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Mismatches straight away

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#1 Tomeister

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Posted 01 May 2012 - 08:39 PM

Guys, does anyone know how to avoid the problem where the game mismatches within 5 seconds?

#2 ApOcOlYpS


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Posted 01 May 2012 - 10:16 PM

My first trouble shooting step would be to make sure every computer has the same skirmishscripts.scb file. Differences in that file are big enough to cause a mismatch, but not big enough to be caught by the in built "has a different version" detector.

#3 Tomeister

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Posted 02 May 2012 - 09:11 PM

Thanks, that worked. Now how can I stop it crashing to desktop with a serious error halfway through?

#4 ApOcOlYpS


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Posted 02 May 2012 - 09:19 PM

By telling me what you think is causing a crash to desktop so I can find it.

What generals are being played, what happens, are you on a night or snow or snow&night map?

I've had the game crash only a few times, and I feel like those were something along the lines of particle overloads (just making up a concept), as if I recall correctly they all happen when a LOT of things happen at once.

#5 Tomeister

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Posted 04 May 2012 - 06:26 AM

It probably was too much happening. I was playing my
Son as the AF gen against his stealth, with an aggressive tank AI on no ones side....
Could it be overheating? He was on a laptop?

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