transport2: Embark it!
Unload_Transport1: Ready to go!
Unload_Transport2:Out out out!
Morale_Break1: Retreat
Morale_Break2: Fall back!
Morale_Break3: Wheres the pain glove when you need it?
Morale_Restored1:Maintain the chapters honour!
Morale_Restored2: Regroup!
Morale_Restored3: Back to war!
Charge1: Charge!
Charge2: Strike with vengeance!
Charge3: Inflict pain with Vengeance!
Charge4: Guide us Emperor!
Jump_Teleport1: Onwards we go!
Jump_Teleport2: Fly high!
Deepstrike1: Falling in!
Deepstrike2: To the ground we drop!
Ability1: We are Sons of Dorn!
Ability2: We are Adeptus Astartes!
Ability3: We guard the Emperor!
Ability4: Shields to maximum!
Ability5: Lock your armour!
Combat1: You do not scare us!
Combat2: We are the imperial fists and we do not fear you!
Combat3: Armour dented!
Under_Fire1: Get down!
Under_Fire2: They will not beat us!
Under_Fire3: Stand strong!
Damage1: We...can withstand this!
Damage2: They cannot beat us!
Damage3: That is their best?
Death1: We are beaten!
Death2: They are too strong!
Death3: We falter...
Death4: I am... joining... the
Veteran Squad Sergeant
Notes: A regal but stern and strong voice
Unit_Complete1: I am guided by the emperor
Unit_Complete2: Dorn is my saviour
Unit_Complete3: I am ready lord
Unit_Complete4: Rejoice brothers i am here!
Unit_Complete5: I am ready!
Unit_Complete6: Brothers join me!
Unit_Complete7: Ready brothers!
Selection1: Dorn's brothers are ready!
Selection2: I am here and i hear you
Selection3: Comms clear
Selection4: Bolters loaded
Selection5: As you wish
Selection6: Ready!
Selection7: weapons ready!
Move1: Im going!
Move2: I follow His footsteps
Move3: Forward to salvation!
Move4: Move, move, move!
Move5: Forward!
Move6: As you say
Move7: Roll out
Attack1: Die!
Attack2: Death to the traitor and the Exenos
Attack3: Dorn help us to win this!
Attack4:When you see their eyes!
Attack5: Grab your bolters!
Attack6: Go brothers!
Attack7: Primarch-Progenitor, to your glory and the glory of him on earth!
Capture1: We have it!
Capture2: It is ours!
Capture3: For the imperium
Capped1: The imperium steadily grows!
Capped2: Area secured!
Capped3: Victory
Load_Transport1:Onwards to the iron steed
Load_Transport2: Embark it!
Unload_Transport1: Ready to go!
Unload_Transport2:Out out out!
Morale_Break1: Retreat
Morale_Break2: Fall back!
Morale_Break3: Wheres the pain glove when you need it?
Morale_Restored1:Maintain the chapters honour!
Morale_Restored2: Regroup!
Morale_Restored3: Back to war!
Charge1: Charge!
Charge2: Strike with vengeance!
Charge3: Inflict pain with Vengeance!
Charge4: Guide us Emperor!
Jump_Teleport1: Onwards we go!
Jump_Teleport2: Fly high!
Deepstrike1: Falling in!
Deepstrike2: To the ground we drop!
Ability1: We are Sons of Dorn!
Ability2: We are Adeptus Astartes!
Ability3: We guard the Emperor!
Ability4: Shields to maximum!
Ability5: Lock your armour!
Combat1: You do not scare us!
Combat2: We are the imperial fists and we do not fear you!
Combat3: Armour dented!
Under_Fire1: Get down!
Under_Fire2: They will not beat us!
Under_Fire3: Stand strong!
Damage1: We...can withstand this!
Damage2: They cannot beat us!
Damage3: That is their best?
Death1: For... D...O...R...N...
Death2: I see the light of the emperor himself
Death3: I see the emperor before me
Death4: I am... joining... the
Terminator Squad
Notes: Should be spoken in a solid and proud manner and with much resolve, each word having a weight to it.
Unit_Complete1: Terminators deployed, commander.
Unit_Complete2: We have returned from the armories at your command.
Unit_Complete3: As our bodies are protected by armor, our souls are protected by faith.
Unit_Complete4: We are prepared for war, commander.
Unit_Complete5: By your command, we have come.
Unit_Complete6: 1st Company veterans prepared for war.
Unit_Complete7: We are ready for war.
Selection1: We await our orders.
Selection2: We shall strike down those that dare stand against Terra
Selection3: We are the unstoppable fist of Dorn.
Selection4: We are prepared to wage war in His name
Selection5: Awaiting our orders.
Selection6: We have been graced with this armor, and are prepared to use it.
Selection7: We are of the 1st company, we do not know failure.
Move1: Advancing, commander.
Move2: We shall not be slowed.
Move3: Forward in the name of Terra!
Move4: The might of the Emperor cannot be delayed.
Move5: We shall press on in Dorn’s name.
Move6: They shall hear our footfalls and know the wrath of Dorn is nigh.
Move7: Ever towards our foe.
Attack1: Primarch-Progenitor, to your glory and the glory of him on earth!
Attack2: Maintain fire discipline, we shall not waste unneeded rounds on this filth.
Attack3: The sounds of battle are but a song of praise to the Emperor.
Attack4: To battle!
Attack5: Suffer not the work of heretics!
Attack6: Death is the only punishment to those that oppose the will of Terra.
Attack7: We shall leave nothing but broken bodies in our wake.
Capture1: In the name of Dorn, it will be ours.
Capture2: It will be secured.
Capture3: Clearing Objective.
Capped1: Defensives secured.
Capped2: Location prepared for defensive work, commander.
Capped3: It is ours.
Load_Transport1: Boarding transport now, commander
Load_Transport2: The treads of duty cannot be slowed.
Unload_Transport1: To battle, my Brothers.
Unload_Transport2: From the depths of the steel beast we advance.
Morale_Break1: Do not yield, brothers!
Morale_Break2: The 1st Company shall stand to the last!
Morale_Break3: To the end!
Morale_Restored1: And we shall know no fear!
Morale_Restored2: We do not know defeat.
Morale_Restored3: For Dorn!
Charge1: The Emperor demands their death.
Charge2: All those that stand against His will shall die.
Charge3: For Terra and Dorn!
Charge4: 1st Company, forward!
Jump_Teleport1: We move with the speed of His grace.
Jump_Teleport2: There is nothing that can slow us.
Deepstrike1: Through the warp we have come.
Deepstrike2: There is no place you can hide from the wrath of Terra.
Ability1: Our armor holds many mysteries…
Ability2: Let us show them the secrets that our relics hold…
Ability3: These hold secrets lost to mankind… let us show you.
Ability4: The Crux Terminatus shall protect us.
Ability5: The Emperor is with us, and he will protect.
Combat1: In the name of Terra, die!
Combat2: Die, vermin!
Combat3: Face the judgment of the Emperor!
Under_Fire1: Contact made, Commander.
Under_Fire2: They think they pierce our armor?
Under_Fire3: We are being engaged, commander.
Damage1: Vengeance for our brothers!
Damage2: Stand firm, brothers!
Damage3: 1st company does not retreat!
Death1: Return my armor to the chapter…
Death2: Though I die, my armor endures…
Death3: I have failed…
Death4: After a hundred battles, I now die…
Terminator Squad Sergeant
Notes: Should be spoken in a solid and proud manner and with much resolve, each word having a weight to it. Use a very deep, ancient voice for this one. When speaking, there should be a sense of pride and resolve, confident at all times as befits a veteran of hundreds of conflicts on dozens of worlds.
Unit_Complete1: I am here to lead.
Unit_Complete2: My presence adorns this squad anew.
Unit_Complete3: There is no greater privilege.
Unit_Complete4: I am prepared for war, commander.
Unit_Complete5: By your command, I am ready to serve.
Unit_Complete6: Sergeant of the 1st Company veterans has arrived.
Unit_Complete7: Terminators are now complete.
Unit_Complete8: We bear the Emperor with us.
Unit_Complete9: We are never far from his sight.
Unit_Complete10: Through us the Emperor once again marches to war.
Unit_Complete11: He is with us.
Unit_Complete12: Our armor bears His presence.
Unit_Complete13: For the Emperor.
Unit_Complete14: In the Name of Terra we will wage war.
Selection1: Squad stands ready.
Selection2: Our resolve is unyielding.
Selection3: The crushing fist of Dorn awaits the word.
Selection4: We are prepared to wage war in His name
Selection5: Awaiting our orders.
Selection6: We have been graced with this armor, and are prepared to use it.
Selection7: We are of the 1st company, we do not know failure.
Selection8: The Emperor’s will shall be done.
Selection9: We are but the instruments of His will.
Selection10: Give us our orders, and they shall be done.
Move1: Forward!
Move2: Unstoppable!
Move3: Advancing in the name of Terra!
Move4: The might of the Emperor cannot be delayed.
Move5: We shall press on in Dorn’s name.
Move6: They shall hear our footfalls and know the wrath of Dorn is nigh.
Move7: Ever towards our foe.
Move8: We shall not be slowed by our armor.
Move9: The Emperor walks at our side.
Move10: Nothing shall bar our path
Attack1: For Primarch-Progenitor!
Attack2: The Fist will smash all who oppose!
Attack3: To war!
Attack4: To battle!
Attack5: Suffer not the work of heretics!
Attack6: Death is the only punishment to those that oppose the will of Terra.
Attack7: We shall leave nothing but broken bodies in our wake.
Attack8: Domine Libra Nos! (Daw-me-nay Lee-bra Nahs))
Attack9: Thine arm be the scourge of the Impure!
Attack10: None shall escape the Emperor’s Wrath!
Capture1: In the name of Dorn, it will be ours.
Capture2: It will be secured.
Capture3: Clearing Objective.
Capped1: Defensives secured.
Capped2: Location prepared for defensive work, commander.
Capped3: It is ours.
Load_Transport1: Boarding transport now, commander
Load_Transport2: The treads of duty cannot be slowed.
Unload_Transport1: To battle, my Brothers.
Unload_Transport2: From the depths of the steel beast we advance.
Morale_Break1: Do not yield, brothers!
Morale_Break2: The 1st Company shall stand to the last!
Morale_Break3: To the end!
Morale_Restored1: And we shall know no fear!
Morale_Restored2: We do not know defeat.
Morale_Restored3: For Dorn!
Charge1: The Emperor demands their death.
Charge2: All those that stand against His will shall die.
Charge3: For Terra and Dorn!
Charge4: 1st Company, forward!
Jump_Teleport1: We move with the speed of His grace.
Jump_Teleport2: There is nothing that can slow us.
Deepstrike1: Through the warp we have come.
Deepstrike2: There is no place you can hide from the wrath of Terra.
Ability1: Our armor holds many mysteries…
Ability2: Let us show them the secrets that our relics hold…
Ability3: These hold secrets lost to mankind… let us show you.
Ability4: The Crux Terminatus shall protect us.
Ability5: The Emperor is with us, and he will protect.
Combat1: In the name of Terra, die!
Combat2: Die, vermin!
Combat3: Face the judgment of the Emperor!
Under_Fire1: Contact made, Commander.
Under_Fire2: They think they pierce our armor?
Under_Fire3: We are being engaged, commander.
Damage1: Vengeance for our brothers!
Damage2: Stand firm, brothers!
Damage3: 1st company does not retreat!
Death1: I go.. but the chapter maintains..
Death2: Arrggghhhhh!
Death3: My Duty.. is... at an end...
Death4: After a hundred battles, I now die…
Death5: Though we may die, the Imperium shall live on…
Death6: A hundred foes shall fall my death…
Death7: I regret only that my foe still lives.
Notes: Skilled in combat as much as healing the apothecary brings death to the emperor’s foes as well as healing to his brothers. Voice should be softer than regular marines due to his nature as a medic and preserver of the chapters gene-seed first, and a warrior second.
Unit_Complete1: Ready to fight and heal
Unit_Complete2: My medicine has arrived
Unit_Complete3: The apothecarion sent me to serve
Unit_Complete4: I have arrived from the apothecarion
Unit_Complete5: Where are my injured brothers
Unit_Complete6: I arrive with blade and narthecium in hand
Unit_Complete7: There is much to be done
Selection1: Where do you need my skills
Selection2: Where do you require aid
Selection3: I can mend your wounds brother
Selection4: Give me a task
Selection5: Yes brother?
Selection6: I stand at the ready brother
Selection7: Do you need something brother
Move1: You need me there
Move2: Let us be on our way
Move3: On my way
Move4: Are there injured over there
Move5: With great haste
Move6: I will be there shortly
Move7: I hope I am not too late to aid our brothers
Attack1: None more skilled in combat!
Attack2: Die scum!
Attack3: It’s been far too long since I killed
Attack4: This white armor will be red before long
Attack5: My art has given me precision with the blade like no other!
Attack6: I will slay them all!
Attack7: Your death will not be swift!
Capture1: I will take it
Capture2: The chapter requires it
Capture3: It will be ours brothers
Capped1: Taken for Dorn and the chapter
Capped2: I will hold until need elsewhere
Capped3: Imperial Fists reign here
Join1: None will fall now
Join2: I will make you invincible brothers
Join3: They will fear our might brothers
Detach1: Others need my medicine brothers
Detach2: I will not be far brothers
Load_Transport1: Take me to the front
Load_Transport2: Quickly my brothers need me!
Unload_Transport1: There is much work to be done
Unload_Transport2: The apothecarion thanks you
Morale_Break1: My melee needs work
Morale_Break2: I cannot heal this much
Morale_Break3: Even I need aid sometimes
Morale_Restored1: Stimulants administered, back to the fight
Morale_Restored2: Penance later, vengeance now
Morale_Restored3: My injuries are healed, now you die
Charge1: Charge brothers!
Charge2: Give them your blades brothers
Charge3: Die heathens
Jump_Teleport1: Away I go
Jump_Teleport2: I will land upon them and wreak havoc
Deepstrike1: Into the heart of the enemy
Deepstrike2: Launch now
Ability1: Enjoy this heathens
Ability2: I hope it burns monster
Ability3: If it stings its working
Ability4: I will make us strong brothers!
Ability5: With this none shall fall!
Combat1: Pain is a illusive my training overcomes
Combat2: Can you feel it cur
Combat3: Give in monster
Under_Fire1: Hold firm brothers!
Under_Fire2: Minor injuries, administering stimulants
Under_Fire3: Fear not I will heal our wounds brothers.
Damage1: The pain glove renders your attacks useless!
Damage2: Pain means nothing to a imperial fist
Damage3: Is that all you can muster?
Death1: No… the gene-seed
Death2: Recover my gene-seed brothers!
Death3: Arghhhhh the stimulants were not enough
Death4: My medicine fails me
Standard Bearer
Notes: A confident brother who carries the standard of the imperial fists into battle and inspires all around him. He should have a loud inspiring voice filling his brothers with righteous fervor
Unit_Complete1: I have brought the honour of the chapter with me
Unit_Complete2: Ready to fight for the emperor
Unit_Complete3: I have arrived from the phalanx
Unit_Complete4: I have come to bring death to the enemies of the emperor
Unit_Complete5: I come in Dorns name
Unit_Complete6: Ready to serve the chapter
Unit_Complete7: Brothers, I have arrived
Selection1: The standard fly’s proud my lord
Selection2: Where am I required
Selection3: I carry the honour of the chapter
Selection4: Yes my lord
Selection5: Ready to serve the chapter
Selection6: I am here
Selection7: Prepared for war
Move1: I will inspire my brothers
Move2: On my way lord
Move3: I will arrive shortly
Move4: Moving out
Move5: The honour of chapter moves were you wish
Move6: I am already moving
Move7: Let us go then brothers
Attack1: In the name of Dorn, attack!
Attack2: Know fear cowards!
Attack3: None can stand against the chapter’s holy standard!
Attack4: You think yourself a match for me?
Attack5: You will knell before the might of the chapter banner!
Attack6: You are unworthy to even be in the presence of the holy standard
Attack7: You life offends the emperor!
Capture1: It will be taken for Dorn and the emperor
Capture2: Our standard will fly there brothers
Capture3: The enemy is undeserving of such a asset
Capped1: For the Legion and Dorn
Capped2: For the holy emperor
Capped3: This belongs to the imperial fists now
Join1: I will lead you my brothers
Join2: Let me find none wanting
Join3: Let us crusade together my brothers
Detach1: Others must be see the glory of the holy standard, farewell
Detach2: Brothers I am needed elsewhere
Load_Transport1: Let the standard fly atop this vehicle
Load_Transport2: Go with great speed driver
Unload_Transport1: The standard now flies in the winds or war once more
Unload_Transport2: Back in the battle
Morale_Break1: No, I can’t falter
Morale_Break2: I am shamed
Morale_Break3: I cannot fail the chapter
Morale_Restored1: The standard will not fall while I live!
Morale_Restored2: By the emperor I will not fall!
Morale_Restored3: My honour will not be stained with retreat!
Charge1: Forward brothers, none can stop our righteous charge!
Charge2: My soul will drive into your vile heart though this sword coward!
Charge3: To your glory and the glory of him on earth!
Jump_Teleport1: All the quicker to arrive at the battle
Jump_Teleport2: To the fight
Deepstrike1: We strike from the heavens themselves
Deepstrike2: The banner needs to be unraveled soon
Ability1: Fear the might of the emperor curs!
Ability2: Take this you foul creatures
Ability3: No one can save you now cur
Ability4: Brothers look to me and know no fear
Ability5: The emperor is watching brothers show no fear
Combat1: I strike with the fury of Dorn himself!
Combat2: You will fall monster!
Combat3: Even with a single hand I am twice your skill coward
Under_Fire1: You think I know pain
Under_Fire2: You think to shred my banner coward
Under_Fire3: Take cover warriors of Dorn
Damage1: I will not falter!
Damage2: Do not get cocky monster
Damage3: A imperial fist knows pain he cannot overcome
Death1: No… the banner mustn’t fall
Death2: Remember me brothers
Death3: I fall, but another will take my place
Death4: Go… ever onwards… brothers
Retinue Leader
Notes: His voice is proud, stern, experienced and dauntless.
Unit_Complete1: Commander, your escort has arrived!
Unit_Complete2: I lead the Retinue of our greatest warriors!
Unit_Complete3: The strongest of the Fists are here!
Unit_Complete4: I have served our Masters in thousand battles!
Unit_Complete5: After many centuries of courageous service now I lead our bravest Warriors!
Unit_Complete6: I am chosen to accompany Heroes of the Chapter!
Unit_Complete7: The Guardians of the Chapter are here!
Selection1: Commander, your Retinue stand ready!
Selection2: Ready to serve!
Selection3: The Guardians wait for order!
Selection4: We protect!
Selection5: Your Retinue wait just for you, Master!
Selection6: I follow you, Master!
Selection7: You need us, Master?
Move1: I accompany!
Move2: To protect our Masters!
Move3: We follow you!
Move4: The battlefields wait for us!
Move5: Where you go I go with you, Master!
Move6: To the frontline!
Move7: Move, Retinue!
Attack1: Taste my blade!
Attack2: Protect our superiors!
Attack3: Let none injure our Master!
Attack4: Ward off all enemy hits!
Attack5: With stern fury!
Attack6: My blade is the fury of the God-Emperor!
Attack7: Support the Master!
Capture1: This objective must be ours!
Capture2: We capture it, Master!
Capture3: Take this for the Chapter!
Capped1: Secured!
Capped2: Objective taken by the Imperial Fists!
Capped3: Territory is ours!
Join1: I came to protect you!
Join2: It’s an honour to serve by your side!
Join3: I am here to defend!
Detach1: You are safe now, I must go!
Detach2: I am proud you trusted your life to us!
Load_Transport1: Into Vehicle!
Load_Transport2: Boarding, Master!
Unload_Transport1: From vehicle!
Unload_Transport2: Unboarding, Master!
Morale_Break1: Rally, Guardians!
Morale_Break2: We cover the withdraw, Master!
Morale_Break3: Fallback and regroup!
Morale_Restored1: Master, lead us to victory!
Morale_Restored2: Back into fight, Imperial Fists!
Morale_Restored3: Yes, Captain! Counterattack!
Charge1: Melee attack!
Charge2: Brothers, charge!
Charge3: Cut down all of them!
Jump_Teleport1: Strike from the skies!
Jump_Teleport2: The doom arrived!
Deepstrike1: Striking into the heart!
Deepstrike2: Death incarnated!
Ability1: All shall fall before the wrath of the Imperial Fists!
Ability2: God-Emperor drive our blades!
Ability3: For the glory of the Imperium!
Ability4: This day will be glorious, Brothers!
Ability5: We shall know no fear!
Combat1: Defend our Master!
Combat2: Cut down all attackers!
Combat3: Don’t let them hurt the Master!
Under_Fire1: Receiving heavy fire!
Under_Fire2: Take cover!
Under_Fire3: Master under heavy fire! Defend him!
Damage1: Just light damage!
Damage2: We are wounded, but our Master must not!
Damage3: Accept the pain!
Death1: Retinue fell!
Death2: We sacrifice our life… for our Hero…
Death3: Death is my punishment!
Death4: It was an honour… to fight by your side… Master…
Notes: His voice is dark, cold, grim and mysterious with some whispering in the background.
Unit_Complete1: I am the Librarian you sent for!
Unit_Complete2: My spells are at the service of the Imperium!
Unit_Complete3: From the Librarium!
Unit_Complete4: I am here to control of the energies of the Immaterium!
Unit_Complete5: Did you call for a psyker, Master?
Unit_Complete6: I have the power to harness the incredible psychic energies!
Unit_Complete7: After thousand of trials I am ready!
Selection1: Librarian at your service!
Selection2: The spells I cast will help us to victory!
Selection3: My Force Weapon fully charged!
Selection4: Ready to cast a spell!
Selection5: My psychic talent is at once the most dangerous and the most useful!
Selection6: I channel the energies of the Warp!
Selection7: You need my abilities, Master?
Move1: Move tho the Immaterium!
Move2: With warp-speed!
Move3: Guided by the Emperor’s hand!
Move4: Through the Gates of Eternity!
Move5: I will be there in but a blink of an eye!
Move6: Energies of the Aether drive me forth!
Move7: Advance!
Attack1: Psychic attack!
Attack2: Burn in Warp fire!
Attack3: I summon the Avenger to destroy you!
Attack4: Unleash the power of my mind!
Attack5: I pierce the Warp!
Attack6: Suffer my psychic energy!
Attack7: Fear my burning wrath!
Capture1: This location strengthen my abilities! We need it!
Capture2: I start the capturing rites!
Capture3: Capture it for the Imperial Fists!
Capped1: Location is ours!
Capped2: Location belongs to the Imperium now!
Capped3: Captured!
Join1: I bring the power of Immaterium to strengthen you!
Join2: Together for the glory of the Fists!
Join3: With my abilities you will invincible!
Detach1: My abilities needed elsewhere!
Detach2: I must go now!
Load_Transport1: Bring me to battle!
Load_Transport2: Embark!
Unload_Transport1: In position, exit!
Unload_Transport2: Disembark!
Morale_Break1: They nullified my power, retreat!
Morale_Break2: My spells cannot hold them back!
Morale_Break3: Enemy is too strong, regroup!
Morale_Restored1: I cancelled their psychic defense! Strike again!
Morale_Restored2: They will suffer my spells!
Morale_Restored3: Back into the fray!
Charge1: Charge, Brothers!
Charge2: Taste my blade!
Charge3: Kill them all!
Jump_Teleport1: Strike from the sky!
Jump_Teleport2: Your fate earns you all!
Deepstrike1: Straight into the battle!
Deepstrike2: Bring terror in the heart of the enemy!
Ability1: Feel the Might of the Ancients!
Ability2: This pain will kill you and strengthen us!
Ability3: Unleash the Vortex of Doom!
Ability4: I cast the Force Dome to protect us all!
Ability5: Psychic hood activated!
Combat1: You cannot defeat me!
Combat2: Come closer and die!
Combat3: Don’t let them swarm us!
Under_Fire1: Redirecting… all bullets!
Under_Fire2: Cast a force field, quickly!
Under_Fire3: Out of the their weapons’ range!
Damage1: This pain just strengthen my abilities!
Damage2: Just light damage!
Damage3: Pain is good!
Death1: I foresaw… it is the end…
Death2: Perils of the Warp reached me!
Death3: Librarian consumed by the Immaterium.
Death4: I was… weak…
Notes: His voice is rich, inspiring, fierce and a little priest-like.
Unit_Complete1: Chaplain is here to inspire!
Unit_Complete2: Chant the Liturgy of Pain with me!
Unit_Complete3: I teach you how to celebrate the pain!
Unit_Complete4: Hear the Chapter’s sacred battle creeds!
Unit_Complete5: From the Reclusiam!
Unit_Complete6: Learn the Catechisms of the Chapter!
Unit_Complete7: I am the keeper of the relics of the Chapter!
Selection1: Ready to preach, ready to fight!
Selection2: I will preach for glory!
Selection3: As the liturgy orders!
Selection4: I say a litany immediately!
Selection5: Ready to inspire!
Selection6: It’s always have time for a prayer!
Selection7: A sermon, Captain?
Move1: Into glory!
Move2: Follow me, Brothers!
Move3: Into the theater of war!
Move4: Every step closer to the victory!
Move5: Advance!
Move6: Forth for the glorious victory!
Move7: I say a prayer and go!
Attack1: Eliminate them!
Attack2: None can stand before the Imperial Fists!
Attack3: Fear our name, for it is vengeance!
Attack4: Sons of Rogal Dorn, attack!
Attack5: Bring them terror!
Attack6: My Crozius will smash you, infidel! [pronounced "Crow-zee-us"]
Attack7: With holy hatred!
Capture1: This land is sacred!
Capture2: Cleansing ritual beginning!
Capture3: Take it for the Chapter!
Capped1: Sanctified!
Capped2: Purifying ceremony finished!
Capped3: Taken for the Chapter!
Join1: Pray together, Brothers!
Join2: For greater glory, I came!
Join3: I came to inspire you!
Detach1: Now, I must go!
Detach2: I am somewhere else needed!
Load_Transport1: To our fighting Brothers!
Load_Transport2: Take us to battle!
Unload_Transport1: Our Brothers already waited for us!
Unload_Transport2: Battle wait us!
Morale_Break1: It’s a shame! Where is the morale?
Morale_Break2: Into better position!
Morale_Break3: Rally and regroup, Brothers!
Morale_Restored1: Back to clench the Fist on their neck!
Morale_Restored2: For the Honour of the Chapter!
Morale_Restored3: Cut them all down!
Charge1: Charge them!
Charge2: Into the thickest!
Charge3: Show them our holy hatred!
Jump_Teleport1: Straight into the battle!
Jump_Teleport2: Doom comes from above!
Deepstrike1: Strike beneath the enemy lines!
Deepstrike2: Bring terror in the heart of the enemy!
Ability1: The soul of the Imperial Fist can be found in his sword!
Ability2: Feel the real pain, weaks!
Ability3: Chant the liturgies of battle with every breath!
Ability4: My Rosarius protect me from the traitors!
Ability5: Our faith in Emperor is our shield!
Combat1: Repel all the attackers!
Combat2: They try to breach!
Combat3: Back off, Scum!
Under_Fire1: Stand the fire, Brothers!
Under_Fire2: We will no hide!
Under_Fire3: Fire back!
Damage1: Pain is a lesson that the universe teaches us!
Damage2: I welcome the pain!
Damage3: Just a light damage!
Death1: I said my last prayer.
Death2: I fell… give me the Rite of Passage…
Death3: My body die, but my spirit never will!
Death4: Brothers… remember my teachings…
Notes: His voice is experienced, tactician, commanding and real leader-type voice.
Unit_Complete1: Follow my lead, Fists of Dorn!
Unit_Complete2: Brothers, listen to my word!
Unit_Complete3: I am an extension of the Emperor’s work!
Unit_Complete4: Taking command here!
Unit_Complete5: I will lead you to victory!
Unit_Complete6: My coming is a sign of deliverance to the dutiful!
Unit_Complete7: I am a herald of dismay to all traitors!
Selection1: Ready for command!
Selection2: Waiting for the reports!
Selection3: Preparing to lead my Fists into war!
Selection4: Execute my orders!
Selection5: I hear the Chapter’s call!
Selection6: How can I serve Mankind?
Selection7: Hear my words, Brothers!
Move1: Move, Brothers!
Move2: Lead from the front!
Move3: Follow me, Brothers!
Move4: Into the ever-changing arena of warfare!
Move5: On my order: advance!
Move6: To the frontline!
Move7: Advancing!
Attack1: Sons of Dorn, attack!
Attack2: Prepare for death, traitors!
Attack3: No living man shall stay my wrath!
Attack4: Eliminate them!
Attack5: My blade thirsts for the blood of the traitors!
Attack6: Into battle!
Attack7: Taste my blade!
Capture1: This position is vital for the success!
Capture2: It’s a key location!
Capture3: Take it for the Chapter!
Capped1: This objective is ours!
Capped2: Captured!
Capped3: Taken for the God-Emperor!
Join1: I lead you in person!
Join2: Together for the victory, Brothers!
Join3: I join your Squad!
Detach1: I do my job, you do yours!
Detach2: I must go now!
Load_Transport1: To the transporter!
Load_Transport2: All aboard!
Unload_Transport1: To battle!
Unload_Transport2: In position! Get off!
Morale_Break1: Tactical retreat covered by continuous Bolter fire!
Morale_Break2: To the rally point!
Morale_Break3: Into secure position and prepare for the counterstrike!
Morale_Restored1: Back to crush the enemy!
Morale_Restored2: Dorn guide us to victory!
Morale_Restored3: Counterattack!
Charge1: Take your blade and charge!
Charge2: Grasp them and crush them!
Charge3: Let none survive!
Jump_Teleport1: Teleport attack!
Jump_Teleport2: Straight to the thickest!
Deepstrike1: Strike deep into the heart of the foe!
Deepstrike2: From the sky!
Ability1: We are Fists of Emperor!
Ability2: Crush them!
Ability3: Fear the rage of Imperial Fists!
Ability4: Emperor commands us! Dorn guides us! Honour shields us!
Ability5: My Iron Halo will protect me!
Combat1: Incoming!!!
Combat2: Enemy attacks us! Repel them!
Combat3: Don’t let them swarm us!
Under_Fire1: Enemy shooting at us!
Under_Fire2: Fire back, Brothers!
Under_Fire3: Heavy fire! Into cover!
Damage1: I accept the pain!
Damage2: Just light damage!
Damage3: Oh, holy pain!
Death1: My punishment… is death…
Death2: God-Emperor, give me peace!
Death3: I die in the service of the Emperor!
Death4: Primarch forgive me, I was weak! [pronounced "Prime-ark"]
Company Champion
Notes: His voice is proud, experienced and inspiring.
Unit_Complete1: Champion chosen!
Unit_Complete2: I am here to defend the honour of the Company!
Unit_Complete3: My blade will taste the blood of the enemy Commanders!
Unit_Complete4: Scions of Dorn, watch my glory! [pronounced "Sigh-ons"]
Unit_Complete5: Enemy warlords will fall today!
Unit_Complete6: I have set as an example for my Brothers!
Unit_Complete7: The Champion of the Company have arrived!
Selection1: Challenge accepted!
Selection2: I’m ready to the single combat!
Selection3: My blade is ready!
Selection4: Where is the enemy warlord?
Selection5: Seeking for a challenge!
Selection6: Prepared for the duel!
Selection7: Ready to inspire my Brothers!
Move1: To dueling!
Move2: Enemy Warlord in sight range!
Move3: Into the midst of the battle!
Move4: They will fall!
Move5: To catch the enemy Commanders!
Move6: Advance!
Move7: Into glory!
Attack1: Engage enemy Warlords in single combat!
Attack2: You can’t hide from your fate!
Attack3: For the honour of the Imperial Fists, attack!
Attack4: Strike for the glory of the Chapter!
Attack5: Your whole army will see you fall!
Attack6: Nothing shall stay my hatred!
Attack7: Challenge has found me!
Capture1: Take this position!
Capture2: Secure the area!
Capture3: This land will be ours!
Capped1: Position belongs to the Imperial Fists now!
Capped2: Area secured!
Capped3: This land is ours!
Join1: You will aid me to defend our honour!
Join2: I came to inspire you!
Join3: Together for the greater glory!
Detach1: I must leave you now!
Detach2: There are enemy commanders here, I must go!
Load_Transport1: Boarding!
Load_Transport2: Into vehicle!
Unload_Transport1: Unboarding!
Unload_Transport2: From vehicle!
Morale_Break1: Tactical retreat!
Morale_Break2: To the rally point!
Morale_Break3: Into secure position!
Morale_Restored1: Into the midst of the battle!
Morale_Restored2: I show you how to fight harder!
Morale_Restored3: Back to fight!
Charge1: Cut them down!
Charge2: To the hilt!
Charge3: Into melee!
Jump_Teleport1: Death from the sky!
Jump_Teleport2: Fate earns you!
Deepstrike1: Straight into combat!
Deepstrike2: Strike deep into the heart of the foe!
Ability1: Feel the fury of the Imperial Fists!
Ability2: All will fall!
Ability3: Fear the Fists of the Imperium!
Ability4: For the honour of the Chapter!
Ability5: In the name of the Aquila!
Combat1: Repel the attackers!
Combat2: Cut down all who defend the enemy Commander!
Combat3: Don’t let them breach!
Under_Fire1: Open fire!
Under_Fire2: Search for cover!
Under_Fire3: Hold on!
Damage1: Pain! We welcome you!
Damage2: This pain just strengthen me!
Damage3: Just light injury!
Death1: Champion ashamed.
Death2: This is… my punishment… I was weak…
Death3: I die with Emperor’s name on my mouth!
Death4: Primarch forgive me! [pronounced "Prime-ark"]
Force Commander
Notes: His voice is cold, experienced, tactician and commanding type.
Unit_Complete1: Force Commander is on the field!
Unit_Complete2: Headquarter, I’m in position!
Unit_Complete3: Hundreds of years of battlefield experience at service of Imperium!
Unit_Complete4: Brothers, hear my commands!
Unit_Complete5: Follow my order and I lead you to glory!
Unit_Complete6: Taking command of the force!
Unit_Complete7: I came to lead you!
Selection1: Ready to command!
Selection2: I lead by example!
Selection3: Ready to inspire the men to greater valor!
Selection4: I know every facets of war!
Selection5: Execute my orders!
Selection6: I hear the Chapter’s call!
Selection7: Next task?
Move1: Move, Fists!
Move2: Sons of Dorn, follow me!
Move3: Into glory of the Imperial Fists!
Move4: Approach the target!
Move5: I always lead from the front!
Move6: Follow me to the victory!
Move7: Advance!
Attack1: Sons of Dorn, attack!
Attack2: At the vanguard of the army!
Attack3: We bring war!
Attack4: Bring fear in the hearts of our enemies!
Attack5: Fists, clench the enemy!
Attack6: Prepare for death, Traitors!
Attack7: Taste my blade!
Capture1: This land will be ours!
Capture2: Take it for the Chapter!
Capture3: Capture it for us!
Capped1: Point taken for the Imperium!
Capped2: The position is ours!
Capped3: Area secured!
Join1: Together for the victory, Fist-Brothers!
Join2: I join your Squad to lead you in person!
Join3: We unite again!
Detach1: Keep on without me, Brothers!
Detach2: I must leave you now!
Load_Transport1: Boarding transport!
Load_Transport2: Embarkation!
Unload_Transport1: Unboarding transport!
Unload_Transport2: Disembarkation!
Morale_Break1: Retreat only to strike even harder!
Morale_Break2: To regroup!
Morale_Break3: Back to prepare for the counterstrike!
Morale_Restored1: Hit them harder, Fists!
Morale_Restored2: Counterattack!
Morale_Restored3: Back into them!
Charge1: Clench them, Fists!
Charge2: To the hilt!
Charge3: Kill them all!
Jump_Teleport1: Teleport into the fray!
Jump_Teleport2: Right into the fight!
Deepstrike1: Strike from above!
Deepstrike2: Deepstriking into the combat!
Ability1: Crush the enemy with your bare fists!
Ability2: Dorn, guide us to victory!
Ability3: We are Fists of Imperium!
Ability4: We shall know no fear!
Ability5: I stand firm where other men falter!
Combat1: Out from the grasp of the enemy!
Combat2: Enemy incoming! Repel them!
Combat3: Throw them back!
Under_Fire1: Receiving enemy fire!
Under_Fire2: Hold on, Fists!
Under_Fire3: Take cover!
Damage1: Oh, holy pain engulf me!
Damage2: Just light damage!
Damage3: This pain doesn’t bear me down!
Death1: Commander fell!
Death2: It’s my punishment for I was weak.
Death3: I die in Emperor’s name!
Death4: Fight on Brothers… without me…
Captain Darnath Lysander (First Captain, Master of the First Company, Overseer of the Armoury and Watch Commander of the Phalanx)
Notes: Experienced, hard, proud and battle-hungry!
Unit_Complete1: First Captain fielded!
Unit_Complete2: I am Master of the First Company!
Unit_Complete3: Captain Lysander arrived! [pronounced "Lie-sand-ers"]
Unit_Complete4: I came to lead the Phalanx into war!
Unit_Complete5: After centuries of dutiful service I lead the Veterans of the Chapter!
Unit_Complete6: I am the wielder of the Fist of Dorn!
Unit_Complete7: You need my Veterans?
Selection1: Captain Lysander reports!
Selection2: Ready to command!
Selection3: Prepared to lead the Firsts of the Fists!
Selection4: Execute my orders!
Selection5: Hear my words, Brothers!
Selection6: I lead by example!
Selection7: Some job for me and my Veterans?
Move1: Phalanx, advance!
Move2: Move, Fists!
Move3: Follow me, Veterans!
Move4: I always lead from the front!
Move5: Approach the enemy!
Move6: Advancing!
Move7: Into the theater of war!
Attack1: Phalanx, attack!
Attack2: Fear the The Fist of Dorn!
Attack3: None can stand the smite of my Thunder Hammer!
Attack4: Prepare for death, Traitors!
Attack5: Taste my hammer!
Attack6: At the midst of the battle!
Attack7: We bring war!
Capture1: This land will be ours!
Capture2: Capture it for the Chapter!
Capture3: This objective must be ours!
Capped1: Area secured!
Capped2: Captured!
Capped3: Objective is ours!
Join1: I am here to lead you!
Join2: Together again, Brothers!
Join3: This mission requires my assistance!
Detach1: I must leave you now!
Detach2: Keep on, Brothers!
Load_Transport1: To transport!
Load_Transport2: Embark!
Unload_Transport1: To battle!
Unload_Transport2: Disembark!
Morale_Break1: Regroup and prepare for counterattack!
Morale_Break2: Tactical retreat!
Morale_Break3: To the rally point!
Morale_Restored1: Counterattack!
Morale_Restored2: Smite the enemy!
Morale_Restored3: Don’t let them fleeing!
Charge1: Crush them all!
Charge2: Take your hammer and charge!
Charge3: No mercy!
Jump_Teleport1: Straight to the dense!
Jump_Teleport2: Teleport attack!
Deepstrike1: Strike into their heart!
Deepstrike2: Deepstriking into the combat!
Ability1: Crush them all!
Ability2: Fear the hit of the Fists!
Ability3: On my mark… Orbital Strike!
Ability4: We are chosen of the God-Emperor!
Ability5: We shall know no fear!
Combat1: Throw them back!
Combat2: We must repel all attackers!
Combat3: Out from the grasp of the enemy!
Under_Fire1: Receiving fire!
Under_Fire2: Shields up!
Under_Fire3: Search for cover!
Damage1: I welcome pain with open arms!
Damage2: Ignore the pain!
Damage3: It must be a serious injury!
Death1: Lysander fell!
Death2: I was weak.
Death3: Fight on… Veterans…
Death4: It’s my punishment.
Notes: The Imperial Fists are recognized to be among the most loyal Chapters with renowned stubborn resilience. As siege specialists, they function as an assault formation, surgically applying force where and when it was required to shatter enemy defenses.
Unit_Complete1: Rhino ready to serve Commander.
Unit_Complete2: Armoured transport deployed.
Unit_Complete3: Rhino transport here my lord.
Unit_Complete4: Where do the infantry need us?
Unit_Complete5: Transport has arrived.
Unit_Complete6: The Machine Spirit is willing.
Unit_Complete7: You requested infantry transport Commander.
Selection1: Where am I needed?
Selection2: We shall protect our Brothers!
Selection3: Are we ready to move?
Selection4: Where shall we take our Brothers?
Selection5: Rhino at your command.
Selection6: Armoured transport-awaiting orders.
Selection7: Rhino ready for action!
Move1: Moving.
Move2: Taking our Brothers there.
Move3: The Machine Spirit will obey.
Move4: We shall get there!
Move5: Coordinates received.
Move6: Moving upon the coordinates.
Move7: Entering combat zone.
Attack1: Drive them back!
Attack2: Prime the weapons.
Attack3: We must help our Brothers.
Attack4: Suppressive fire, now!
Attack5: Cover our brothers.
Attack6: Fire upon them.
Attack7: Moving to engage.
Charge1: Ramming Speed.
Charge2: Crush and grind!
Charge3: Maximum acceleration.
Ability1: Bring them down!
Ability2: Focus firepower on that target.
Ability3: Aid our brothers is their destruction!
Ability4: Protect the Infantry!
Ability5: Brothers, use us for cover.
Combat1: We are surrounded.
Combat2: Rhino transport in danger Commander!
Combat3: They have reached us!
Death1: Bothers Abandon th- *static*
Death2: Bail out now! *Explosion*
Death3: We need to with-
Death4: Cannot…hold-
Notes: Standard Armoured Personnel Carrier. Crew of one driver. Sounds can be accompanied by engine sounds.
Unit_Complete1: Rhino reporting.
Unit_Complete2: Igniting engines, completing checks.
Unit_Complete3: Rhino; Armoured Personnel Carrier.
Unit_Complete4: Armored transport here
Unit_Complete5: Dorn’s Rhino awaits its command.
Unit_Complete6: Deliverance.
Unit_Complete7: Iron Cage.
Selection1: The Iron Cage awaits.
Selection2: Orders, sir?
Selection3: Ready to move.
Selection4: Where do you need me?
Selection5: Do you need a transport?
Selection6: Beware the Pain Glove.
Selection7: What are we carrying?
Move1: Co-ordinates set.
Move2: Accelerating.
Move3: More power to the engines.
Move4: Moving to engage.
Move5: Doors are secured
Move6: Engines to Full
Move7: Location is within reach.
Attack1: Open fire!
Attack2: Storm Bolter!
Attack3: To your glory! And to him on earth!
Attack4: Prioritize targets.
Attack5: With the fury of firepower.
Attack6: Target acquired
Attack7: That's our target
Charge1: Forward!
Charge2: Run them down!
Charge3: Charge!
Ability1: Make every shot count.
Ability2: Strike them all down!
Ability3: Fire everything.
Ability4: Deploying smoke.
Ability5: Re-arm and re-armour.
Combat1: Breach their defences!
Combat2: Crush them!
Combat3: For Dorn!
Death1: Evacuate!
Death2: Rhino wrecked!
Death3: Get clear!
Death4: Avenge us, brothers!
Notes: As an Imperial Fists Razorback you have a duty to not only transport your brothers but to push forth the assault with them with the tanks weapons.
Unit_Complete1: Razorback ready commander.
Unit_Complete2: Armed and armoured transport ready.
Unit_Complete3: Razorback deployed to the front.
Unit_Complete4: Razorback waiting for directives.
Unit_Complete5: Mobile heavy infantry support deployed.
Unit_Complete6: Transport ready, weapons primed.
Unit_Complete7: Ready to transport our brothers.
Selection1: Razorback here.
Selection2: Your orders sir?
Selection3: Waiting for your command.
Selection4: Where do our brothers’s need us?
Selection5: Ready for combat.
Selection6: Just give us our coordinates.
Selection7: Yes Commander, what so you wish?
Move1: Rolling out!
Move2: Moving to target location.
Move3: Moving out. Gunner, stay alert.
Move4: Eyes open, weapons charged.
Move5: Accelerating to cruising speed.
Move6: Directional commands received.
Move7: I will do so Commander.
Attack1: Fire the main gun!
Attack2: Move into optimal firing range.
Attack3: Twin linked weapons; our aim is true!
Attack4: Supporting fire now!
Attack5: Lend assistance to our brothers.
Attack6: Bring them down
Attack7: Divert power to the weapon systems.
Charge1: Roll over them!
Charge2: They shall not halt us.
Charge3: They will be crushed!
Ability1: Lend fire to our brothers!
Ability2: All power to the Heavy weapon.
Ability3: Concentrate firepower on target!
Ability4: Deploy left and right smoke launchers!
Ability5: Activating countermeasures now.
Combat1: The enemy are upon us!
Combat2: Our guns cannot target them sir!
Combat3: Infantry support needed urgently.
Death1: Weapons offline, cannot hol-
Death2: The hull is compromised; Bail!
Death3: Hostile fire is too great! We mus-
Death4: We need to withdraw… *explosion*
Notes: A Rhino with big guns and two crew.
Unit_Complete1: Razorback deployed.
Unit_Complete2: Our hull is blessed, our weapons ready.
Unit_Complete3: Ready to transport.
Unit_Complete4: We answer the call to battle.
Unit_Complete5: Brother, you requested us?
Unit_Complete6: Razorback, reporting as ordered.
Unit_Complete7: Ready and able.
Selection1: Brother?
Selection2: What do you require?
Selection3: Where would you like us?
Selection4: Orders?
Selection5: Engines at optimum power.
Selection6: Weapons hot and ready for action.
Selection7: Engines idling.
Move1: Coordinates received.
Move2: May the Emperor protect us.
Move3: Understood.
Move4: On our way.
Move5: Underway.
Move6: From the phalanx.
Move7: We will be there shortly.
Attack1: Purge, Cleanse, Purify.
Attack2: Cleanse them with firepower and the wrath of Dorn.
Attack3: Target acquired, weapons free.
Attack4: Open fire!
Attack5: Emperor have mercy on them.
Attack6: Destroy them all.
Attack7: Purge them.
Under_Fire1: Brother, we are taking hits!
Under_Fire2: Under Fire!
Under_Fire3: Our armour is contempt.
Damage1: Hull breach!
Damage2: Break! Break! Break!
Damage3: Systems failing!
Death1: Systems are critical.
Death2: Razorback crippled.
Death3: Self destruct sequence activated!
Death4: Emperor receive us...
Land Speeder
Notes: A low-flying two man craft. Boxy/ bulky look to it, crewed by two Space Marines, a driver and a gunner. There are a few requiring two voices; one for each crew member. All are the Pilot unless otherwise stated.
Unit_Complete1: Landspeeder is ready!
Unit_Complete2: The Eagle has landed.
Unit_Complete3: Who are these that fly?
Unit_Complete4: And the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. Unit_Complete5: Mount up; With wings like Eagles!
Unit_Complete6: To serve Him is to worship Him
Unit_Complete7: Engines checked and ready for battle.
Selection1: Heresy grows from idleness
Selection2: (Pilot) What is the terror of death? (Gunner) That we die our work incomplete.
Selection3: (Pilot) What is the joy of life? (Gunner) To die knowing our task is done.
Selection4: (Pilot) Your honour is your life. (Gunner) Let none dispute it.
Selection5: Carry the Emperor’s will with you as a torch, and with it destroy the shadows.
Selection6: There is nothing to fear but failure.
Selection7: To question is to doubt.
Move1: On wings like Eagles.
Move2: Fly swiftly.
Move3: Like an Eagle.
Move4: By the guiding light.
Move5: (Pilot) The Emperor Knows. (Gunner) The Emperor is watching.
Move6: Dorn hastened but arrived too late.
Move7: More Haste, less speed.
Attack1: (Gunner) Weapons free.
Attack2: (Gunner) There is no arguing with the barrel of a gun.
Attack3: (Pilot) Never forget. (Gunner) Never Forgive
Attack4: Open Fire!
Attack5: Purge the Unclean!
Attack6: Destroy them all!
Attack7: (Gunner) Death from the skies!
Charge1: Kill them all!
Charge2: For the Emperor!
Charge3: They are doomed.
Ability1: You are undone.
Ability2: I will not suffer you to live.
Ability3: I am your end.
Ability4: Success is measured in blood; Yours or your enemies.
Ability5: Stand strong brothers!
Combat1: Ramming speed!
Combat2: Burn in our jets.
Combat3: Crush them!
Death1: Going down!
Death2: Eject! Eject!
Death3: The worst is yet to come.
Death4: Doubt rules the mind of the weak.
Notes: The almost-dead body of a great hero of the space marines (monastic superhuman soldiers) is kept alive in a sarcophagus attached to the front of a huge, squat, bulky humanoid. He brings massive assault capabilities and/or firepower to bear. Very low pitched voice. They sound like Darth Vader, but without the breathing.
Unit_Complete1: Behold. I was dead, but am alive.
Unit_Complete2: Death has no power over me.
Unit_Complete3: I am death incarnate.
Unit_Complete4: Strike me down and I will be rebuilt more powerful than before.
Unit_Complete5: Death is conquered.
Unit_Complete6: I have awoken.
Unit_Complete7: Your promise revives me.
Selection1: I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
Selection2: I will fear no evil.
Selection3: Without faith, it is impossible.
Selection4: O death where is your sting?
Selection5: Imperator.
Selection6: Offer your bodies, as living sacrifices.
Selection7: The life I lead, I live by faith.
Move1: Here I am. Send me.
Move2: Who is this coming in the name of the Emperor? It is I.
Move3: And he traveled through the land, as far as he was commanded.
Move4: By the guiding light.
Move5: Be led by scripture; live by faith.
Move6: Dorn hastened but arrived too late.
Move7: More Haste, less speed.
Attack1: To me, my brothers!
Attack2: I will purge the unclean!
Attack3: I will crush those who stand before me.
Attack4: I shall end you.
Attack5: The emperors wrath!
Attack6: In Dorn’s name!
Attack7: Let no one stand against the righteous.
Charge1: Cleanse, Purge, Eradicate
Charge2: For the Emperor!
Charge3: With my Imperial Fist.
Ability1: Your doom.
Ability2: I end you now.
Ability3: Die quickly, I have many more to kill.
Ability4: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.
Ability5: Stand strong brothers!
Combat1: The one who is victorious will not be hurt by death.
Combat2: Suffer unto me.
Combat3: Sanctify this place; kill them all!
Death1: There will be no more death, or sorrow, crying or pain.
Death2: I stand before the throne.
Death3: The wages of sin is death.
Death4: The exile and the nomad will return.
Siege Dreadnought
Notes: A dreadnought that is extremely heavily armoured and kitted out for siege and demolitions.
Unit_Complete1: Death is swallowed up in victory.
Unit_Complete2: I was dead, but behold! I am alive.
Unit_Complete3: The siege craft of the wicked shall not withstand.
Unit_Complete4: Suffer not the works of traitors.
Unit_Complete5: Though they may toil and build, I will destroy.
Unit_Complete6: The wise man builds on solid rock.
Unit_Complete7: I will tear down such sacrilege!
Selection1: He is my strength and shield.
Selection2: By faith the walls of Jericho fell.
Selection3: Suffer not the works of heretics.
Selection4: Though an army may besiege me, I do not fear.
Selection5: Here I am, send me.
Selection6: Death is swallowed up in victory.
Selection7: Death has no power over me.
Move1: The righteous keep moving forward.
Move2: Though they stumble, they will never fail.
Move3: Who is this coming from the east?
Move4: For three days they traveled in the desert without finding water.
Move5: Away from me!
Move6: Make your paths straight.
Move7: Leave sooner, live longer.
Attack1: Deception is demolished with truth.
Attack2: Bring it down!
Attack3: I will breach your armour and soul.
Attack4: By the might of Dorn!
Attack5: For Rogal Dorn!
Attack6: For the gates of Terra!
Attack7: Purify them!
Charge1: By his glorious name!
Charge2: Raze them to the ground
Charge3: Relentless destruction.
Ability1: You are undone.
Ability2: I end you now.
Ability3: Die quickly, I have many more to kill.
Ability4: We have our salvation.
Ability5: Our armour is righteousness.
Combat1: Crush them!
Combat2: They are worthy opponents.
Combat3: Smash!
Death1: I stand before the throne.
Death2: The wages of sin is death.
Death3: I fall. Again.
Death4: Metal to Metal, Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust
Venerable Dreadnought
Notes: Particularly ancient, wise and revered dreadnought.
Unit_Complete1: O death, where is your victory?
Unit_Complete2: The life I lead in the body, I live by faith.
Unit_Complete3: The iron cage sustains me.
Unit_Complete4: I fell in the iron cage, I stand in the brilliance of glory.
Unit_Complete5: Penitence must be paid.
Unit_Complete6: The pain glove is the undoing of many.
Unit_Complete7: Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Selection1: The one who is victorious will not be hurt by death.
Selection2: For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Selection3: I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Selection4: O death where is your sting?
Selection5: Your enemy prowls around looking for someone to devour.
Selection6: I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
Selection7: I will fear no evil.
Move1: I was once in darkness, but now move in the light.
Move2: Look carefully at how you walk; wise, not unwise.
Move3: Walk in the same way in which he walked.
Move4: The longest journey begins with a single step.
Move5: I press on towards the goal.
Move6: Forget what is behind and strain to what is ahead.
Move7: Who is this coming with feet like burnish bronze and eyes like fire?
Attack1: See my hands and my feet.
Attack2: Invincibility lies in defense, victory in attack.
Attack3: What is supreme in importance is to attack the enemies strategy.
Attack4: Use attack as a stratagem of defense.
Attack5: He who continues the attack wins.
Attack6: I am the end of your days.
Attack7: Feel my wrath.
Charge1: For the Emperor!
Charge2: In the name of Rogal Dorn!
Charge3: Repent, sinners!
Ability1: Repent this.
Ability2: Suffer not the unclean to live.
Ability3: None shall stand in the path of Dorn.
Ability4: Faith is our shield.
Ability5: For I will fear no evil.
Combat1: They are finished!
Combat2: They do not have a prayer.
Combat3: Through the valley of the shadow of death….
Death1: There will be no more death, or sorrow, crying or pain.
Death2: Death has lost its sting.
Death3: It is finished.
Death4: Nothing is more dead, than the past.
Notes: Their voice is aggressive and destroy-maniac.
Unit_Complete1: Whirlwind deployed!
Unit_Complete2: Missile artillery has arrived!
Unit_Complete3: We will soften up the target for the siege!
Unit_Complete4: You called for artillery support?
Unit_Complete5: We came to launch the wrath of Dorn!
Unit_Complete6: Missile Tank ready!
Unit_Complete7: The Chapter needs our support!
Selection1: Ready for artillery strike!
Selection2: We launch death!
Selection3: Whirlwind waiting for target!
Selection4: Something to bombard?
Selection5: Just give us the coordinates!
Selection6: Engine is running!
Selection7: Commander, do you need us?
Move1: Whirlwind is moving into position!
Move2: To barrage!
Move3: Artillery is on the way!
Move4: Received target’s coordinates!
Move5: Go to support our siegers!
Move6: Into artillery position!
Move7: Advance!
Attack1: Artillery Strike!
Attack2: Unleash the fury of the Imperial Fists!
Attack3: Delivering crippling bombardments onto enemy defenses!
Attack4: Target marked, launching!
Attack5: Suppressing fire!
Attack6: Enemy territory bombarding started!
Attack7: Barrage Attack!
Charge1: Ramming!
Charge2: Into the thickest!
Charge3: Let none survive!
Ability1: All missiles away!
Ability2: None can break through our curtain of fire!
Ability3: Sweeping strike!
Ability4: Providing support fire to our advancing siegers!
Ability5: Our faith in Emperor is our shield!
Combat1: Repel the attackers!
Combat2: They try to cancel us!
Combat3: Whirlwind is receiving fire!
Death1: Whirlwind blasted!
Death2: We proud to sacrifice our life for the Mankind.
Death3: Missile Tank… destroyed…
Death4: Death came for us!
Notes: Their voice is offensive and battle-hungry.
Unit_Complete1: Vindicator at your service!
Unit_Complete2: We will shatter enemy fortresses!
Unit_Complete3: Only the Imperial Fists able to break through even the thickest walls!
Unit_Complete4: There is no secure position for the enemy!
Unit_Complete5: We bring Emperor’s judgement to the foes of Mankind!
Unit_Complete6: Siege tank ready!
Unit_Complete7: The situation calls for our destructive power!
Selection1: Ready for breaching!
Selection2: Demolisher Cannon ready for battle!
Selection3: Vindicator waiting for a target!
Selection4: The walls will fall through the strike of the Fists!
Selection5: Siege Shield lowered!
Selection6: Our shells filled with hatred and wrath!
Selection7: Something to siege?
Move1: Vindicator is on the way to battlefield!
Move2: Ruins mark our way!
Move3: Into siege!
Move4: Our Siege Shield clear the way before us!
Move5: Destruction follows our tracks!
Move6: Approaching the target!
Move7: We bring the destruction for strongholds!
Attack1: Demolisher Cannon, fire!
Attack2: Fortress walls under elimination!
Attack3: Siege underway!
Attack4: No wall can stand before us!
Attack5: Breach those walls!
Attack6: Punch a hole in the enemy fortification!
Attack7: We will open it as a tin can!
Charge1: Ram into the wall!
Charge2: Break it down!
Charge3: Crush them!
Ability1: All will fall before us!
Ability2: Break through at all costs!
Ability3: We are the incarnated wrath of the Emperor!
Ability4: Primarch Dorn protects us!
Ability5: Faith in the Emperor is our shield!
Combat1: Run them down with the Siege Shield!
Combat2: Our shells will shred who fool enough to come near!
Combat3: Enemy firing on us!
Death1: Vindicator ruined!
Death2: I cannot die yet!
Death3: The walls were… too strong…
Death4: Ready for death.
Predator Annihilator
Notes: Their voice is hard and hot-blooded.
Unit_Complete1: Predator fielded!
Unit_Complete2: Main Battle Tank of the Imperial Fists has arrived!
Unit_Complete3: Destruction follows our tracks!
Unit_Complete4: We live only to annihilate!
Unit_Complete5: Our weapons unleash the wrath of the Emperor!
Unit_Complete6: We bring destruction to the battlefield!
Unit_Complete7: No enemy Warmachine can stand our hate!
Selection1: Ready to annihilate!
Selection2: Predator waiting for a prey!
Selection3: All weapons charged!
Selection4: Enemy Warmachines will fall before us!
Selection5: Something to hunt?
Selection6: Engine prepared for battle!
Selection7: Where do you need firepower?
Move1: Predator unleashed!
Move2: We leave destruction in our path!
Move3: Into annihilate!
Move4: Moving to stalk our prey!
Move5: Anti-armour firepower on the way!
Move6: To catch the prey!
Move7: We bring the fury of Chapter!
Attack1: Predator, attack!
Attack2: Concentrated fire to the enemy!
Attack3: We bring destruction on enemy Warmachines!
Attack4: Annihilate them all!
Attack5: Gunning down those who oppose!
Attack6: All weapons, fire!
Attack7: Crush them under the tracks!
Charge1: Shock attack!
Charge2: Into the thickest!
Charge3: Hammer them!
Ability1: Total annihilation!
Ability2: All will fall before the Fists of the Imperium!!
Ability3: Overcharge the weapons!
Ability4: We feel your blessing, Primarch Dorn!
Ability5: Emperor protects us!
Combat1: They try to overwhelm us!
Combat2: Their weapons are weak against our armour!
Combat3: Receiving anti-armour fire!
Death1: Predator annihilated!
Death2: Battle Tank wrecked…
Death3: We fell from Emperor’s grace today.
Death4: We die with pride!
Land Raider
Notes: Their voice is low, wise and battle-hungry.
Unit_Complete1: Land Raider at your disposal!
Unit_Complete2: We are the line breakers of the Chapter!
Unit_Complete3: The ground itself trembles at our approach!
Unit_Complete4: We are the incarnated wrath of the Imperial Fists!
Unit_Complete5: Armoury’s strongest has arrived!
Unit_Complete6: Heavy Assault Tank deployed!
Unit_Complete7: We are death incarnated!
Selection1: Ready for assault!
Selection2: Crew waiting for instructions!
Selection3: All weapons ready for battle!
Selection4: We make the name of Imperial Fists more and more honoured!
Selection5: Engines has warmed up!
Selection6: Machine-spirit wait for programming!
Selection7: Where do you need our firepower?
Move1: Land Raider is on the way!
Move2: Assault move!
Move3: Into raid!
Move4: We will crush anything standing in our way!
Move5: Approaching target!
Move6: Death and destruction follows us!
Move7: Target is in sight range!
Attack1: Land Raider attacks!
Attack2: Destroy them, in the name of the Emperor!
Attack3: We have unleashed!
Attack4: All weapons, fire!
Attack5: Fear the anger of the Imperial Fists!
Attack6: Hear our engines scream, hear our weapons howl!
Attack7: We bring doom!
Charge1: Ramming!
Charge2: Charge the enemy!
Charge3: Crush them!
Ability1: All power to the weapons!
Ability2: None can stand the fury of the Land Raider!
Ability3: All must die!
Ability4: We are the Fists of the Emperor!
Ability5: Sing praise to our Primarch, Rogal Dorn!
Combat1: Enemy attacks us!
Combat2: Their weapons can’t scratch our armour!
Combat3: Come closer and die!
Death1: Emperor forgive us… for we failed…
Death2: Land Raider fell!
Death3: Death waiting us.
Death4: No! We cannot lose!
Land Raider Achilles
Notes: Their voice is aggressive and battle-hungry.
Unit_Complete1: Achilles fielded!
Unit_Complete2: The Imperial Fists’ strongest has arrived!
Unit_Complete3: We are the rarest and the most venerable among Astartes warmachines! [pronounced "Ass-tar-tehs"]
Unit_Complete4: Heavy Siege Tank deployed!
Unit_Complete5: We are the clenched fist of the Imperium!
Unit_Complete6: Enemy fortresses will shatter before us!
Unit_Complete7: None shall stand!
Selection1: Achilles ready for siege!
Selection2: Machine-spirit programmed!
Selection3: All weapons has loaded!
Selection4: We are the ultimate weapon in siege warfare!
Selection5: Ready for breaching!
Selection6: Engines has warmed up!
Selection7: Crew waiting for instructions!
Move1: Achilles is on the way!
Move2: Siege move!
Move3: Even the fortresses trembles at our approach!
Move4: Death and destruction follows our tracks!
Move5: Into siege!
Move6: We will crush anything standing in our way!
Move7: Moving into position!
Attack1: Thunderfire Cannon ready, fire!
Attack2: Siege underway!
Attack3: Breach those walls!
Attack4: Machine-spirit, unleash your holy anger!
Attack5: All weapons, fire!
Attack6: No fortress can stand before us!
Attack7: Crash the walls!
Charge1: Crush them!
Charge2: Ram into the wall!
Charge3: Charge and breach!
Ability1: Break through!
Ability2: None can stand the power of the Machine Spirit!
Ability3: Barrage them, salvo after salvo!
Ability4: Our near-indestructibility is legendary!
Ability5: We are the Armoured Fists of the Imperium!
Combat1: Siege Shield lowered! Run them down!
Combat2: Their weapons can’t scratch our armour!
Combat3: Enemy attacks us!
Death1: Achilles crushed!
Death2: The walls were too strong.
Death3: Emperor forgive us… for we failed…
Death4: Siege Tank failed!
Notes: Their voice is rich, superior and battle-hungry.
Unit_Complete1: Fellblade deployed!
Unit_Complete2: We are the ultimate weapon of the Chapter!
Unit_Complete3: For 10 millenia, the Fellblade is always combat-ready!
Unit_Complete4: We can wipe a whole army with a single fire!
Unit_Complete5: The most ancient Warmachine in arsenal of the Imperial Fists!
Unit_Complete6: Gigantic and formidable, made for win!
Unit_Complete7: We are Behemoth unleashed!
Selection1: Ready to siege!
Selection2: Engines scream our anger, weapons howl our wrath!
Selection3: The mightiest of the Armoury is at your service!
Selection4: All weapons primed and ready!
Selection5: We are in dire need, if you called for us, Commander!
Selection6: Machine-spirit wait for orders!
Selection7: Where do you need our extreme firepower?
Move1: Into siege!
Move2: We will flatten anything standing in our way!
Move3: Lead us into the battle!
Move4: Death and destruction follows us!
Move5: Our tracks will crush thousands of the enemy!
Move6: Into glory of the Chapter!
Move7: We will leave nothing standing!
Attack1: With supreme firepower, attack!
Attack2: Eradicate the enemy!
Attack3: Unleash inferno upon them!
Attack4: All weapons, fire!
Attack5: Fear the clenched Fist of the Emperor!
Attack6: All at one fell swoop!
Attack7: Destroy them, in the name of the Mankind!
Charge1: Roll over them!
Charge2: Ramming!
Charge3: Scythe them down!
Ability1: Full firepower to the enemy!
Ability2: We are the burning rage of the Emperor!
Ability3: Machine-spirit unleash your full wrath!
Ability4: For the glory of the Imperial Fists!
Ability5: We are the protectors of the Imperium!
Combat1: They want to swarm us!
Combat2: Their weapons can’t hurt us!
Combat3: Come closer and face your doom!
Death1: Fellblade… fell…
Death2: Death came for us!
Death3: Emperor forgive us… for we failed…
Death4: We die with pride.
HQ Building [Fortress-Keep]
HQ Addon/Upgrade1: [Disciplined Assault]
HQ Addon/Upgrade2: [March of the Righteous]
Selection1: [Sound of a many fists clash against ceramite chests plates in salute]
Barracks [Oathed Garrison]
Selection1: [Many marine voices say “Hail!”]
Armoury [Arms of Angels]
Wargear Research Upgrade1 [Master Crafted Arms]
Wargear Research Upgrade2 [Huscarl Relics]
Infantry Accuracy Research Upgrade1 [Firing Rites]
Infantry Accuracy Research Upgrade2 [Way of the Prusse]
Infantry Health Research Upgrade1 [Blessing of the Pain-Glove]
Infantry Health Research Upgrade2 [Penance in Battle]
Commander Health Research Upgrade1 [Honor of the Praetorian]
Commander Health Research Upgrade2 [Disciple of Rhetoricus]
Selection1: [Ringing steel of swords clashing]
Tech Building (Tier2) [Sanctis Terra]
Commander Feature Upgrade1 [Veteran of Duels]
Commander Feature Upgrade1 [Bone Scribed Memories]
Selection1: [Three notes by a Church chorus]
Vehicle Building (Tier2) [Siege Machinea]
Vehicle Research Upgrade: [Armor of Terra]
Tier3-4 Research Upgrade: [Wrath Imperial]
Selection1: [Heavy grinding gears]
Advanced Tech Building [Dorn’s Honor]
Selection1: [Quiet Humming]
Listening Post [Defense Sigil]
Listening Post Addon1: [Defense Gun]
Listening Post Addon2: [Defense Cannon]
Requisition Research Upgrade1: [Honor’s Due]
Requisition Research Upgrade2: [Five Spheres War]
Selection1: [Long continuous scanning sound]
Generator [Flame of Remembrance]
Power Research Upgrade1: [Incandescence]
Power Research Upgrade2: [Plasma Inferno]
Selection1: [standard generator sound]
Large Generator [Flame of Contrition]
Selection1: [standard slag generator sound]
Turret [Fortification]
Turret Addon1: [Missile Battery]
Selection1: [standard turret sound]
Mines [Caltops]
Selection1: [Beeping]
Chaos Space Marines!
Fallen Marine slaves of the Chaos Gods!
Dark Eldar
Dark Eldar torturers!
Vile minions of Comorragh! [pronounced "Kom-orr-agg"]
Arrogant Eldar scum!
Eldars! Tricky psychic xenos!
Imperial Guard
The Imperial Guard are our allies, aren't they?
Guardsmen… meatshield!
Necrons! Undead warriors!
Creatures of the C’Tan! [pronounced "C-tan"]
The Ork menace has arrived!
Orks! Filthy greenskin horde!
Sisters of Battle
Battle Sisters! Why are they against us?
Brides of the Emperor?! The Twisted!
Space Marines
Space Marines! Fallens? Renegades?
Rebel Marine force!
Tau colonizers!
Servants of the Greater Good!
Black Templars
Black Templars? Twisted Crusaders?
Dorn’s sons turned zealous madmen!
Blood Angels
Cursed Blood Angels!
Sanguinius’s bloodthirsty beasts! [pronounced "Sang-win-ee-us"]
Blood Ravens
Blood Raven renegades!
Corrupt sons of a tainted Librarian-Master!
Crimson Fists
Crimson Fists? Our Legion-brothers?
Dorn’s sons whose hands painted with blood!
Dark Angels
Dark Angels? They all will fall!
Lion’s failed warriors!
Fallen Angels
Fallen Angels! We must hunt them down!
Lion’s fallen Sons!
Imperial Fists
Imperial Fists? Why?
Why our Brothers turn against us?
Iron Hands
Iron Hand flesh-haters!
Living-machine sons of Ferrus Manus![pronounced "Ferr-us Man-us"]
Legion of the Damned
Damned Legionnaires!
Cursed horde of the Damned!
Raven Guard
Shadow warriors of the Raven Guard!
Vultures of Corax!
Red Scorpions
Red Scorpions! Their purity is fake!!
Degenerates of Culln! [pronounced "Cull-en"]
Salamanders! Tainted lizardmen!
Vulkan’s pyromaniac minions!
Space Wolves/13th Company
Space Wolves! …Beastmen!
Wolves of Russ!
Ultramarines! The ”idols”! ["idols" say with irony]
Guilliman’s eminent sons! [pronounced "Gill - i - man"]
White Scars
White Scar ambushers!
Jaghatai’s riders! [pronounced "Jahg-ha-tye's"]
Alpha Legion
Alpha Legion sabotagers!
Alpha Legionnaires!
Black Legion
Black Legion horde!
Abaddon’s Black Crusaders! [pronounced "Abb-a-don's"]
Death Guard
Rotting traitors of the Death Guards!
Nurgle’s infectious children!
Emperors Children
Emperor’s pervert children!
Drug-addict minions of Slaanesh! [pronounced "Slaa-ness-sh"]
Iron Warriors
Iron Warriors! Our arch-enemies!
A Warsmith and his siegers!
Night Lords
Night Lords terror force!
Night Haunter and his Raptors!
Red Corsairs
Red Corsairs pirate force!
Huron’s chaos raiders!
Thousand Sons
Sorcerous scum of the Thousand Sons!
Automatons of Tzeentch! [pronounced "Zeen-ch"]
World Eaters
World Eaters Berzerker warband!
Khorne’s skull collectors! [pronounced "Corn's"]
Word Bearers
Word Bearers! Fallen Chaplains!
Chaos prophets!
Catachan ambushers! [pronounced "Kat-a-chan"]
Jungle fighter animals!
Death Korps of Kreig
Death Korps clone horde!
Siegers of Krieg! We will see it! [pronounced "Cree-g"]
Elysian deepstriker force! [pronounced "El-ee-see-an"]
Drop Troopers!
Last Chancer's/13th Penal Legion
Criminal scum!
Penal Guardsmen!
Mordian parade soldiers!
Iron Guards… parrots!
Guardsmen of Pretoria!
Pretorian toy soldiers! [pronounced "Prey-tor-i-an"]
Steel Legions
Armageddon’s mechanized Guards!
Steel Legion!
Tallarn’s sunstruck guerrillas! [pronounced "Tal-ar-an's"]
Desert Raiders!
Tanith First & Only (Gaunt's Ghosts)
Ghosts of Tanith! [pronounced "Tan-ith"]
Tanithian infiltrators! [pronounced "Tan-ith-ee-ans"]
Frosted sons of Valhalla! [pronounced "Val-hall-ans"]
Ice Warriors!
Vostroyan scum! [pronounced "Vos-troy-ans"]
Firstborns of Vostroya!
Dancer mob of Harlequins!
Eldar Clowns!
Inquisition Daemonhunt
Ordo Malleus inquisitorial team! [pronounced "Or-doe Mal-e-us"]
Witch Hunters
Witch hunters!
Ordo Hereticus inquisitorial cell! [pronounced "Or-doe Hair-et-ee-cuss"]
Tyranids! The Great Devourer reach this planet too! [pronounced "Tear-ra-nids"]
Space bugs! Squelch them!
Daemons! I smell the stench of Chaos!
Creatures of the Warp!
Demonic entities!
Monstrous creature!
What’s this Abomination?
What kind of Monster is it?
Our foe revealed itself!
Enemy spotted!
Hostile forces sighted!
Opponents spotted!
Enemy units in sighted!
Hostile forces observed!
Enemy marked!
Our adversaries in sight range!
Hostile Machine! Destroy it!
Enemy Warmachine!
An engine of destruction!
-IF should have flat-top crewcut hair
-some or all the IF should be blond
-most IF should be in yellow armor, but for some heroes, the armor might have a metallic sheen (gold and shiny red)
-like vanilla SM servitor, repair more quickly when close to the Techmarine
Scout Squad (Neophyte Squad)
-4 man squad
-primarily melee unit (pistol and combat knife)
-has Fortify ability: can set up like a heavy weapons team and each scout gets a little heavy weapons sandbag circle and sniper rifle
-no stealth upgrade. Instead have health / melee damage upgrade
Scout Sergeant (Veteran-Sergeant)
-tactical marine model (with helmet on) with a sergeant banner on its back. Has bolter
-no change when squad use ability to set up
Marine Squad (Imperial Fist Squad)
-Slightly most costly than vanilla SM Tactical squads. Better bolter accuracy and damage than vanilla tactical, but bolters have a setup time and do not fire when moving. Slightly better melee damage. In short, they are great for holding their ground, a little less so rapid maneuvers
-3/4 of squad upgradable with Chainsword (very cheap, very quickly goes from bolter to chainsword/pistol), Hellfire Bolter (does continuous damage over period of time to infantry, acid), Kraken Bolter (bit better against armor), Tempest Bolter (stuns enemies)
Marine Squad Sergeant (Sergeant)
-starts with powerfist. Upgrades to force hammer upon research
Assault Squad (Assault Marine Squad)
-Grey helmets
-Armed with default Power Swords / pistols
-Ability: Jump – less cooldown but shorter jump range than vanilla SM assault marines
Assault Squad Sergeant (Sergeant)
-Armed with default power sword and storm shield. Upgrades to power axe with research
Devastator Marine Squad (Devastator Squad)
-blue helmets
-Default weapon: bolter
-Upgradable with research to plasma cannon (decent against both infantry and vehicle but more expensive and slower to upgrade), frag missile launcher (anti-infantry, can knock one or two enemies off their feet at a time), krak missile launcher (anti-vehicle), inferno missile launcher (sets a small area on fire, doing damage to infantry standing at that spot. Like a mini-version of the IG Hellhound’s ability. Ultimately does more damage than frag missile, but requires that the enemy remain stationary)
Devastator Marine Squad Sergeant (Sergeant)
-Starts off the same as tactical squad sergeant. sword/pistol
-With research, becomes armed with default heavy bolter
-With research, heavy bolter becomes a lascannon
Bike Squad
-primarily ranged attack
-buildable from the machine cult.
-takes vehicle cap
Bike Squad Sergeant (Sergeant)
-boosts health/morale
Veteran Squad (Sternguard Veterans)
-White helmets. Some other white markings
-Would be great if some could be in Mark II or Mark III armor (borrow from horus heresy mod?)
-unbreakable, like Khorne berserkers
-Ideally would have some guys in Mark 3 or even Mark 2 armor
-Hardcap 1
-Good in melee and range. Very versatile
Veteran Squad Sergeant (Veteran-Sergeant)
-one of two possible sergeants for Veteran Squad (other is standard bearer)
-standard sergeant, back banner, chainsword, pistol
-morale boost. Small health boost
Standard Bearer
-one of two possible sergeants for Veteran Squad (other is veteran-sergeant)
-requires relic
-Small boost to morale. Small boost to health.
-Ability: Battle Honours - temporarily improves stats of all non-vehicle IF units in a radius around it
Terminator Squad (First Company Squad)
-hardcap 2.
-melee only
-default thunderhammers
-upgrade power swords
Terminator Squad Sergeant (Terminator Praeses)
-Terminator with a helmet stripe and maybe some gold fixtures
-bonus against (only him though) monsters/daemons
-Should be one of two T1 commander (other is techmarine) buildable from the barracks right from the beginning.
-Should look more like the Black Templar chaplain rather than the vanilla SM one.
Techmarine (Master Techmarine)
-Built at HQ right from the beginning
-One of two T-1 heroes (other is Chaplain). Decent but not spectacular in melee
-can repair
-Is retinue, should be able to reinforce with one Thunderfire Cannon (can be mocked up as a vanilla land raider pintle gun on top of a steel legion cyclops)
-can summon (drop pod animation) free immobile turrets with a fairly medium-short cooldown time
-Raises morale and health.
Retinue Leader (Honor Guard)
-powerful melee. Tactical sergeants model wearing a white helmet. Not wearing a banner.. Wearing a SM vanilla force commander cape.
-Should have a vermillion starburst tattooed on his forehead
-Ability: Psychic Fist (same as smite)
-Ability: Might of the Ancients (gives nearby squads temporary better melee damage)
-Ability: Force Shield (gives nearby squads temporary better resistance to damage)
Captain (Captain)
-T2/T3 command squad. 1 Max, alternative leader of a retinue commander squad (other is Force Commander). Does not require a relic to build. Resembles the vanilla SM force commander.
Company Champion
-T2/T3 commander. Close combat monster. Requires a living chaplain to build. Has Furious Charge and is deadly against commanders/monsters/daemons. Vulnerable to swarms of lesser units
Force Commander (Master of the Marches)
-T2/T3 commander. 1 Max, alternative leader of a retinue commander squad. Requires relic to build. The most heavily ornate commander unit model you can find, like a fully decked out Force Commander from the Soulstorm campaign.
Captain Lysander
-Require relic
-May build instead of Venerable Dreadnought
-Should be nearly a Daemon Prince in toughness. Can teleport. Good against everything but very slow. His death animation is the same as him teleporting, IE, he teleports back to orbit/a rear area
-has a small terminator retinue
-shares cap with Razorback (3)
-Requires techmarine on the field
-transports 1 squad at a time
-Ability: Can fire smoke
-with research, you lose the option to build Rhinos and gain ability to build Razorbacks
-shares cap with Rhino (3)
-has decent attack for an early vehicle
-buildable at vehicle building
Land Speeder (Land Speeder Tornado)
-default multimelta
-upgrade to assault cannon
Dreadnought (Ironclad Dreadnought)
-melee only dreadnought
-Very resistant to damage, very good against heavy infantry
-Seismic Hammer and Power
-Ability: launches a spread of mortars from its back-mounted Ironclad Assault Launcher
Siege Dreadnought (Siege Dreadnought)
-especially good against vehicles and buildings
-Armed with and Assault Drill and Inferno Cannon
-Good against light infantry at (short range)
-Good against vehicles and buildings in melee
-moves more slowly than other dreadnoughts
Venerable Dreadnought
-hardcap 1
-Does not require relic
-may be built instead of Lysander
-good against everything
-all vanilla dreadnought weapons upgrades
-Hardcap one
-Fires a spread of missiles in rapid succession rather than one at a time. Slow cooldown
-Hardcap 2, shares hardcap with Predator Annilhilator and Fellblade
-Better against infantry and buildings
Predator Annihilator
-Hardcap 2, shares hardcap with Vindicator and Fellblade
-better against vehicles
-Hardcap 1, shares hardcap with Predator Annilhilator and Vindicator but takes up 2 hardcaps when you build one
-Ruinously expensive
-does not require relic
-takes tons of vehicle cap.
Land Raider
-T4 superunit, weaker than the Land Raider Achilles
-does not require relic to build
-ruinously expensive
-takes tons of vehicle cap
LandRaider Achilles
-T4 superunit, more damage than Land Raider
-ruinously expensive
-Tougher than vanilla land raider.
-requires relic to build
-no transport capacity
-shorter range
Additional Gameplay Ideas
-I imagined a couple things would work together to give off the IF’s siege feel: Techmarine calling down free turrets left and right, the entrenching scouts, “hold position” tac marines, and missile heavy devastators
-There’s the contradiction between the IF’s supposed close adherence to the Codex and their very un-Codex Terran sword philosophies. So as a compromise you can turn your tac squad into a decent melee squad in a jiffy (chainsword would a very quick/cheap weapons upgrade), plus the melee heavy focus of other units.
-make squads a little slower reinforcing generally, but faster reinforcing when next to a rhino/razorback.
-devastators have a little slower movement speed than tac marines
-Listening posts have a weak gun to start even before upgraded
-At later tiers, one of the IF buildings should have a big battleship gun on it that can be used to fire a salvo of bombardment shots anywhere (or almost anywhere) on the map. Should have a cooldown like IG HQ detect ability. Very similar to an IG earthshaker shot, very good against infantry, less against vehicles/buildings. Enemy should be able to hear booms of the guns firing and whistling of incoming shells a little while before impacts (enough time to flee if he’s quick on his feet). Maybe stick a big skyward facing baneblade turret on one of the buildings, the HQ or a Tech Building perhaps. The Steel Legion stubby basilisk shells, maybe enlarged slightly and colored in IF yellow/red/black could work.
-Orbital Bombardment should be a creeping barrage by a low flying IF gunship
-Techmarine gives a small global bonus to vehicles
-The IF are very by-the-book and less dependent on inspirational leaders. Commanders/sergeants should give less bonuses than their vanilla SM counterparts
-Squads have slightly better morale than their SM counterparts, but once broken take slightly longer to recover morale. The IF have this whole neurotic shame/penance thing going on
-HQ has Auspex Pulse ability. For 20 seconds, all listening posts get slightly better sight radius and can detect cloaked units. However for 20 seconds, listening posts are all revealed to the enemy (can see whether they are damaged, whether upgraded or not, etc). The idea is that IF aren’t as great about stealth as other factions (doing stealth and countering stealth). Also lets the enemy know you have great defenses
ToDo (Aug 01.2011)
1) Units
2) Spottings
All of them.
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
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Posted 02 September 2010 - 02:51 PM
Each using the following:
Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Each using the following:
Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Note for Sergeants:
For Sergeants just add 7 unique Unit_Complete, and 3 unique Selection, Move, Attack, and Death voice scripts. The rest of the script will be inherited from the squad they come from.
Each using the following:
Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Each using the following:
Notes: [1-2 sentence description of this unit/squad so voice actor can play the part]
Ability1: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability2: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability3: [voice script what unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units]
Ability4: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
Ability5: [voice script what unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units]
SPOTTINGS (2 of each - spoken by Tier1 main infantry):
Vanilla Factions
Dark Eldar
Imperial Guard
Sisters of Battle
Space Marines
User Factions
Space Marine Chapters
Black Templars
Blood Angels
Blood Ravens
Crimson Fists
Dark Angels
Fallen Angels
Imperial Fists
Iron Hands
Legion of the Damned
Raven Guard
Red Scorpions
Space Wolves/13th Company
White Scars
Chaos Legions
Alpha Legion
Black Legion
Death Guard
Emperors Children
Iron Warriors
Night Lords
Red Corsairs
Thousand Sons
World Eaters
Word Bearers
Imperial Guard
Death Korps of Kreig
Last Chancer's/13th Penal Legion
Steel Legions
Tanith First & Only (Gaunt's Ghosts)
Inquisition Daemonhunt
Daemon (need 3x)
Monstrosity (need 3x)
Enemy (need 8x)
Tanks(need 3x)
HQ Building [name?]
HQ Addon/Upgrade1 [name?]
HQ Addon/Upgrade2 [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Barracks [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Armoury [name?]
Wargear Research Upgrade1 [name?]
Wargear Research Upgrade2 [name?]
Infantry Accuracy Research Upgrade1 [name?]
Infantry Accuracy Research Upgrade2 [name?]
Infantry Health Research Upgrade1 [name?]
Infantry Health Research Upgrade2 [name?]
Commander Health Research Upgrade1 [name?]
Commander Health Research Upgrade2 [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Tech Building (Tier2) [name?]
Commander Feature Upgrade1 [name?]
Commander Feature Upgrade2 [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Vehicle Building (Tier2) [name?]
Vehicle Research Upgrade: [name?]
Tier3-4 Research Upgrade: [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Advanced Tech Building (Tier3) [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Listening Post [name?]
Listening Post Addon1: [name?]
Listening Post Addon2: [name?]
Requisition Research Upgrade1: [name?]
Requisition Research Upgrade2: [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Generator [name?]
Power Research Upgrade1: [name?]
Power Research Upgrade2: [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Large Generator [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Turret [name?]
Turret Addon1: [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Mines [name?]
Selection1: [building sound?]
Take your time of these and submit each unit as it comes.
Other things to keep in mind..
1) Keep each line to a max of, say, 40 words. No need for run-on sentences.
2) Single worded lines like "Acknowledged" or "Yes" are ok here and there but please use infrequently.
3) When spelling I word that is VERY hard to say verbally please try to break the word down so the voice actor who may not know War40k fluff/codecs can say it. There are factions in War40k that have names that are bizarre so the voice actor will need to understand the word and how to deliver it. ie. Macragge [pronounced "Mac - raaj"]
4) No need to put the scripts in quotes "".
Also to clarify the above:
Capture = when the squad or unit is commanded to go to a Strategic/Criticial/Relic point to commence the capture of it.
Capped = when the squad or unit has successfully captured such a point.
Charge = when the squad or unit issues a mighty battlecry before heading into combat so as to inspire fellow troops/allies and demoralize the enemy.
Combat = when the squad or unit is directly right in the fray/center of the battle and ushers a comment about the situation basically taunting the enemy.
Under_Fire = when the squad or unit finds itself being attacked by the enemy but taking real minor damage.
Damage = when the squad or unit is being hurt light to moderately by the enemy (for a squad, this is before morale is broken).
If you have ANY questions about anything above fire away..
ie. Unless you are familiar with the Dawn of War game mechanic re: capturing and capping map points such points giving extra income and strategic supremacy to the player when a squad or individual unit commences capturing the point then finishing the capture. Such voice scripts are meant for this part.
Always assume a unit/squad's abilities will be of two kinds:
1) provide a voice script of what a unit would say when using a targeted ability to damage enemy units
2) provide a voice script of what a unit would say when using a self-use ability to protect self or nearby fellow/allied units
ie. even if the Commissar could, say, call an Orbital Strike that targets a local area on the battlefield which hurts all enemies near to the affected zone a generic Commissar script could say: "Perish you unworthy filth!" The key is to be somewhat generic with both those ability types mentioned above. This will cover many possibilities.
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
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Posted 25 April 2011 - 04:27 PM
Unit_Complete1: Let’s purge them
Unit_Complete2: Here and now
Unit_Complete3: My fists are ready
Unit_Complete4: Alright, I'm here
Unit_Complete5: My body is here
Selection1: Yes my brother
Selection2: Do you need assistance
Selection3: I am loyal
Selection4: Give me a task
Selection5: Yes brother?
Selection6: What is of need
Selection7:Give me a command
Move1: You need me here
Move2: Let us make steed
Move3: Arrival imminent
Move4: Are my brothers ready
Move5: My haste is fast
Move6: I will be there shortly
Move7: I will rendezvous with my servants
Attack1: redeem your self for the emperor
Attack2: Die foul one
Attack3: My blade will taste your blood
Attack4: The yellow haze is above your soul
Attack5: My blade will pierce your soul
Attack6: I will slay you.
Attack7: You will suffer.
Capture1: I will capture it
Capture2: The chapter requires it
Capture3: It will be ours, for the emperor
Capped1: Taken for Dorn and the chapter
Capped2: I will hold until needed elsewhere
Capped3: Imperial Fists reign here
Join1: I will heed our will
Join2: I will receive the emperor wish
Join3: They will fear our might brothers
Detach1: Others require my skill
Detach2: I will be in your range brothers
Load_Transport1: Take me forth
Load_Transport2: Quickly others require me!
Unload_Transport1: There is much needed of me
Unload_Transport2: The emperor will reward you
Morale_Break1: My will is losing
Morale_Break2: I cannot take some much
Morale_Break3: Even I need aid from the emperor
Morale_Restored1: I am worthy again
Morale_Restored2: My vengeance is now
Morale_Restored3: Or what you have done you shall die
Charge1: Charge brothers!
Charge2: We shall make them wish for mercy
Charge3: Die foul scum
Jump_Teleport1: Into the warp
Jump_Teleport2: I will strike from the skies
Deepstrike1: From here i will strike them down
Deepstrike2: Go Now For the emperor
Ability1: Try not to survive this
Ability2: You will fear this monster
Ability3: If pain becomes you
Ability4: I will make the emperor become within us!
Ability5: With this none our yellow fists will rise!
Combat1: Pain is nothing it just an illusion
Combat2: Can you feel my blade demon!
Combat3: You shall give in monster
Under_Fire1: Hold the line brothers!
Under_Fire2: My Pain will make you fear me more!
Under_Fire3: Fear not brothers we shall overcome this.
Damage1: My blood is just my thirst for your death!
Damage2: Pain powers my yellow fist!
Damage3: That is nothing!
Death1: Remember the objective!
Death2: Recover me!
Death3: Ahhhh the pain eats me!
Death4: Grrr i have failed Dorn and the emperor
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
Latest DoW Advanced AI Download!
Posted 26 April 2011 - 12:37 PM
Edited by jONES1979, 26 April 2011 - 12:38 PM.
Posted 26 April 2011 - 01:38 PM
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
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Posted 26 April 2011 - 02:32 PM
It is done but wasn't aware a marine chapter could have such an Imperial Tank (Fellblade) in its army. Kind would look out of places compared to a LandRaider or Thunderhawk BUT its added now.
Are you seen this book before?
Posted 26 April 2011 - 02:39 PM
However, I do love them alot.
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
Latest DoW Advanced AI Download!
Posted 04 July 2011 - 03:29 PM
Since there are two Apoc formations dedicated exact to Imperial Fists, (each with own unique features) ...
... I suggest that must be a 2 or 3 scripts for each battle formation appear on the map. Something like "Beware enemies of Imperium, the Vengeance Task Force deployed for .... .... ...."
I sure, you are intrigued, how it will works, how it will plays in DoW, so, there is a case-example:
in Tier4, in the HQ or in the Orbital_Relay structure, besides original squad buttons, the new "squad" button appears, it calls "Vengeance Task Force" (for ex.). This "squad" is VERY expensive. Like uber-unit or even higher, When a player deepstike this "squad" (in this moment we are hear that voice-script which I request), a several squads deployed (instead of usual one): 2 or 3 terminator squads + First Captain + maybe a Librarian/Chaplain. This set of squads is the Task Force itself.
Because of his high cost, all squads are deployed almost in Full Strength and as it described in fluff, this formation able to even turn course of battle.
Edited by jONES1979, 04 July 2011 - 03:52 PM.
Posted 04 July 2011 - 04:31 PM
WHOAA WHOOAAA what? How did you get a deepstrike to cause multiple units to appear around the deepstrike zone on a single click? We wanted to do that with a DropPod HellStorm where the user clicks an area to deepstrike a random # of pre-upgraded bolter turrets. Would be nasty!When a player deepstike this "squad" (in this moment we are hear that voice-script which I request), a several squads deployed (instead of usual one): 2 or 3 terminator squads + First Captain + maybe a Librarian/Chaplain.
So far we accomplished a Hellstorm using child abilities but that only worked for Droppods.. units don't as they don't appear.
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
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Posted 04 July 2011 - 04:39 PM
Yes, it can be coded via ability with child abilities.So far we accomplished a Hellstorm using child abilities but that only worked for Droppods.. units don't as they don't appear.
So, currently, I want to save this feature as unique, unitl mod will released
For example, Some moders asked me about Thunderhawk-flyer-with-landing_and_taking_off model, like in DA mod, but I rejected all requests, because of your desire that such TH will be the unique feature of DA race.
Edited by jONES1979, 04 July 2011 - 04:58 PM.
Posted 04 July 2011 - 05:02 PM
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
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Posted 04 July 2011 - 05:32 PM
Yep, Fun and Original
Btw, you already can deepstike whole untis at once, if you press a deepstrike button on UI, instead of clicking each unit separately. There is even a hot-key for this to deepstrike a whole bunch of units at once without having to first build them all then deepstrike each one.
Edited by jONES1979, 04 July 2011 - 05:33 PM.
Posted 04 July 2011 - 05:43 PM
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
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Posted 19 July 2011 - 05:29 PM
- The soul of the Imperial Fist can be found in his sword!
- Pain is the wine of communion with heroes!
- Pain is a lesson that the universe teaches us!
- Pain is the healing, purifying scalpel of our souls.
- Pain is the alembic which transmutes mere mortal into immortal
... and so on
- Let Dorn’s light flush away the deathly darkness. (Suitable for any Commander)
- "The wise warrior plans out his actions meticulously." (Suitable for Techmarine or Commander)
Edited by jONES1979, 20 July 2011 - 06:03 AM.
Posted 19 July 2011 - 05:36 PM
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
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Posted 23 July 2011 - 08:46 PM
What about to update the some of Land Raiders scripts, with "Achilles" word? So modder can select which exact phrases add to the real mod set (with "Achilles" word or without it)
Unit_Complete1: Land Raider at your disposal!
Unit_Complete1a: Achilles at your disposal!
Move1: Land Raider is on the way!
Move1a: Achilles is on the way!
I'm not really asking about creating the new set of scripts for "LR Achilles" specifically (But of course, it would be also good)
Edited by jONES1979, 23 July 2011 - 08:49 PM.
Posted 23 July 2011 - 10:30 PM
Yes I can add a Achilles-only IF LandRaider if you wish and get those voiced.
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
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Posted 31 July 2011 - 04:57 PM
HQ Addon/Upgrade1: [Disciplined Assault]
HQ Addon/Upgrade2: [March of the Righteous]
Selection1: [Sound of a many fists clash against ceramite chests plates in salute]
Barracks [Oathed Garrison]
Selection1: [Many marine voices say “Hail!”]
Armoury [Arms of Angels]
Wargear Research Upgrade1 [Master Crafted Arms]
Wargear Research Upgrade2 [Huscarl Relics]
Infantry Accuracy Research Upgrade1 [Firing Rites]
Infantry Accuracy Research Upgrade2 [Way of the Prusse]
Infantry Health Research Upgrade1 [Blessing of the Pain-Glove]
Infantry Health Research Upgrade2 [Penance in Battle]
Commander Health Research Upgrade1 [Honor of the Praetorian]
Commander Health Research Upgrade2 [Disciple of Rhetoricus]
Selection1: [Ringing steel of swords clashing]
Tech Building (Tier2) [Sanctis Terra]
Commander Feature Upgrade1 [Veteran of Duels]
Commander Feature Upgrade1 [Bone Scribed Memories]
Selection1: [Three notes by a Church chorus]
Vehicle Building (Tier2) [Siege Machinea]
Vehicle Research Upgrade: [Armor of Terra]
Tier3-4 Research Upgrade: [Wrath Imperial]
Selection1: [Heavy grinding gears]
Advanced Tech Building [Dorn’s Honor]
Selection1: [Quiet Humming]
Listening Post [Defense Sigil]
Listening Post Addon1: [Defense Gun]
Listening Post Addon2: [Defense Cannon]
Requisition Research Upgrade1: [Honor’s Due]
Requisition Research Upgrade2: [Five Spheres War]
Selection1: [Long continuous scanning sound]
Generator [Flame of Remembrance]
Power Research Upgrade1: [Incandescence]
Power Research Upgrade2: [Plasma Inferno]
Selection1: [standard generator sound]
Large Generator [Flame of Contrition]
Selection1: [standard slag generator sound]
Turret [Fortification]
Turret Addon1: [Missile Battery]
Selection1: [standard turret sound]
Mines [Caltops]
Selection1: [Beeping]
-IF should have flat-top crewcut hair
-some or all the IF should be blond
-most IF should be in yellow armor, but for some heroes, the armor might have a metallic sheen (gold and shiny red)
-like vanilla SM servitor, repair more quickly when close to the Techmarine
Scout Squad (Neophyte Squad)
-4 man squad
-primarily melee unit (pistol and combat knife)
-has Fortify ability: can set up like a heavy weapons team and each scout gets a little heavy weapons sandbag circle and sniper rifle
-no stealth upgrade. Instead have health / melee damage upgrade
Scout Sergeant (Veteran-Sergeant)
-tactical marine model (with helmet on) with a sergeant banner on its back. Has bolter
-no change when squad use ability to set up
Marine Squad (Imperial Fist Squad)
-Slightly most costly than vanilla SM Tactical squads. Better bolter accuracy and damage than vanilla tactical, but bolters have a setup time and do not fire when moving. Slightly better melee damage. In short, they are great for holding their ground, a little less so rapid maneuvers
-3/4 of squad upgradable with Chainsword (very cheap, very quickly goes from bolter to chainsword/pistol), Hellfire Bolter (does continuous damage over period of time to infantry, acid), Kraken Bolter (bit better against armor), Tempest Bolter (stuns enemies)
Marine Squad Sergeant (Sergeant)
-starts with powerfist. Upgrades to force hammer upon research
Assault Squad (Assault Marine Squad)
-Grey helmets
-Armed with default Power Swords / pistols
-Ability: Jump – less cooldown but shorter jump range than vanilla SM assault marines
Assault Squad Sergeant (Sergeant)
-Armed with default power sword and storm shield. Upgrades to power axe with research
Devastator Marine Squad (Devastator Squad)
-blue helmets
-Default weapon: bolter
-Upgradable with research to plasma cannon (decent against both infantry and vehicle but more expensive and slower to upgrade), frag missile launcher (anti-infantry, can knock one or two enemies off their feet at a time), krak missile launcher (anti-vehicle), inferno missile launcher (sets a small area on fire, doing damage to infantry standing at that spot. Like a mini-version of the IG Hellhound’s ability. Ultimately does more damage than frag missile, but requires that the enemy remain stationary)
Devastator Marine Squad Sergeant (Sergeant)
-Starts off the same as tactical squad sergeant. sword/pistol
-With research, becomes armed with default heavy bolter
-With research, heavy bolter becomes a lascannon
Bike Squad
-primarily ranged attack
-buildable from the machine cult.
-takes vehicle cap
Bike Squad Sergeant (Sergeant)
-boosts health/morale
Veteran Squad (Sternguard Veterans)
-White helmets. Some other white markings
-Would be great if some could be in Mark II or Mark III armor (borrow from horus heresy mod?)
-unbreakable, like Khorne berserkers
-Ideally would have some guys in Mark 3 or even Mark 2 armor
-Hardcap 1
-Good in melee and range. Very versatile
Veteran Squad Sergeant (Veteran-Sergeant)
-one of two possible sergeants for Veteran Squad (other is standard bearer)
-standard sergeant, back banner, chainsword, pistol
-morale boost. Small health boost
Standard Bearer
-one of two possible sergeants for Veteran Squad (other is veteran-sergeant)
-requires relic
-Small boost to morale. Small boost to health.
-Ability: Battle Honours - temporarily improves stats of all non-vehicle IF units in a radius around it
Terminator Squad (First Company Squad)
-hardcap 2.
-melee only
-default thunderhammers
-upgrade power swords
Terminator Squad Sergeant (Terminator Praeses)
-Terminator with a helmet stripe and maybe some gold fixtures
-bonus against (only him though) monsters/daemons
-Should be one of two T1 commander (other is techmarine) buildable from the barracks right from the beginning.
-Should look more like the Black Templar chaplain rather than the vanilla SM one.
Techmarine (Master Techmarine)
-Built at HQ right from the beginning
-One of two T-1 heroes (other is Chaplain). Decent but not spectacular in melee
-can repair
-Is retinue, should be able to reinforce with one Thunderfire Cannon (can be mocked up as a vanilla land raider pintle gun on top of a steel legion cyclops)
-can summon (drop pod animation) free immobile turrets with a fairly medium-short cooldown time
-Raises morale and health.
Retinue Leader (Honor Guard)
-powerful melee. Tactical sergeants model wearing a white helmet. Not wearing a banner.. Wearing a SM vanilla force commander cape.
-Should have a vermillion starburst tattooed on his forehead
-Ability: Psychic Fist (same as smite)
-Ability: Might of the Ancients (gives nearby squads temporary better melee damage)
-Ability: Force Shield (gives nearby squads temporary better resistance to damage)
Captain (Captain)
-T2/T3 command squad. 1 Max, alternative leader of a retinue commander squad (other is Force Commander). Does not require a relic to build. Resembles the vanilla SM force commander.
Company Champion
-T2/T3 commander. Close combat monster. Requires a living chaplain to build. Has Furious Charge and is deadly against commanders/monsters/daemons. Vulnerable to swarms of lesser units
Force Commander (Master of the Marches)
-T2/T3 commander. 1 Max, alternative leader of a retinue commander squad. Requires relic to build. The most heavily ornate commander unit model you can find, like a fully decked out Force Commander from the Soulstorm campaign.
Captain Lysander
-Require relic
-May build instead of Venerable Dreadnought
-Should be nearly a Daemon Prince in toughness. Can teleport. Good against everything but very slow. His death animation is the same as him teleporting, IE, he teleports back to orbit/a rear area
-has a small terminator retinue
-shares cap with Razorback (3)
-Requires techmarine on the field
-transports 1 squad at a time
-Ability: Can fire smoke
-with research, you lose the option to build Rhinos and gain ability to build Razorbacks
-shares cap with Rhino (3)
-has decent attack for an early vehicle
-buildable at vehicle building
Land Speeder (Land Speeder Tornado)
-default multimelta
-upgrade to assault cannon
Dreadnought (Ironclad Dreadnought)
-melee only dreadnought
-Very resistant to damage, very good against heavy infantry
-Seismic Hammer and Power
-Ability: launches a spread of mortars from its back-mounted Ironclad Assault Launcher
Siege Dreadnought (Siege Dreadnought)
-especially good against vehicles and buildings
-Armed with and Assault Drill and Inferno Cannon
-Good against light infantry at (short range)
-Good against vehicles and buildings in melee
-moves more slowly than other dreadnoughts
Venerable Dreadnought
-hardcap 1
-Does not require relic
-may be built instead of Lysander
-good against everything
-all vanilla dreadnought weapons upgrades
-Hardcap one
-Fires a spread of missiles in rapid succession rather than one at a time. Slow cooldown
-Hardcap 2, shares hardcap with Predator Annilhilator and Fellblade
-Better against infantry and buildings
Predator Annihilator
-Hardcap 2, shares hardcap with Vindicator and Fellblade
-better against vehicles
-Hardcap 1, shares hardcap with Predator Annilhilator and Vindicator but takes up 2 hardcaps when you build one
-Ruinously expensive
-does not require relic
-takes tons of vehicle cap.
Land Raider
-T4 superunit, weaker than the Land Raider Achilles
-does not require relic to build
-ruinously expensive
-takes tons of vehicle cap
LandRaider Achilles
-T4 superunit, more damage than Land Raider
-ruinously expensive
-Tougher than vanilla land raider.
-requires relic to build
-no transport capacity
-shorter range
Edited by goldenhorde, 31 July 2011 - 05:06 PM.
Posted 31 July 2011 - 05:10 PM
Sure, I will utilize very much from your ideas.
Just want to mention that FellBlade is a much more "relic" super-heavy tank than any Land Raider, because of it is a true surviving legacy of Horus Heresy times. ...At least until ForgeWorld will release a new rule for them (by rumors).
Edited by jONES1979, 31 July 2011 - 05:16 PM.
Posted 31 July 2011 - 05:54 PM
Is there also any additional gameplay features/innovative tactics to set IF apart from other DoW1 factions when played in-game?
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