Basically, do not revive topics older than a couple of months unless you have something relevant to say.
Something relevant includes:
- Adding to the discussion with a problem of your own.
- Solving someone else's problem (unless the topic is very old, in which case, consider it dead).
- Posting some sort of new findings relating to the topic at hand.
Something relevant does not include:
- Complimenting someone on work that they posted months (or even years) prior.
- Commenting on something or someone for no obvious reason.
- Advertising your mod.
- Asking for help in a completely unrelated topic.
- Trying to strike up a conversation.
- Trying to chat up any of the forum members.
- Discussing the latest sandwich fillings.
- I could go on, you know...
Hopefully, you get the idea. If you extensively necropost, I will authorise the moderators to raise your warning level. Also, you will have this on your conscience:
C&C Guild Leader.