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#1 Pendaelose


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Posted 28 December 2011 - 07:30 PM

I've been asked by a couple players if they can help with Remix. I felt this should be talked about in the open where the old team can see it and we can all discuss it together.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#2 Pendaelose


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Posted 28 December 2011 - 08:07 PM

Converting PMs to Posts....

Basically that list that I posted a few days ago, I'm going through and making those changes as I can (nearly doubled the damage Zepplins take from gatling weapons, though that's probably extreme. Increased the speed of patriot missile weapons to 1.5 times, and their acceleration accordingly. Increased the range of GLA AA missiles (scorpion and defense site) by about 20%, and will increase range of jets and resilience of bombers to compensate). Some of my friends and I will probably be playing a lot the next few days, so I'll be tweaking balance things as we see fit. And I AM documenting my changes so I know what I did.

I agree the AA needs tweeking, especially early game AA for all factions. enough minor tweeks can have a huge impact on units. I don't think the range of jets or bombers should be changed to match... The AA needed a boost, and counter boosting aircraft kind of kills the first boost.

The Zeppelins are a special case, but I'll get to those.

But for the AI, that's all stored in the SkirmishScripts.scb file, correct? The AI.ini file just had general variables. So how do I read and edit the scb file as I didn't see anything online?

the SCB file is edited via world builder. You import and edit the scripts there. The ini is still important though, as it gives core building locations and tech tree choices.

Okay, so I figured out how to make a new weapon and so gave spider mines their own detonation attack (instead of using the SuicideDynamiteCharge they have SpiderMineSuicideDynamiteCharge which does far less damage).

Without play testing the change or seeing the numbers it's hard for me to judge the change, but it's important to keep the damage vs cost high enough that they remain useful. I used the terrorist weapon as it was an already established standard for balanced suicide damage. If the drones get nerfed then the cost and build time should reflect that, and/or health/speed needs to be raised to improve the odds of reaching the target.

I have one main question that I can't seem to find a good answer to: How does ECM work? The main aspect of that is how does something know it's jammed? The Subdual_Damage cap, if I'm right, is just a cap so that a vehicle won't take immense ECM damage and be jammed for minutes as it heals. Assuming that's true (as it makes the most sense), is the vehicle just jammed when it reaches that cap, and then unjammed when it heals? I have a feeling it takes longer than half a second for a battlemaster to come out of ECM jamming, but I could be wrong.

your description sounds about right. ECM weapons do "subdual_" damage types. If a unit's subdual damage is higher than thier health they will shut down. The cap on each unit is to prevent a huge glut of damage building up. The heal rate removes subdual damage. Typically the heal is enough to bring the unit from subdual cap to max health in a tick or two.

I'm thinking of toning down ECM by splitting the jamming aura in two. Keep the range, but the aura out to the current distance is reduced in subdual_damage. A close in aura will be stronger. This should make it so that ECM is still capable at shutting down things that get close just with the aura, especially missiles, but will give robots an easier time attacking a group with an ecm tank.

the best solution is to make the robot general's ECM defense upgrade available much sooner in the game. This will keep ECM as a fearsome weapon while not completely gimping Robot General until Tier2.

Subdual weapons have a few types of damage. Subdual_Behicle, Subdual_Infantry, Subdual_Building, Subdual_Missile, and Subdual_All.

The ECM beams do Subdual_Vehicle, and the Aura does Subdual_Missile. Robot General units are vulnerable to both until they get the upgrade. Missiles usually have a pretty high health to limit the effectiveness of AA weapons on them. This means that Subdual_Missile damage needs to be very high to work against them. If you reduce it enough to make it only moderately effective vs robots then it will be ineffective vs missiles. If you reduce the health of missiles then AA weapons will be over powered vs missiles. vicious circle.

Well that was an eventful weekend of Generals. Turns out doing 480 INFANTRY_MISSILE damage every 4 seconds is massively powerful against tanks and buildings. I was playing with the iroquois gunship, turning it into a gunship instead of a better comanche. Gave it a 4 volley heavy cannon instead of anti-tank missiles. Works better now that I halved the damage and made it JET_MISSILES instead.

Sounds like now it's a better Cobra... ... Maybe a mix of weapons would be best. It could have missiles and guns with each half the damage. The missiles can do Jet Missile while the guns do explosion damage. This would make it effective vs everything but especially effective vs tanks. It's at the peak of the Heli-tech tree so it needs to be bad ass.

My friend is sad that I took away the near invulnerability of zeeplins though.

I'm not sure I'm on board with this one... Zepplins did have crazy high health, but I they need to be really tough because they are so slow. Without a decent amount of health/armor they can't approach ground units at all. I don't remember if I gave them a unique armor type or re-used used an old one... If they have a special armor then the gattling and jet missile damages can be tweeked.

Overall I'd much rather see them take much higher damage from jets than ground units. This may involve changing the damage types on all interceptors, and basic jet armor types, but it's an option.

Anyway, mainly wanted to wish you a merry Christmas (assuming you celebrate it) and hope you enjoy your day.

Merry Christmas, or Post-Christmas, or Happy New-Years at the very least.

I had an OK Christmas, a little too high stress for my taste, but not bad at all. The kids had fun, that's what matters most.

Edited by Pendaelose, 28 December 2011 - 08:08 PM.

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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#3 ApOcOlYpS


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Posted 29 December 2011 - 03:19 PM

The AA needed a boost, and counter boosting aircraft kind of kills the first boost.

Actually, I was mainly aiming for a boost to aircraft originally. The reason for the range increase is straightflow engines makes AFG's jets fly over their target because they can't fire all their missiles before hitting minnimum range (or just getting past the target). I felt the best way to deal with this is give jet missiles slightly more range. To counter that, anti-air also got an increase in range. To improve anti-air further, most missile based anti-air got a 50% speed increase (the missiles fly 50% faster). This helps immensely because now groups of AA Scorpions can shoot one jet with about 4 missiles (to get past flares) and kill it before the other jet has moved out of range.

The main early AA that were poor were the Shu car and the GLA AA weapons (scorpions, sites, etc). The Shu was improved by changing its damage type to EXPLOSION because GATTLING is ineffective against buildings and JET_MISSILES (or anything similar) is relatively ineffective against both (this is what it started as too). It has a rather long reload weapon because it does a good amount of damage for a T0 artillery unit, though it may need a slight boost considering its cost on a technical body. The other AA was improved by making patriot missiles fly faster as I said above, and this covers almost all AA in the game. I feel Demo generals interceptor needs a slight boost if only so that it can kill helicopters, because right now it doesn't always (his ground AA is fantastic though).

but it's important to keep the damage vs cost high enough that they remain useful.

That's true, but they do only cost $50 per mine. When you make each of those $50 mines as powerful as the $125 biker one of those units has a problem. I think I put their weapon a little low on damage because it isn't too much use considering how spider mines can be countered early game (though it isn't too hard to distract guns with a few drone controllers I believe to give spider mines a straight shot). At the moment they should work as a counter infantry and counter artillery unit quite well, while still doing some damage to tanks and buildings. If your opponent doesn't have much in the way of anti-infantry defense, spider mines in relatively large groups can still destroy buildings.

the best solution is to make the robot general's ECM defense upgrade available much sooner in the game. This will keep ECM as a fearsome weapon while not completely gimping Robot General until Tier2.

That is probably best. Trouble is how much earlier because all China generals can get out ECM tanks at T0 (I'm pretty sure), and Robot's won't have enough to counter that (especially if they shell out money for the upgrade, and so don't have anything to counter tanks). Another option is have all ECM require a propaganda center, so that Robot's has a bit more chance early game, but I really like having the ECM to help against missiles, but maybe I'm wanting too much with that.

Sounds like now it's a better Cobra

It probably is, if only because it still has the 30MM vulcan gun to kill infantry. The cannon it has doesn't work against infantry since it does JET_MISSILE damage, so it's still meant as an anti-tank platform (I like playing with the damage types and mixing them around like that). However, the main reason it's armed with an anti-tank cannon is I'm kind of in an "I hate ECM and all it stands for" mindset right now. Having ANOTHER anti-tank missile weapon is just adding to the list of weapons Airforce general has that can't deal with ECM. So, the bomber tree doesn't care because it uses bombs. The helicopter tree has the Iroquois with heavy cannons (it still has rocket pods too), and the jet tree has the Rapier which, with high-explosive missiles, doesn't care too much if they're scattered. Of course, ECM will still probably knock the Iroquois out of the sky, but it's at least something that can hit tanks covered by ECM.

I'm not sure I'm on board with this one... Zepplins did have crazy high health, but I they need to be really tough because they are so slow.

Okay....before the armor change, I was playing a game as airforce. I had 7 zepplins attacking me (believe it was 6 bombers and the dread). Using a good number of avengers and a good number of interceptors, 4-5 still made it to my base. This wouldn't be a problem if it didn't mean the entire base was destroyed short my command center and a powerplant. They do an INSANE amount of damage, and do so at a pretty minimal cost. The dread has long enough range to counter anti-air with its cannons (and kills AA groups at a time), and both he and the bombers kill buildings VERY quickly when they have acids. With the armor they're at now, I can stop them with a good number of JSFs and avengers, which feels more like where they should be since if they do make it past, they kill your base rather completely. They may deserve a bit of their armor back (they do have their own armor type), but considering their cost and the massive damage they do, they don't need to be that armored.

Overall I'd much rather see them take much higher damage from jets than ground units.

I feel all this would do is make the JSF unhelpful against poisons since it does GATTLING damage, and changing it to JET_MISSILE would mean a tweak in armor to all aircraft (and again, now other jets become powerful interceptors). Although, since interceptors can't attack ground, they could just change to EXPLOSION and get a damage increase to offset the loss from 200% damage to 100%. However, GLA have no real interceptors really, and so would have no real counter, and possibly china as well. Actually, basically every general except airforce would start having issues if Zepplins got a lot of their armor back, unless they simply built insane amounts of AA defense. Oh, and the times Zepplins were walking through my base, they were ONLY zepplins. A combined assault with a few GLA tanks to deal with ground based anti-air (or a well placed and timed generals power), and you're pretty helpless.

oh, and do you want me to post the notes of what I've changed here so you can look at them? Or....something?

Edited by ApOcOlYpS, 29 December 2011 - 03:20 PM.

#4 Pendaelose


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Posted 29 December 2011 - 04:54 PM

The AA needed a boost, and counter boosting aircraft kind of kills the first boost.

Actually, I was mainly aiming for a boost to aircraft originally. The reason for the range increase is straightflow engines makes AFG's jets fly over their target because they can't fire all their missiles before hitting minnimum range (or just getting past the target). I felt the best way to deal with this is give jet missiles slightly more range. To counter that, anti-air also got an increase in range. To improve anti-air further, most missile based anti-air got a 50% speed increase (the missiles fly 50% faster). This helps immensely because now groups of AA Scorpions can shoot one jet with about 4 missiles (to get past flares) and kill it before the other jet has moved out of range.

The main early AA that were poor were the Shu car and the GLA AA weapons (scorpions, sites, etc). The Shu was improved by changing its damage type to EXPLOSION because GATTLING is ineffective against buildings and JET_MISSILES (or anything similar) is relatively ineffective against both (this is what it started as too). It has a rather long reload weapon because it does a good amount of damage for a T0 artillery unit, though it may need a slight boost considering its cost on a technical body. The other AA was improved by making patriot missiles fly faster as I said above, and this covers almost all AA in the game. I feel Demo generals interceptor needs a slight boost if only so that it can kill helicopters, because right now it doesn't always (his ground AA is fantastic though).

A speed boost to the missiles is a good thing. I've seen missiles trail an aircraft half way across the map. To fix AirF general over flying his targets you can just reduce the delay between shots on those weapons. Then you don't have to bump the range and the balance vs AA is unchanged.

Some aircraft, like the A10 are exceptions as they are designed to make several passes. They aren't well suited for base attacks, but on base defense they can kill several tanks with a single payload, so the delay is a good thing. On this note the A10 has special armor and tons of extra health to compensate.

but it's important to keep the damage vs cost high enough that they remain useful.

That's true, but they do only cost $50 per mine. When you make each of those $50 mines as powerful as the $125 biker one of those units has a problem. I think I put their weapon a little low on damage because it isn't too much use considering how spider mines can be countered early game (though it isn't too hard to distract guns with a few drone controllers I believe to give spider mines a straight shot). At the moment they should work as a counter infantry and counter artillery unit quite well, while still doing some damage to tanks and buildings. If your opponent doesn't have much in the way of anti-infantry defense, spider mines in relatively large groups can still destroy buildings.

Another option that goes well with this is having a mid-game upgrade for the mines to raise their damage back up.

Early(T0) game they are anti-infantry. If the damage is dropped the blast radius can be increased making them even better at mob clearing.

Mid-late game they become projectiles for both base defense and air-borne artillery. They need to be strong vs all ground targets or Micro's ground defense and the Shelob will be under powered.

the best solution is to make the robot general's ECM defense upgrade available much sooner in the game. This will keep ECM as a fearsome weapon while not completely gimping Robot General until Tier2.

That is probably best. Trouble is how much earlier because all China generals can get out ECM tanks at T0 (I'm pretty sure), and Robot's won't have enough to counter that (especially if they shell out money for the upgrade, and so don't have anything to counter tanks). Another option is have all ECM require a propaganda center, so that Robot's has a bit more chance early game, but I really like having the ECM to help against missiles, but maybe I'm wanting too much with that.

I think it's only tank that can build ECM without a propaganda center, but he requires a generals point to build any ECM.

An interesting alternative... what if ECM required an internet center? It's available sooner than the propaganda center, but would delay the first rush of ECM.

Sounds like now it's a better Cobra

It probably is, if only because it still has the 30MM vulcan gun to kill infantry. The cannon it has doesn't work against infantry since it does JET_MISSILE damage, so it's still meant as an anti-tank platform (I like playing with the damage types and mixing them around like that). However, the main reason it's armed with an anti-tank cannon is I'm kind of in an "I hate ECM and all it stands for" mindset right now. Having ANOTHER anti-tank missile weapon is just adding to the list of weapons Airforce general has that can't deal with ECM. So, the bomber tree doesn't care because it uses bombs. The helicopter tree has the Iroquois with heavy cannons (it still has rocket pods too), and the jet tree has the Rapier which, with high-explosive missiles, doesn't care too much if they're scattered. Of course, ECM will still probably knock the Iroquois out of the sky, but it's at least something that can hit tanks covered by ECM.

That's a good point, and I can work with that. An ECM counter is something AirF could use. I've forgotten, does it get the rocket barrage ability?

There's been a LOT of talk about ECM, it's made it into almost half these topics. It might should get it's own thread as an ECM balance discussion.

I'm not sure I'm on board with this one... Zepplins did have crazy high health, but I they need to be really tough because they are so slow.

Okay....before the armor change, I was playing a game as airforce. I had 7 zepplins attacking me (believe it was 6 bombers and the dread). Using a good number of avengers and a good number of interceptors, 4-5 still made it to my base. This wouldn't be a problem if it didn't mean the entire base was destroyed short my command center and a powerplant. They do an INSANE amount of damage, and do so at a pretty minimal cost. The dread has long enough range to counter anti-air with its cannons (and kills AA groups at a time), and both he and the bombers kill buildings VERY quickly when they have acids. With the armor they're at now, I can stop them with a good number of JSFs and avengers, which feels more like where they should be since if they do make it past, they kill your base rather completely. They may deserve a bit of their armor back (they do have their own armor type), but considering their cost and the massive damage they do, they don't need to be that armored.

I'll have to play around with it and see. I still have reservations, but I'm not flat opposed to nerfing them. It's worth starting a topic and getting more player input.

Overall I'd much rather see them take much higher damage from jets than ground units.

I feel all this would do is make the JSF unhelpful against poisons since it does GATTLING damage, and changing it to JET_MISSILE would mean a tweak in armor to all aircraft (and again, now other jets become powerful interceptors). Although, since interceptors can't attack ground, they could just change to EXPLOSION and get a damage increase to offset the loss from 200% damage to 100%. However, GLA have no real interceptors really, and so would have no real counter, and possibly china as well. Actually, basically every general except airforce would start having issues if Zepplins got a lot of their armor back, unless they simply built insane amounts of AA defense. Oh, and the times Zepplins were walking through my base, they were ONLY zepplins. A combined assault with a few GLA tanks to deal with ground based anti-air (or a well placed and timed generals power), and you're pretty helpless.

Any multi-role aircraft should be able to down a single enemy plane, so reducing aircraft armor vs Jet missile is fine. The interceptors are mostly geared towards downing several enemy planes before rearming, they can also do Jet-Missile damage, just a whole lot more of it per missile and have a slow fire rate. It becomes a win-win, and separates ground AA damage from flying AA damage for special resistances.

AirF - F15, JSF, King Raptor, and F18
SupW - F16? and Raptor(+EMP) And sweet ground based AA.
Lasr - Laser-Raptor plus the Mithral, not Air borne, but super effective.
Robo - Robo-Raptor and Stinger Drones

Infa - Mig-31 and Neutron fighter
Nuke - SU-47 and Black Squadron
Flam - Mig-31 and Thermite Multirole
Tank - No Air-to-Air. But great ground based AA -manticor and Hive

Aslt - F-101 and Mig-31
Chem - AA Zeppelin
Demo - 262? Strong vs Heli's weak vs jets.
Slth - No Air-to-Air. But has a good T2 AA site and lots of stealth.

Tank and Stealth generals are the only ones completely lacking an Air to Air option., but Tank general has mad AA tanks so I think the weakest AA award has to go to stealth general, but he's also a very special case.

oh, and do you want me to post the notes of what I've changed here so you can look at them? Or....something?

That's a good idea.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#5 ApOcOlYpS


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Posted 29 December 2011 - 10:17 PM

Warning: immense post...apologies in advanced.

Mithral, not Air borne, but super effective.

Speaking of that, did you want it to be as effective as it was? I massively reduced its damage, and it's still quite good. In the Alpha version, it was doing around 640 GATTLING damage every second if it had pulse lasers (1280 damage a second to aircraft). At that rate, it can kill around 5 aircraft every second, EACH. For $1200. There was no way it was fair.

To fix AirF general over flying his targets you can just reduce the delay between shots on those weapons.

Can do that...I'll play around with it then.

Some aircraft, like the A10 are exceptions as they are designed to make several passes. They aren't well suited for base attacks, but on base defense they can kill several tanks with a single payload, so the delay is a good thing.

Considering that, I want to see about increasing time between shots and having it scatter (assuming it can scatter against tanks, which I think it can as artillery does, doesn't it? Or at least shell artillery does). That way it'll be better at clearing out groups of units, as right now it doesn't feel that effective. Same with the stealth bomber which I tried to double stealth missile damage against defenses, but I'm not sure that it worked (needing 2 stealths per defense sites makes them inefficient and rather not worth considering I feel, especially when they can't really fight anything else). I need to check their health too, as maybe increasing that a bit would be enough (so they aren't instant killed all the time trying to clear AA defenses).

Another option that goes well with this is having a mid-game upgrade for the mines to raise their damage back up.

I cannot agree with spider mines going back up to Terrorist level damage. They are quick, relatively resilient and very inexpensive. I think that having a mid game upgrade to improve their effectiveness would be good though, changing them from an anti-artillery and anti-soldier weapon to an anti-unit weapon. However it still must be lower than Terrorist damage.

An interesting alternative... what if ECM required an internet center? It's available sooner than the propaganda center, but would delay the first rush of ECM.

I like the idea, but it feels a little weird making the internet center a tech lab. I think requiring a propaganda center would be best to keep it even. But on the topic of tank general, can he be given a second warfactory like structure? Basically works exactly the same as the original warfactory, but it enables him to have 2 when playing a tournament mode game. When restricted to one light and one heavy, I find he has a massive amount of money and nothing to spend it on. Allowing him more light tanks may be a nice way to get him to spend some of that money.

I'll have to play around with it and see. I still have reservations, but I'm not flat opposed to nerfing them. It's worth starting a topic and getting more player input.

I basically doubled the damage they take from jet missiles and GATTLING weapons, and I feel they're still at least decent for their cost, considering the damage they can do. I'd be willing to give them some of their armor back, but they cannot go back to the place they were. They were far too resilient.

Um...so notes of what I've done (followed by what I'm changing from that...soonish):

Remix Changes:

Zepplin Armor: Gatling from 80% to 150%; Jet Missiles from 25% to 50%

QuadCannonRocketLauncherAirPlusTwo: Range increased from 375 to 400;

QuadCannonRocketLauncherAir: Range increased from 375 to 475

QuadCannonRocketLauncherAirPlusOne and PlusTwo: Range increased from 400 to 500

PatriotMissileLocomotor: Speed increased from 400 to 600; Acceleration increased from 300 to 400

BaseDefenseArmor: StealthBomber damage modifier increased from 200% to 400%

Demo_GLAVehicleCombatBikeStinger: change prerequisites from Aslt_GLAArmsDealer to Demo_GLAArmsDealer

ScorpionTankGun: Damage increased from 35 to 45

ScorpionTankGunPlusOne: Damage increased from 42 to 55

BombTruckDefaultBombDamage and BombTruckHighExplosionBombDamage: Affects ALLIES changed to NOT_SIMILAR

RaptorJetMissileWeapon: Range increased from 320 to 400

RaptorJetMissileWeaponUpgraded: Range increase from 350 to 450

XJetMissileWeapon: Range increased from 300 to 350

StealthJetMissileWeapon: Range increased from 250 to 300

AirF_StealthJetMissileWeapon: Range increased from 250 to 300; Delay Between Shots reduced from 1500 to 1000

BaseDefenseArmor_HeavyUp: StealthBomber damage modifier increased from 100% to 200%

FireBaseArmorCybrUpgraded: StealthBomber damage modifier increased from 200% to 400%

FireBaseArmorSupWUpgraded: StealthBomber damage modifier increased from 200% to 400%

FireBaseArmor: StealthBomber damage modifier increased from 200% to 400%

BaseDefenseArmorFlamUpgraded: StealthBomber damage modifier increased from 200% to 400%

BaseDefenseArmorCybrUpgraded: StealthBomber damage modifier increased from 200% to 400%

BaseDefenseArmorSupWUpgraded: StealthBomber damage modifier increased from 200% to 400%

Added new weapon: SpiderMineSuicideDynamitePack: Same as SuicideDynamitePack, but lowered primary damage to 100, and secondary to 50

SpiderDroneArmor and SpiderDroneArmorUpgraded: Added "Armor = GATLING 150%"

StructureArmor, SturctureArmor_NoPoison, StructureArmorSupWUpgraded, StructureArmorCybrUpgraded, StructureArmorFlamUpgraded, StructureArmorInternetCenter, StructureArmorInternetCenterFlamUpgraded, GLAUpgradedStructureArmor, GLAUpgradedStructureArmorTough, : Added Armor = JET_MISSILES 80%

StructureArmorTough, StructureArmorToughSupWUpgraded, StructureArmorToughCybrUpgraded, StructureArmorToughFlamUpgraded: Added Armor = JET_MISSILES 70%

ApacheLongBowRocketWeapon, ApacheLongBowRocketWeapon_Targeted: Range increased from 350 and 450 to 400 and 600 respectively, primary damage increased from 40 to 60 and from 60 to 85 respectively, SecondaryDamage increased from 20 to 30 and from 30 to 45 respectively

AvengerRocketWeapon: Damage increased from 30 to 35

AvengerRocketWeaponUpgraded: Damage increased from 33 to 40

LanceBombDetonation: Damage increased from 45 to 60

AirF_AmericaJetA10ThunderBolt: Health increased from 460 to 560

New Weapon: 60MMHeliGun

Iroquois: IroquoisAntiTankRocketSystem replaced by 60MMHeliGun, Cost increased from 800 to 1200

Infa_ChinaVehicleTroopCrawler: cost increased from 700 to 900

Flam_ChinaTankOverlord_Thermite: Locomotor changed from Nuke_FusionOverlordLocomotor to NuclearOverlordLocomotor

Chem_GLATankCobra: Cost reduced from 7000 to 6500, Locomotor changed from SlowOverlordLocomotor to OverlordLocomotor, Health increased from 2400 to 2800

Slth_GLAVehicleTechnical_Suicide: DeathWeapon changed from Dem_DemoTrapDetonationWeapon to SuicideDynamitePack, added Object = Slth_GLAArmsDealer to prerequisites

X2JetMissileWeapon: Range increased from 360 to 460, Delay between shots reduced from 130 to 100, PrimaryDamageRadius increased from 20 to 30, SecondaryDamageRadius increased from 40 to 60

Aslt_GLAFaithfulCannonStage2: Health increased from 5000 to 6500, Hole health increased from 500 to 1000

Aslt_GLAFaithfulCannonStage3: Health increased from 5000 to 8000, Hole health increased from 500 to 1500

Tank_ChinaTankEmperor: Cost increased from 1000 to 1200

Tank_ChinaTankFrenzyCommand: HealPercentEachSecond decreased from 8% to 6%, UpgradedHealPercentEachSecond decreased from 16% to 12%

Tank_ChinaTankHvyFrenzyCommand: HealPercentEachSecond decreased from 8% to 6%, UpgradedHealPercentEachSecond decreased from 16% to 12%

PenetratorParticleCannonWeapon: DelayBetweenShots increased from 2500 to 4000

Lazr_AmericaTankIonMam: Cost decreased from 3400 to 2600

Lazr_AmericaTankOsirisMBT: Cost decreased from 3200 to 2800

Lazr_AmericaTankAnubisCAT: Cost decreased from 2400 to 2000

Lazr_AmericaTankPitbull_v1: Locomotor changed from HumveeLocomotor to TechnicalLocomotor

Lazr_AmericaTankPitbull_Laser1: Locomotor changed from HumveeLocomotor to TechnicalLocomotor

Lazr_CrusaderTankGun, Lazr_CrusaderTankGunUpgraded:

Lazr_AmericaTankPitbull_Missile: Locomotor changed from HumveeLocomotor to TechnicalLocomotor, //WeaponSet changed from DefSeekerMissileWeapon2X to PRIMARY PitbullMissileWeapon

LeoSeekerMissileLocomotor: Speed increased from 400 to 600

IonTankGun: SecondaryDamageRadius increased from 30 to 60. PrimaryDamageRadius increased from 20 to 40. PrimaryDamage reduced from 800 to 700.

IonTankGun_OVERCHARGE: PrimaryDamageRadius decreased from 100 to 60. SecondaryDamageRadius increased from 30 to 150. SecondaryDamage increased from 200 to 400. MinimumAttackRange reduced from 250 to 200. DelayBetweenShots increased from 8000 to 12000

Lazr_AuxMissiles_UpgradeObject: Cost decreased from 3000 to 2000

MTHELWeaponAA: Damage reduced from 150 to 100, Range increased from 400 to 500

MTHELWeaponAA_Green: Reduced damage from 40 to 9, Range increased from 400 to 500

Aslt_GLAVehicleHind: TransportCapacity reduced from 8 to 4

HEMissileWeapon: Range reduced from 320 to 300

MIGLocomotor: Speed reduced from 275 to 200

ComancheLaserWeaponLeft & Right: Damage increased from 25 to 75

Lazr_CrusaderTankGunUpgraded: Damage increased from 12 to 15

Infa_MiniGunnerGunAir: Range increased from 175 to 200.

ComancheAntiTankLaserWeaponUpgradedLeft/Right: PrimaryDamage increased from 7 to 10.

PopUpPatriotMissileWeapon: Damage type changed from EXPLOSION to ARMOR_PIERCING

PopUpPatriotMissileWeaponAir: Damage type changed from EXPLOSION to GATLING

PopUpPatriotMissileWeaponAirEMP: Damage type changed from EXPLOSION to GATLING

PatriotMissileWeapon: Damage type changed from EXPLOSION to ARMOR_PIERCING

PatriotMissileWeaponAir: Damage type changed from EXPLOSION to GATTLING

PatriotMissileWeapon_AirF: Damage type changed from EXPLOSION to GATTLING

PatriotMissileWeaponAir_AirF: Damage type changed from EXPLOSION to GATTLING

60MM HeliGun:
Weapon 60MMHeliGun
PrimaryDamage = 70.0
PrimaryDamageRadius = 5.0
AttackRange = 200.0
DeathType = NORMAL
WeaponSpeed = 1000
WeaponRecoil = 1
ProjectileObject = NONE
FireFX = WeaponFX_HelixCannonFireWithTracer
FireSound = HelixGunWeapon
DelayBetweenShots = 300
AntiAirborneVehicle = No
AntiAirborneInfantry = No
AntiGround = Yes
AntiBallisticMissile = No
AcceptableAimDelta = 15
ClipSize = 4
ClipReloadTime = 5000
AutoReloadWhenIdle = 2100
ProjectileCollidesWith = STRUCTURES WALLS


Weapon PitbullMissileWeapon
PrimaryDamage = 80.0
PrimaryDamageRadius = 5.0
ScatterRadiusVsInfantry = 30.0
AttackRange = 425.0
DamageType = EXPLOSION
DeathType = EXPLODED
WeaponSpeed = 1
ProjectileObject = LeoSeekerMissile
ProjectileExhaust = MissileExhaust
FireSound = PatriotBatteryWeapon
FireFX = FX_BuggyMissileIgnition
DelayBetweenShots = 100
ClipSize = 2
ClipReloadTime = 4800
AutoReloadWhenIdle = 4900
AntiAirborneVehicle = Yes
AntiAirborneInfantry = No
AntiGround = Yes
AntiBallisticMissile = No
ProjectileDetonationFX = WeaponFX_RocketBuggyMissileDetonation
ProjectileCollidesWith = STRUCTURES
MissileCallsOnDie = Yes
AcceptableAimDelta = 90

SpiderMine detonation:

Weapon SpiderMineSuicideDynamitePack
PrimaryDamage = 100.0
PrimaryDamageRadius = 10.0
SecondaryDamage = 50.0
SecondaryDamageRadius = 20.0
AttackRange = 5.0
DamageType = EXPLOSION
DeathType = SUICIDED
WeaponSpeed = 99999.0
ProjectileObject = NONE
DamageDealtAtSelfPosition = Yes
DelayBetweenShots = 0
ClipSize = 1
ClipReloadTime = 0
AutoReloadsClip = No
FireFX = WeaponFX_SuicideDynamitePackDetonation
FireSound = CarBomberDie

Two monitors would really make this easier...Anyway, my reasoning for the above:

So first off the 60MM HeliGun is obviously the new Iroquois cannon, and the PitbullMissileWeapon replaced the weapon the Shu used to have.

So as you mentioned earlier, better to keep weapon range as they were and decrease time between missiles for Airforce to deal with straightflows, so all weapon range increases will go back to what they were. This includes the Apache, which I made a bit more powerful than I should have (whole thing on "I want airforce to have an aerial artillery unit to get passed base defenses because otherwise a spam of defense kind of shuts him down unless you have straightflow rapiers"). Anti-air weapons will have their ranges reduced to what they were as well.

I'm curious if the guns the scorpion tank use are actually the ScorpionTankGun as it didn't seem to do much damage even after I upped it. Oh, and assault forces needs his scorpion tank cost reduced to $300 (it's at $600 for no discernible reason). I feel like the scorpion (and all of Research general's cars) should get a reduction in build time as they work rather like throwaway units. As a point, Research has a really hard time dealing with a rush from explosives because he can't get sufficient anti-infantry and anti-tank out to kill the bikers and bomb trucks. Reducing the build time on cars should help rather significantly with this. Also, perhaps increase the damage area of his cluster missile defense and increase the speed of the rockets.

Bomb trucks don't affect their own as they aren't much use if they do. I played a game against a friend who rushed me as explosives (I was airforce) with this in place and it was a lot of fun. The bomb trucks and bikers were a threat and I had to keep building defenses and sending jets to take out trucks before they arrived. Much better than had I only needed to send one jet to kill a group of bomb trucks. Was a LOT of fun.

Supposedly I increased the effectiveness of stealth bombers against defenses, but I haven't had much chance to check this out.

Also I reduced the effectiveness of JET_MISSILES on standard buildings as, otherwise, the King Raptor was an extremely powerful unit that could take on tanks and buildings with ease. Now it's reigned in a bit (one raptor used to kill American power plants) so that the rapier and bombers get some more light as building killers.

LanceBombDetonation had a damage bonus because the strategic bombing (the wing of lancers) was pitiful without it. It was incapable of killing supply trucks at times! Now it can do a decent amount of damage, but isn't much threat at all to buildings (can kill a powerplant if it hits well, but that's about it).

Cobra tank was improved as before it was painfully slow. Powerful, but slower than zepplins I believe, and easier to deal with because it wasn't as resilient. So gave it a speed boost, cost decrease and health boost (this is in part to counteract the nerf zepplins got).

Since I wasn't sure how to give the faithful cannon persistent upgrades, I just gave it a good sized health boost. Haven't played with it yet but it'll be annoyingly resilient now.

Suicide technical now does terrorist damage and requires an arms dealer. I feel like that's too little to have any real affect, but not sure what to do (build it earlier to be better at suicide rushing than demo, or increase damage to bomb truckish levels?).

Frenzy tanks got a 25% cut to their heal rates. I felt it was too high for generals who couldn't apply one set of powerful hits. Demo general, ironically, is someone who had trouble with frenzy. Bomb trucks can't all get in and detonate on one tank fast enough, and it gets healed afterwards.

Particle beam weapon (on the small particle tank and the defense site, the one that fires a beam every few seconds) needed a fire rate cut. I felt it deserved to be so powerful since its focus is to kill tanks, but a group could kill overlords and battlemasters faster than new ones could take their place, even with command tank support.

Research's heavy tanks got a price cut because they are so incredibly unarmored. I like the high damage kind of tanks, but they were in no way worth their cost, even with some weapon upgrades. Also made the ion tank's overcharge more dramatic because...well I wanted to. It felt like a very underwhelming tank, especially since it couldn't kill heavy vehicles very well. I lowered the cost of auxiliary missiles because, at 3000, I never bought them. They're useful, but there was always something more pressing I needed that 3k for (laser tends to be low on money a lot for some reason. I feel his supply trucks gather slowly or something). And like I said the MTHEL for the mithrail got a large power cut. The laser commanche got a good damage bonus because, at $800 it was not worth much, having issues even killing mortar buggies.

And then patriot missiles got a damage increase by changing their damage types. Against airplanes they were outshined by...well anything available, and against tanks they were poor at best. I haven't had much chance to test them so they may need a damage nerf to compensate.

Sorry about all that text...

Edited by ApOcOlYpS, 29 December 2011 - 10:18 PM.

#6 Guest_dragincoder13_*

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Posted 31 December 2011 - 12:28 AM

I've been asked by a couple players if they can help with Remix. I felt this should be talked about in the open where the old team can see it and we can all discuss it together.

Ok i am hear wat do i have to discuss?

#7 ApOcOlYpS


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Posted 09 January 2012 - 07:37 PM

Sorry, um...got a little side tracked. College life and all that (SO happy to have my dual monitor computer back, and probably been playing more games than is healthy).

Anyway, I'll start taking a look at the AI tomorrow I think. Have a bunch of work to get done today, but am free most the day tomorrow. Do we have a testing group other than the community? I have 4 friends that also play remix so I can get feedback directly from them, but we usually do 4 way free-for-alls and none of us are that spectacular I'd assume. I like seeing progress and balancing things seems to be the best way to notice that (tweaks are SO easy, even making whole new weapons). And, that can be pretty easily done simultaneously to any AI work since balancing the generals against each other has little to do with AI (in so far as the generals should be balanced for when players play each other, and then the AI can be tweaked to fit those levels).

Okay question about AI scripting: So I imported the scb file into world builder, but looking at it it seems pretty simple (set units to hunt, use this power, and so on). Is there a more complex part of it (for example you tell them to use their powers when ready, but is there a way to say where they use them, or possibly to wait for an opportunity) or is that all handled in targeting code we don't get to see?

Edited by ApOcOlYpS, 09 January 2012 - 09:55 PM.

#8 Pendaelose


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Posted 16 January 2012 - 04:26 PM

that is the case exactly. the AI always chooses the nearest enemy player (at game start) and makes them thier primary enemy. Then, every time a power is ready it drops it on the highest $$$ value area.

Also, when you work on AI, there is a work around I need to mention...

The AI can't use adv dozers correctly, and it can stall the tech tree. To counter this I've added "AI only" buttons to the basic dozers for each AI faction. These let the standard dozers build T2 structures. a normal command set tops out at 14, but AI buttons can go up to 16. You can look at the existing AI for examples.

Edited by Pendaelose, 16 January 2012 - 04:29 PM.

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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#9 ApOcOlYpS


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Posted 20 January 2012 - 10:24 PM

Okay, quick question: With teams and automatic reinforce when possible. I don't recall being attacked by groups of 6ish drone controllers. Does the AI attack with the first team of them, and then simply continuously reinforce them as they die? This way, it creates a stream of units coming to your base since while at least one member of the team is alive and attacking, reinforcements will be made for it. Right?

Also, if AI can't use advanced dozers, why do you still have teams for them?

Also also, the AI tends to attack in great force at the start, and then just kind of falls apart once it realizes it didn't win right away (a very specific example is Tank general won't rebuild his airfield). Does anyone have an idea as to why this happens, and how to prevent it (keep the AI from losing determination).

Also also also, in case I don't find it soon, how do you save changes to teams and scripts? Do you need to export everything?

Edited by ApOcOlYpS, 20 January 2012 - 10:48 PM.

#10 Pendaelose


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Posted 23 January 2012 - 06:14 PM

With teams and automatic reinforce when possible. I don't recall being attacked by groups of 6ish drone controllers. Does the AI attack with the first team of them, and then simply continuously reinforce them as they die? This way, it creates a stream of units coming to your base since while at least one member of the team is alive and attacking, reinforcements will be made for it. Right?

It constantly reinforces. The reason it attacks with partial teams is because there is another script in the attacks folder that causes it to mass attack. This order ignores if the team is complete. There are other ways, but it seamed pretty efficient and it was easy to work with.

Also, if AI can't use advanced dozers, why do you still have teams for them?

mostly for the illusion. The can use them, and does on occasion, but it's not nearly reliable enough to depend on them. That's why I give the advanced buildings to the basic dozers.

Also also, the AI tends to attack in great force at the start, and then just kind of falls apart once it realizes it didn't win right away (a very specific example is Tank general won't rebuild his airfield). Does anyone have an idea as to why this happens, and how to prevent it (keep the AI from losing determination).

I'm not sure what causes this. All the buildings are set to rebuild when destroyed. Maybe somewhere out there an AI guru knows the answer, I just did the best I could.

Also also also, in case I don't find it soon, how do you save changes to teams and scripts? Do you need to export everything?

you nailed it, export all scripts and the teams will be included. The script file is easily corrupted during export, so save often, test thoroughly, and keep backups of every script build. You never know when you will need to roll back a version or two.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#11 ApOcOlYpS


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Posted 29 January 2012 - 07:36 AM

A weapon can have more than one damage type: If they do, do they stack? So if I do 100 primary damage in an area of 10 and 20 secondary damage in an area of 20, will it do 120 damage within 10 and 20 damage within 20? I suppose I could test this with a trick (primary 1, secondary 1000), but I have homework I'm supposed to be doing!

#12 Pendaelose


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Posted 31 January 2012 - 05:47 PM

A weapon can have more than one damage type: If they do, do they stack? So if I do 100 primary damage in an area of 10 and 20 secondary damage in an area of 20, will it do 120 damage within 10 and 20 damage within 20? I suppose I could test this with a trick (primary 1, secondary 1000), but I have homework I'm supposed to be doing!

Do you just mean primary damage and secondary damage? those do not stack. The shield generator works that way, it does 0.001 primary damage (laser) in the main radius, then it does 99999 in the secondary. That's why you can enter a shield and destroy it from up close.

If you mean multiple damage types, like Laser damage and explosion damage...

bizarre, I never noticed that. Are you sure multiple damage types work?? I have the suspicion that only the first type would do damage, but there are ways to test it, dissable damage types are extremely target type specific, if you add dissable structure and infantry you may be able to effect both.... if that the case then I would test stacking damage... make a weapon that does a little more than half damage to a vehicle when using explosion damage, then stack it with armor piercing and you get a 1 shot kill.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#13 ApOcOlYpS


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Posted 31 January 2012 - 06:00 PM

no I meant primary and secondary. I don't think multiple types works...It would mean that one set of damage has to be evaluated against two different resistances (tank armor having 80% explosive and 200% infantry missile for example, the one damage of 60 we'll say would have to be evaluated against both). I don't think there's a way to specify primary as explosive and secondary as something else, but I haven't looked at the INI file for a few weeks so I could be mis-remembering.

#14 Creator


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Posted 31 January 2012 - 06:32 PM

I would like to represent you one gameplay feature. It will allow to bring upgrades to order. There must be 2 types of upgrades in the mod:
- A fork. This means that players must make a decision about building it. Good example of a fork is Overlord upgrades. You always choose which one to build. Another example of a fork is Nuke general's isotope stability upgrade from Contra 007. It removes explosion from tanks, but some players don't like it. So, upgrade must be built if you choose one strategy and must not be built if you choose another strategy.
- Tech up. This means that you have some low tech units and you reached new escalation level. Now you can throw your units out because better ones became available. But there can be an upgrade which allows to increase parameters of old units making them better. This is tech up upgrade. Its feature is that it becomes available at level X and effects units of level X-1.

All other upgrades are not needed because they do not add any strategy features. They just add redundant clicking and nothing more. Good example of an error is Scorpion Rocket upgrade which becomes available at the same time with Scorpions and is researched in the same building. The thing is that nobody uses Scorpions without rockets. So, there is no question about researching it. Player builds Arms Dealer and clicks this upgrade without thinking. All the time. In each game. All the same. It is better to remove this upgrade and make Scorpions upgraded by default. All other such upgrades must be removed too and units must become upgraded by default. Only forks and tech-ups must stay.

Implementing of this idea will give the following advantages:
- The mod will become less confused and more comprehensible.
- Less clicking - more thinking. It is always good.
- Number of upgrades will be reduced to 128 and you will be able to return upgrade icons.
- Conflicting upgrades will be removed and you will get rid of errors connected with team play (one player exits the game and all his structures get transfered to his ally - you know what it means).

I hope that you consider this idea.

#15 Pendaelose


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Posted 01 February 2012 - 08:26 PM

no I meant primary and secondary. I don't think multiple types works...

I agree... I don't think they work, but reading your post it threw me for a moment, and if it did work I would have been really surprised.

I hope that you consider this idea.

I've definitely considered it, and I generally agree it would be a good idea. I'm still not certain Remix can be drawn down under 128, but the idea of reducing redundant clicks is a very good thing.

I will say I'm certain that object upgrades would have to stay stacked, there are far too many of those, and they don't need a cameo if they change the model of effected object. There only have to be enough to give the right variety of prices and build times. I think we're still looking at around 10-15.

Another trouble spot is trying to get behaviors from sciences. Behaviors all key off upgrades. The best work around I've found so far is letting the general's power unlock the upgrade to purchase. If more behaviors could be keyed off of sciences it would free up several upgrades... but I guess that's a moot point given it's not supported by the game.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#16 Creator


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Posted 04 February 2012 - 08:28 AM

IMHO, sciences must stay sciences from logic point of view. They can unlock units, grant powers and veterancy. Maybe unlock some ability buttons. Nothing more. If you need another effect then use an upgrade or invisible auxiliary object. To say, you have rank 3 science which unlocks an upgrade. Why should you have it? It is better to make an upgrade which is unlocked automaticaly after you reach rank 3. Effect will be the same except of you don't use general's promotion points in this case. Just imagine that science buttons, upgrade buttons and build buttons lie in the same space, on the same table and you can shuffle them freely to achieve better result. Better means simple coding, less clicking in game and no bugs.

Edited by Creator, 04 February 2012 - 08:30 AM.

#17 ApOcOlYpS


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Posted 10 February 2012 - 06:19 PM

Okay, want to know if I got this right. When an upgraded stealth general sniper fires at a vehicle, it creates an object from the object creation list (SniperKillPilotChanceGenerator), which has its information stored in WeaponObjects.ini. That has a set of build variations, 9 instances of SniperMissObject and one instance of SniperKillPilotObject. That is what accounts for the 10% chance of killing a pilot (1 in 10 of the built objects when a sniper round hits a vehicle will kill the pilot). So that builds the SniperKillPilotObject (or the SniperMissObject), which has the effect (DeathWeapon = KillPilotWeapon, which works because it has a Lifetime of 1 which I assume means 1 frame).

And since I had to confirm this, I can now say I hate dealing with toxin fields (go to chem general to see the scud weapon, see what object the scud detonation creates, see what object THAT creates, go find where the poison field is stored, now go back to weapons and find the poison field weapon....that was a lot of running around).

Anyway! So what I want to do is create an added effect to the neurotoxins that give it a small chance to kill vehicle pilots (it needs a balance against acids, even with acids getting a tone down). So to do that, I'd have to have it create an object on enemy vehicles it hits that has one instance of SniperKillPilotObject (or something that does the same), and a bunch of SniperMissObject so that it won't kill vehicles constantly (other option is make it have a larger delay between shots, or both). Should that work? I think all I have to do is add another weapon behavior to the poison fields, and then add that weapon to the weapon.ini file which works virtually the same as a stealth general sniper weapon (changed to have the effect ranges of the poison field), and then possibly add another few lines in ObjectCreationList to make something similar to the SniperKillPilotChanceGenerator, which just has a lower kill pilot chance....yea I think that works, so I'm going to go try it! Also going to remove inflamable acids and reduce acid damage and increase the reload on the super canister cannon.

Oh, and sorry I haven't really gotten around to AI...that world builder and script editor is really frustrating to work with. FinalBig is awesome.

Okay well that plan failed. Of course it wouldn't have worked the way I wanted so...Any ideas of how to implement pilot killing ability for the neurotoxin fields?

Edited by ApOcOlYpS, 10 February 2012 - 11:06 PM.

#18 Creator


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Posted 13 February 2012 - 07:00 AM

Put invisible and invulnerable sniper into the center of toxin field and give it a weapon with attack range equal to the size of toxin field. Actually, you can arm the field itself with a weapon. So, you don't need to create a new object.


Another idea - make the field to kill drivers in all vehicles which have "red health" and do not effect vehicles with bigger health. It will make the gameplay better. People don't like random appearances.

#19 ApOcOlYpS


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Posted 13 February 2012 - 07:58 PM

is "red health" a value I can use? How would the weapon know what units have "red health"? As it is it seems weapons only do damage, and I can't see a way to get a weapon to fire at a unit based on its health, nor a way to damage the unit correctly (kill pilot if health is red).

In addition, it almost defeats the point. As it is, nerve agent toxins are near useless against vehicles. The marauder is only a capable tank, and insufficient against heavier opponents (overlord variants specifically, but even some of the more powerful light tanks). Beyond that, you don't get the damage assistance of acids, which help especially with the toxin spraying tank. Thus poison general will have issues getting vehicles into red health in the first place.

Basically, the point was to have the pilot killing nerve agents be the way that poison general deals with tanks without taking acids. Another possibility would just be to have the poison fields do subdual damage, but in order for that to be high enough to be useful, it'd be too much (fields created by scud launchers that can't be passed by tanks or infantry). Thus giving the neurotoxins a chance to kill vehicle pilots at random gave it a useful (allows neurotoxins to deal with vehicles) yet not overly powerful (doesn't shut down all vehicles in the area) way to deal with vehicles that feels in character.

There is no real way to make this non random, not overly powerful, and still useful, so having it a random chance seems best.

#20 Leniad

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Posted 14 February 2012 - 07:35 AM

From the Tester with ApOcOlYpS giving you my feeling about some units, balance issues, and some ideas.

note: i do not know how to program so sorry if i don't make sense.

first off poison general:
acids needs to be toned down a bit. it kills buildings a little to fast and the canister sw is way overkill for just about anything fully upgraded. zeppelins are a touchy subject since they are the few medium tier unit that is good. because of this they are spammed (at least i do) and you walk though the opponents base. the way we sort of countered this was to Nerf the armor of the zeppelins so that they could be killed by a formidable
air defense. all that poisons can do (for me that is) is spam zeppelins and try to run though an AA line. once the bombs drop almost nothing lives underneath them.
my idea to balance poisons is to add a power like a poison distribution centers. they would act like power plants but only affect units and structures who use poisons. this means the defenses can be shut down and would make building spam of defenses penetrable from the ground. you may need to make some building for it but maybe someone had this idea already.

nerve gas has its uses but doesn't have as good as the benefits that acids have. almost any occasion acids is far superior. while being able to shut down building is nice the ability to just burn everything down is much better use of your money. toxin seeders are game ending for stealth and explosives. since they cant deactivate them with workers and they cannot clean up the toxins. the game ends when they cant build workers or clean up the seeders.

flame general is probably the most average general in the mod. hes got very bland units. one of the things i like about contra is the fuel dispenser and just the idea of fuel in general.

air force seems overpowered. its hard to figure out why but he just seems impossible to penetrate his defenses when both forces are at highest tech. and with his airplanes being fast he avoids almost all gatling dmg while also being able to shoot down so that his airplanes are almost untouchable.

haven't played much with lasers so nothing about him.

nuke is boring till he gets the nuke upgrade. high explosive general is more like it.

explosive general is crazy fast when attacking. when you fight him as random with any general who cant scan its very frustrating to deal with. he has the possibility to take out all your supplies very fast. i understand that it is how hes played but if he strikes before you can counter with units some generals have a tough time dealing with(like assault forces but ill talk about him later) he destroys large amounts of supplies and makes countering difficult if not impossible.

stealth general is not the deadliest general but can cause games to drown on for hours if played right. with him being able to buy and launch pitfalls for a cost gives him the ability to buy, deploy, and destroy a tech center that costs more than the demo traps. he can also destroy your small army that could walk through his weak defenses for less than the cost of the army. it's hard to balance because hes suppose to have weak units while stealthed...

super weapons inst very good when fighting in tournament mode on with the ability to only build 1 SW. he does get 3 but the particle cannon can kill a line and all the blackout does is shut down the base for a bit. the ICBM is probably the most useful but has a small blast radius.

now to assault forces. his idea of siege warfare doesn't work when the units who build the siege die from staring at them. his tech 0 tanks are expensive and don't do much dmg. i think we solved that by dropping their cost and increasing dmg. his defenses are OK with dmg and health but has a very hard time killing infantry. bikers are almost impossible to kill due to counting as infantry and are fast. simply adding something like a quad site would work. maybe increasing them to to 2nd salvaged quad cannon. his tech building needs to be fixed. its 5000 to build at tech 1 which is a lot for the first tech building. the building when finally upgraded costs around 16000 and if it dies completely it goes all the way back to tech 1 building. his rocket artillery defenses actually have the same range as the regular artillery defense so your much better off buying the tech 0 defense then the rockets.

(four days later finished. videogames take up so much time) cant think of anything else. post more if i think of anything. i'm ready to be yelled at now.
your scans show a large amount of defenses located around a chemical base. your scouts report a large amount of tanks are massing just outside your defenses range. your AT defenses prepare for a large battle. out of the fog of war comes a large fleet of zeppelins who drop acids onto the helpless men below. the acid eats the flesh and melts the steel. your AA cannot deal enough Damage to destroy all of them. once the defense are breached your base is helpless from the rain of bombs from the fleet of zeppelins.

note to you: build AA... LOTS OF AA

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