Okay, now it seems that most of the work is done - the campaign seem completed and ready to play.
I had to cut-away lots of unit types (like different levels of pirates/smugglers etc. on "pirate" planets", or most of corvette-class ships for both Rebels and Empire) from starting forces; but due to the fact, that Rebels and Empire have each some 50 planets (Empire 56, Rebels 63), with total of about 80 planets of different "pirate" factions (with "subfactions" as 12 "CSA" planets with ships specified to fit their production abilities and Espo garrisons, and 6 "Hutt Space" planets, which are the only planets with Hutt civilians etc., yet with very potent fleets), the pirate garrisons, as well as "opponent" starting forces were numerically increased. Pirates were given full compliment of starbases and ground bases on every planet, as well as full contingent of 10 units per each planet.
There are also 19 planets with no garrison, as these were either almost empty wildernesses or balls of rock/ice/sand with only temporary outposts or with so insignificant military forces that it would be useless to give them any - thus the player (or AI) can have a chance to capture something without using force.
But, as I watched the campaign file to grow up and up, I've decided to make the file first in "Empire only version" - it means that the part for "Rebel human player" has only planets for Empire and Rebels, without Pirates, and all planets have only space station and heroes, without any forces - in fact in this version of file the player can play ONLY as the EMPIRE.
I'm gonna to make a "mirror" version of this file, to be playable as REBEL player only (with similar method - preparing forces for Rebel play, with Empire part of file being cut away).
Thus the complete "EMPIRE" file has about 645 kB and seems to be fairly handleable for players' machines.
Now I'm gonna to try this out and see, how it's going.
after some trials the file got trimmed once more - by some 100 kB, with complete removal of Lwhekk and its trade route as well as making two Imperial planets empty (as too unimportant for the Empire).
Edited by Darth Stalin, 31 August 2012 - 09:54 PM.