The Lord of the Rings
The Battle for Middle-Earth II
The Last hope of the Third Age beta 0.31
Halbarad aka SauronGreat, Aragorn Elessar, Elessar
Download mod (eng.) (857MB) (Mirror)
Download mod (rus.) (869MB) (Mirror)
Special thanks to:
-Annatar - models of golem, werewolf, fire atronach and vampire.
-Kromarti - models of chaurus and werewolf.
-Str1ker - launcher.
-Di Hate - sounds.
-Mitrandir - help with installer.
-Users of BFME Modding - ideas.
Mod on the ModDB
-Launch installer and install the mod;
-After installing on the desktop appear shortcut;
-Run the game with shortcut;
-To activate and deactivate the mod use the launcher, located in the game folder\shortcut on the desktop;
In beta six factions: Gondor, Mordor, Angmar and Arnor, Mithlond and Rhun.
;Changes version 0.31 beta: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Added new creeps;
-Added new compositions to Arnor and Rhun;
-Added battering rams to Mithlond and Rhun;
-Fixed small bugs;
;Changes version 0.3 beta: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Added new factions - Mithlond and Rhun;
-Improved performance;
-Fixed bug with saves;
-Fixed bug with crash after real-time battle in "War for the Ring";
-Fixed bugs of previous versions;
-Improved AI. Also it use spellbook;
-Updated many sounds;
-Added logo "BFME Modding" and new Intro at the game start;
-Improved system of archery;
-Improved system of catapults;
-Changes in the "War of the Ring";
;Changes version 0.2 beta: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Added new factions - Arnor and Angmar;
-Fixed bugs of previous versions;
-Improved system of archery;
-Improved system of catapults;
-Changes in the "War for the Ring";
-Unfortunately, the regime of "Creating a Hero" is inadequate and need to turn off anywhere you can, bug with "War of the Ring"; bug with saving;
;Changes version 0.2 alfa: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Graphics has improved markedly, as almost all models added shaders, which makes the model more beautiful;
-Added sky in the ;
-Added a camera system on all the maps, thank you for this fashion RJ;
-Added a lot of new units;
-Added the blood;
-Improved system for archery;
-Improved system catapults;
-Changes in the "War for the Ring";
;Changes version 0.11: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Changed the main menu music;
-Changes in the mode of "War of the Ring";
-Damage of heroes are now displayed, below the health;
-Improved texture of Wild Wargs;
-Added effects when attacking buildings;
-In the taverns can hire a hero;
-Made minor changes in the balance;
-Fixed bug with AI Gondor;
-Reinforced gates of Minas Tirith;
-Fixed a bug with the levels of some troops;
-Reinforced armor buildings;
-4 new types of armor for the heroes;
-Improved AI;
-Added new animation of some troops and heroes;
-Reduced health Isildur (from 10000 to 7500);
-Corrected Imrahil model; Now his mounted armor - Tough Hero Armor Mounted;
-Now Gandalf's armor "Wizard's armor". Mounted "Wizard's armor mounted";
-Added hero King of the Dead, his can summon Isildur;
-Added hero Halbarad, hires in tavern. After the purchase, he disappears from the tavern, you can resurrect him in a fortress;
-Changed the cost of some upgrades Fortress;
-Modified model of the Church Manve, added shaders;
-Changed texture of soldiers, pikemen, knights and archers of Gondor;
-Требушет имеет большую броню, есть шанс, что осадный камень прокатится по земле (всего 19 случаев проката, и 1 просто врезания в землю);
-Removed upgrade "Fire Stones" Trebuchet;
-Elite Archers of Gondor can be improved upgrade "Heavy Armor";
-Changed the model foot Knights of Dol Amroth, there are two types of models (with a sword or a knight's lance);
-Corrected models Guard of the Citadel and the White Tower;
Spell Book:
-Spell "Summon the Rohirrim" summoned Theoden and 3 hordes of Rohirrim (all units with unique model and texture);
-Corrected in terms of balance spell "White Tree of Gondor;
-Increased health of the Black Riders (from 1650 to 2000);
-Mouth of Sauron now use Tough Hero Armor Mounted, when mounted;
-Increased radius attack of Buurz (from 30 to 40);
-Corrected death of the Fell Beasts;
-Added hero Durheru - Black Leader - hero of the highest level (4000 gold);
-Changed the cost of some upgrades Fortress;
-Siege Towers now move the not cave, but mountain trolls;
-On the maps from the fortress (Minas Tirith, Helm's Deep, Erebor, etc.) Mordor can build siege-weapon "Grond";
Spell Book:
-Spell "Venomous Land"(10 points of force) replaced by spell "Time of the Dark", which gives the Black Riders, 25% more damage;
;Changes version 0.1: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Here is a list of major changes:
-Changed the color of the menu;
-All the troops can pump rank to 10-th level;
-Improved AI;
-Weapons of Create a Hero has its bonuses (but only the heroes of the west and trolls):
;------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------------------------- -;
Heroes of the West:
- Sword Gurtang has an average speed of attack, causing additional. damage to infantry and heroes (heroes damage above);
- Western Sword (Westron sword) has a high rate of attack, causing additional. damage to the infantry;
- Axe has a medium-high speed attack, causing additional. Done cavalry;
- Troll Bane has a low speed attack, causing additional. damage to monsters and buildings;
- Fire Sword (Fire Brand) has a medium-low speed attack, causing fire damage;
- Troll's mace causes damage to the area (40), throws enemies a chance to knock the hero is 50%;
- Troll's sword causes damage to the area (30), has the highest rate of attack from all the guns troll throws enemies a chance to knock the hero is 20%;
- Troll's hammer causing damage to the area (45), throws enemies a chance to knock the hero is 70% (long attack speed), 120% damage to buildings;
- Troll's tree causes damage to the area (50), throws enemies, double damage on the cavalry and infantry, the chance to knock the hero is 100%;
- Troll's club causes damage to the area (40), throws enemies a chance to knock the hero down 15%, the most effective weapon against the building (150% damage to buildings);
;------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------------------------- -;
-Arrows have 3D-model, not 2D-effect;
-Archers shoot not a 100% chance of hitting.
-Removed all the forces of Rohan;
-Re-skins texture of all the heroes;
-Hero of the ring - Isildur, son Elendil ;
-Added hero Beregond - Captain of the Citadel's Guard;
-Added hero Imrahil - Prince of Dol Amroth, fighting on foot and on horseback;
-Added hero Denethor II - the steward of Gondor, good leader;
-Boromir from the 5 level goes in battle armor, with the 9 level available special ability "Last Stand", which temporarily increases the damage, but armor is weakened;
-Aragorn in the entire pumping replace three suits:
- Strider - 1-3 level;
- Commander (Black Gate) - 4-6 level;
- King (Coronation) - 7-10 level;
-Gandalf has upgrade "Gandalf the White" after buying spell in spellbook;
-Added White Barracks and the Temple of Manve;
-Almost all units are re-skins;
-Added pikemen of Gondor;
-Added warrior of Dol Amroth;
-Added knights of Dol Amroth;
-Added knights of Dol Amroth on the horsed;
-Added priests-warriors, heavy cavalry;
-Added Citadel's guardians-swordmen;
-Added Elite Archer of Gondor;
-All spells have a new icons;
-Added a few new spells;
-Remove all forces of the East;
-Sauron, Hero of the Ring, have new abilities;
-Some of the textures has been changed;
-Added hero Buurz - Troll;
-FellBeasts now have a real dying ;
-Witch King removed;
-Buildings of the East removed;
-Added the Black Tower;
-Almost all units are re-skins;
-Added Orc Axe Thrower;
-Added Orcs-Pikemen;
-Added Black Orcs;
-Added Black Orcs-pikemen;
-Added Dark Guardians;
-Falling trolls cause damage;
-Attack troll's have a hammer and club;
-All spells have a new icons;
-Added a few new spells;
;Changes version 0.31 beta: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Added new creeps;
-Added new compositions to Arnor and Rhun;
-Added battering rams to Mithlond and Rhun;
-Fixed small bugs;
;Changes version 0.3 beta: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Added new factions - Mithlond and Rhun;
-Improved performance;
-Fixed bug with saves;
-Fixed bug with crash after real-time battle in "War for the Ring";
-Fixed bugs of previous versions;
-Improved AI. Also it use spellbook;
-Updated many sounds;
-Added logo "BFME Modding" and new Intro at the game start;
-Improved system of archery;
-Improved system of catapults;
-Changes in the "War of the Ring";
;Changes version 0.2 beta: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Added new factions - Arnor and Angmar;
-Fixed bugs of previous versions;
-Improved system of archery;
-Improved system of catapults;
-Changes in the "War for the Ring";
-Unfortunately, the regime of "Creating a Hero" is inadequate and need to turn off anywhere you can, bug with "War of the Ring"; bug with saving;
;Changes version 0.2 alfa: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Graphics has improved markedly, as almost all models added shaders, which makes the model more beautiful;
-Added sky in the ;
-Added a camera system on all the maps, thank you for this fashion RJ;
-Added a lot of new units;
-Added the blood;
-Improved system for archery;
-Improved system catapults;
-Changes in the "War for the Ring";
;Changes version 0.11: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Changed the main menu music;
-Changes in the mode of "War of the Ring";
-Damage of heroes are now displayed, below the health;
-Improved texture of Wild Wargs;
-Added effects when attacking buildings;
-In the taverns can hire a hero;
-Made minor changes in the balance;
-Fixed bug with AI Gondor;
-Reinforced gates of Minas Tirith;
-Fixed a bug with the levels of some troops;
-Reinforced armor buildings;
-4 new types of armor for the heroes;
-Improved AI;
-Added new animation of some troops and heroes;
-Reduced health Isildur (from 10000 to 7500);
-Corrected Imrahil model; Now his mounted armor - Tough Hero Armor Mounted;
-Now Gandalf's armor "Wizard's armor". Mounted "Wizard's armor mounted";
-Added hero King of the Dead, his can summon Isildur;
-Added hero Halbarad, hires in tavern. After the purchase, he disappears from the tavern, you can resurrect him in a fortress;
-Changed the cost of some upgrades Fortress;
-Modified model of the Church Manve, added shaders;
-Changed texture of soldiers, pikemen, knights and archers of Gondor;
-Требушет имеет большую броню, есть шанс, что осадный камень прокатится по земле (всего 19 случаев проката, и 1 просто врезания в землю);
-Removed upgrade "Fire Stones" Trebuchet;
-Elite Archers of Gondor can be improved upgrade "Heavy Armor";
-Changed the model foot Knights of Dol Amroth, there are two types of models (with a sword or a knight's lance);
-Corrected models Guard of the Citadel and the White Tower;
Spell Book:
-Spell "Summon the Rohirrim" summoned Theoden and 3 hordes of Rohirrim (all units with unique model and texture);
-Corrected in terms of balance spell "White Tree of Gondor;
-Increased health of the Black Riders (from 1650 to 2000);
-Mouth of Sauron now use Tough Hero Armor Mounted, when mounted;
-Increased radius attack of Buurz (from 30 to 40);
-Corrected death of the Fell Beasts;
-Added hero Durheru - Black Leader - hero of the highest level (4000 gold);
-Changed the cost of some upgrades Fortress;
-Siege Towers now move the not cave, but mountain trolls;
-On the maps from the fortress (Minas Tirith, Helm's Deep, Erebor, etc.) Mordor can build siege-weapon "Grond";
Spell Book:
-Spell "Venomous Land"(10 points of force) replaced by spell "Time of the Dark", which gives the Black Riders, 25% more damage;
;Changes version 0.1: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Here is a list of major changes:
-Changed the color of the menu;
-All the troops can pump rank to 10-th level;
-Improved AI;
-Weapons of Create a Hero has its bonuses (but only the heroes of the west and trolls):
;------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------------------------- -;
Heroes of the West:
- Sword Gurtang has an average speed of attack, causing additional. damage to infantry and heroes (heroes damage above);
- Western Sword (Westron sword) has a high rate of attack, causing additional. damage to the infantry;
- Axe has a medium-high speed attack, causing additional. Done cavalry;
- Troll Bane has a low speed attack, causing additional. damage to monsters and buildings;
- Fire Sword (Fire Brand) has a medium-low speed attack, causing fire damage;
- Troll's mace causes damage to the area (40), throws enemies a chance to knock the hero is 50%;
- Troll's sword causes damage to the area (30), has the highest rate of attack from all the guns troll throws enemies a chance to knock the hero is 20%;
- Troll's hammer causing damage to the area (45), throws enemies a chance to knock the hero is 70% (long attack speed), 120% damage to buildings;
- Troll's tree causes damage to the area (50), throws enemies, double damage on the cavalry and infantry, the chance to knock the hero is 100%;
- Troll's club causes damage to the area (40), throws enemies a chance to knock the hero down 15%, the most effective weapon against the building (150% damage to buildings);
;------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------------------------- -;
-Arrows have 3D-model, not 2D-effect;
-Archers shoot not a 100% chance of hitting.
-Removed all the forces of Rohan;
-Re-skins texture of all the heroes;
-Hero of the ring - Isildur, son Elendil ;
-Added hero Beregond - Captain of the Citadel's Guard;
-Added hero Imrahil - Prince of Dol Amroth, fighting on foot and on horseback;
-Added hero Denethor II - the steward of Gondor, good leader;
-Boromir from the 5 level goes in battle armor, with the 9 level available special ability "Last Stand", which temporarily increases the damage, but armor is weakened;
-Aragorn in the entire pumping replace three suits:
- Strider - 1-3 level;
- Commander (Black Gate) - 4-6 level;
- King (Coronation) - 7-10 level;
-Gandalf has upgrade "Gandalf the White" after buying spell in spellbook;
-Added White Barracks and the Temple of Manve;
-Almost all units are re-skins;
-Added pikemen of Gondor;
-Added warrior of Dol Amroth;
-Added knights of Dol Amroth;
-Added knights of Dol Amroth on the horsed;
-Added priests-warriors, heavy cavalry;
-Added Citadel's guardians-swordmen;
-Added Elite Archer of Gondor;
-All spells have a new icons;
-Added a few new spells;
-Remove all forces of the East;
-Sauron, Hero of the Ring, have new abilities;
-Some of the textures has been changed;
-Added hero Buurz - Troll;
-FellBeasts now have a real dying ;
-Witch King removed;
-Buildings of the East removed;
-Added the Black Tower;
-Almost all units are re-skins;
-Added Orc Axe Thrower;
-Added Orcs-Pikemen;
-Added Black Orcs;
-Added Black Orcs-pikemen;
-Added Dark Guardians;
-Falling trolls cause damage;
-Attack troll's have a hammer and club;
-All spells have a new icons;
-Added a few new spells;
Contact the author:
UIN: 557832391
Good luck in your battles!
Edited by Halbarad1996, 09 September 2012 - 01:24 PM.