Please vote in this poll and post opinion and information of your region (plus available time to play).
Me and dcesarec have discussed about the tournament rules and tree. He has posted the tournament tree on this website (under construction). Please check the tournament tree there.
Here are the rules...
General Rules
- No bug exploitation
- All players will contest against one another in the first round
- Final round (contest for Winner of the Tourny) will be 2 of 3 matches
- First round time is increased, expected 3-4 weeks
- 2 more days can be petitioned in case of RL issues
1st Round
All vs All >>> 8 Top Score to 2nd Round
2nd Round
8p >>> setup a tree using random function >>> 4p made it to 3rd Round
4p >>> 2 knockout and 2 Final
Contest for 3rd and Final match (2 of 3)
Hamachi Network
Name: Contra_Tournament
PWD: 4321
** Only contestants are allowed.
- Score would be used in Contra Ladder and Hall of Fame
- Joining a tournament gains +1
- Winning a game in 1st and 2nd rounds gains +1/match
- 1st Place Winner gains +3
- 2st Place Winner gains +2
Game Setting
- Tournament mode on
- $10k
- Faction choosing is allowed
- Random starting location
- 1st Round (Group): Forgotten Forest / Bombardment Beach / Barren Badlands (choice)
- 2nd Round (Knockout): Barren Badlands
- Semi-final: Winter Wolf
- 3rd Place Contest: Bitter Winters
- FINAL: 1# Bitter Winters 2# Bombardment Beach 3# Tournament Desert
- Winner of each match must submit the replay
- Me and dcesarec would be replay reviewers
- Third party reviewer can be requested on demand
- Send replay to
These are considered exploitation.
- GPS scrambler on Rebel Biker (so that he can capture without showing himself)
- Demo Trap Attack as Stealth Gen (Stealth Worker deploying demo trap at opponent base early game)
- Use Laser Gen Electricity net connection before building first power plant to boost build speed
- Demo Gen Radar Van anti fake unit ability that can destroy buildings with 0% completion state
- Hackers disabling neutral buildings for EXP exploit
- Recycling Desert Cruiser in Tournament mode for more than one Desert Cruiser
- Intentionally Signal Mines Attack*
* Signal Mines can destroy 0% structure. If the victim of this exploit has lower than $10k after this attack, he can appeal for rematch. Since it's hard to detect. Reviewers would judge the situation again before ordering a rematch.
Current Player List
1. Creator [UTC+3, Russia]
2. Casojin [UTC+7, Thailand]
3. Dcesarec [UTC+1, Croatia]
4. Dr.Lord [UTC+1, Serbia]
5. Lil Tasman [UTC-5, USA]
6. Su8perkillr [UTC+1, Netherlands]
7. ApOcOlYpS [UTC-6, USA]
8. Lukas45
9. Pawel [UTC+1, Poland]
10. Cappy [UTC+1, Netherlands]
11. Zorro [UTC+7, Thailand]
12. Alukard [UTC+3, Russia]
13. PlayerKSE [UTC+5, Kazakhstan]
14. John1992on [UTC+2, Ukraine]
15. Roronoa [UTC+5, Kazakhstan]
16. Sayapo [UTC+2, Ukraine]
17. St.anger [UTC+3, Russia]
18. Feanor [UTC+3, Russia]
19. Maks [UTC+3, Russia]
20. GolDen [UTC+2, Ukraine]
21. Galil [UTC+3, Russia]
22. Fafniros [UTC+1, Tunisia]
23. Angel [UTC+8, Russia]
Edited by Creator, 02 November 2010 - 01:35 PM.