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1.2 First Impressions

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#21 evilbobthebob



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Posted 29 March 2012 - 11:15 AM

You'll find that the AT-AT upgrades (especially x3 to light turbolasers) are very powerful. It rips through armour.

Phoenix Rising, head of mapping. Thanks to everyone who got us to the position below!
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#22 empirecitizen

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Posted 29 March 2012 - 04:18 PM

Started 1.2 with Core World too.
There's a rather easy, although a bit exploitative way of defeating the rebel fleets...
Spam Skipray blastboats, nothing in the starting rebel fleet can handle a tight ball of 20 skipray squads.
Upgrade to MKII for more speed and concussion missiles, that should be more than enough to give you time to start churning ISD II.
Or... More skiprays if you like

I must say the ground combat is great. I already like the imperial blitzkrieg.
Using AT-ATs as spear head to take out armored units and AT Turrets(X3 light turbolasers are very powerful indeed) . Then send a sweeping AT-ST charge to break soft targets. Finally drop the stormtroopers from the ATAT for mopping up and capture. Repair and repeat. Add bombing runs and planetary bombardments when needed.
I haven't ran into serious air resistance yet so the AA walkers are not in service yet.

#23 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 29 March 2012 - 06:17 PM

In terms of total upgrade, land units only have half the potential of space. That's reflected in the upgrade cost as well.

Has anyone found the Overracer IV yet? Or effectively used the landing zone capability of the Heavy Tracker?

#24 anakinskysolo


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Posted 29 March 2012 - 08:48 PM

I did, and there is a problem with it. Once you deactivate the landing zone or it is destroyed, the green circle keeps showing, it doesn't disappear.

#25 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 29 March 2012 - 09:32 PM

You mean when the reinforcement window is open? That's true for every LZ.

#26 anakinskysolo


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Posted 29 March 2012 - 10:40 PM

When its not open it also looks green, and when the vehicle leaves the area or it is destroyed, the green circle does not disappear.

#27 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 04:34 AM

Hmm. I thought it did, but I can look into it.

#28 wuffles

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 08:05 AM

The best ground unit I have seen so far was some sort of pod walker i got for capturing a heavy factory on a map. It demolished things really fast, much better than an AT-AT mark 3. Tried the royal guard and was totally unimpressed with them they got slaughtered by some local terrorist infantry unit.

Tried a new game on medium last night. The advice to combine the best of coruscant and corulag then hit chandrila worked well. Although I got hit by a counter attack while my main for was picking off some new ships that had returned to chandrila and lost the coruscant space battle. As I suspected the golans were largely useless on the defense as they are too far from the stations to provide covering fire. The AI also seems smart enough to leave them until last which is good from an AI point of view but really does show that the golans need a change even if it makes them less canon since at the moment the only good news about losing the space battle is I got to rebuild coruscant with the stations I wanted.

Since you cannot choose to destroy stations I really think that several planets would be better with less pre-placed stations on them. Generally speaking I would not want a planet to have more than 1 level 1 or 2 station since those level units are fast to produce anyway. Same goes for golans really I would prefer no planet to have this structure, maybe replace em with a ground based turbolaser since the game at least lets you get rid of them.

As I get more used to the mod it certainly is becoming more fun thanks for all your hard work on the mod.

#29 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 08:55 AM

I think you could kill a Royal Guard with anti-personnel flechette rounds :evilthinkin:.

#30 Guest_Josh6_*

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 02:07 PM

I now have a huge respect for golan platforms.

I am currently playing a GFA campaign and I'm in week 56 or so. I was able to defend strongholds like Gyndine, Kuat, Billbringi and Rendilliwith a Imperial I some Victory Is and a my Golan Stations. The first thing I do before building a shipyelard I have to install some Golans. Although they are not mobile, I consider them more valuable than ISDs because the shielding is better, the weapons are better and its comparatively cheaper. With Sage Pestage it's only 5,600 for a III.

What I also found when capturing an independent system is to eliminate everything but the Golans and then retreat. However when you go back into that system's orbit, those Golans are fighting for you for free if an enemy fleet attacks. Unfortunately they are destroyed once you capture a planet.

The only thing I wish you could do is to deconstruct Shipyards or upgrade them instead of building multiple ones.

But on my first impression, this game is like an addicting chess match. I love it!

#31 wuffles

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 03:45 PM

How did you find the golans helping you though as at least on my game the AI would only stay in range of a golan just long enough to destroy any priority targets such as ships otherwise it left the golans to last. Victory 1 are actually really good ships hence the pretty high price tags for em. No way I would rate a Golan above an ISD however. The golan may be cheaper but once you upgrade an ISD they are much better. The tector variants really outshine the golans since they are superb with those heavy octuple turbolasers.

As for the flechette vs the royal guard what would you say the guard are good against then? From the description text it sounds like the guard is supposed to be an elite squad but they really did not seem that elite.

One change I really like with the mod though is the fact the AT-AT now really is tough and doesnt die soon as an anti-vehicle unit starts shooting it. The only thing that seemed to be taking good chunks out one was a turbolaser defence tower and that makes sense.

#32 Phoenix Rising

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 03:59 PM

RGs are supposed to have a Force Heal ability, but it was crashing, so I cut it for the release (will have to do it another way). They're meant as hero support more than offensive units.

#33 Guest_ncordizfor_*

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 08:20 PM

Just as an FYI, I was conquering a planet as the Empire, and I had 5/5 units deployed, but I was still allowed to call in the one hero I had in my fleet. Is this supposed to work that way?

#34 smashedsaturn

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 11:43 PM

I don't know if i just happen to be really good at tactical/strategic management but Core worlds was incredibly easy as the PRM, I conquered coresaunt right off the bat with no losses for space then went and crushed cardia only loosing 3 dreds, I think the empire forces need a bit of a buff to give more of a challenge, (land combat is always more difficult for some reason though, and it tends to crash my game more often than space, so i autoresolve with 10 ATATs or a bunch of T4-Bs more often than not).

#35 Guest_spencer_*

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 12:16 AM

on galaxy far far away, im seeing that some planets, for for example, Bespn, its space defences and ships their are EXTREMLY powerd, the ships will tear apart any very easily, even if you have more ships and more advanced ships...and the majority of their weapons are diffrent then yours....
is this meant to be this way? and if so how can u beat these fleets without having a fleet of isd of vector class and above ships? so far im leaving Bespin, and and an astroid field near Naboo alone for all cost because they've destroyed a couple of my fleet with some 6 lvl 4 venators armys of acclmators a few star destroyers and etc...
whenever i find a astroid field or planet, i think the only planet with the advanced weaponry is bespin since it is a Gas Giant/no land,
also what would you advise to do in Galaxy far, far away? usually i start off at kuat go to alderan real quick and capture that, then start at where Muff is? near mustafar and Hoth and usually take over all the planets around there since you have to go through the first planet you have orignally there to get to the rest and can just use them as mining planets for money
i usually use Coroscant as my main research planet and rarely actually make planets-im thinking of starting over my campaign on galaxy far, far away
so any advise of what you seem to like to do in the early staged of PR1.2 would be appreciated

#36 smashedsaturn

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 12:54 AM

on galaxy far far away, im seeing that some planets, for for example, Bespn, its space defences and ships their are EXTREMLY powerd, the ships will tear apart any very easily, even if you have more ships and more advanced ships...and the majority of their weapons are diffrent then yours....
is this meant to be this way? and if so how can u beat these fleets without having a fleet of isd of vector class and above ships? so far im leaving Bespin, and and an astroid field near Naboo alone for all cost because they've destroyed a couple of my fleet with some 6 lvl 4 venators armys of acclmators a few star destroyers and etc...
whenever i find a astroid field or planet, i think the only planet with the advanced weaponry is bespin since it is a Gas Giant/no land,
also what would you advise to do in Galaxy far, far away? usually i start off at kuat go to alderan real quick and capture that, then start at where Muff is? near mustafar and Hoth and usually take over all the planets around there since you have to go through the first planet you have orignally there to get to the rest and can just use them as mining planets for money
i usually use Coroscant as my main research planet and rarely actually make planets-im thinking of starting over my campaign on galaxy far, far away
so any advise of what you seem to like to do in the early staged of PR1.2 would be appreciated

pirates with disruptor, slugthrower, mass driver, and dimond-baron weapons are pretty nasty, they ignore shields and tear apart fighters, your best bet is 4 level 3-4 tectors with a hero that gives combat bonus (thrawn is good, or vader in his Preator) and about 10-20 lancers to defend the formation from fighters, don't bother with fighters they arn't able to take the shield shredding weaponry too well. keep the tectors engaged at maximum range to bring down shields and pick off enemy ships and move slowly forward, keeping the lancers in close to stave off fighters with interlocking fields of fire. A modular cruiser in the center with the repair ability will also help absorb any damage the turbodisruptors dish out. Jump in, destroy as many ships as you can until one tector reaches 50% hull, retreat, repeat. keep 2 or 3 reserve MTC if you are using them and as many lancers as you can in reserve to fill the gaps in the defence

Edited by smashedsaturn, 31 March 2012 - 12:54 AM.

#37 Guest_Spencer_*

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 01:08 AM

k thanks, would "tug boats" help as well, since they only cost as one space and i find them to usualy be ignored by the AL and can really help...but idk against those pirates-also can anyone tell me how to become a member? i am finding it annoying that i can't edit a post and reclearify what i mean-since often after re-reading my posts i see ALOT of errors, and since i often cant remember the names of the planets or units i am thinking of-thanks for the help
also how are some of you guys doing your research? i find myself researching possibly too much since i run through my money like crazy, and although you do get better units, without the planets to increase your income i can't seem to make any major fleets other then 1 or 2 at a time-usually at kuat-and that takes ALOT of time to make those fleets
one suggestion, is it posible that in 1.3 or any "patches" you put on 1.2 that when you have for example 1 or 3 level 5 space statons that you can build more then 1 ship at a time or at least decrees the time it takes to build a ship?

#38 SDS/Spencer

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 01:11 AM

lol nvm/i found the register button

#39 smashedsaturn

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 02:24 AM

tugs could stand in for MTCs but idk if they have a hyperdrive so they may slow down your fleets, just bring a hell lot of them because they will get torn to shreds by the pirates

#40 Balac

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 02:45 AM

when you have for example 1 or 3 level 5 space statons that you can build more then 1 ship at a time or at least decrees the time it takes to build a ship?

I do believe multiple space stations of the same type already decrease the time to build a ship. How quickly a ship builds relates to its cost.

Other news: I really enjoy land combat now. The prospect of losing, and actually losing units on the ground now is exciting. Although, I think some heroes may need to be toned down a bit; the only experience I have is against Tarfful while taking Kashyyyk as the Empire. He did a nice bit of damage to my AT-ST x2 each shot. Lost an entire group of them, supported by an AT-AT x2. A few T2-b's showed up, but did negligable damage in comparison. Tarfful finally died after the AT-ST's went down and he was practically dead. AT-AT made wookiee barbeque out of him.

Edited by Balac, 31 March 2012 - 02:46 AM.

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