My mod need more members
i m working to:
New Factions:
And Improve some factions:
Angmar = Gundbad
Men Spilit to two factions:
Elves Spilit to two factions:
1-High Elves
2-Wood Elves
New Sub-Factions:
1-Morgul 2-Dol Guldor For Mordor
1-Pelargir and Lossarnach 2-ithilien For Gondor
1-Cirith Ungol 2-Misty mountain For Goblins
1-Eastfold 2-Westfold for rohan
1-Grey Havens 2-Rivendell for High Elves
1-Iron hills 2-Ered Luin for Dwarves
1-Far Harad for Harad
1-Angmar for Gundbad
1-Dunland for Isengard
New Ring Heroes:
Harad: Mardat
Rhun: Khamul
Mordor: Sauron
Isengard: ??? Welcome for idea
Goblins: Smaug
Gundabad: Morgoth
High Elves: Fingolfin
Silvan Elves: Oropher
Gondor: Anárion
Rohan: Eorl
Arnor: Isildur
Dwarves: Durin
Dale: Brand The Bowman
New Unit system:
No Upgrades for units but u can create them By Upgrading the forge, Blacksmith (all forges and blacksmith max level is 15)
edit in inn system
Inn sub-factions:
Harad: Umbar
Mordor: Goblins Haradrim Easterlings
Goblins: Dragons (3 Dragon Heroes and 1 Half-Dragon Horde)
Gondor: Dundeien
Rohan: Ents
High Elves: Silvan Elves
Silvan Elves: High Elves
Arnor: Numenor
Gundbad: Barad Dur
Isengard: Mordor
Dwarves: Dale
Dale: Dwarves
i will stop in this and i will complete the later
The mod progress
Edited by lordkarranyi, 01 June 2011 - 12:35 PM.