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Your ideas

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#1 Zla_Khata

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Posted 04 January 2011 - 04:55 PM

So, this topic is created for you to spam here all your fantasies about what could be brought to the game. Needles to say, the best ideas will be featured in the future mod

#2 Guest_Hellsevil22_*

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Posted 15 April 2011 - 02:09 PM

I know u probably don't have plans for a 4th faction, but considering it's a borderline world war wouldn't it be feasible to assume the existence of an American faction? not US probably but maybe a continental alliance with nations from North and South America or some back story explaining why the Americas are staying out? maybe there's a plague or they're at war with each other or they all hav sexy time in underwarez in friendly non Euro way XD


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