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Kane's Wrath Mod SDK - WrathEd 1.0 Released

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#1 Stygs

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Posted 12 September 2011 - 03:31 PM

WrathEd is finally released as a full version and with most of the features.
It is fully functional and works as both the compiler and a viewer that can load single big files or complete skudef files and view it's contents. This makes it the first tool that can decompile everything it can compile.

Lauren still has to add w3d as in models and animations, and audio files. Other then that there is just some minor AI stuff left to add.

It comes as a bundle like the original TW Mod SDK which includes a sample mod and a simple batch file to compile your mod. A documentation isn't done yet but it is worked on and should be available soon.

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Edited by Stygs, 12 September 2011 - 04:01 PM.

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