The mission breakout, has bonus mission for collecting the pieces of the photo?
You won´t unlcok any mission
I am missing 3 books any idea of ​​any that this hidden? I tried uploading the photo of what I needed but I could not
No point collecting books in that mission, the only time it give bonus mission is in the default missions like la rochelle, colditz castle etc, so is only a waste of time. I think maker of that map just left them in because he mod from colditz map and forgot to delete
the bonus book only active the bonus missions in the normal missions. There are other few exceptions, treason brdige active some secret, I dont wanna spoiler. In other missions get the bonus its a trick for change the music with events (always natacha image), example: secret meeting 3 and the biggest battle. Other times active the invasion just because copy paste, usually saving private smith map
When I played the mission, I forgot these positions. BTW you must check every room for bonus books if you like them