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Pr: The Foxtrot Code- Update #3

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#1 DetroyT(RU)

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  • Location:St. Peterburg

Posted 08 October 2011 - 07:36 PM

Since I decided to mod a consistent and thorough process of creation will look like this:
I first make a general and decorated the rank system (done), then be:
-The initial model points to capture cities
-Make a special card first to test new foxtrot geymleynogo process.
(Capture of cities)
Let me remind you if there is now khalyavnyy resources will not be next to the player, the money will go ..
-when will be ready to model and map will be completed yet GLA and China and then Alpha version which may be the last if the idea fails.

Now for an update: Purely gameplay and effects.
Six-minute video with different tactics to show how it will work:
http://video.yandex.ru/users/detroyt-rus/view/21/ # hq :popcorn:

1) 2 types of ordnance detonation tank-light white smoke and heavy with black
2) The main explosion of the tank and its variants for different sizes
3) Variants of the fire in the building-a small, very big that the explosion of light vehicles such as Hummer
4) for missile Faerboll
5) The effect of the helicopter crash
6) Special effect for tomahawk
7) Fleet
This is something that has already been shown.
8) hotkeys from scratch
9) The alignment keys according to the new control bar
Posted Image
10) Descriptions of the rank system and the system of ranks.
It is remark that there is written that it gives each tactic.
Posted Image
11) New promotions, including assault.
Posted Image
12) The size of all the tanks with respect to the infantry.
Posted Image
13) settled the issue with a radius of some units
14) settled the range tomahawks, and other, now all it will be the same huge and increased the radius of protection.
15) Instead of the two new upgrade is the second cut the barrel at Palladin, the crusader, tomahawk (rocket)
16) Improved the effect of detonation bomb Aurors.
17) New sounds for the rank of
18) The new stealth missile detonation effect

Edited by DetroyT(RU), 08 October 2011 - 07:36 PM.

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